Let’s Make a Deal

LET’S MAKE A DEAL-October 5, 1984

Host: Monty Hall
Featuring: Brian Cummings

Monty gives a salute to a group from La Belle, France before we start with business.

FIRST TRADER: Susan Pratt (lettuce hair and yellow boa)

Susan like lettuce, maybe she likes cabbage. We have some here in a Superseal crisper. Of course, we’re not talking veggies, we’re talking money. Will Susan keep it or trade for Melanie’s Diamond Box? She takes the box. How much lettuce was in the bowl? $1,500!! Behind the box….a Gibson Side-by-Side Fridge/Freezer stocked with Bright & Early Breakfast Drink ($1,220) Plenty of room for an extra wig, but maybe she’d like to swap for Curtain #2. Susan needs the Fridge and passes. Behind the Curtain…1/2 A CAR (It was split in a divorce)

SECOND GROUP OF DEALERS: Donna Dunlap (maid in curlers), Robert Jeffress (big banana) and Julie Stone (Southern belle and straw hat)

Donna gets $350. Robert gets $350. And Julie gets…oops, Monty’s a little short on cash. We’ll fix that! Donna can spend her money on the spotted box and Julie gets the leftovers. Donna chooses the box. While Julie has her cash, our maid gets a KitchenAid Dishwasher W/ElectraSol and a Genie JetVac ($909.90) Maybe Robert can give her his $350 in exchange for Curtain #1? Nope, he hands her the Curtain instead. Behind it…a Woods of America Rocking Horse. (Brian the Cowboy from Indiana)

Now Julie can trade her $350 (and horse) for Curtain #3. Leftovers go to…Monty. Julie gives ’em back in exchange for… a Schafer & Sons Decorator Console Piano ($2,025)

THIRD DEALERS: Patty and Mark Lavorne (Raggedy Ann and Andy)

Money is going to be spent at $600 a minute. Four items to price on the table. If the Lavornes make the range the first time, they get $300. Each win after that doubles their bank. A potential $2,400 is up for grabs.

First Item: Clorets Breath Mints (1 roll) within 30 cents.
Guess: 40¢
ARP: 45¢ $300

Second: d’Amelia Pasta (16 oz. Box) within 50 cents.
Guess: $1.20
ARP: $1.00 $600

Third: Dentu-Creme (3.9 oz.) within 50 cents.
Guess: $2.10
ARP: $1.89 $1,200

For the Sweep: True Value Harvard Cutlery (3 pc.) within $5
Guess: $35

How about spending that $1,200 on what’s behind Curtain #3? No sir, they’re going for the big money! Behind the curtain…THE BACK HALF OF THE CAR!

ARP of the Knives: $29.95 (Missed by 5 cents)

$1,200 it is for the Lavornes.

FOURTH DEAL: Carol McCreery (cowboy)

Is Carol a generous lady? She’ll have to give one of these items away. A bunch of bills with a $10 up front OR a fancy ring

Mita Lubliner (bride)

And Mita is married but never had a ring. Carol gives it to her. Now she can give the money pack away for Curtain #2? She’s keeping the money. Behind the curtain…DAYS OF THE WEEK WHEELBARROWS.

Opening the plastic, there’s 60 ten-dollar bills.
60 X 10 = $600

And what about Mita? Is she generous enough to give the ring back to Monty? He’s willing to give her the comet box in return. Mita says “I Do” to the ring. She turned down…a Speed Queen Washer/Dryer. ($999.90) Now about that ring…it’s from Zirconia Fine Jewelry 14k gold solitaire and 2 kt. zirconia Value: $175

“I’ll tell everyone it’s real”

Mita’s plan for her husband
PATTY & MARK$1,200


Julie and Susan are in.

It’s a Homemaker’s Package: a Litton Go-Anywhere Microwave and Ovenware plus Alcas Cutco Cutlery ($818) And it goes to…Neither!

Monty’s Cookie Jar is back and it’s pretty good…$2,123. Julie can use it for UC Santa Cruz to study literature. Susan’s, however, has does even better with…

First we have Galaxy Ariba Carpeting (50 sq. yds.),. Perfect for under a Jules Seltzer Living Room Suite and Sharp 25″ TV. Yet, Susan still regrets trading that refrigerator she really needed. Well, this might help. Remember the crisper she traded to get the fridge? Monty gives her a check worth the same amount that was inside…$1,500! ($8,347)

Total Winnings: $13,704.90

Quicke: Bill Veerman (New Jersey Hat) is offered $200 for a hunting license. Nope! Fishing license? Nope! Marriage license? NO! Driver’s license. Yes, that’s $100.

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.

LET’S MAKE A DEAL-October 4, 1984

Host: Monty Hall
Featuring: Brian Cummings

36 people on the trading floor, people like you…only dressed funnier! People like…

OUR FIRST TRADER: Karen Fuchs (covered in yarn)

Here’s a yarn for Karen! Monty wants to buy her handbag. He starts with $100, but Karen won’t settle for that. $500 is a deal. Brian has a plastic bag to empty the contents. What would see like to spend her new found riches on? “A CAR” There’s a very small chance there might be one behind the Spotted Big Box (Don’t hold your breath!) Karen decides to wait, turning down…a Speed Queen Washer/Dryer. Comes complete with a box of 20 Mule Team Borax. ($1,024.90) Doesn’t cost anything for Karen to get the stuff back from Brian, but it will cost $500 for the small box. Rejected Again! In the box…her own purse…which Brian put $1,500. While Monty takes the extra cash, what about the wallet? “Take it and Burn it” No, Karen says he can keep it.
How about another opportunity. $500 buys a KFC Gift Pack and whatever else is behind Curtain #2. She needs money for school, so she’s holding on again. But just think of all the purses she could’ve had with…THE LEATHER FROM THESE TWO BABY GOATS!

SECOND TRADER: Bea Ontiveros (workout wear)

$2.89 won’t buy much from her purse, but earning $2.89 is worth a Dicker & Dicker Davini Regal Chinchilla Cape Jacket. One of these five items is the key:

  • Carroll Shelby Texas Chili and Cornblead
  • Quaker Corn Bran (16 oz.)
  • Plasti-kote Rust Not Enamel (Half-Pint)
  • V.L.P. Vinyl Repair (1 oz. Tube)
  • 2000 Flushes (14 oz.)

Can Bea pick a grocery item that sells for EXACTLY $2.89? AT LEAST ONE is there. She nervously chooses the 2000 Flushes. Everyone agrees…except for:

Debby Levine (chef)

Her choice was the chili/cornbread, so she’s suddenly in the running. First,

  • Enamel $2.69

How sure is Debby now? Maybe she’ll call it off for this package: A Berkline Recliner and Pilot Stereo ($1,498) “That or the coat?” Well, you don’t have the coat yet, but you can’t have both. Debby’s staying with it. Price of Carroll Shelby’s stuff…$3.08

You may be Seated

Parting Words

That leaves Bea, but she doesn’t have the last laugh yet. At least we know the Corn Bran was $1.85. Is Bea still confident to turn down the same sure thing Debby passed on? No, Bea is Bailing
Price of the 2000 Flushes: $2…25! Only the V.L.P. would’ve gotten the Fur.

We’re next going to see if it is better to give than to recieve?

DOOR #4!

Gotta check the People Picker: #8

Nancy Schulberg (Tennis Player)

NOTE: She’s a new dealer, but if she’d played before, she’d still play here.
Anywhoo, does Nancy want the BIG CASH or would she rather take Curtain #1? The Sure Thing is La-Z-Boy Signature II Sleeper Sofa and Sharp 19″ TV ($1,698) Nancy wants Door #4…until Monty adds $300 cash. She just lobbed back…

$ 4 2 3 5!

Giving wasn’t better than receiving for Nancy. Let’s find out how it goes for…

NEXT DEALER: Maria Chacon (strawberry)

Monty: Are You Good at giving things away?
Maria: No…YES!
Well, I’ll tell you, she 50-50 whatever she does.

Monty gives her $400 AND the Diamond Box. One she has to give away to…

Theodore Robinson (shiny smock and tinfoil hat)

Theodore gets the box….a Kelvinator No-Frost 16 cu. ft. Fridge/Freezer and an Anova Phone/Answering Center ($1,109.90) Now Ted has to give something away. His current stash OR the pink envelope. (NO Peeking!) Ted passes on the envelope. It said: “You Get Everything In This Deal Worth $1,509.90”



Bea stands up and Ted rushes up to trade.


Os-Cal Calcium and more! We may run out of time, because Bea is taking forever to choose.

Bea finally chooses…

It’s Monty’s Piggy Bank! Inside…$376 BIG DROP! This would’ve been better…

It’s a trip to the Bahamas (1wk. @ Grand Hotel on Paradise Island) PLUS $500 ($3,406). Ted and his shiny attire will be a hit. Had either picked #1, it would’ve been a bigger hit. Not just the Calcium…but a Chevrolet Chevette 2 Dr. Coupe AND $1,000 in Cash! ($7,313)

Total Winnings: $6,680
Big Winner: Ted

Quickie Deals: Looking for a Silver Dollar again for $150. We did the Pass Key yesterday. No luck, so let’s try two half dollars. Ginger Radnor, not shown on camera, is still looking while a man in camo is looking for a pic of his wife for $100. Just in time!

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.

LET’S MAKE A DEAL-October 3, 1984

Host: Monty Hall
Featuring: Brian Cummings

New set, new announcer, new models, new prize, old me.

From the Big Dealer himself

FIRST TRADER: Carmen Davidson (cheerleader)

She’s getting Curtain #1 just like that. And she can trade it, just like that for $100…$200…$300! Nope, she’s hangs on to…A BIG STUFFED DOG!!

Judging by her reaction, it was worth it for Carmen. And still worth giving Monty a Kiss.

SECOND TRADER: Bruce Harrington (baseball player “Monty! Let’s Play Ball! cap)

First, Bruce’ll make a deal with Monty if there’s no kiss. Instead, Monty gets a wiffle ball. And Bruce gets Curtain #2 for free. Will he sell for $100…$300…$400…$450? SOLD! Behind #2…TWO STUFFED DOGS!

He prefers winning the cash. Why stop now?

THIRD TRADER: Becky Coramotto (lion “I’ll roar if I pick the right door.”

Her roar is more of a baby’s roar. Maybe Curtain #3 will make her really ROAR. Behind it…not a dog, but chicken: A KFC Gift Pack. Anything else? Becky can trade it all for $450…$500…$550…$600! Not happening! We’ve had one…we’ve had two….Could it be…THREE STUFFED SCOOBY-DOOS!!!

Stuffed dogs for $350 a piece? That’s nothing compared to eggs at $12,000 A DOZEN! Monty can only buy ’em one at a time in this deal.

NEXT TRADERS: Barbara Whaley (pigtailed baby) and Theresa Bier (referee)

It’s a “Let’s Make a Deal” classic. Three eggs (Green, Red and Yellow)! Raw eggs will get you a grand., hard-boiled are just hard-boiled eggs.

  • Barbara (Red)
  • Theresa (Yellow)
  • Monty’s Egg (Green)

Monty’s egg…is raw! But don’t expect to be paid, buddy. Theresa’s egg…is given away for the Spotted Big Box. It would’ve been…a $1,000! Good news it’s not another dog. Instead it’s more chicken…AND IT’S ALL RAW!

It was a dozen hens, but the stagehands got hungry.

Barbara has a dilemma! There’s one egg left, could it be raw, too? She may prefer Curtain #2 which has Galaxy Ariba Carpeting (25 sq. yds.) worth $499.75. She still wants the egg. How about guaranteed cash? Monty brings it up to half of a raw egg $500, and Barbara takes it. Behind the carpeting…2 Suzuki FA50 Shuttle Mopeds (Curtain #2 Total: $898.75) The Yellow egg was…RAW!

If you’re keeping track, there’s been $4,350 in cash offered. Of that, only $950 has been given away, along with three ZONKS!

COUPLE: Aeme and Pete Skelton (nurse and doctor, but not really)

Here’s another $10, but all the Skeltons need is a penny to buy a Volkswagen Rabbit 4 Dr. ($9,490) There are four items. The Skeltons will guess each price. Whatever the difference is will be subtracted from that $10 bill.

First Item: Mary Kitchen Corned Beef Hash (15 oz.)
Guess: 89¢
ARP: $1.39 -.50
Money Left: $9.50

2nd: Quaker Corn Bran (16 oz.)
Guess: $1.98
ARP: $1.85 -.13
Money Left: $9.37

3rd: Mother Goose Shoes (1 pr.)
Guess: $13.99
ARP: $24.00 -$10.01

Everybody say AAHHH!

We’ll need a new prescription. Dr. Hall will offer $400 if the Skeltons can guess the new item within $15 $20.

Norelco Blood Pressure Monitor
Guess: $89
ARP: $65.95
Difference: -$23.05

Dr. Hall, these patients aren’t responding. Even though they’re not REAL doctors, they’ll get the Blood Pressure Monitor and $50 for dinner. Careful with the linguine.

Can’t someone make a good deal today??!!

LAST CHANCE: Kathy Krick (Hawaiian Lady)

Brian brings down a small box. Inside…a brand snifter filled with Silver Dollars! Eight pounds worth! No, not British pounds, but American Susan B. Anthony Coins. Kathy asks if they’re counterfeit. CERTAINLY NOT!…this time. However, is it worth turning down Curtain #3? It is for Kathy. What about the coins? MATH TIME:

1 pound=56 silver dollars
8 X 56 =$448

Behind the curtain, something much heavier…A Sunray 36″ Gas Range also with Baker-Eze Cooking Pans and a Alcas Cutco Cutlery Set. ($1,199) Finally, a good deal! She can stop while she’s ahead OR trade for the Starry Big Box. Kathy keeps the cooking package. Inside the box, something that would’ve gone well with her outfit…A SKIMPY BLACK BIKINI!




Theresa and Bruce are buying tickets for the Big Deal!

It’s Monty’s Cookie Jar! Inside…$298, and it goes to…Theresa. ($202 less than what she had.) On to…

There are two sides. First side, an Admiral a la mode Fridge/Freezer and Regina Steamer Carpet Cleaner. On the other side, a Sharp 25″ TV ($2,323.99) Bruce got a much better deal for his money. Still, this could’ve been his…

Behind the $25 Creamettes Lasagna, that same Volkswagen from before. ($9,515)

Total Winnings: $3,936
Biggest Winner: Bruce

Quickie Deals: Chris, a giant chocolate kiss, selected to find a loose key. George, dressed like a woman, is looking for a nail clipper. NOPE! A nail file? NOPE! George offers a nail to give for $100. This Texas thinks as fast as he loses his wig. Back to Chris…they left the key back up in the upper deck. Monty next tries a Pen Knife for $150. Scissors don’t count. Darlene Thompson has one on a keychain.

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.

LET’S MAKE A DEAL-October 2, 1984

Host: Monty Hall
Featuring: Brian Cummings

First, a celebrity citing. Country Star Charlie Daniels….wait, no he’s not. Now introducing BRIAN CUMMINGS…and his mustache! Forgot that, let’s talk about that packet of money Brian has. Two ladies are going to have to fight over it.

Suzi Lacey (Olympic Garb with a sign saying “USSR”, “You Boycotted my Olympics”) and Carolyn Cox (bunny rabbit)

Brian’s packet has nine bills, a $20 up front. Each will get one of the remaining bills for themselves.

  • #2 $1,000
  • #3 $500
  • #4 $100
  • #5 Carolyn’s Choice

She’s got a look of buyer’s remorse. Maybe she can trade her pick for the spotted big box. Hey, don’t coax her into keeping the cash!! No, she’s made up her own mind. Carolyn wants the bill. Behind the box…a Litton Go-Anywhere Microwave and KitchenAid Portable Dishwasher W/ElectraSol ($1,183.95) All that to hang on to…a Benjamin. Hey, she needs the money for college (She wants to be a Teacher)

  • #6 $500
  • #7 A Mystery for Suzi

The Appliances are no mystery, she can buy that OR…another mystery. Curtain #2…with a clue. Kirsch Window Blinds. Suzi’s not one for surprises, she’ll take the sure thing.

There’s a girl that knows a bird in the hand is forth five gold medals in your own Olympics

  • Suzi’s bill: Just a $100
  • #8 $1,000
  • #9 $100

And now the age-old question? Who’s the better shopper, the husband or the wife?

Joe and Marcia Takaks (Slicker Jackets and Leaves on their heads “We NUTMEGGERS want to spice up a deal!”)

Marcia says she’s the better shopper. Only one way to find out. The Takaks will compete against each other and “What’s Mine is Mine!” The first three are $300 each.

Sanwa Ramen Pride Noodles (3 oz.)
Marcia 99¢ Joe $1.39
ARP: 25¢ Marcia says the prizes are more expensive at home in Connecticut.

Plasti-Kote Rust Not Enamel (16 oz.)
Joe: $2.95 Marcia: $2.75
ARP: $3.39 Tie game

Pollenex Smoke Grabber Ash Tray
Marcia: $15 Joe $11.50
ARP: $24.95 Ladies 2 Gentleman 1

Last One’s $500: Bionaire 500 Air Purifier
Joe $40 Marcia $49
ARP: $130 She wins $1,100-$300

Now will our couple keep their finances separate OR pool together to buy Curtain #3? And it’s transportation. They say “I do” to the cash. I now pronounce you missing out on…His/Hers…BURROS!

$1,400 is just the beginning, there’s another fortune up for grabs next…


Still just the middle section this time. The lucky player is in Seat…14.

Jack Rosenberg (I’m dying, dying, dying to make a deal)

Done, you have the cash behind the fourth door. However, he may die regretting trading the door for $700 OR…Curtain #1 (Travel sign) With advice from “Honey” he chosses…the TRAVEL. Behind the door:

$ 2 4 8 .00

And for travelling, he and his honey are going to….Hawaii (1wk.@ Kona Surf). And they’ll stop, but Monty won’t. Here’s another $1,000 ($3,148)

Two other people in the center section will get their chance at that other fortune Mr. Hall was talking about before.

Tonnie Cremacino (Hawaiian sprite) and George Shire (hobo tennis player)

And here’s Brian with two fortunes…Fortune Cookies. Messages included. George is ready to crack it open…NOT YET! Maybe you should trade it for Curtain #3. He quickly changes his mind, so Monty gets to open it up.


George is feeling pretty dumb, especially after he sees…THREE GARBAGE CANS STRAIGHT FROM NEWPORT BEACH!

Who knows whether Tonnie will have better luck? Her decision is the Cookie or the Star Big Box. She wants the Box! So she’s misses this important message:


Instead, Tonnie’s telling time with an Emperor Cherry Grandfather Clock. Plus, she’ll keep time to music with an Helix Portable Component Stereo. ($1,648.50)

JOE & MARCIA$1,400
GEORGEHot Garbage


The Takaks and Tonnie will participate as Jack and Honey say ALOHA! (The Takaks get first choice)

SNEAK PREVIEW TIME! There’s some Os-Cal Calcium. The rest will come later! Next…

His/Her Catalina Sportswear, Ray-Ban Leather Sunglasses and Benrus Quartz Watches. ($1,410) And it’s for…Tonnie. An OK trade!

Another matching set: Gibson Fridge/Freezer, Dishwasher and Electric Range. We add to it a Sharp 19″ TV and a West Bend Stir Crazy Popcorn Popper. ($2,733.60) Doesn’t matter who the better shopper is in the Tataks. They both got lucky by going with the Calcium instead. It was $25 and it comes with…a Dicker and Dicker Davini Poncho Mink. ($7,525) Marcia, thankfully, have a respectable blue dress on. The smock comes off and the fur goes on.

Total Winnings: $13,366

Quickie Deals: One happy lady gets $150 for a Needle in a Haystack.

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.

ALL-NEW LET’S MAKE A DEAL-September 26, 1984

Host: Monty Hall
Featuring: Brian Cummings and Karen Lapierre

Monty has two handbags that don’t go with his Blue suit and pants. Would a couple of ladies be interested?

First Traders: Dale Columbo (Brown Low-Cut Dress) and Giselle Moreau (Black Hat and no pants)

Dale can trade her light blue handbag with some money for Curtain #1. She takes the handbag. The Curtain was a REJECT FROM THE GLUE FACTORY!

In the bag, just one bill…worth $500.

What will Giselle choose? Her bag or Curtain #2, which starts with a giant box of Creamettes. Monty remembers there’s double in this deal. Is it twice as much money in the handbag or was there twice as many donkeys as behind that first curtain? Giselle chooses the curtain. The money in the bag….was $1,000! As for the curtain…it was DOUBLED TOO!

SECOND TRADERS: Tom and Karen Luken (honeybees expecting a Babee)

This couple has a chance at what’s in Monty’s Hand…10 Pennies. Just seven will be enough to send them to Paris. Plus, we’ll throw in a check for $2,300 ($7,190)

One Penny: Champale Extra Dry (12 oz.) within 60 cents.
Guess: $2.00 (Karen spoke first) ARP: 83¢

Wait, Tom and Karen, that was just one penny. Nine are still on the table. Just make sure you agree on the right price.

Two Pennies: Mentos Wintergreen (single roll) within 25 cents.
Guess: 49¢ ARP: 35¢

Three Pennies: Maximum Strength Cortizone 5 (1 oz.) within $1
Guess: $2.75 ARP: $3.40 (Up to Five Pennies)

Four Pennies: Gillespie Refinish Furniture Kit within 50 cents.
Guess: $9.95
Feel confident?!? If not, there’s the Sunshine Box. Inside is an home electronic Package:

  • Commodore 64 Computer
  • Sharp 19″ TV
  • TOTAL: $1,238.85

The Lukens can’t seem to decide. Monty will add $500 to the Electronics. Karen convinces Tom to take the Sure Thing.

ARP of Furniture Kit: $9.95 “Adieu”

THIRD TRADER: Jim Poole (5th Understudy from “Cats”) “The Pur-r-r-r-fect Deal”

Brian has a Treasure Chest Behind Curtain #1, a giant box of Quaker Corn Barn. Who gets the rejects?

Marie Harrington (Nurse “What’s Up Doc?”)

Brian chooses the chest. Marie’s not sure about the Curtain. How about Cash “$2,000 or $3,000” Not happening, $100..2…3…4…No More! Marie will settle for that. Inside the Corn Bran…Ventura 4pc. Luggage and His/Her Helbros Quartz Watches. ($1,240)

Jim still has his treasure. Will he trade it for the Diamond Box? The leftovers this time go to…

Wendy Smith (maid)

Monty will stick to the same $400 from last time. it won’t work for Wendy. She’ll have the box…it’s DOUBLE PUPPY LOVE!

Last chance for Jim to trade. Is Curtain #2 want this cat’s been looking for? Nope! He won’t get…the Sunray 36″ Range or the 2 Charbroil Grills. ($1,099)

Time to finally unlock the chest and the big treasure is…$33.

TOM AND KAREN$1,738.85


The Lukens and Dale will trade:

Whirlpool Microwave, Cutco Cutlery Set and Regina Steam Cleaner ($1,037.99) Who gets this? Dale does

Os-Cal Calcium Supplement, 2 Berkline Wall-away Recliners and Pilot Stereo System ($2,222) It’s an upgrade from what the Lukens had. It would’ve been better if they choose this instead:

Schafer & Sons California Grand Piano and for Sheet Music, a check for $1,800 ($8,208)

Big Winners: The Lukans
Total Winnings: $3,692

Quickie Deals:

Ron (Frito Bandito come to life) we’d expect you to sing, but he can’t. He’ll whistle “Dixie” instead for $100. For another $100, how about “Battle Hymn of the Republic”? Nope

Another Jim (I’ll Boogie for a Deal) does the job, sort of

Charles Johnson (rainbow clown) can’t produce a key pen.

Dave Palmer (genie) can bring out a pen for $50. He gets an extra $50 for advertising on it, but can’t get another $50 since it wasn’t black.

Man dressed as a flower looking for lipstick or a hard-boiled egg ($50 for each).

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.

ALL-NEW LET’S MAKE A DEAL-October 1, 1984

FIRST DEALER: Debbie Martinez (devil woman)

Whisper a secret in Monty’s ear for $350. It’s her weight. Two gentlemen will guess at it.

Mark Chapman (Cookie Monster) and Jim Calvert (perfect gentleman)

Whoever guesses closest to this woman’s weight gets $400.
Jim: 120 lbs. Mark: 127
Actual Weight: 120 lbs. Jim wins! ($50 for Mark)

Back to Debbie, she can buy the Sunshine Big Box with that $350. It’s a sale for…A BUNCH OF CHICKS!!

What about Jim? What about Curtain #1? It starts with Kirsch Window Blinds (using Spilt Second ’72). Jim will trade the $400. Behind the blinds…a Broyhill Oak Bedroom W/Simmons Beautyrest Mattress ($2,353)

John and Diane Favela (him a baby nurse of Cabbage Patch Dolls, she a Playboy Bunny)

It’s the return of Monty’s old Cash Register. The Favelas could get up to $500 which in turn can buy a VW Rabbit 4 dr. ($9,490)

On the cash register, there are 15 buttons. 13 have money, either $50 or $100. The other two say No Sale. Pick money til you have $500 or No Sale takes it all away, or they stop with their winnings. (1-7 Top Row 8-15 Bottom, Both Left to Right)

Freebie #4 $50
8 $50
15 $50
7 $100
10 $50
5 $50 (She’s picking, he’s choosing, Diane went back and forth)

Monty will let them pick one more button. If it’s cash, they leave with the cash. If it’s the other No Sale, they get $1,000.
#13 NO SALE!

It’s shopping time, where players earn money, not spend it. Up to $1,300 or DOUBLE!

Joanne McKamey (I Heart Monty shirt and sign) and Terri Cox (PJ’S and Teddy Bear)

$300 (Doubled if they get it right) Sanwa Ramen Soup (2.5 ounces)
Terri 69¢ Joanne 55¢
ARP 49¢ Joanne wins

$300 Again Dentu-Creme Toothpaste (3.9 ounce tube)
Joanne $1.79 Terri $1.70
ARP $1.89 Joanne again

Another 3 Hunnys True Value E-Z Kare (1 gal.)
Terri $15 Joanne $12.99
ARP $18.95 Terri’s on the board

$400 Ronson Kleenol Spot Remover
Joanne $1.59 Terri $2
$4.79 Terri wins, even though she missed it by a mile.

To review, Terri has $700 while Joanne has $100 less. Now it’s time to buy.
Joanne is offered the spotted big box and she’ll take it. Inside the box…a Speed Queen Washer/Dryer ($999.90) Terri can have Curtain #1 including a lot of No Nonsense Pantyhose. She’ll buy and gets…a Gibson Fridge, Dishwasher and Electric Range. ($1814.85) PERFECT DEAL!

ONE MORE TRADER: Joan Cockwist (Elvira)

Brian races to bring down a small box for Joan. There are two Minolta Talker 35mm cameras. Would she rather have the diamond Big Box instead. She keeps the cameras, but could’ve had…another fridge. This is a White-Westinghouse 22 cu. Ft. Refrigerator Freezer ($1,169.95) She’s sure there’s something more with the cameras. Joan won’t trade even for Curtain #3. She would’ve had His/Her…Old Fashioned Hatracks (Mooseheads).

The His/Her Camera boxes held…$1,500! 2nd PERFECT DEAL


John and Diane$1,000


Jim and Terri are in (before Terri, Joan stood up before Monty got to her just to say she’s keeping her stash). Jim is joined by a lady, Vicki Leland.

Another appearance of Monty’s Piggy Bank. Crack it open and we find…$444. A poor trade for Jim and Vicki

Our next reveal is Amelia Earhart Luggage, Cutex Nail Polish Remover, a Benrus Diamond Watch and Krementz White Gold Diamond Pendant ($1,930) A small improvement for Terri…if she’d picked it. How much better did she do?

First, there’s a KFC Gift Pack (for the husband). They’ll be having dinner in a Jules Seltzer Contemporary Dining Room. We’ll also through in a Sharp 19″ TV….and a check for $2,800 ($8,184)

Quickie Deals: Jack Lard, a Social Security Card for $50 and a question for another $200. He’s sure he’s got it, but Monty’s got no time for this. He goes looking for $100 for a Stamp from someone else.

Total Winnings: $12,177

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.

ALL-NEW LET’S MAKE A DEAL-September 21, 1984

Host: Monty Hall

Featuring: Brian Cummings and Karen LaPierre

First Traders: Paula Stevens (Kermit the Frog costume) and Ron Pratt (All-American Cook)

Both get bankrolls. We look at Paula’s first, there’s a $100 bill to start. She can keep that Benjamin and the rest OR trade for Curtain #1. She’ll keep the money…but wait, there’s $25 of Os-Cal Calcium behind the curtain…at least. No changing Paula’s mind, though. That means she misses out on…a Broyhill Dining Room Set ($1,359) Unwrapping her bankroll, there are 23 more bills…all ones. $123 is good enough for Paula.

Ron, who tries to sneak a peek, gets his chance.

…there are $1,000 bills in there? Sorry, just checking if you’re awake. There is a $10 up front, but what else? Enough to turn down the sunshine box. Although his wife’s next to him, he follows his sister-in-law. He keeps the cash and turns down…TWO NOISY DUCKS!

Well, they’re weren’t Thousands, but they were Eight-Hundred Bills. (Total: $810)

Next Traders: Jill and Danny Olsen (Super Chicken)

Let’s Make a Deal Quick, Before We Have Another Chick

Two birds of a feather could win this from Monty…a check for $8,000! To win, the Olsen have to do some item pricing! Starting with 8, each right guess lights up the number on the board. One miss, and it’s all over.

$8 Quaker Corn Bran (12 oz. Box) within 60¢.

Guess: $1.25 ARP $1.45 RIGHT

$80 Champale (12 oz. Bottle) within 50¢

Guess: $2.50 ARP: 83¢ BIG MONEY GONE

Still a chance for some money, the next two items will be worth $250.

2000 Flushes (14 oz.) within $1.25

Guess: $2 ARP: $2.25 RIGHT

True Value Master Mechanic Tool Set (22 piece) within $6

Guess: $12 ARP: $43.59 WRONG

One more thing, they can buy Curtain #2 for their $250. If they pass up the curtain, Monty will throw in another $100. Nope, they still wanna trade! How about doubling their $250? Jill convinces Danny to keep the $500. What could they’ve had…A HONG KONG RICKSHAW!

Fourth trader: Linda Bullock (Baby)

First, a poem:

Blush Again Baby on the Game Show, When the Deals start the baby will glow, When the Deals Stop the Trading will end, sleepy will be baby and teddy my friend.

Thank you, Sylvia Plath. Here’s a box of Cortizone 5, so that’s why it wasn’t in the last deal. Will she keep it or trade for a money packet? She can see a $50 up front and a $50 in the back. Which will she choose? Leftovers go to the big bunny. She takes the money, but will she keep it further for the big box? Nope, so she gives up $100 plus 17…ones again. ($117) In the box…a Litton Microwave and Microwave Cookware, plus a Silver Reed Electric Typewriter ($943.95)

Back to the bunny…

Fifth Trader: Mark Urbaniak

He can keep the ointment OR take the Microwave Package OR Curtain #1? Mark takes the box…of ointment. Behind the curtain…A GIANT HOT WATER BOTTLE!

Mark’s climbing up the walls to see what’s inside…Keep Climbing, Bunny, because it’s time for the…


MarkCortizone Plus ?

Mark makes the trade for his Cortizone and what was inside….$1,500 cash! Threw away Linda’s gift; now she’ll choose leftovers between the two doors.

Today’s sneak peak:

Appropriately, it opens up on Kirsch Window Blinds.

First door to fully open is…

It’s Monty’s Piggy Bank again…$382 Linda gets that. On to…

It’s a Whirlpool Refrigerator/Freezer, Dishwasher and Gas Range. ($2,078) Mark’s bunny wife got him back down on the ground, and they chose…#2. We open the blinds to show a Mazda GLC Custom 3dr. Hatchback. ($8,364) Not only did Monty get the value of the Big Deal wrong, he forgot to mention there was also $1,000 for the Bunnies. (Total: $3,078)

Total Winnings: $4,893

Big Winner: Mark

Quickie Deals:  Cowgirl Grace Davidson pulls out 99¢ of change and gets $250 in bills instead.  Also, Mrs. Pepper (next to Mr. Salt) gets $50 for a key ring.

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.

ALL-NEW LET’S MAKE A DEAL-September 20, 1984

Host: Monty Hall

Featuring: Brian Cummings and Karen LaPierre

Shaking hands with a headless woman?!? Just an ordinary day for Monty Hall. That lady wasn’t on the trading floor, but this lady is:

Eleanor Forman (Hawaiian with Staff, wants Monty to feel young again)

Welcome Back, Monte! We Missed You! Let’s Make a Deal!”

Brian has a small box for Eleanor. She can sell back to Monty (not Monte) for $100 a pound. Eleanor passes and hope she has a heavy deal. Inside…10 English Pound Bills. Here’s the exchange rate:

  • Monty’s Bank: $1,000
  • UK: $1.27 X 10 = $12.70

Valeria Crowder (pumpkin “Pie in the Sky”)

Karen’s at Curtain #3 and it has $25 worth of Os-Cal Calcium. Behind the Curtain, something that weighs 2,008 lbs. Monty’s only selling it for 25¢ a pound this time. A big drop, but that’s still $502. Valeria’s made up her mind; she wants the curtain. She’s sure it’s a car. And she’s right…but it’s not exactly new.

Farmer Brian says it’s got no motor.

Couple: Patty and Tim Covert (Patty has some blue tinted hair, lightning bolt earnings and a sign “I Put on a Bright New Look”, Tim’s a nurse)

Our married couple could go home with a Rabbit…A Volkswagen Rabbit 4dr. Sedan. ($9,490) (Much better than the last four wheeler here.) To win, the Coverts have to price five items, one at a time. If the total is within $9, high or low, that’s a New Rabbit

Cortizone 5 (1 oz.)1.89
Champale (4 pack)4.00
Gillespie Refinish Furniture Kit11.50
Perfect Nail Manicure Set8.00
West Bend Automatic Skillet32.00

Before the total was revealed, we have a sure thing behind Curtain #2. It’s a trip to Hawaii (1wk.@ Maui Surf) plus $500 in spending money ($2,686) The Coverts take so long to decide, Monty uses Tim’s stethoscope for a pulse. Patty perks up and decides…they’re taking the trip.

Perfect Nail29.98
The Skillet also was worth their total guess. Needless to say, they made the smart choice

Kathy Rogers (balloons, sunglasses and heart antenna)

She almost fainted when Monty walked by last time. Wake up! Here’s your chance at Brian’s small box. Krementz 14kt. Gold Mesh Link Bracelet. I’d usually tell you the price but…not yet. It could be worth a $25 Gift Certificate Envelope from KFC. Plus, whatever’s inside. Kathy wants to look inside: Not happening! She and her mother go back and forth. Kathy sticks with the bracelet. In the envelope…a $500 bill. And NO, you can’t have both, no matter how nice you say you are.

Here’s another idea: The White spotted Big Box on the Studio Floor. Kathy trades the bracelet in, so now we can reveal the price…$1,350. But inside the big box…a Kelvinator Washer/Dryer ($1,019)

Don’t sit down yet, Kathy! There’s one more trade to try. It’s Curtain #1! Her husband said, she came with nothing, it’s alright if you go home with nothing. The curtain is hers, and it’s….another BUCKET o’ CHICKEN and it’s a bit raw

After all that, Kathy still wants to trade again.

Find yourself a friend

Sayeth Mr. Hall


Patty and Tim$2,686
Valeria$25 and Running on Empty
KathyNot so Finger Lickin’ Good


The Colverts as expected get first crack, and they’re in. You’d think she wouldn’t be first here, but Kathy’s too nice to deny a second chance. She’s joined by Mom, sprouting matching antennae. Getting down to business…

Another sneak peek: Pinseeker Golf Clubs and Wimbledon Tennis Rackets. So far, that’s $1,421. Later we find Monty adds another $500 on top. ($1,921) Patty chose that (on advice from mother, Daddy needs a new set of clubs)

Just one prize…A Dicker & Dicker Davina Mink Jacket ($3,500) The Colverts choose Door Number…

Right place at the Right Time, their son is turning two soon. Patty and Tim are taking home Galaxy Carpeting, a Jerry Zellman Living Room Set and a Sharp 25″ TV. Grand total ($7,354)

Total Winnings: $9,312.70

Quickie Deals: Vincent, wearing an Olympic cap, can name Five Olympic Gold Medalists for $50 each. He gets it done with help from his wife next to him…and Kathy. Monty gets the torch, but he needs matches. No Luck.

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.