

Host: Marc Summers

Announcer: John “Harvey” Harvey

Assistants: Robin Marrella, Dave Shikiar and Jamie Bojanowski

$20 Toss-Up

It’s the same cracking egg stunt from the previous episode. (See #129) Taking the first score of the day is…BLUE TEAM!

Seismic Zonkers: Janna (loves to shop for anything) and Greg (plays soccer and hockey and hanging out with his friends)

Brain Teasers: Saema (likes to sing anything) and Kevin (does gymnastics which Marc has always wanted to do)

Meanwhile, Harvey has a new gray suit and Marc a new pair of pants.


Which Peanuts character would rather be playing Beethoven than playing with Lucy?

DARE (just before the buzzer)



Greg is the Barber of Seville and Janna is in the chair with a wig. Greg has 20 seconds to put all this stuff on that mop of hair:

  • Apron
  • Green Smile Shampoo
  • Shaving Cream

Finally, he’s got to dump the bucket. But wait, it’s empty. Dave wants eggs, but we used them all in the beginning. We’ll have to use water.

Done With 3 Seconds to Spare (All Blue Team with $60)

In the original movie “King Kong”, what New York skyscraper did the big ape climb?

Empire State Building ($70)

What does the Soviet Union call its astronauts?

Soymites (Cosmonauts)

The distance light travels in one year is called what: A Light Year, a Parsec or the Far Side

Light Year ($10)

What Northeastern state’s name comes from the Latin for “Green Mountain”?

Vermont ($20)

In Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” what’s Tiny Tim’s last name?


Saema will be popping balloons of whipped cream with her behind. Getting 10 balloons in 15 seconds wins $40 for the Brain Teasers.

Only got to three (Seismic Zonkers up to $110)

What Southern City is home to Bourbon Street and the Sugar Bowl?




Janna is a quarterback passing to Greg. BOTH are blindfolded. They only need one football in the garbage can in 30 seconds.

Barely got it in with 3 seconds left.


Seismic Zonkers $150

Brain Teasers $20

$40 Toss-Up

The teams are slurping chocolate milk, Yep, the toss-ups have been switched from the last show.

First to fill past the line…BRAIN TEASERS ($60)

In Rhode Island, a school official was pressured into taking what off of the school lunch menu? Sales Tax, Twinkies or Tofu?

Tofu (Twinkies)

Hammerheads, Makos and the Great Whites are all different types of what fish?

Sharks ($170)

How many cells does a paramecium have?


One ($100)

Which former Beatle sings “Got My Mind Set On You”?


George Harrison ($210)

What is a male whale called? Fluke of the Sea, Bull or Tusset?

Fluke of the Sea (Bull)

What horse delivered mail service died out after the 1861 invention of the telegraph?

Pony Express ($120)

The Russian word “Nyet” means what in English?

No Means Yes ($140)

If each member of the Keaton family had 1 pair of socks, how many total socks would they have?

10 (12)



Seismic Zonkers $210

Brain Teasers $140

Brain Teasers get the cash, $50 Kaybee Gift Certificates, the Double Dare home Game and Coca-Cola Back to Cool Watches


1: 1-Ton Human Hamster Wheel for Franklin Word Wiz

2: Blue Plate Special (Waffles) for White’s Coinmaster Metal Detector

3: Sundae Slide for Bushnell Spectacu-learn Scope and Binoculars

4: Slime Canal for Kent Fusion 500 Bike

5: The Tank (Angel Tears) for Pressman Board Games

6: Dallas for $600 Kaybee Gift Certificate

7: Pick It for Magnavox Video Writer Word Processor

8: Down the Hatch (creamed corn) for Trip to Space Camp


  • #1 @ 54 sec.
  • #2 @ 46 sec. (Under the butter on the first waffle)
  • #3 @ 32 sec.
  • #4 @ 27 sec.
  • #5 @ 20 sec.
  • #6 @ 4 sec.
  • #7: Got it just as clock ran out
  • TOTAL: $2,300 (Harvey meant Kay-Bee but said Toys R Us)

Double Dare is owned by Nickelodeon, a subsidiary of CBS/Viacom.

DOUBLE DARE-#129 (First Syndicated Episode)

Host: Marc Summers

Announcer: John “Harvey” Harvey

Assistants: Robin Marrella, Dave Shikiar and Jamie Bojanowski


Both teams are slurping Chocolate Syrup into another glass. The goal is, as usual, to fill past the red line. The winner is…RED TEAM!

Radioactive Overdeveloped Brains: Peter (an MTV addict, especially Motley Crue) and Amy (wants to be a vet) Note: First episode to have a blue team and a red team

Winning Streaks: William (wants to be President) and Lauren (wants to be a Kindergarten Teacher)

Only one way to properly explain the rules:

“I’m going to ask you a question, and if you don’t know the answer, or think the other team hasn’t got a clue, you can dare them to answer it for double the dollars. But be careful: they can always double dare you back for four times the amount, and then you either have to answer that question or take the Physical Challenge.”

Immortal words

What 3 transportation devices are in the title of a John Candy and Steve Martin movie?

Planes, Trains and Automobiles $30

How many U.S. States begin with the letter “F”?

Lauren says One $40

In Madame Tussand’s famous museum, what are all the figures made of?

Wax $50

Animals that drink milk from their mother’s bodies are called what?  Pseudopods, Crustaceans or Mammals?

Mammals $60

On A Different World, name 1 of Denise’s 2 roommates.

DARE (Will said it before Lauren said Denise)

Blue responds: Maggie On the Board with $20 (Jaleesa was the other)

A millennium equals how how many years?


Red responds: A Million Years Blue up to $40 (Thousand)

In what European country can you visit the cities of Naples and Milan?

Italy $50

Who is first credited with saying, “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch”? Thomas Jefferson, Aesop or Frank Perdue


Red Responds: Aesop Up to $80

In Monopoly, what color are the properties that include St. James Place?

Purple (Orange) Back to Blue

According to the fable, Androcles pulled a thorn from what animal’s Paw?

Lion $60

On the TV show, what tool is pictured on Sledgehammer’s gun?

A Sledge Hammer $70

What is Wrigley Field?  Baseball park, Department Store or Where they grow gum

Play Ball and it’s a Tie game

In you stood beneath the state flower of Oklahoma you might get kissed.  What flower is it?

Mistletoe to take the lead

On a traffic signal, which color is on top?

After going back and forth, Red $100

If an astronaut weighs 180 lbs. on Earth, how much would they weigh in zero gravity?


Red Responds 0 lbs. All Tied Up Again!

Which of the following is NOT part of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights? The Right of Free Speech, The Right to Arm Bears or Trial by Jury

The Right to Arm Bears (or close enough) to go ahead again

If you put sodium chloride on your French Fries, what common seasoning have you added?

Salt $120

Who wrote 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Journey to the Center of the Earth?



Robin’s wearing her colander hat. William puts it on while Lauren fishes for water balloons. Must deposit two balloons into the hat in 20 seconds. If so, they add $40. If not, it goes to R.O.B.

Done in 15 sec.


Radioactive Overdeveloped Brains-$100

Winning Streaks-$160

Onto Round 2:

That means all the dollar values will be doubled and when you hear this sound (Beulah the Buzzer) that means the game is over.

$40 Toss-Up

It’s an egg toss; the girls will toss while the guys crack it on their heads and leave some in the bowl. First to 7 wins. It’s neck and neck but…WINNING STREAKS get it done. ($200)

Which suntan lotion would block more of the sun’s ray, a #6 or a #2?

6 $220

Which of the following is NOT the name of a Native American tribe? Aw Shucks, Tawpanee or Seminoles

Aw Shucks $240

What famous sci-fi character is known for saying “That’s highly illogical Captain”


Blue says: Mr. Spock $140

Who created the TV show, “The Twilight Zone” Vincent price, Steven Speilberg or Rod Serling

Rod Serling $160

What ex-president once managed his family peanut business?

Jimmy Carter $180

On the old TV show, what is the TV name of Beaver’s mom?

June $200

What great boxing personality once said, “When you’re as great as I am, it’s hard to be humble?

Muhammad Ali $220

In what month does Memorial Day occur?

September (May)

Which of these is a real consumer product?:

  • Elvis Presley Love Me Tender Shampoo
  • Madonna Betty Button Lint Remover
  • Rob Lowe’s Practical Princess Dating Guide

TIME’S UP! (It was Elvis’ Shampoo)


Radioactive Overdeveloped Brains $220

Winning Streaks $240

Also, Peter and Amy each get a $50 Kaybee Gift Certificate, Double Dare Home Game and a Coca-Cola Watch.


Links for each obstacle from Double Dare Wiki, where available. William goes first

1: 1-Ton Human Hamster Wheel for Franklin Word Wiz

2: Blue Plate Special (Waffles) for White’s Coinmaster Metal Detector

3: Sundae Slide (Mark tries a Cookie) for Bushnell Spectacu-learn Scope and Binoculars

4: Rootbeer Float (small lake) for Kent Fusion 500 Bike

5: The Tank (Angel Tears) for Pressman Board Games

6: Dallas (going through three slippery oil tubes) for $600 Kaybee Gift Certificate

7: Pick It for Magnavox Video Writer Word Processor

8: Down the Hatch (creamed corn) for Trip to Space Camp


  • #1 @ 53 sec.
  • #2 @ 46 (Under the second waffle’s butter
  • #3 @ 35
  • #4 @ 28
  • #5 @ 22
  • #6 @ 11
  • #7 @ 5
  • #8: Lauren couldn’t get up fast enough to grab that last flag.
  • TOTAL: $2,400 each

Double Dare is owned by Nickelodeon, a subsidiary of CBS/Viacom.