WHAT’S MY LINE?-Aired September 13, 1968

Host: Wally Bruner
Announcer: Johnny Olson
- Soupy Sales
- Meredith MacRae
- Gene Rayburn
- Arlene Francis
Ah, but Arlene all of those things I have done, none of them compares with working with you on What’s My Line? and the rest of our very charming panel.
What things?? We don’t know, Buzzr clipped the intro again.
FIRST GUEST: Rufus Harley (Philadelphia, PA)
He’s self-employed and deals with a service.
Soupy: With what you’re wearing, would that have to do with what you do? (Afro-centric outfit)
It IS what he wears, but it’s not necessary $5
Meredith: Do you work for a profit-making organization?
Forgot the self-employed bit, she gets a pass.
Can your services be provided for both men and women?
Do you entertain people in any way?
Indoors more than outdoors?
Both, though mostly indoors. Not important, though.
Do people watch you?
You don’t touch people in any way?
No means Yes
Do you hold anything in your hand?
Can you perform on a nightclub stage?
When you have this thing in your hand, can you also move it away?
Are you a juggler?
No $10
Gene: Does who he do involve music?
Is his instrument in the string family?
No $15
Arlene: Is it a pipe?
Hmmmm, yes
Do you hold it in your mouth?
Something other than the flute?
Would knowing the instrument be essential?
“An instrument that we are not so accustomed to seeing in our orchestra?”
In the Kazoo Family?
No $20
Soupy, going through all of what Arlene has found out: Are you a clarinet player?
No $25
Meredith: The instrument longer than a whistle?
Do you play a recorder and cobras come up?
No $30
Gene: An instrument that the Western World is familiar with?
Yes 30 second warning
Is it a recorder?
No $35
Arlene with a final question: Does your costume bely the quality of the instrument, by that I mean is it anything like a bagpipe…

ARLENE DOES IT AGAIN! Yes, Rufus PLAYS BAGPIPES, Jazz bagpipe. He’s part of a four-piece combo and the American Federation of Musicians. Plus, he’s the only Left-Handed Bagpiper And of course, we have a performance.
SECOND GUEST: Bob Krugman (Chicago, IL)
He’s self-employed and deals with a product.
Arlene: Would I be interested in your product?
Be interested for a man?
No $5
Soupy: Would it be good for an animal?
No $10
Meredith: Does your product come in contact with the body?
Is it other than clothing?
Absolutely not (No Means NO this time) $15
Gene: Is it an expensive product?

Does it change the appearance of the individual involved?
In the cosmetic field?
No $20
Arlene: Is it anything in the massage field?
No $25
Soupy: Benefit from the body up?
Sometimes “I’m beginning to understand you”
Soupy Passes
Meredith: When someone wears this product, can you see it?
Yes it’s not undergarments
Is it an accessory rather than a whole thing?
No $30
Gene: Is it made of animal substances?
Can also be made out of plastics?
In the broad sense
A harness?
No $35
Arlene: Would I be interested in buying for an animal?
No $40
Soupy: Would a woman wear this more than a man?
Definitely, Passes Again
Meredith (who was thinking Strait Jacket at one point): is it a bikini bathing suit?
No $45
Gene: Is it decorative?
Do you design the ones you make?
Is it made of fabrics?
Are they NOT utilitarian?
Yes means NO! Game over
Arlene would’ve gotten it: Bob makes MATERNITY CLOTHES, owner and designer of Plus One. Or Plus One Etc. depending on how many children a mother has. Before this, he was a stage actor and rock singer.
Wally figures it’s okay to cut the panel 30 seconds, since this one is so well known. (2 1/2 Minutes Total)
Meredith: Are you in the entertainment business? “You might say that” (Sounds like Paul Lynde)
Gene: Are you primarily an actor? No
Arlene: Are you in the theater? No
Soupy: Are you known mostly for television? “Sort of”
Meredith: Have you ever had your own television series? Yes
Gene: Do you sing? “Sort of” (Deep-voiced)
Arlene: Are you singing someplace around New York at the present time? Yes (About to burst)
Soupy: Would this be in a nightclub? Yes and No
Meredith: Are you also known for your recordings? Yes
Gene guesses Mel Torme…RIGHT!
Mel was nervous after he did an interview with Patrick O’Neal. When O’Neal asked about lunch, Mel let him know off the record. Pat joked that he was on the panel. Soupy talks about a special Mel did with the Marty Page Group. Gene was amazed Mel could disguise his voice.
Closing: Looking back on the past week, Wally points out some great highlights. Soupy learning Yoga, Meredith’s father as a mystery guest and Arlene’s amazing skills. She doesn’t take all the credit for the work.
What’s My Line? is owned by Fremantle.