Host: Jack Bailey
All contestants in a soundproof booth unaware Olympic decathlete Bob Mathias is in the studio for a surprise.
First Group:
- Richard Lee (Chinese)
- Joe Sansini (Italian)
- Lloyd Yjke (German)
- Charlis Gibiante (French)
All they have to do is answer a question before Beulah the Buzzer blanks them out. If they don’t, it’s time to pay a penalty.
Question: What is a dry dock?
A thirsty doctor.
Consequence: Singing Row, Row, Row your Boat as a round, in each men’s native language. They’ll also be wearing native hats as well.
Charlis loses the beat, but that’s good enough. Each receive an RCA clock radio, Bulova Watch and cartons of Old Gold Filters.
Returning guest: George Benson
George Benson won a Jack look-alike contest for $1,000 four weeks ago. When Benson came to receive his money, however, he was in for a surprise. Bailey’s grandfather left it in a safe deposit box and a trustee holds the key. Jack had viewers send him keys to him, and he ended up with over 50,000. Last week, George was sent to a clothing store window to try all those keys. He opened the safe and inside…an old Phonograph with a record. The voice of Grandpa Bailey left a message to meet the trustee, Mr. Higgledy Figgeldy in Des Moines, Iowa. This wasn’t the end as the money was in a box buried Downtown. Half the town was already digging by the time Mr. Benson got there, and someone found the lucky box first. That man got $1,000 for himself, while Mr. Benson only got a slip of paper. On it was an address for a Chinese Laundry in Boston, MA. This last week, Benson’s been searching for the right laundry. Time for an update, his boss is selling more air coolers than ever before. Dorothy, his wife, has been with him.
After searching 133 laundry centers, George found the right one and was given a bag “To be Opened only in the presence of my squinty eyed grandson, Jack Bailey” He who’s had enough of the chase. Jack’ll pay $2,500 for the sack of laundry. George of course says…NO??? Can’t disappoint all those fans with keys. Let’s open the package. It’s Laundry…I knew it. But wait, one rob has a $1,000 bill…torn in half.
There goes the phonograph, Grandpa Bailey has another message. George will get the other half of that bill in the mail, back home by next week. “See ya later, Alligator” What a wonderful sport!
When George is gone, Jack has another surprise. He needs TV viewers to send a bunch of empty envelopes to Mr. Benson’s address, which we saw just a moment ago. Again, why didn’t George just take the $2,500??
Moving on…
Two college boys are in a soundproof booth. Their consequences will be running an obstacle course against an older woman. In disguise is Bob Mathias. He and his wife will soon start their own TV show.
Larry Dominick and Roger Mitchell, both played Basketball in Glendale, CA
Question: What is a parking meter?
A snitching post
Introducing their opponent, Mrs. Ruthie Jones. She was a bloomer girl in the 1800s. Here’s the course:
It starts with a run through the backstage area, down the hallway and backstage right. Then jumping over two hedges and up two steps, moving hand by hand over a suspended ladder. If they slip, they fall in a small pool. The next challenge is climbing over a Marine Net (Cargo Net as American Gladiators would call it) before pole vaulting onto sawdust. It ends with a quick step to a chair, and the first to sit down wins the bonus. Mrs. Jones is getting a head start. She’s across the hallway when Jack finally says Go!
Mrs. Jones is climbing the Net while the men were crossing the ladder. Larry falls in the pool. Mrs. Jones vaults over the pole and is in the chair while only one man is over the net.
Once the gag is revealed, Bob announces the premiere of the movie “Alexander the Great” at the Fox Welcher. All proceeds from the showing will go to the U.S. Olympic Fund. As for the gentlemen, they each get a Graflex 35mm Camera with Tripod and Case…and don’t forget the cigs.
Paul Humiston and Dave Ross are next, both expectant fathers selected from the audience.
Question: What’s the slogan of the famous newspaper “The Daily Gesundheit”?
A Paper not to be sneezed at.
For their consequences, the gentlemen will have a baby dressing race. Winner gets a Maytag Washer and Dryer. Each will get their own children with baby carriages…but warning, they’re a couple of monkeys. Three minutes to make it happen.
Surprisingly, the three-time father Paul can’t keep the baby in the carriage. Dave, a first-time father, Is well ahead. Both men receive $150 Spiegel Gift Certificates.