Host: Meredith Vieira
HOT SEAT: Nancy Christy (Tulsa, OK)
This Middle School English Teacher got the call in her classroom. Had to tell the class to quiet down, all 27 of them. Their advice “Go for the million” Easy for them to say?
What movie features a singing group known as The von Trapp Family Singers?
A: Almost Famous | B: The Sound of Music |
C: Funny Girl | D: Grumpy Old Men |
Nancy thinks the hills are alive with B….INDEED!
The front of an aircraft is often referred to as its what?
A: Nose | B: Mouth |
C: Chest | D: Chin |
She’ll go with the nose, A…STILL IN THE AIR!
On a classic TV sitcom, earthling Mindy McConnell lives with an alien named what?
A: ALF | B: Uncle Martin |
C: Spock | D: Mork |
Nancy knows it well. D is the final answer…GOT IT!
Native to Australia, the emu is what type of animal?
A: Snake | B: Bird |
C: Goat | D: Fish |
That would be B…SHE’S STILL FLYING!
William Masters and Virginia Johnson are best known for their pioneering studies on what subject?
A: Human sexuality | B: Depression |
C: Preschool education | D: Subliminal advertising |
“Middle School is hormone heaven”. So she’ll make A her final answer.
“It’s so scary” Mere says…BUT IT’S GOOD HERE!
American composer John Philip Sousa is best known for writing what type of musical compositions?
A: Polkas | B: Ballads |
C: Waltzes | D: Marches |
Thanks to her son, a drummer, Nancy goes with D…YEP!
Sounds like a good school so far.
“Piccolo” is an Italian word meaning which of the following?
A: Fast | B: Colorful |
C: Loud | D: Small |
Nancy also teaches “Everything you need to know about art and Music” before finals. There’s a piccolo and is small…Final answer is D…PASSES AGAIN!
She can’t believe how well she’s doing. Meanwhile her kids must be screaming their heads off.
Often found in health clubs, an “erg” machine simulates which of these activities?
A: Cross-country skiing | B: Swimming |
C: Rowing a boat | D: Climbing stairs |
She hasn’t had enough time at health clubs. Time for some help!

- A: 18%
- B: 8%
- C: 45%
- D: 29%
Well, she was thinking a total body machine. Another thought “If you don’t get past the little ones, you don’t get a chance at the big ones”. Is she ready yet? No

Down to A and C.
Now she’ll go with C “Come on, audience”…SAY THANK YOU, AUDIENCE!
A 1939 treaty between the U.S.S.R. and Germany secretly laid the groundwork for the division of what country during World War II?
A: Italy | B: Poland |
C: France | D: United Kingdom |
History isn’t a strong subject for Nancy, but that’s the advantage of working at a school.

We’ll calling up Angela. Are you a smart lady? “I hope so.”
Unfortunately, Nancy and Angela only re-read the question over and over with no answer.
What the heck! Final answer is B…Teachers tell students to take chances in life. BE PROUD!
And Nancy must’ve needed it. No only for this game, but she’s a single mom of two and worked three jobs to put herself through college. The kids helped out with homework and reading evaluation. Her daughter’s now in college and the son in high school.
In the 1964 musical “Fiddler on the Roof,” what is Tevye’s profession?
A: Tailor | B: Grocer |
C: Milkman | D: Scholar |
Guess what show she’s been in two separate productions in? (Good thing she’s a ham). Final answer is C…”IF I WERE A RICH WOMAN”
Amtrak’s scenic “Coast Starlight” train service runs between which of these two U.S. cities?
A: San Diego & New York | B: Miami & Boston |
C: Houston & New Orleans | D: Los Angeles & Seattle |
Again, nothing to lose here. The prettiest route she can think of is D…you can hear the kids “YAY!”
Ms. Christy is making her class proud, all the Mr. and Mrs. (Nancy calls them by their last names in class.)
Girl detective Nancy Drew made her debut in the 1930 book titled “The Secret of the” what?
A: Haunted Museum | B: Lost Diamond |
C: Ancient Treasure | D: Old Clock |
It’s all coming back to her. Nancy remember her mother’s old edition. Final answer will be D…THANKS MOM!
The $125K means bringing in a housekeeper once a month, a yardman once in a while and family trips. What will this mean?
On the California coast, what kind of fish is known for coming ashore and laying its eggs on the beach?
A: Pupfish | B: Loach |
C: Grunion | D: Sawfish |
Working at the Department of the Interior before getting married, Nancy’s boss was from Cali. He was a fish and game commissioner. “Thanks, Ray” For C…I CAN HEAR THEM IN TULSA!
Yeah, Meredith can’t hold it in much longer. Maybe Nancy is carrying a good luck charm. It’s not in the studio, it’s a banner from the school: 300 signatures! And it’s taped up on the hotel wall. “Hello, Carver Middle School! Go Wildcats!”
In 1957, Jorn Utzon won an international competition to design what architectural landmark?
A: Sears Tower | B: Sydney Opera House |
C: Seattle Space Needle | D: Pompidou Center |
She has a gut feeling…not the Space Needle (figures the 60’s) Two others she’s stumped on. The first thing that popped into her head was the Opera House. Jorn Utzon sounds Norweigian known for their clean lines.
“In for a penny, in for a pound” translation $32,000 is plenty. Final answer is B…Nancy, Nancy, Nancy…IT’S $500,000!
The craziness we’d expect from a sky diver (not since the kids). Nancy is also a first responder. Might have to help Meredith pretty soon.
Who did artist Grant Wood use as the model for the farmer in his classic painting “American Gothic”?
A: Traveling salesman | B: Local sheriff |
C: His dentist | D: His butcher |
There’s a little smile starting. OOOOHHHHH! In Washington D.C., Nancy was in a performing group that had a piece about this painting. She was the woman, who was Grant’s sister. And the farmer was…
The first woman after 10 male millionaires. And audience members are asking to join her for dinner. Nancy is ready to call the class and the family. Mom might need CPR, daughter is looking for a new car, and the 16 y.o. son might want his first. (NO CORVETTE!) But what about herself? She’s always wanted a long break to take a big trip, an Archeological Dig. Meredith would rather have a spa day, maybe later. For the record, the million is 40 years worth of teacher pay.
And yes, that’s unfair!
Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.
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