Host: Wally Bruner
Announcer: Johnny Olson
Celebrity Panel:
- Nipsey Russell
- Joanna Barnes
- Bert Convy
- Arlene Francis
FIRST GUEST: Nancy Moritz (Yonkers, NY)
She’s salaried and deals with a service.
Bert: Could I avail myself in this service?
How about Arlene?
Do the people come to you?
Do you wear something else?
Yes, most of the time
Is it a uniform?
Is it an essential service?
Is it in the health field?
No $5
Arlene: Yonkers had Arlene thinking the Chamber of Commerce, is it a non-profit?
Branch of the government?
No $10
Nipsey: It has nothing to do with health?
Yes, it doesn’t
Anything to do with children?
An institution with the education of children?
In a sense
Do you deal with children and parents?
Do it have to do with orphans?
Sometimes, but No $15
Joanna: Anything to do with bringing kids and adults together?
Anything to do with foster homes and adoptions?
Yes, but it’s one of the extra services.
Do you work indoors?
Anything to do with the law?
No $20 (30 seconds left)
Bert after shifting through all the possibilities he was wrong about PASSES.
Arlene: Anything to do with the Lord?
Are you a minister of some kind?
Yes, but it’s not enough (Wally reminds the panel she wears a uniform)
Is she a nun or sister?
No Game Over
Our guest is Capt. Nancy Moritz of THE SALVATION ARMY. And guess What? Arlene is an honorary Colonel, of the “best army in the world”. At the time, there were over 300,000 people in America and 2 million around the world! Let’s not forget the Salvation Army Christmas Band! Nancy says it’s not a requirement, but it’s about the joy of singing for the Lord. She plays coronet and tambourine. Sometimes piano, too, rough playing in December. Back to tambourine, we see sheet music written for the instrument. It’s in shapes looking straight out of geometry. All instructions for timing and choreography. It’s too confusing, we need a demonstration. Three tambourine dancers from the Salvation Army School of Officer Training in the Bronx.
- Cadet Eileen Smith
- Cadet Betty Jones
- Cadet Joan Burke
After performing The March Parade by the New York Staff Band of the Salvation Army, it’s the panel’s turn. Three symbols are shown with numbers indicting the rhythm. Easy to explain, hard to show here, but the panel gets it.
SECOND GUEST: Sheldon Goldstein (Norwich, NY)
He’s self-employed and deals with a product.
Nipsey: Would the product be contrary to something that your appearance indicates?
Wally gets it, Sheldon’s appearance is not a giveaway to his product.
You don’t sell razor blades, do you?
Since Nipsey agrees he meant it, No $5
Joanna: Does it have any electricity?
No $10
Bert: Would we find it in our home?
Would it be mainly found in one room in the house?
Usually on the ground floor?
A room with an oven?
Could you hold it in your hand?
Yes (Wally makes a fish face)
If you held it in your hand, would it be functional? (The audience can’t hold back snickers)
Anything to do with the preparing of food?
Is it an implement?
Oh a utensil, No $15
Arlene: Something put in the mouth?
Is it a “Food substance” itself?
Is it something you’d have for lunch?
Is it an accessory to the meal, instead of the main course?
Does it grow in the ground?
Does it have a distinctive odor?
Yes (There goes the audience)
In the vegetable family?
Yes (15 second)
Garlic, Onion or Pickle?
No, No, No $20
Nipsey: Is it a seasoning or garnishment?
No, expect in one case. And in this case, GAME OVER
It’s not radishes or ketchup, either. It’s SAUERKRAUT! Sheldon has his own company, “Ready Pac Foods” in Norwich. At the time, they were making 40 million pounds a year!
Joanna: Are you a motion picture performer, predominately?
Bert almost wants to make a guess “It couldn’t be!”: You’re on the stage primarily?
Bert’s guess: Eileen Heckhart
Arlene think she knows it, too: Are you currently appearing in a Broadway play with a small cast and is a big hit?
Arlene’s guess: Maureen…Wally finishes it, STAPLETON
And she was so afraid she wouldn’t be recognized, she would’ve signed in as Marlene Dietrich! Arlene says Maureen didn’t disguise her voice, but she says otherwise. Anyway, our guest is appearing in the play “Plaza Suite”, really three one act plays. Joanna mentions Maureen would soon appear in a movie, but she hates flying. She’s booked a train instead, too bad the 20th Century to Chicago was closed by this time. Wally suggest a freight instead! The film was “Airport” adapted from the book which she didn’t read. Maureen is playing Van Heflin’s wife. Afterwards, you would expect to see her return for the theatre version. The irony is not lost on Arlene.
For Bert (From Helen O’Donnell, NYC): Do you have any children?
Answer: Yes, Three Children. Ages 30, 24 and one’s about to graduate from college.

Arlene butted in. It’s 8 years, 3 years and 14 months.
For Arlene (Mrs. T.H. Moore, Gainesville, FL): Which do you prefer: Television or legitimate stage and why?
Answer: Devoted to television, it’s been very, very, good to her. Any actress prefers the stage for the excitement of playing to an audience. Overall, she likes them both.
What’s My Line? is owned by Fremantle.