Let's Make a Deal

LET’S MAKE A DEAL-October 9, 1984

Host: Monty Hall
Featuring: Brian Cummings and Karen LaPierre

THREE PLAYERS: Patti Gray (banana), Bo Benson (baboon), and Sarah Knapp (shocking pink crayon)

There’s a fresh, crisp $1 bill for each of our group. However, they could turn into a lot money with the Fantastic Money Machine. It’ll turns dollar bills into other bills, $100; $500, maybe a Thousand. Patti can go first OR can buy Curtain #3 for that little dollar. She’s sure to get a supply of Os-Cal Calcium. That’s enough for her to buy. Had that dollar gone through the machine, it would’ve become…a THOUSAND DOLLAR BILL. Patti does have the calcium and more…CALCIUM STRAIGHT FROM THE FARM. MOO!

Bo can try the Money Machine unless the comet box interests him. He wants the money machine. Inside the box a Vitamaster Pro 1000 Exercise Bike and Hitachi 13″ TV ($1,019.95) “But you went for the dough, Beau” And the singleton is now…$500. Now for Sarah: The Money Machine or Curtain #1? She takes the curtain. The Money Machine was still on the $500 setting. Too late, Sarah’s won herself… TWO PUNK ROCKERS (chairs)

NEXT TRADER: Sheila Pierre (Bumblebee)

Monty has two things for Sheila, but she can only have one: A Teddy Roosevelt Series EE Savings Bond or a can of Jolly Time Popcorn. The audience says Popcorn, but Sheila takes the bond. Monique, seated in front of Sheila, gets the can. Inside…just popcorn! The audience was wrong! Sheila can still trade that bond for the diamond box. NOPE! It would’ve been…a White-Westinghouse 17 cu. ft. Fridge/Freezer filled Bright & Early Drink ($864.95) Monique has spilled the popcorn all over the floor! All because she didn’t trust Monty Hall! SURPRISE!

Back to Sheila, she guesses the Teddy Roosevelt is worth “couple of thousand”. Is it worth trading for the small box? The bee keeps her money, honey. In Brian’s Box…A PANDA PLUSHIE.

So how much is that bond worth? We’ll open it…


People Picker: #34

Millie Perry (red hula girl)

Same drill, take the BIG CASH behind Door #4 or take this behind Curtain #3: A Konica CV301 Video Camera and Panasonic Portable Video Recorder ($1,549). Millie says, “I’m a gambler” Open the Door:

$ 2 3 9 9!

She’s happy and so is her son, the farmer. We’ll she give him some of the money? “I might”

And Sheila, we didn’t forget to open the bond…we’re just not going to do it yet.

NEXT COUPLE: Earl and Margie Eddy (fireman in overalls and a chef respectively)

And they brought cookies!! That won’t help them in this deal. What the Eddys need is $7 to buy this: $7 A Volkswagen Sports Coupe ($13,441)

$1: 3.5 oz. Sanwa Ramen Soup within 30 cents.
Guess: 49¢ ARP: 49¢
$2: Near East Rice Pilaf (7 oz.) within 40 cents.
Guess: 79¢ ARP: 89¢
$3: Pearl Drops Smokers Tooth Polish 3 oz. within $1
Guess: $2.50 ARP: $4.03 (No harm, no fowl)
$4: True Value 3pc. Cutlery within $2
Guess: $40

First, Monty has more than $7 for the Eddy now. $200, if they give up on the car. $300…$350…$375…$400…$425…$450…$475…$500 DONE!

ARP: $29.95 (All good)


Earl & Maggie$500
SarahHOY! HOY!


Sheila decides to pass up the three doors for that pic of Teddy Roosevelt. The Eddys and Bo step up with same amount. SNEAK PEEK:

Good eatings from KFC. What else? We’ll find out after…

Stylish Catalina His/Her Active Wear, Nike Sneakers and Apparel and Helbros His/Her Watches (3 each) ($1,295) And trying all that on is…no one.

Something less active, a Simmons Hide-a-Bed and Sharp Component Stereo & 19″ TV. ($2,847) That’s a good time for…the Eddys.

And to top off Bo’s big meal…a Schaefer & Sons Californian Grand Piano. He dabbles a little, but Monty will help with lessons…a check for $1,750 ($8,183)

Sheila gets one last offer, $500 for the bond. Well, she’s come this far, so the bond it is. At maturity value: $1,000! But who has time for maturity? The bank of Hall will pay it right now.

Total Winnings: $14,429

Quickie Deals: Monique, who spilled the Jolly Time, can get $100 for two lipsticks. She only gets $50

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle


Host: Monty Hall
Announcer: Brian Cummings

FIRST TRADER: Susan Morgan (Buffalo Bills linebacker, actually from Utica)

Would you like $5,000 worth of scrap iron?

Sure, she would

She’d even take it in tuna. Actually we were thinking something else…A Chevrolet Chevette 2 Dr. Coupe. Brian gives the price up front and that’s not a mistake. Once Susan has heard the full description, she now has to remember the exact price.

Her guess: $6,500
ARP: $6,288

At least four audience members say they knew it. They won’t get cars and 40 other members are getting a lie detector test instead. Without a car for herself, Monty gives her $100 for a bus ride.

Oops, he forgot to give Susan that $100? While we’re at it, if she can remember the price of that Chevette now, she’ll win…another $100. Susan gets it right!

Well, we’re STILL not done with this car yet

NEXT PLAYER: Steve and Barbara Casort (he’s wearing hard hat with nurses uniform, she’s a butterfly bursting out of a cocoon)

The price of that Chevy hasn’t changed, but that’s not gonna help them this time. Pricing all of these items will, within $10

Smokers’ Polident (40 tablets)1.49
Ronson Kleenol Spot Remover Kit4.89
True Value E-Z Kare Latex Paint (1 gal.)15.00
Norelco Electric Shoe Polisher24.50
West Bend Electric Wok39.22

Before we add it up, let’s give the Casorts a sure thing. It’s a La-Z-Boy Signature II Sleeper Sofa and Sharp 19″ TV. ($1,698) Steve says “Ring up the Total.”


The wok was the fatal blow! Monty suggest hitching a ride with Susan, but they prefer home in Santa Barbara. The $100 will be for dinner this time.

We’re giving the Chevette a break as Brian brings a big gift certificate. That’s big size-wise, but value wise?

CURRENT OWNER: Donna Katzen (student nurse with mop head and HUGE needle)

$ 1

Oh, this is a gift certificate for Carter’s Layettes Set. (Donna’s brother has a new baby)

$ 1 4

At this point, our nurse can trade that certificate for Curtain #3. A man dressed as a Zonk will get what’s left. Donna, being a mother of five and not ready to be a grandma, takes the curtain? No, Monty I didn’t get the logic. Donna, however, gets…A FAMILY OF BEARS (from California Stuffed Toys)

NEW OWNER: Cliff Roberts (ZONK! Robot)

Time to reveal some more…

$ 1 4 5

It’s a sure thing or Cliff can trade for Curtain #2? Cliff “Gamble” Roberts takes the curtain.

$ 1 4 5 0

The good news, it’s not bears. The bad news…IT’S A PIGGY BANK!

NEXT TRADER: Charlene Pitcher (dressed as a normal person)

She gets the spotted box which has not one, not two, but three items. Monty will pay $150 for each. She’ll turn down the $450

  • 1. Berkline Wall-Away Recliner
  • 2. Welbilt Electric Radiator
  • 3. Hitachi Stereo System
  • TOTAL: $1,193.95

MOVE QUICKLY TO: Karen Slusarski (elk, if Playboy chose elks over bunnies)

Curtain #1 has four items…specifically four wheels. Is the Chevette back? Monty offer $100 a wheel…$150. Nope. Karen gets the four wheels and they’re spinning….THREAD!!


Steve and Barbara$100


A conflicted Charlene makes the trade. Donna spends less time thinking “YES!” Here’s a sneak preview

There’s some No Nonsense Pantyhose. More on that later, but first we open wide…

Monty’s Piggy Bank alive with cash, just cash. ($333) No one’s bringing home that bacon.

A relaxing Bassett Warrenton Bedroom and Dream Maker Mattress along with Whisper Soft Mills Bedding ($3,419.15) It’s bedtime for…Charlene and her almost-husband Dan. Donna wanted those pantyhose for her four girls.

Gracie Allen lives!

Monty’s words

Along with those nylons, this big deal has some things for just Donna. A Dalton Ladies’ Wardrobe, an Amelia Earhart 3pc. Luggage and…a Dicker & Dicker Davina Mink/Stone Marten Coat ($7,930)

Before the Quickies, we go back to Susan. Before she hops on the bus, another memory test. What kind of car did we have? Chevy is right. What kind of Chevy? Chevette. Right for another $200

Total Winnings: $11,849.15

Quickies: A Scarecrow gets a $100 for an envelope. Could’ve had another $100 except that it had a stamp. And a Peter Pan stand-in gets $100 for a brush.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.

ALL-NEW LET’S MAKE A DEAL-September 28, 1984

Host: Monty Hall
Featuring: Brian Cummings and Karen LaPierre

Once Monty’s doing giving high fives, it’s time to get down to business.

First Trades: Kathy Anset (gambling lady, with giant aces)

Monty giver her five, too. A $500 Bill! Now what’s in his other pocket? It’s MORE CASH…or less cash? Kathy doesn’t know, but she can trade her $500 bill for that, OR she can trade it in for Curtain #1. To start with, we see $25 of Os-Cal Calcium. Decisions, Decisions! Kathy…keeps what see already has. SOME GAMBLER SHE IS! What was behind the Os-Cal? It’s a Ford….THAT’S AGED A BIT! (Old Falcon)

But what about Monty’s other pocket? THREE TIMES WHAT SHE HAD! ($1,500)

After seeing what a woman can do, let’s she how good shoppers men are!

HOLD ON! The alarm’s gone off! That mean it’s time for Door #4! In this first edition, there’s cash behind the door. We don’t know how much, but it could be up to $5,000…or as little as $1. In the center of the trading floor, players’ seats are numbered 1 to 36. Whatever number the randomizer on the door stops on, the trader in that seat wins the money. And the number is…28. It’s Sue Cornet (tennis player).

Sue is the first that gets to open the door we don’t have room for the Big Deal. The question is, will she keep the cash or make a trade for Curtain #3? You don’t have to wait to find out about the curtain. It’s a Trip to Mexico City (1 wk.@ Maria Isabel Sheraton) and $500 cash ($2,148) The audience wants Sue to take the trip, but she’s already five miles ahead of them. So, what was behind Puerta Numero Cuatro?


Now, where were we before all this? Oh yeah, let’s see how good shoppers men are?

Dan Beavers (deli baseball team) vs. Jim Briggs (gator hat)

Who ever bids closest to this item gets $400
Cortizone 5 (1 oz.)
Dan $2.69 Jim $1.99
ARP: $3.40 Dan wins

That was an interesting experiment. Back to the ladies:

Shirlene Mayer (chicken with an egg) vs. Anne Gibbons (fisher lady)

Another item for the same stakes:
Mentos (1 roll)
Anne $1.25 Shirlene 80¢
ARP: 35¢ Shirlene makes bank

Now for a real test, Man vs. Woman

Duane Starr (gold suit with monster helmet) vs. Jodie Edmonson (party clown)

VLP Vinyl Repair (1 oz.)
Jodie $2.99 Duane $3.15
ARP: $2.89 Jodie Wins

Next comes the hard part. Each of our winners can trade their cash in for something different.
Jodie goes first, Four Benjamins or Curtain #3. She takes the curtain:

It’s a Roper Gas Range and Litton Go Anywhere Microwave, plus some d’Amelia Pasta to cook up! ($1,253)

Shirlene’s option is the Sunshine Box. It’s a deal for…AN OLD-FASHIONED GAS PUMP (Not the cool ones that PiR would offer)

Lastly, it’s Dan. His money for Curtain #1? He’ll take a swing and gets… a La-Z-Boy Signature II Sleeper Sofa and Pilot Stereo ($1,598)

Julie Chapman (giant Orbo cookie) and Tina Yusef (playboy Bunny)

Make Me Some Money and I’ll be your (Bunny)

Sign (Never take My Word for it)

You can take Monty’s word that he’ll give $300 to each lady. Three boxes are on the floor, each will cost $150 to buy.

#1: Julie will buy: Benrus Citation Gold Watches ($500)
#2: Tina buys: PUNK ROCK WIG
#3: Both buy: Sharp 9″ TV ($450)

To recap:

  • Julie has $950 in prizes
  • Tina has the TV and an MTV dust rag!

One decision left, will they trade it all in for Curtain #2? A sneak preview: Mazola No Stick Cooking Spray.

  • Julie NO!
  • Tina YES!

Tina missed out on his/her watches, now she has his/her…POLKA DOT LONG JOHN’S!


ShirleneRunning on Empty
TinaHung on to Dry


Sue and Jodie will trade (WHAT ABOUT DAN?)

We got a Kelvinator 16 cu. ft. Fridge/Freezer filled with Bright and Early Orange Drink. There’s also a Royal Prince Vacuum Cleaner ($1,160.80) It’s for…Jodie, only a little dip.

This time, we see a Gibson Washmaster Washer/Dryer (W/20 Mule Team Borax Detergent). While washing, you can enjoy a La-Z-Boy Recliner/Rocker and that Sharp 19″ TV ($2,221) Sue…didn’t pick that! Her Mom has joined her, and she’s seen Monty before. She won a Camaro on LMAD before. And now her little girl has won…

…a car of her own! It’s a Volkswagen Rabbit 4 Door ($9,490)

Total Winnings: $13,698.80

Quickie: Yolanda was looking for up to 15 credit cards. I didn’t get the rest because the theme was too loud.

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.

ALL-NEW LET’S MAKE A DEAL-September 25, 1984

Host: Monty Hall
Featuring: Brian Cummings and Karen LaPierre

First, let’s walk by the audience section. A little youngster dressed as Peter Pan has never seen LMaD before.

This kid has been living in Mars for the last seven years.

Sayeth Big Dealer

FIRST DEALER: Pat Fisher (artist in yellow, “I’d Easely Make a Deal”)

She’s starting right off with $300, but we all know Monty can’t just stop at that. Like magic, there’s a pink envelope marked #1. Inside, all cash. It’s either double ($600) or just six bucks. Pat will keep her $300. The whole audience knew she made a mistake. Six crisp and clean Benjamins were in the pink one. Well, Monty has more magic…a blue #2 envelope. This time it’s double the $600 ($1,200) or $12. To further complicate this situation, Pat can also spend that $300 on Curtain #2. We know for sure there’s a KFC gift pack. “I’m going…I’m going…I’m going to…I’m going to” (Stuck on repeat) “…take the envelope” Behind the Colonel…LITTLE BO PEEP’S SHEEP

As for Envelope #2…it’s only 12…HUNDRED! PERFECT DEAL!

SECOND DEAL: Mary Christie (Olympian in a short red jumpsuit) and Debbie Tapie (waitress with a spill-proof tray, “The Happy Tapie”)

It’s a Head-to-Head matchup for $1,000 in cash. Just $700 will be enough to buy a Ford Escort 2 Dr. Hatchback ($6,559)

Rules are simple, the lady that bids closest to the ARP wins cash.

$100: Cortizone 5 Creme (1 oz.)
Mary $2.45 Debbie $1.59
ARP: $3.40 Mary wins

$200: Champale Extra Dry (4-pack)
Debbie $4.50 Mary $2.95
ARP: $3.15 Mary’s 2 for 2 (don’t lose your Olympic medals)

$300: Plasti-Kote Rust Not Enamel (1 qt.)
Mary $4.80 Debbie $5
ARP: $6.89 Debbie ties it up, someone’s gonna buy that Ford

$400: Cabbage Patch Kids Diapers (12)
Debbie: $3 Mary: $4
ARP: Three..Ninety-Nine MARY WINS!

Mary adds a bear hug that may have Monty going to the Chiropractor.  Must be a medalist in Gymnastics.

Debbie still has $300, so how about Curtain #3?  If she passes, Monty’ll add another $100 to her stash.  When she chooses the curtain, Monty offers to add $150…then $200 for $500.  Debbie sticks with the curtain and finds…Karen and Brian jet-setting in a boat.  They may be zonks, but the boat isn’t.  It’s a Godfrey Sea Rider Pontoon Boat. ($995) SECOND PERFECT DEAL!

Our next deal is in the bag. Brian is carrying a Crown Royal 2 pc. Luggage Set to share with…

Darcy Bradshaw (long-road trucker with ‘stache and Black Eye) and Barry Pietronico (New York Tourist)

Darcy gets the garment bag ($85), while Barry get the 22″ carry-on bag ($70) Barry’s first and looks impressed. Oh, should’ve mentioned there’s something inside. Well, will Barry still want to trade the bag in for Curtain #2? He”l trade and gives up the bag…and a Dicker & Dicker Davini Mink Jacket ($1,500) Instead, Barry takes home…A DO-IT-YOURSELF LAUNDROMAT (10 Washboard and Tubs)

No point for Darcy trading in for the washing boards. What about the spotted big box? She thinks the box is light as a feather. She thinks the box would be better. Well, no wonder…the bag was FULL OF FEATHERS!

In the big box…a KItchenAid Stand Mixer/Food Processor, Welbilt Electric Radiator and a Landes Silver Service (Total: $1,149.80)

This Deal just Tickles Me



Pat goes back and forth, but finally hands her cash back. Darcy is more decisive! Here’s a sneak peek!

It starts with Kirsch Window Blinds. Pat doesn’t take it…Darcy will! We first fully open…

“Gifts for my Lady” Bernardaud de Limoges Porcelain Dinnerware, a Norelco Hair Dryer and a Singer Sewing Machine and Menders. ($842.80) Good thing neither of these ladies chose that door. Pat’s selected #2 and we’ll open…

It’s a Broyhill Americana Oak Bedroom Set plus a Simmons Beautyrest Mattress and Whisper Soft Super-Stain Bedding ($2,703.03) She’ll sleep soundly tonight. However, as her hat says, Darcy is #1 today! Open up the blinds and show us the rest of her Big Deal! There’s a La-Z-Boy Signature II Sleep Sofa, a Sharp 25″ TV and Panasonic Video Recorder. And let’s add some money for Tapes…a check for $5,000! ($7,449)

Total Winnings: $17,706.03

Quickie Deals: Dominique, with a giant flower saying “Pick Me for a Deal” trades her false eyelashes for $150.  There’s a green rabbit, in sparkles, who’s looking for a button.  It’s worth $150, double if it’s yellow.  Times up before we know!

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.

ALL-NEW LET’S MAKE A DEAL-September 24, 1984

Host: Monty Hall

Featuring: Brian Cummings and Karen LaPierre

Yes, week two is on for the return of Let’s Make a Deal, for fans who’ve never forgotten the show.  Those who’re too young to have see it, prepare to get Zonked!

First Trader: Deborah Bradley (Pickle with bumpy dress, “Let’s Make a Dill” sign and a “Deal Monty” hat)

Monty has something in his hand…a dime.  But it’s a dime dated 1875.  What does that mean?  It could be worth Brian’s small box.  Deborah keeps her little dime.  Inside the box…A LOW-RENT FUR COAT from Monty’s wife closet…along with a $1,000 bill.  Debra does get the coat and keeps the dime, but she’ll have to wait to find out its value later.

Right now, we have three wallets. They’re going to…

Irene Garcia (nurse), Steve Geiger (brown apron) and Mary Sanchez (Unofficial Mother of the Olympics)

Some have $1 or $2, and if it’s $2, that’s what they get…200 cents. If it’s just $1, it can buy a real fur coat: a Dicker and Dicker Davina Bukhara/Fox Coat ($3,000) Irene, who’s really an order entry operator, can keep her red wallet or trade for the big box. She’ll trade giving up on…Two Dollar Bills. Instead, she gets a Samsung Microwave and White-Westinghouse 17 cu. ft. Fridge/Freezer packed with Champale. ($1,364.45)

Steve’s wife would love that fur. Is there just one bill inside his tan wallet? Would he rather trade for Curtain #2, which has a KFC certificate? he won’t know what’s inside until he decides. Steve keeps the wallet, so now we’ll see the curtain had some fur…THREE GIANT PLUSH DOGS!


Mary, who’d trade her go for the gold bunny pin for a deal, had a blue wallet.  It could still have just a single dollar bill to buy another fur.  Monty decides to buy it back for up to $250.  Nope, but what about Curtain #1.  Mary choses neither, she wants the door…err, curtain. “Should I?” Don’t regret it Mary, because in the wallet…there was one bill too many.  But will she trade the “door” for $300.  NO! $600 is Monty’s final offer. Mary keeps the curtain. She thinks it’s a new motorcycle…IT WAS IN 1927.

Back to Deborah and her dime. She can cash it in right now to join in on an $1,100 shopping deal. Our little dill is keeping the dime for now. Instead…

Heli O’Der (Canadian Angel, Estonian Name, Gold Medal Deal) and Wanda McCoy (Minnie Mouse, “I Will Squeak a Deal”)

Four items, one at a time, the one who’s closest gets the cash.

$100: Cortizone 5 (1 oz. Tube)

Heli: $3.59 Wanda $1.89

ARP: $3.40 Heli wins

$200: True Value Tru-Test E-Z Kare Paint (1 gal.)

Wanda: $12 Heli: $15.25

ARP: $18.95 Another $200 for Heli

$300: 2000 Flushes (14 oz.)

Heli: $2.89 Wanda: $3

ARP: $2.25 Heli’s 3 for 3, $600 Total

$500: West Bend Ski and Cycle Stopwatch

Wanda (Last Chance): $45 Heli: $89

ARP: $24.95 Wanda Wins at Last

The Sunshine Box is up! Will Wanda trade her hard-earned cash for that? She quickly says “yes” and winds up with…a KitchenAid Dishwasher W/$25 of ElectraSol. ($804.95)

Now for Heli:  We see Curtain #2, we see Os-Cal (We hear the old theme to “Split Second”)  Heli will go for the “Door”, get it right.  Either way, she winds up with…Brian and Karen’s SOUSAPHONES


DeborahThat Little Dime
MaryQueasy Rider

Deborah finally decides to trade in that lil’ ol’ dime to go for that $8,101 big deal.  According to the Los Angeles Coin Company, that 1875 Liberty Dime has an appraised value of…$2,000!  She’ll have to make up for it.  The other trader is Steve, who’s wife is probably fuming right now.  (Deborah who’s dime was a grand less than the fur gets first choice.) First…

Monty’s Cookie Jar, inside is $815 and it goes to…NO ONE.

There’s Galaxy Ariba Carpeting which goes lovely under a new Simmons Contemporary Living Room with Selig Tables. ($4,573) It goes to…Steve. (Hope the wife likes that)

And what did Deborah’s get for that little dime?

First, there’s Skyway Luggage and Ray-Ban Shades. She’s taking all that to the Bahamas (1wk.@ Bahamas Princess) along with a check for $4,500! ($8,101)

Total Winnings: $14,843.40

Quickie Deals: Marie Washington (fancy tux and tails) can get $50 for a mirror, $150 for a mirror on both sides.  Monty was also looking for a wallet as the “Telepictures” logo came up to end the program.

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.


Host: Monty Hall

Featuring: Brian Cummings and Karen LaPierre

Three traders to start:

1. Kristy Roach (bunch of grapes “Pick Me for a Grape Deal”

2. Debbie Williams (hockey player)

3. Kerry Kincaid (Jumbo T-Shirt)

Our three traders get one curtain, Curtain #3. Any one can trade for the Sunshine Big Box, but once they trade, they’re stuck with what they have. Only Kristy makes the trade.

Her box has…a White-Westinghouse Electric Range plus a West Bend Electronic Timer. ($820.90)

That leaves two traders with Curtain #3. Will either trade for Curtain #1? Kerry kouldn’t, Debbie does. So our hockey wannabe ends up with…a Broyhill Colonial Dining Room and Metlox Dinnerware Set. ($1,734) Debbie gives Monty a puck as a token of Congrats!

As for Kerry, he had his chance to trade #3. Was it worth it? Not unless he’d like a STUFFED ELK?

Couple: Vincent and Gretchen Carroll (cheerleaders), married for 7 months

Monty, Monty, Sis Boom Beer

Give Us a Deal to Trade for this Cheer

How about this, Carrolls? A chance to make up to Seven…dollars. $7 that can buy a Mazda GLC Custom Hatch ($8,264)

It’s a price guessing game. One product at a time, each with a range to work with.

$1 Champale (12oz. Bottle) within 75¢

Guess: $1.12 ARP: $.83 RIGHT

$2 Durkee Spanish Olives (7oz.) within 60¢

Even though Vincent works as a grocery store clerk, Gretchen is giving the answers.

Guess: $1.68 ARP: $1.57 RIGHT ($3)

$3 Cortizone 5 Creme (1 oz.) within $1.00

Guess: $2.11 ARP: $3.40 WRONG! The Carrolls can still buy the car with this last item.

$4 Mother Goose Girl’s Shoes (one pair) within $2

Guess: $20 ARP…

Not Yet…Maybe the Carrolls would want another deal. They weren’t sure the shoes were real leather. For $3 they can buy Curtain #3. It’s a Simmons Hide-a-bed and Sharp 25″ TV ($2,174)

Our cheerleaders will take the sure Thing. The ARP of the Shoes…$22. And Gretchen wanted to go for the car…Nice going, Vince!

Peggy Sue Almeida (bee)

There’s money coming, honey, from Monty’s Money Machine. First, Peggy Sue gets a $100 bill. She can keep going, but at the end of the line, there’ll be CURTAINS. If that appears, she’ll return to the hive empty handed. Peggy Sue will take another bill

  • $100 Goes on
  • $500 Peggy Sue thinks she’s gonna faint, but instead she’ll stop with $700.
  • $100
  • $100
  • $1,000

But the Honeybee can now trade $700 for Curtain #1. A sneak peek reveals a $25 KFC Sampler. That suits her taste, she’ll buy. Make room on the dinner table for…ANOTHER ELK


Vincent & Gretchen$2,174
Peggy Sue$25 and one Big Buck
Kerry“I’ve got your Big Buck”


The Carrolls and Debbie are in! Sneak Peek Time!

It’s Monty’s Piggy Bank again!

The Carrolls go for Door #2 and…

NOT YET!!! We don’t see what our couple has won until Debbie chooses. Clearly, the door man couldn’t wait to show Vincent and Gretchen their new Whirlpool Microwave and Norelco Dynabrew Coffee Maker. We do wait to reveal more behind the turntable…a La-Z-Boy Recliner and a Sharp 19″ TV this time. ($1,978) Only a small dip

Well, we’ve seen a little of the other doors, but nothing about…

First, a $25 box of Quaker Corn Bran cereal. And how’s this for a surprise inside…a Schafer and Sons Console Piano ($2,050)

What did Debbie choose? The Piano! Good Trade, but not the Big Deal. It was ALL CASH! ($6,817)

Total Winnings: $4,874

Big Winner: Debbie

Quickie Deals:

  • Address/Phone Book for $50, plus $20 for every listing under P. None for Mop Top Man, but a picture of his Mother-in-Law is worth $200.
  • When Kerry volunteers, Monty suggest he trade elks with Peggy Sue.

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.


Host: Monty Hall

Featuring: Brian Cummings and Karen LaPierre

First Trader: Jennie Greenloft (in bathrobe and hair curlers) sign says:

My husband’s Monty 1. My baby’s Monty 2. You are Monty 3, if you make a deal with me

Monty gives Jennie a Krugerrand that would buy the big sunshine box. Turns out, she doesn’t know much about krugerrand. Just what we wanted to hear! He! He! Before she can decide, Monty will add two more!

Jennie will keep the coins. In the box…Admiral a la Mode Refrigerator/Freezer filled with Champale Malt Liquor ($1,324)

That’s gone, but Jennie can now trade those Krugerrands for Curtain #2 (Karen). This time, she’ll trade ’em in. Let’s see, on the day of taping one of those coins was worth $360.

$360 X 3= $1,080


Two traders next: Tony Missette (Mining Worker) vs. Gail Yeppert (Catwoman)

It’s a pricing competition; who ever comes closest to the actual price of the item, higher or lower gets the cash.

$100 Coritzone 5 (1 oz. Tube)

Gail: $2.29

Tony: $3.50

Price is $3.40, Tony scores first

$200 Midsize Cabbage Patch Kids Diapers (18)

Tony: $3.80

Gail: $3.50

Price is $3.99 Tony’s at $300

$300 Rigident Denture Adhesive (3 oz.)

Gail: $2.69

Tony: $2.85

Price is $3.95, 3 for 3 Tony for $600. Last chance for Gail

$500 Gillespie Refinish Furniture Kit

Tony: $8.20

Gail: $8.65

Price is $9.99, FINALLY Gail!

Now, does Gail want to spent that $500 on the big diamond box. She takes the box…

There’s a Sharp 19″ TV ($899)

It’s Tony’s turn. His choice is $600 or Curtain #3. Scratch that, Monty will drop the price to $300. That price is good enough for our miner.


At least Tony has some cash for soap and rubber duckies.

For the next deal, Monty will pay $50 for someone’s driver’s license.

Bridget Brown (Fairy Princess)

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, no one makes a deal like Montee!

She has the license and takes the cash and puts her license back in the purse.

Don’t you know Bridget that we’re just getting started? We need that license back! There it is…oh wait it’s an ID.


Okay, Bridget had to empty her purse but we have her license. What’s that? It’s her husband’s license! Well, this is going to be tough. Monty was hoping she could remember her own license to win this…

Mazda GLC Custom Hatchback ($8,264)

Wanna give it a try, Bridget:

Her Guess: N612403

Actual License: N910, etc., etc

Bridget still deserves something for this ordeal. If she guesses her hubby’s weight within 10 lbs., she’ll get $200.

Her guess: 175 lbs.

Actual weight: 180 lbs., Just don’t forget to pick up everything else.

Myrtle Caldway (wearing a golf hat)

No purse search this time. Instead, Myrtle will play with Monty’s Money Market, unless she trades for Curtain #3. The leftovers go to…

Tim Hammond (Olympian turned Ballerina)

Myrtle gives Tim the Money Market. Behind the curtain…

Kitchen Aid Dishwasher W/Electrasol, Regal Stainless Cookware and Ekco Cooking Utensils. (Total: $1,334(.75))

Now Tim can cash in Monty’s Money Market OR….trade for the comet box. Who’ll get the leftover this time?

Debbie Bailey (clown)

Tim keeps the Money Market, so Debbie gets the box. Is $350 enough to trade?

NOPE! Debbie wins…a giant Kirby Koala doll from California Stuffed Toys. (Not quite a Zonk)

Last chance for Tim to trade! How about Curtain #2?

He’ll keep the cash and passes up…THE BRIDE OF FRANKESTEIN’S BEDROOM! (Zonk avoided!)

So what’s is Monty’s Money Market worth:

$999! Not too bad!


TONY$300 and Super Clean Bunkbeds
JENNIENot so Relaxed
DEBBIENothing but Hugs


Myrtle and Tim (with a sign saying “I’ll Plea to Make a Deal”) are in! The choice, as always, is:

And we have a sneak preview behind Door Number #3: It’s Monty’s Piggy Bank!

Once selected, we crack open the piggy bank and find…$367. Selected by….Myrtle (Quite a bit drop from $1,100)

Next is Door #2…Skyway Luggage for a Trip to Cancun (Staying at the Cancun Sheraton) PLUS $500 spending money. Didn’t get the whole value, but we know the luggage was $557(.50). Whatever the value, it’s more than Tim’s Money Market.

But neither picked Door #1. What did that miss out on?:

A $25 box of Creamettes…and that same Mazda GLC from before. Total: $8,289!

Total Winnings: $2,873+Cancun Trip

Big Winner: Tim (persuably)

Quickie Deals:

  • Kurt Hart gets $50 for another drivers license and another $100 for his signature on it
  • Bill Verman couldn’t come up with another type of license for $200

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.