Host: Bud Collyer
Announcer: Bern Bennett
Celebrity Panel:
- Polly Bergen
- Mike Wallace
- Hildy Parks
- Dick Van Dyke
FIRST GUEST: Mitchell Parrish
As usual, there are three men that say “My Name is Mitchell Parish”. Only one is the real deal and it’s up to the panel to find out. First, Bud reads the affidavit:
I, Mitchell Parrish, live in the suburbs of New York City. In my youth as an amateur, I boxed with Barney Ross and Tony Canzoneri. I have also worked as a clerk in New York City Court. In 1950, I graduated from College—Suma Cum Laude. I am a member of Phi Beta Kappa. By professions, I am a songwriter. I wrote the lyrics to many songs including “Deep Purple”, “Stars Fell on Alabama” and “Stardust”. I swear that the above information is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Signed, Mitchell Parrish
In this early version, the panel have multiple turns to question our contestants. Thirty seconds each, up to five minutes.
#2: When you write the lyrics to songs, do you write them in New York City?
Not necessarily.
Where did you write Stardust?:
In New York
Did you collaborate with someone?
Oakie Carmichael wrote the lyrics
Did he come to New York?
He was already there
Hildy just started with #3 before her time was up
#3: What have you written lately?
Sleigh Ride and Clare de Lune (struggled with the answer)
Who was the first to record Deep Purple?
Benny Goodman
#1: The Definition of a bridge in music:
The release in the chorus
#2: Same question
Same answer but adds, “It only comes out after the third 8 Bar”
#3: How many bars in Stardust?
#1: Same question, 32
#2: Same question, 35
#1: The lyrics to Deep Purple:
“When the Deep Purple Falls Over Sleepy Garden Walls”
#2: Continue: Time’s up
#3: You were a clerk in a court in New York City, what methods did you use to record what was going on” He says he was a clerk for a municipal court, only making appointments not recording, in the capacity of…Time runs out
#3: Finish the lyric: All I Want for Christmas is a Girl Millionaire. He thought it was “Billy Nair”
“A girl would come from Texas with a rose in her hair“
#2: Same line “With a Million of her own and another million to Spare” (Round of Applause)
#1: Saved by the Bell
#1: Finish Dick’s Challenge: “A girl would come from Texas with an oil well in her Hair”
Who has the big record on Clair de Lune?
Perry Como
When did you write the adaptation of Clair de Lune?
No Time
#3: What school did you graduate from? Colombia
What subject?: Psychology
#1: Same questions, New York University in English and Modern European History
#1: What year did you box with Bonnie Ross?
In the 30s
Who was heavyweight champ in 1930?
All he knows is that he didn’t spar with him.
#3: When you set out to write the lyrics of Clair de Lune did you have to get permission?
No, it was public domain.
#1: Said he did have to get permission from the French Estate of Debussy.
Who hits harder, Bobby Ross or Tony Canzoneri?
The group of three will get $250 for each incorrect vote.
Polly: #1
Mike: #3
Hildy: #1
Dick: #3
#1 ($500)
#2: Carl Panke, investment banker in New York
#3: Ted Nelson, public relations counsel
Mitchell reveals he wrote Stardust in ’31 and how he used to work out with Bobby Ross in the gym. Polly asks Ted how he knows so many musical terms. He got it from musician clients, but Polly figured it out getting Stardust wrong. Mike found it hard to believe how Mitchell forgot his own lyrics. Carl studied music, and that’s how he followed up on the Stardust question.
SECOND GUEST: Hermoine Zanacki
Affidavait: “I, Hermoine Zanacki, am a Licensed barber in a men’s barber shop. I am secretary-treasurer of my local barbers’ union and the first woman Vice-President of the State Barbers’ Association. In High School, I played on the Girls’ Basketball Team. I have also worked as a movie usher. Among my souvenirs is a picture of myself and Dagmar. Once, I had dinner aboard the atomic submarine, Nautilus. I Swear that the above information is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”
Signed, Hermoine Zanacki
#1: When did you have your picture taken with Dagmar?:
1953 aboard the Queen Elizabeth
Why? She was sailing home to England signing autographs at the time.
#2: Where are you from?
Norwich, CT
#3: Where do you barber?
Manhattan, NY
#1: Same question, same answer
#1: What is the price for a men’s haircut?:
#3: Same question, same answer
#3: The price for a Manicure?
#1 says they don’t give them.
#2: How much do you charge to Shave?
The name of your shop steward?
#2 blanks and the rest say there are the shop stewards.
#3: Where did you go to high school?
#2: Norwich, CT
#1: Norwich, England
#2: How long did you have to study to become a barber?
Six Months
After High School? No
So, you’re the only woman in the state of Connecticut who (DING)
#2: If your razor slips and you cut someone, what’s the first thing you do?
I apologize.
#3: How much do you charge to trim a beard?
50-75 cents, depending on size. Van Dyke would be charged the 75.
#3: What position did you play on the Basketball team?
#2: Same question, same answer
#1: Ditto
#1 Again: Where were you a movie usher?
In England, but #2 says Connecticut, again and #3 says the Bronx.
#1: How many men are on a basketball team?
Five, #3 agrees but #2 doesn’t know
#3 Under what circumstances did you have dinner aboard the Nautilus?
Her brother was the Chief Torpedo Man.
Who was the commanding officer?
It wasn’t necessary for dinner?
Did you eat in the war room?
“It might’ve been”
#1: When did you have dinner aboard the Nautilus?
About a year ago.
Before or After the Shakedown?
A silent smile
#3: Do you know how many men are in the Crew Aboard the Nautilus?
#1: “When you were an usher, when you set people did they tip you?”
No, and she doesn’t know about the rest of Europe.
#1: Where is the barbershop?
50th Street Close to 10th Avenue
Were you a barber before you came to this country?
Did you find it was hard to pass the state examinations?
I enjoyed it
What did you have to do?
After 30 days, you suddenly have to make your first haircut.
POLLY: First trying to figure out what a shakedown is
#1: How much does a barber’s license cost?
$5, Total time is up before asking the others
Polly: #3
Mike: #3
Hilby: #3
Dick: #3, Wait he meant #2
#2 ($750)
WHEW! Almost a shutout
#1: Lorna Kersey, elevator operator
#3: Ethel Agby, head of a draft board
A few questions about not knowing questions. A girls’ basketball team has six players, they thought, and the Shop Steward is known as a business manager. Hilby asks about the Nautilus. Hermoine’s boyfriend (said girlfriend) is stationed aboard.
Time for our panel to say good night:
- Mrs. Calabash, wherever I am (Polly)
- Scrooge
- Jubilation T. Cornpone
- Doodles Lieber
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