Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?(syndicated)-May 8-9, 2003

Host: Meredith Vieira

HOT Seat: Armand Kachigian (Los Angeles, CA)

Our new player is coming out in a bit of a shock. “Did something happen while I was backstage? I was in the bathroom.” Find out here!


The word “civilian” usually refers to a person who is not a member of which of these groups?

A: The pressB: The military
C: The clergyD: The Village People

Armand picks B…SALUTE!


In the show tune “My Favorite Things,” the first favorite things mentioned are “raindrops on” what?

A: RosesB: Eyelashes
C: KittensD: Ponies

His favorite thing right now is A…YEP!


In 1985, Jolt Cola was introduced with the slogan “All the sugar, twice the” what?

A: CaloriesB: Price
C: CaffeineD: Nutrit, nutrit, Nutrition
Mere slaps herself to get it right

Armand doesn’t need a jolt. He’s had it and it felt like twice the C…CHEERS!


A famous Robert Frost poem ends with the line “And miles to go before I” what?

A: DieB: Sleep
C: EatD: Begin

He knows it, even though he’s not a poet. It’s B…YIPPEE!


The state of Georgia was named after the king of what country?

A: SpainB: France
C: NorwayD: England

Not sure which King George it might be, but Armand is sure enough it’s D…$1,000 SECURED!

Our L.A. podiatrist is becoming a star. Armand’s cilentele is less the rich and the famous and more the elderly. The closest star is Dennis Farina’s Aunt in Chicago.


The Indy 500 auto race is traditionally held over what holiday weekend?

A: Memorial DayB: Presidents’ Day
C: Labor DayD: July 4th

“I’ve been there…no that was the Kentucky Derby” Armand still thinks he knows it. Final answer is A…ANOTHER LAP COMPLETED!


In the 1982 movie, E.T. modifies what toy to help him phone home?

A: Atari 2600B: Speak & Spell
C: SimonD: Mr. Microphone

Definitely has NOT seen E.T. and it’s biting him just as he was afraid of. D sounds right, but not right enough.

  • A: 2%
  • B: 57%
  • C: 33%
  • D: 8%

“I asked” and he’ll lock in B…“THEY TOLD YOU”


Meredith compares most contestants to “deer in headlights”. Armand acts like a seasoned veteran. His training comes from an L.A. boot camp for game show contestants. Lessons include perfecting that dorky smile and pretending to love Meredith.

You probably don’t know much about showbiz.


What teen singer, often called an “anti-Britney,” is known for her hits “Sk8er Boi” and “Complicated”?

A: Vanessa CarltonB: Ashanti
C: Michelle BranchD: Avril Lavigne

An easy call to make

Jeff, the music expert.
Positive about his guess, leaving 16 seconds to fill. Armand stalls with “How’s the weather?”

Once that’s done, he chooses D…TRUST THE EXPERT


Which of these islands is not part of the island group known as the Greater Antilles?

A: BermudaB: Jamaica
C: CubaD: Puerto Rico

Good thing Armand didn’t just study smiling. He’s sure it’s A…INDEED!


The last major battle of the War of 1812 took place in what year?

A: 1812B: 1813
C: 1814D: 1815

A favorite movie of his is “The Pirate”, WHOOPS! He meant “The Buccaneer” It was about the Battle of New Orleans after the war. Armand chooses A…NO!

Actually, he goes with D…
“Just wait one sec until I say now…”

Someone else knew it and had to control himself.


What planet in our solar system has the hottest surface temperatures, reaching up to 900 degrees F?

A: MercuryB: Venus
C: MarsD: Jupiter

This is something I know, so I must miss it.

Because of the Greenhouse Effect, he’ll choose B…SUPER STAR!

Seriously, stop doubting yourself Armand. After all, he has been on other game shows. Total winnings before today:


With over 3 billion passengers a year, what city’s subway system is the world’s busiest?

A: MoscowB: Seoul
C: Mexico CityD: Tokyo

Armand has a plan: If he has no idea and he had the 50:50 he’d go for it. First things first.

Left with A and C
“I Have to take the chance” Being a true gambler, Armand figures the odds are with him. Winnings in Vegas:

Final answer: A…”I’m so sorry…that you lost so much in Vegas.” BUT YOU’RE WINNING HERE!

Teasing from the hosts wasn’t in the class, either. Although Armand was sure, his other strategy “Don’t go with what you think it is”


What 1955 film was the first winner of the Cannes Film Festival’s prestigious Palme d’Or Award?

A: GigiB: East of Eden
C: MartyD: Roman Holiday

Strategy: “If I didn’t know with this kind of money, I was gonna quit” But now he’s doing the teasing.

Armand says C…No teasing…HE’S RIGHT!


In the 1800s, jokers were introduced to decks of cards to enable people to play a version of what game?

A: EuchreB: Poker
C: CribbageD: Rummy

No joking now. Strategy: “Regardless of what you know, you can figure out these questions.” B was played in the Old West and they didn’t use jokers. Two more are ruled out. Armand feels like this is a gimme. At $500K?!?! He’s so close to the Million he can taste it. Losing $218,000 would be an awful aftertaste. Armand A.K.A. “Joe Vegas” is making the bet…after another 15 seconds….He guesses A.


History is in the making, we’re on the verge of BACK-TO-BACK MILLIONAIRES! All that studying and hearing “What are you going to lose next” is about to end. Before today, Armand had dinner with previous Millionaire Nancy Christy. Her one advice “If you don’t know it, don’t guess”. Joe Vegas said he wouldn’t gamble after $250K, but he sounds ready to go all the way. If he’s wrong, it’s a $468,000 drop.


The song “God Bless America” was originally written for what 1918 musical?

A: Oh, Lady! Lady!B: Yip, Yip, Yaphank
C: Blossom TimeD: Watch Your Step

Can’t even 50:50 himself. The gambler always says: Know when to hold ’em, know when to fold ’em. HE’S FOLDING!!

Had he guessed, Armand wouldn’t gone with D. Correct answer: B

At last, Armand has earned his reward. “Don’t be a quitter” (Well, except at the very end, maybe)

(The rest of this episode is replaying Nancy Christy’s last two questions.)

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?(syndicated)-May 7-8, 2003

Host: Meredith Vieira

HOT SEAT: Nancy Christy (Tulsa, OK)

This Middle School English Teacher got the call in her classroom. Had to tell the class to quiet down, all 27 of them. Their advice “Go for the million” Easy for them to say?


What movie features a singing group known as The von Trapp Family Singers?

A: Almost FamousB: The Sound of Music
C: Funny GirlD: Grumpy Old Men

Nancy thinks the hills are alive with B….INDEED!


The front of an aircraft is often referred to as its what?

A: NoseB: Mouth
C: ChestD: Chin

She’ll go with the nose, A…STILL IN THE AIR!


On a classic TV sitcom, earthling Mindy McConnell lives with an alien named what?

A: ALFB: Uncle Martin
C: SpockD: Mork

Nancy knows it well. D is the final answer…GOT IT!


Native to Australia, the emu is what type of animal?

A: SnakeB: Bird
C: GoatD: Fish

That would be B…SHE’S STILL FLYING!


William Masters and Virginia Johnson are best known for their pioneering studies on what subject?

A: Human sexualityB: Depression
C: Preschool educationD: Subliminal advertising

“Middle School is hormone heaven”. So she’ll make A her final answer.
“It’s so scary” Mere says…BUT IT’S GOOD HERE!


American composer John Philip Sousa is best known for writing what type of musical compositions?

A: PolkasB: Ballads
C: WaltzesD: Marches

Thanks to her son, a drummer, Nancy goes with D…YEP!

Sounds like a good school so far.


“Piccolo” is an Italian word meaning which of the following?

A: FastB: Colorful
C: LoudD: Small

Nancy also teaches “Everything you need to know about art and Music” before finals. There’s a piccolo and is small…Final answer is D…PASSES AGAIN!

She can’t believe how well she’s doing. Meanwhile her kids must be screaming their heads off.


Often found in health clubs, an “erg” machine simulates which of these activities?

A: Cross-country skiingB: Swimming
C: Rowing a boatD: Climbing stairs

She hasn’t had enough time at health clubs. Time for some help!

  • A: 18%
  • B: 8%
  • C: 45%
  • D: 29%

Well, she was thinking a total body machine. Another thought “If you don’t get past the little ones, you don’t get a chance at the big ones”. Is she ready yet? No

Down to A and C.
Now she’ll go with C “Come on, audience”…SAY THANK YOU, AUDIENCE!


A 1939 treaty between the U.S.S.R. and Germany secretly laid the groundwork for the division of what country during World War II?

A: ItalyB: Poland
C: FranceD: United Kingdom

History isn’t a strong subject for Nancy, but that’s the advantage of working at a school.

We’ll calling up Angela. Are you a smart lady? “I hope so.”
Unfortunately, Nancy and Angela only re-read the question over and over with no answer.
What the heck! Final answer is B…Teachers tell students to take chances in life. BE PROUD!


And Nancy must’ve needed it. No only for this game, but she’s a single mom of two and worked three jobs to put herself through college. The kids helped out with homework and reading evaluation. Her daughter’s now in college and the son in high school.


In the 1964 musical “Fiddler on the Roof,” what is Tevye’s profession?

A: TailorB: Grocer
C: MilkmanD: Scholar

Guess what show she’s been in two separate productions in? (Good thing she’s a ham). Final answer is C…”IF I WERE A RICH WOMAN”


Amtrak’s scenic “Coast Starlight” train service runs between which of these two U.S. cities?

A: San Diego & New YorkB: Miami & Boston
C: Houston & New OrleansD: Los Angeles & Seattle

Again, nothing to lose here. The prettiest route she can think of is D…you can hear the kids “YAY!”

Ms. Christy is making her class proud, all the Mr. and Mrs. (Nancy calls them by their last names in class.)


Girl detective Nancy Drew made her debut in the 1930 book titled “The Secret of the” what?

A: Haunted MuseumB: Lost Diamond
C: Ancient TreasureD: Old Clock

It’s all coming back to her. Nancy remember her mother’s old edition. Final answer will be D…THANKS MOM!

The $125K means bringing in a housekeeper once a month, a yardman once in a while and family trips. What will this mean?


On the California coast, what kind of fish is known for coming ashore and laying its eggs on the beach?

A: PupfishB: Loach
C: GrunionD: Sawfish

Working at the Department of the Interior before getting married, Nancy’s boss was from Cali. He was a fish and game commissioner. “Thanks, Ray” For C…I CAN HEAR THEM IN TULSA!

Yeah, Meredith can’t hold it in much longer. Maybe Nancy is carrying a good luck charm. It’s not in the studio, it’s a banner from the school: 300 signatures! And it’s taped up on the hotel wall. “Hello, Carver Middle School! Go Wildcats!”


In 1957, Jorn Utzon won an international competition to design what architectural landmark?

A: Sears TowerB: Sydney Opera House
C: Seattle Space NeedleD: Pompidou Center

She has a gut feeling…not the Space Needle (figures the 60’s) Two others she’s stumped on. The first thing that popped into her head was the Opera House. Jorn Utzon sounds Norweigian known for their clean lines.

“In for a penny, in for a pound” translation $32,000 is plenty. Final answer is B…Nancy, Nancy, Nancy…IT’S $500,000!

The craziness we’d expect from a sky diver (not since the kids). Nancy is also a first responder. Might have to help Meredith pretty soon.



Who did artist Grant Wood use as the model for the farmer in his classic painting “American Gothic”?

A: Traveling salesmanB: Local sheriff
C: His dentistD: His butcher

There’s a little smile starting. OOOOHHHHH! In Washington D.C., Nancy was in a performing group that had a piece about this painting. She was the woman, who was Grant’s sister. And the farmer was…



The first woman after 10 male millionaires. And audience members are asking to join her for dinner. Nancy is ready to call the class and the family. Mom might need CPR, daughter is looking for a new car, and the 16 y.o. son might want his first. (NO CORVETTE!) But what about herself? She’s always wanted a long break to take a big trip, an Archeological Dig. Meredith would rather have a spa day, maybe later. For the record, the million is 40 years worth of teacher pay.

And yes, that’s unfair!

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?(syndicated)-My 9th Recap

Host: Meredith Vieira

HOT SEAT: Tom Tracy (Omaha, NE)

Tom is an attorney for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, previously a tax attorney.


In the nursery rhyme “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep”, the sheep is asked if he has any what?

A: MilkB: Wool
C: FoodD: Single friends

That would be B, Tom says…YES SIR! YES SIR!


“Fireplug” is another word for which of the following?

A: Fire hydrantB; Fire extinguisher
C: FirewoodD: Fireman

He’s not wasting time. A is his guess…HE’S ON FIRE!


A person who is told “use your gray matter” is being instructed to do what?

A: ExerciseB: Sleep
C: ThinkD: Eat

Something he says he’ll have to do a few more times today. Final answer is C…SO FAR, SO GOOD!


What popular TV series features a group of students known as the “Sweathogs”?

A: Happy DaysB: The Facts of Life
C: The White ShadowD: Welcome Back, Kotter

It was a favorite of his, Tom goes with D…YEP!


According to its slogan, the New York Times provides “All the News That’s Fit to” what?

A: PrintB: Read
C: AppearD: Know

Quickly locks in A…AND IT’S GOOD!


In 1981, what candy brand introduced a blueberry flavor in honor of Ronald Reagan’s inauguration?

A: DotsB: Jelly Belly
C: StarburstD: Twizzlers

Tom knows Reagan loved his jelly beans. Final answer is B…CORRECT!


“Isn’t it rich, are we a pair?” is the opening line of what popular show tune?

A: Send in the ClownsB: The Music of the Night
C: What I Did for LoveD: All That Jazz

Since he’s married, he says there is no right answer, to the question. But he’s 99% percent sure it’s A…Don’t bother, they’re here. HE’S RIGHT AGAIN!


If it is 4 p.m. in Boston, Massachusetts, what time is it in Anchorage, Alaska?

A: 9:00 a.m.B: 10:00 a.m.
C: 11:00 a.m.D: Noon

He has an idea but first,

  • A: 6%
  • B: 17%
  • C: 21%
  • D: 56%

Tom had counted the time zones and figured it was Noon. It’s his final answer…AND WE’RE ALL RIGHT!


Revolutionary Leon Trotsky was banished from the USSR in 1929 for opposing what sitting leader?

A: Nicholas IIB: Vladimir Lenin
C: Joseph StalinD: Nikita Khrushchev

No waste of time, Tom guesses C…“YES AGAIN!”

Tom and his wife, Marion, hope to adopt, but it’s always a long road. In a magazine, he found out about an open house. It didn’t take anytime once they found a boy named Jack. That was three years ago, and last August, they added Karen to the family. Any big money from here could mean a third baby. As Tom says, “I work. I don’t have to be with them all day”


What 1970s rocker and his wife penned the 2002 cookbook, “Kill It & Grill It”?

A: Gene SimmonsB: Ted Nugent
C: Alice CooperD: Iggy Pop

Ted Nugent’s a hunter, so it’s jumping out. Despite his regrets, he’ll make B his final answer.
Does he regret it? Marion wouldn’t regret it, this experience is a blessing.
Well then, HALLEJULAH!


capsicum is an active ingredient in which of the following?

A: Smelling saltsB: Pepper spray
C: Shoe polishD: Lip balm

Tom doesn’t wanna regret jumping too quickly.

Leaves A and B (salt and Pepper)
And he goes with B…IT’S GOOD AGAIN!

Tom says he’s a cocky guy, but he’s worried about the Phone a Friends. They’re a little Stupid. WATCH IT!


What is the architectural term for the part of a church where the congregation usually sits?

A: NaveB: Ambulatory
C: TransaptD: Apse

Tom’s had a lot of Catholic invocation experience. If he’s wrong, he’ll know where to go for confession. “no Guts, No Glory” Final Answer A…He’s sound like a good-enough Catholic AND HE’S A GREAT PLAYER!


Relax Meredith, I can just fast forward.


Better hope those Phone a Friend have studied up in the last 24 hours. Hope that and his cockiness are benefits today.


A: Road to SingaporeB: The Lemon Drop Kid
C: My Favorite BrunetteD: The Big Broadcast of 1938

Calling Luke, who doesn’t think he’s as smart as Tom.
Unfortunately, Luke is just as lost as Tom is. Guess he’s not getting a share.
Tom’s first thought was a because but he saw it before. At the same time, he’s also leaning toward C. Cockiness alone isn’t going to be enough here. Tom is walking away.

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?(syndicated)-2002-03

Host: Meredith Vieira

HOT SEAT: Ron Russell (Richland, WA)

Ron doesn’t have any characters like the last contestant did, at least not on Family TV.


According to a popular saying, “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t” do what?

A: Throw stonesB: Raise eyebrows
C: Build wallsD: Watch Cinemax

That would be A, right…RIGHT!


What classic nursery rhyme character is described as a “merry old soul”?

A: Little Jack HornerB: Georgie Porgie
C: Old King ColeD: Humpty Dumpty

Ron believes it’s C…AND A MERRY OLD SOUL IS HE!


According to a classic children’s song, “Who can take the sunlight” and “sprinkle it with dew”?

A: The Cookie ManB: The Candy Man
C: The Ice Cream ManD: The Pudding Man

He’s going with B…YESSIR!


A person suffering from astigmatism would most likely wear which of the following?

A: EyeglassesB: Hearing aid
C: Neck braceD: Retainer

Ron can see his final answer: A…and Meredith can “see a man who just won $500”


The title of a popular men’s magazine, “GQ” is short for “Gentleman’s” what?

A: QuintessentialB: Queries
C: QualityD: Quarterly

He’s got this too! It’s D…PIECE OF CAKE!


The pen-shaped instrument used with electronic organizers is called a what?

A: SaberB: Stylus
C: AwlD: Nib

We found his weakness, not being very tech savvy. Luckily there are a lot of people behind him that could help.

  • A: 4%
  • B: 76%
  • C: 7%
  • D: 13%

That’s what Ron was thinking. B is the final answer…ALL GOOD!


Which of these animals is also known as an anteater?

A: AardvarkB: Platypus
C: SlothD: Muskrat

Not that the audience is done, he doesn’t have to worry about what he says…well, not entirely. Ron believes Aardvark means “Earth Pig” and he knows a few sloths from work. He’s not one here, locking in A…GOT IT!


In the 1988 movie “Rain Man”, Raymond insists on buying his underwear from what retailer?

A: Wal-MartB: Woolworth
C: JC PenneyD: Kmart

Ron quickly picking D, but a bit of a pause to confirm…DEFINITELY, DEFINITELY KMART

Tom Cruise in the movie said Kmart sucks. Will Ron starts going? No, sticking to Wal-Mart or what GQ says.


Since 1998, Lance Armstrong has ridden in the Tour de France with a team sponsored by which of the following?

A: United States NavyB: Reebok
C: U.S. Postal ServiceD: Microsoft

“I Like the Question” Ron’s a big fan of Lance, an American Hero.


The video didn’t have the next segment. I can tell you that he got the $32,000 without using another lifeline. Good thing, because he needed both for the next question.


The Amazon river originates in what country?

Ron’s friend said it’s Peru, but that’s not good enough.

A: ColombiaB: Peru

He’ll locks in B and…

Did Ron think Meredith was being cold? Time to warm him up…IT’S PERU!


A $40 million endowment created in 1924 prompted Trinity College to change its name to what?

A: Emory UniversityB: Vanderbilt University
C: Rice UniversityD: Duke University

He quickly pivots toward D. “I Shouldn’t say I know it” Ron does figure the “Duke” isn’t John Wayne. $125K is four years salary and probably a sweet monster truck. He’d said he wouldn’t guess after 64K, is this more than a “guess”.

It is! D is the final answer.

“Stop doubting yourself”


Who was emperor of Rome when Jesus Christ was crucified?

Already he’s saying “NO WAY!” At least see the choices Ron!

A: TiberiusB: Claudius
C: TitusD: Nero

He was thinking Pontius Pilate. Titus is popping out, but it’s only a guess this time. TIME TO GO! The Answer…A.

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?(syndicated) Date Unknown

Host: Meredith Vieira

HOT SEAT: Lynn Kelly (Stanfordville, NY)


By definition, a doggy bag is used to carry what?

A: SchoolbooksB: Dirty laundry
C: Leftover foodD: Old Yeller

So mean to Old Yeller! Anyway, Lynn guesses C….YES!


A person normally holds his index finger to his lips to tell someone to do what?

A: SmileB: Be quiet
C: Sing a songD: Have a drink

She whispers b…right


A classic Meineke ad campaign featured customers saying, “I’m not gonna pay a lot for this” what?

A: DishwasherB: Plane ticket
C: MortgageD: Muffler

Speak up this time, Lynn. She does with a guess of D…3 FOR 3!


Seven-card stud is a popular variety of what card game?

A: PokerB: Bridge
C: CanastaD: Hearts

She goes all in on A…and Meredith should know. Her 11-year-old son taught her the game WOW! BUT THIS IS A SURE BET!


“Au” is the chemical symbol for what element?

A: GoldB: Iron
C: AluminumD: Silver

Final answer for guaranteed money: A…GOOD AS (you know)

Lynn is shining! What else should we know about here? She an office manager with a stepdaughter, and she believes TV can get you into shape. No really! Just tape what you want and start the treadmill. Really helps with tightening your buns. Lynn’s playlist includes Millionaire where she hits pause to make her guess. Meredith takes credit for those buns.


From 1990 to 1997, John Major served as the prime minister of what country?

A: IsraelB: Canada
C: AustraliaD: United Kingdom

Lynn thinks it was before Tony Blair of England! D is her final answer…RIGHTO!


Which of these words means “to complain”?

A: MervschB: Kvetch
C: NoshD: Schlep

Quickly locks in B…Stop Kvetching. YOU’RE RIGHT AGAIN!


Musicians Jimmy Page and Robert Plant were members of which of these famous rock and roll bands?

A: The Grateful DeadB: The Who
C: Led ZeppelinD: The Doors

“I haven’t the faintest idea”

  • A: 11%
  • B: 10%
  • C: 66%
  • D: 13%

Lynn will take them up. C is the final answer…“They are so smart”


What college town provides the setting for the 1979 movie “Breaking Away”?

A: Ann Arbor, MichiganB: Madison, Wisconsin
C: Columbus, OhioD: Bloomington, Indiana

She has a friend, Mike Kelly, but she won’t need to call him. Mike was in the city when the movie was filmed. That would be D…“Your guts be good”


What classic children’s book begins, “Her are Paul and Judy. They can do lots of things”?

A: Goodnight MoonB: Pat the Bunny
C: In the Night KitchenD: The Snowy Day

NOW she has a friend to dial

John who works in D.C.
He jumps on it when she says B. “I Love You”

Lynn believes in love. Final answer is B…Meredith read the book and thought she’s WRONG!


We take a moment to say hi to Lynn’s husband Kevin. Addressing her bubbly demeanor the slogan around the house is “Do what she says, no one gets hurt”. They meet while building a plane that was sold to pay for the house. If she wins the million, Lynn’s buying a new one.


A major seaport, Riga is the capital of what European country?

A: CroatiaB: Estonia
C: LatviaD: Lithuania

Remembering she still has a lifeline…

A and C remain

Lynn thought of Latvia when they all came up, and she believes it’s not landlocked but Croatia is. Time to lock in C…IT’S GOOD!


In the “Archie” comic book series, what is Jughead’s real first name?

A: CedricB: Forsythe
C: MaxwellD: Jeffrey

“I do not know and I will not guess” Time to ground this mission.

B was the answer

You’re one of the happiest contestants I’ve ever seen.

Mere’s final parting words

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?-February 17-18, 2003

Host: Meredith Vieira

HOT SEAT: Kevin Smith (Los Angeles, CA)

More on Kevin himself later, but this episode is running late.


Which of these projectiles is normally shot from a slingshot?

A: StoneB: Arrow
C: CannonballD: Mom’s meatloaf

Quickly says A…BULLSEYE!


From 1994 to 2001, Rudy Giuliani served as the 107th mayor of what city?

A: Washington, D.C.B: Chicago
C: BostonD: New York City

“Well, I knew some of these question were gonna be tough, so I better go now”

No, he’ll guess D…RIGHT AGAIN!


Which of these utensils is commonly used to stir-fry food?

A: WokB: Crockpot
C: ColanderD: Rotisserie

A it is…RIGHT ON!


Which of these animal names is also a term often used to refer to a spy?

A: BullB: Mole
C: FleaD: Tiger

Kevin says B…AND IS CLEARED!


The olive branch is an ancient symbol of what?

A: KnowledgeB: Peace
C: WealthD: Strength



Talk about being prepared. Kevin has been preparing for this moment for 46 YEARS! Being on a game show is his destiny. He’s still been cramming up until his call, filling three and 1/2 of his four bag limit with reference books. (Clothes for the rest) Can Kevin handle any question? Well, he says he’ll give it his best shot.


A Zamboni is a machine used to do what?

A: Reset bowling pinsB: Shoot tennis balls
C: Trim golf greensD: Resurface ice rinks

Another quick final answer: D…GOAL!


The 1995 movie “The Usual Suspects” takes its title from a famous line in what movie?

A: CasablancaB: The Godfather
C: Cool Hand LukeD: North by Northwest

After trying some impressions of Brando and Cary Grant, Kevin goes to his bogey and guesses A…HUMPHREY, YOU ARE RIGHT!


In the game of chess, which of these pieces is never able to move diagonally?

A: PawnB: King
C: QueenD: Rook

Guess Kevin forgot his Chess for Dummies:

B and D remain.
So Kevin will move his rook…CHECKMATE!


On the TV series “Everybody Loves Raymond”, Raymond and his wife have a total of how many children?

A: 1B: 2
C: 3D: 4

He’s only watched the show a couple times. Does the audience have more binge hours on him?

  • A: 0%
  • B: 13%
  • C: 82%
  • D: 5%

I guess they do! C it is…YOU CAN’T THANK THEM ENOUGH!

We know the boob tube around here.

Meredith’s words


What rock group is named after a gym teacher who taught at the original band members’ high school?

A: The ByrdsB: Lynyrd Skynyrd
C: Jefferson AirplaneD: Pink Floyd

Kevin still has a phone call, but one answer is standing out. His final answer is B…HE GUESSED RIGHT!

That means I can buy a BIG box of socks.

The only thing on Kevin’s shopping list since the $1,000.

$64,000 (for pants)

The flu vaccine is not recommended for people who are very allergic to what food?

A: PeanutsB: Eggs
C: MilkD: Honey

Quickly says B…The Studying is paying off!

Meredith: Are you OK?
Kevin: Ask me in about three to four questions?


Anti-Communist leader Joseph McCarthy served as a U.S. Senator for what state?

A: IllinoisB: Kentucky
C: WisconsinD: Ohio

Kevin already nodded when it came up: C is his final answer…THREE TO GO!

This retired truck driver is on a roll. BTW, Kevin’s been studying for 45 years. Now, is there more than socks on his agenda if the million is won? Kevin has two “holy grails”, 1) finding the right woman, still a work in progress and 2) give back to Mom and Dad who did everything for the kids.


Published in 1936, the first issue of Life magazine had a Margaret Bourke-White photo of a what on its cover?

A: DamB: Flower garden
C: VolcanoD: Lighthouse

Dad was an amateur photographer and a major subscriber to Life. Kevin does pause before giving his final answer….A…YES!!!

This is now Kevin’s second out of body experience, the first was reading Mr. Natural. Meredith has to stop him before he ruins everything right there.


“And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” is inscribed in the lobby of what agency’s headquarters?

C: Department of EducationD: Library of Congress

No quick response, has he finally ran out of knowledge?

Family Friend Dr. Jerry Erico
His first response “Kevin Who?”

Oh Kevin, why’d you do this to me

Dr. Jerry guessed $64K

After reading twice, Dr. Jerry only has 4 seconds to guess “Library of Congress 80%” It makes sense, but Kevin was thinking CIA. Maybe “Department of Ed” “Not Mister Ed”. Dr. Jerry’s a smart guy. After an explanation from Meredith, he speeds up again. Final Answer: B…“I’m so glad you trusted your gut”.

Having to go against a smart chiropractor like Dr. Jerry, who knows a lot as well. This is the first time in daytime Millionaire we’ve come this far. Meredith is crossing everything and her hands are freezing. Also, she’s promising to pay for the socks, big knee highs! as requested



The U.S. icon “Uncle Sam” was based on Samuel Wilson, who worked during the War of 1812 as a what?

A: Meat inspectorB: Mail deliverer
C: HistorianD: Weapons mechanic

“Just a moment, but I’m pretty sure” I could tell because of the nodding. His Mom was be proud, even though Kevin thinks he could’ve been a better kid.

At another episode, he was reading the same question as the contestant. What he saw as “Nectarine” the other guy said “Tangerine”. After a repeat, the moment comes…



And his first words after victory: Be sure to let my mom know

Well, she was waiting to be a Phone a Friend. June gets a call with her retired truck driver for 20 years and “Idiot Son”. Kevin thanks her, his late Dad and her sister. And to quote Malcom Forbes “I Chose the Right Parents”.

And this is why Meredith took over for Regis!

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? (Recorded: October 28, 2002)

Host: Meredith Vieira

Right after a Kathy walked away with $8,000 even though she knew the answer.

HOT SEAT: Kevin Lipton (Ft. Lauderdale, FL)

This is a homecoming for Kevin who spent his childhood in “The Greatest City in the World”. First in Brooklyn, then Queens, before the Great Southern borough of South Florida.


According to the lyrics of a classic Tom Jones song, “It’s not unusual to be loved by” whom?

A: AnyoneB: Everything
C: SomebodyD: Larry King

Kevin heard more than a few women liked Larry, but he believe Tom sang A…RIGHT!


A person cornrows her hair by doing what to it?

A: Curling itB: Braiding it
C: Bleaching itD: Dyeing it

Final answer this time is B…GOT IT!


The cartoon trio Alvin, Simon, and Theodore are better known by what name?

A: The RugratsB: The Care Bears
C: The RescuersD: The Chipmunks

“I think David Seville would say D”…no he’d say ALLLLLLLLLLVINNNNNN!! But D is correct.


According to a popular saying, what object is “mightier than the sword?”

A: The penB: The shield
C: The hearthD: The head

A it is…FOUR DOWN!


Bob Dole served for almost 28 years as a U.S. senator from what state?

A: IowaB: Missouri
C: KansasD: Oklahoma

Final Answer is C…Meredith apologizes because you’ll have to wait for the next question. GRAND GUARANTEED

We meet Kevin’s proud parents, Stanley and Renee, in the support seats


What adjective is used to describe a material that can be broken down by microorganisms?

A: BiohazardousB: Biodegradable
C: BiodiverseD: Biotic

Good question for a nurse like Kevin. Biotic is out, Biohazard means toxic, and biodiverse refers to the diversity of the biosphere. Has to be B for Biodegradable…His chances aren’t crumbling


In 2002, what TV journalist had a well-publicized eyelift before launching her latest news show?

A: Paula ZahnB: Judy Woodruff
C: Connie ChungD: Greta Van Susteren

Having no idea, Kevin hopes the audience is “New York Intelligent”.

  • A: 7%
  • B: 3%
  • C: 29%
  • D: 61%

“I trust you guys” Final Answer is D…AND IT’S GOOD NEWS!


Martin Luther King Jr. was born in what U.S. city?

A: Memphis, TNB: Mobile, AL
C: Atlanta, GAD: Jackson, MS

King Center is in Atlanta, King died in Memphis. “You guys make some great questions.”


Unfortunately, Drew is completely silent. At the very end he says a meek C.

Right now, Kevin’s just glad to qualify, so he’ll go for it. C it is…Thanks for not breaking Meredith’s heart. RIGHT AGAIN!


The Avedis Zildjian Company is the world’s leading maker of what?

A: Knitting needlesB: Model trains
C: DiceD: Cymbals

This time, he can thank concerts. He can see the drums with the name on the shiny things. D is the final answer…AND DADDY’S SMILING!

All Meredith can say is Kevin’s a nice guy who’s not finishing last.


In 2002, what comic strip introduced the character Chip Gizmo, a computer specialist?

A: DoonesburyB: Dilbert
C: Non SequiturD: Beetle Bailey

They’re all favorites of his. The one he remembers that had a naming contest for a new character for a new century. His final answer is D…don’t need to know how he knew. HE JUST DID!


In the classic silent movie “Battleship Potemkin,” what is shown rolling down the Odessa Steps?

A: Open umbrellaB: Baby carriage
C: Flower cartD: Wheelchair

Even though Kevin’s sure it’ll be B and D.

A and B

He can’t see an umbrella rolling down Odessa. After a little hesitation, he locks in B. Meredith has the check for $32K in her head…but not for long. KEVIN’S RIGHT AGAIN!

“You dog, you” Our hostess is tearing up.


Thought to be Earth’s oldest living tree, the 4,700-year old Methuselah is what kind of tree?

A: PineB: Redwood
C: OakD: Joshua

Kevin would say B, if he actually wanted to go for it. Meredith almost tries to take a chance. He does think about it, but ultimately walks away. “Chalk it up to a wonderful time”. The right answer…A

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?(syndicated)-Date Unknown #3

Host: Meredith Vieira

Comes right after a $32,000 Winner

HOT SEAT: David Yang (San Francisco, CA)

He’s an Associated Vice President for an Internet company, not hurt by the Dotcom bust. Definitely could use that big money though.


According to superstition, garlic worn around the neck protects a person from which of the following?

A: WerewolvesB: Bad weather
C: VampiresD: Lasting relationships

D seems right but Dennis makes C his final answer…GOT IT!


Which of these insects is closely related to the grasshopper?

A: LadybugB: Wasp
C: ButterflyD: Cricket

Final answer is D…RIGHT AGAIN!


On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong famously said, “The Eagle has” what?

A: FlownB: Landed
C: TriumphedD: Arrived

Docking in with B…it’s one small step to a million.


In the Bible, God reveals himself to Moses in the form of a what?

A: Fruit treeB: Snake
C: Burning bushD: Golden calf

Dennis says C…HE DOES! “Or she does, I don’t know” (Mere)


What credit card’s classic ads featured celebrities asking “Do you know me?”?

A: American ExpressB: MasterCard
C: VisaD: Diner’s Club

He’s not sure enough right now. Let’s turn to the audience!

  • A: 56%
  • B: 12%
  • C: 9%
  • D: 23%

His gut was telling him Visa, but he follows the crowd. They’re not always right…but they are this time.


In 2001, Andre Agassi married what women’s tennis star in a private Las Vegas ceremony?

A: Lindsay DavenportB: Jennifer Capriati
C: Martina HingisD: Steffi Graf

Dennis remembers hearing this. He goes with D…”Love Love” IT’S RIGHT!


It’s been the biggest week so far, with winnings of over $596,000! If Dennis gets his share, he hopes to open “The Perfect Bar”, where all his buds can drink free all the time.


The historic Ford’s Theatre is located in what U.S. city?

A: Washington, D.C.B: Chicago
C: PhiladelphiaD: Richmond

Dennis took a field trip and can see Ford’s Theatre in D.C.. Final answer is A…GOT IT!


American tycoon Andrew Carnegie made his fortune in what industry?

A: OilB: Fur
C: SteelD: Real Estate

Must be Carnegie Steel. C is locked in…HE’S SHINING!


What John Waters movie was adapted into a hit Broadway musical that opened in 2002?

A: HairsprayB: Cry Baby
C: PolyesterD: Pink Flamingos

Eileen (up to date with musicals and movies)

After a quick check, she goes with A. So does Dennis…NO DOUBT!


A: SudraB: Kshatriya
C: VaisyaD: Brahman

Brahman is standing out somehow. But to be sure…

It leaves Kshatriya with Brahman.
David likes his guess more. D is his final answer…he must like WINNING!


What type of animal is a snook?

A: BirdB: Fish
C: LizardD: Insect

“In school, they always said, when in doubt guess C” C it is…NOPE! B was the answer.

Still a lot of drinks he can buy with $32K

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?(daytime)-Date Unknown #2

Host: Meredith Vieira

HOT SEAT: Dave Kuschel (Minot, ND)

Meredith and Dave talk about the last contestant “a tough act to follow”. He was excited having been staying at the same hotel. Is there magic in the air?


According to a popular nursery rhyme, who was “eating her curds and whey”?

A: Old Mother HubbardB; Little Bo-Peep
C: Little Miss MuffetD: Jenny Craig

Goes straight to C FINAL ANSWER…RIGHT!


“Grease monkey” is slang for a person who works as a what?

A: MechanicB: Barber
C: Short-order cookD: Coal Miner

Dave went with a “grease monkey” moving his daughter and they went to audition for “Millionaire”. It’s A…”Thank goodness


Founded in Hawaii in 1851, the Dole Food Company began as a grower of what fruit?

A: PeachB; Watermelon
C: OrangeD: Pineapple

Final answer is D…THREE DOWN


Which of these is an example of an oxymoron?

A: Golden opportunityB: Downward spiral
C: Living deadD; Change of heart

Dave locks in C…RIGHT AGAIN


What 1970s TV series’ title character has the last name Morgenstern?

A: AliceB: Rhoda
C: MaudeD: Phyllis

Rhoda is his next final answer…ONE-THOUSAND SAFE!

A little more about Dave: He’s a bankruptcy lawyer and nicknamed “Koosh.”


What sci-fi author wrote “Journey to the Center of the Earth” and “Around the World in Eighty Days”?

A: H.G. WellsB: Edgar Rice Burroughs
C: Jules VerneD: Ray Bradbury

His wife, Margaret, is a bookworm. To bad she’s in the audience. Can’t ask her directly but…

  • A: 25%
  • B: 10%
  • C: 63%
  • D: 2%

Dave was thinking Verne but needed some support. Now he makes it his final answer…THANK YOU AUDIENCE!


Due to a controversy over nude photos, what state initially sent two women to the 2002 Miss America pageant?

A: TexasB: Colorado
C: IowaD: North Carolina

Not picking a favorite, Dave says it was D…FOUR GRAND


Backstage with the other contestants getting briefed, a little confetti fell. The group figured one of them must be going to win the million. Hester, the last contestant made it to $125,000.


What animal is mentioned in the opening lines of the classic song “Mack the Knife”?

A: FoxB: Tiger
C: SharkD: Snake

Even though he’s weak in music, Dave remembers from college days a “Shark Bite”. C it is…”Hurry Up”…ALRIGHT ALREADY!

“I can imagine what you’d be like if we get higher”


What retailer is known for its flexible work program aimed at Olympic Hopefuls?

A: Home DepotB: Wal-Mart
C: TargetD: Barnes & Noble

Now Meredith is pushing, so Dave quickly says A…GOT IT!


What father and son won Academy Awards for the same movie?

A: Henry & Peter FondaB: Jason & Sam Robards
C: Walter & John HustonD: Kirk & Michael Douglas

Not wasting anytime…

Frank (Dave is sure he’ll know this)

“I was hoping it was a telemarketer”

But Frank is 100% sure. The Hustons for “Treasure of the Sierra Madre”. “I’m buying tonight”. C it is…AND IT’S 32K!


“Nanuq” is the Inuit word for what animal?

A: SealB: Polar Bear
C: WolfD: Whale

He has a thought but…

Down to B or C.
Whew! He thought it was Whale. Now his final answer will be C…IT’S B

So Dave wasn’t the one on destiny’s side. At least he still has $32,000.

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?(daytime) Radio Week-October 30-31, 2002

Host: Meredith Vieira

In Radio Week, DJ’s have chosen contestants from their area for a chance at the hot seat. This group is from Washington D.C. :

  • Staff Sergeant Jeff Schmidbauer by Marc Kessler (94.7 The Arrow)
  • Leonard Hardy by DJ Flex (WPGC 95.5)
  • Joyce Stevens (Olney, MD) by Murphy and Cash (Big 100 WBIG)

After a trivia test (presumably not a Fastest Finger) sitting in the hot seat will be…Jeff! “Hoo-Hah” The army chant for when they’re fired up for a mission. Marc says we don’t pay our men in uniform enough.


In the classic cartoons, what is Bugs Bunny’s signature greeting?

A: What’s up, doc?B: Howdy, partner
C: What’s new, pussycat?D: That’s no carrot…

Jeff says A! He’s no Mel Blanc…but it’s still right.


In which of these high school classes are students most likely to use a petri dish?

A: PhysicsB: Home economics
C: BiologyD: Physical education

He goes with Biology…PASSES THAT TEST!


Which of these animals can change the color of its skin, depending on its mood and environment?

A: LionB: Octopus
C: ZebraD; Elephant

Jeff guesses Bravo…Hoo-Hah!


Brothers Dennis, Carl and Brian Wilson were founding members of what pop band?

A: The Beach BoysB: The Mamas & the Papas
C: The TurtlesD: The Lovin’ Spoonful

He remembers his copy of Pet Sounds and says A…GOOD VIBRATIONS


Mesquite is a type of wood traditionally used in what method of cooking?

A: Stir-fryB: Braising
C: FondueD: Barbecue

That would be D…LOCKED UP!

Episode ended here…but I’m not!


Our host is dressed as Meredith Vieira.


Where on the body would you normally find a “soul patch”?

A: Under the navelB: Above the chin
C: Around the elbowsD: Behind the ears

Jeff will have to ask for help

  • A: 21%
  • B: 35%
  • C: 23%
  • D 21%

UGH! Jeff will need more backup on this mission.

Down to B or C (the top two)
Jeff goes with B…THANK YOU AUDIENCE!


The Ficus elastica is a common houseplant better known by what name?

A: Spider plantB: Jade plant
C: Zebra plantD: Rubber plant

Going for broke, Sarge picks D…NOT BROKE YET!


A popular site for pilgrimages, the Wailing Wall is located in what city?

A: MeccaB: Rome
C: CairoD: Jerusalem

Jeff knows it’s from the palace of King Herod, so it must be D…DON’T CRY FOR JEFF!


In the 1984 movie “The Karate Kid”, Daniel’s tournament-winning kick shares its name with what bird?

A: EagleB: Hawk
C: CraneD: Falcon

He remember the hands, but it’s been too long to remember for sure. A crane sounds too aggressive. It’s phone a friend time!

John (colleague at the Defense Information School)

John’s got the image in his mind and it looks like a crane. Times runs out before saying how confident he is.

Jeff says “No Guts, No Glory” His final answer is C. Mark is “Rockin’ With the Sarge”…ROCKAWAY!

In the audience now is Jeff’s wife Barbara. You can tell by the “hoo-hah”.


Meredith hopes “Sarge” can break the streak of contestants losing at this level.

Weighing around three pounds, what is the heaviest internal organ in the human body?

A: PancreasB: Liver
C: HeartD: Spleen

“No Problem Here” It takes a moment since he’s laughing so much. Finally, he says “B, Final Answer”. THE CURSE IS GONE!

So the bogeyman loses this Halloween! The mission is far from over.


The word “maverick” comes from the name of an American pioneer who refused to do what?

A: Use barber wireB: Shoot wild animals
C: Brand his cowsD: Pay his taxes

B and D are dismissed right away. Meredith takes a moment to see Mark and Barbara holding hands. HMMM???!!! Anyway, Jeff reaches into his head. Finally, he comes to C. Meredith gets to ask “Final Answer”. He confirms with a “Goofy” accent. Mark’s not sure this time. Barb thought it was A…GOOD THING SHE COULDN’T SAY ANYTHING!

The smartest man in Washington!



Issued in 1934 for use by Federal Reserve banks, the $100,000 bill features what U.S. president on its front?

A: James MonroeB: James Madison
C: Theodore RooseveltD: Woodrow Wilson

Jeff sparkled about halfway through the question. “It’s so simple” It’s D…RIGHT!

Last week, when a Navy man won $125K, Meredith thought the Navy was the smartest branch. Now “I’m an Army Girl”. FICKLE! Jeff’s going “Mind if I faint now?”

Jeff makes base pay of $30,000 a year. He can pay off his debts, maybe buy an RV and finally see Paris.


Who is the only celebrity with five Hollywood Walk of Fame stars — for excellence in radio, TV, film, music and theater?

A: Gene AutryB: Frank Sinatra
C: Bob HopeD: Bing Crosby

He’s leaning towards the exit, but there’s a gut feeling for either B or D. The Sarge is assessing the risk and…WILL RETREAT.

Correct answer: A (Must’ve been indigestion)

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.