Host: John Davidson
Announcer: Shadoe Stevens

O DD Alton (2-Day Total: $2,500+Trip to Bahamas)
X Denny Despar (sales manager for a wine company, sorry he didn’t bring samples)
ROUND 1-Denny starts
1 Louie (appearing in Nashville and St. Louis at airtime): The big man is going to be cooking. We’ve provided him the ingredients and a bowl. Here’s the recipe:
- 1 lb. Sugar
- 1 lb. Butter
- 1 lb. Flour
- 1 lb. Eggs
This is a traditional recipe for What?
“Nell Carter”
Guess: Sugar Cookies
Denny agrees O (Pound Cake)
2 Little Richard “My Idol”: Controversy, Delirious, Let’s Go Crazy, Soft and Wet and I Wanna Be Your Lover are all hits from who?
“Pat Boone” (who does a bad “Tutti Frutti”)
Guess: Prince
DD agrees O
3 Milton to block: In addition to designing the Eiffel Tower, architect Gustav Eiffel also designed the framework for what other massive undertaking?
“Dom DeLuise’s Jockey Shorts”
Guess: The Statue of Liberty
Denny disagrees WRONG!
4 People used to consider it a sin, but today four times as many men and women are doing it than they did in 1970. Doing what?
“Eating a hot pastrami on white bread with mayonnaise.”
Guess: Living together without being Married
DD agrees WIN!

Secret Square: Trip to Ft. Lauderdale (Eastern; @ Diplomat)-Denny again
1 Louie “Pound Cake”: According to Ann Landers, it’s the one thing in life that never ever seems to work. What?
“A battery from K-Mart”
Guess: A Trial Marriage
Denny Agrees O (Diets)
2 Charlotte SECRET SQUARE: Julie Andrews starred in The Sound of Music. Who originated the part on Broadway? Is it Julie Andrews, Mary Martin or Mitzi Gainer?
Guess: Mary
DD agrees PACK YOUR BAGS AGAIN! (Value: $3,311)
Note: DeeDee starts 3-0 against an 0-3 again
3 Lynn to block: After 23 years, Merv Griffin says he’s going to stop doing it. Doing what?
“Eating for two” “Picking His Nose”
Guess: Smoking
Denny disagrees X (Ending his talk show)
4 Kareem (running Cranberry MCA Records): Some people think professional athletes are greatly overpaid,* but who do we consider to be more overpaid. Baseball or basketball players?
“Basketball coaches“
Guess: Baseball
DD Agrees O (two ways to win)
5 Heidi to block: Many hotels these days are moving away from the use of room keys in an effort to avoid thefts. How are people getting into their rooms?
“Usually without the wife finding out.”
Guess: By voice-activated door locks
Denny disagrees X (Magnetic Cards)
6 Milton to win again: Soft, semi-soft, blue vein, ripened and processed are used to describe what?
“My body”
Guess: Cheese
DD Agrees 2ND WIN!

ROUND 3-Denny again
1 Mike: According to the book, What’s the Difference, men are most interested in sex in September. When are women the most interested?
“Before marriage”
Guess: October
Denny disagrees X (July)
2 Jan-Michael: According to travel experts, for maximum comfort, what should you never remove during a long flight?
“If I were the pilot, it would be my glasses.”
Guess: Seat Belt
DD disagrees O (Your Shoes because your feet can swell up)
3 Charlotte: Surprisingly, elephants spend much less time than humans doing this. What is it?
“Watching Wild Kingdom”
Guess: Sleeping
Denny agrees X
4 Little Richard to block: You are a doctor of otolaryngology. What is your specialty?
“Pronouncing tough words”
Guess: The vocal cords
DD disagrees WRONG! (Record: 6-1)
5 For the Win: True or false? When mating, storks produce a high ear-piercing squeal that can be heard for hundreds of yards away.
John: “Like on your early records.”
Guess: False
Denny disagrees O
6 Lynn (last question): According to a survey by Purina Dog Chow, what is a dog’s favorite people food.
“It’s called leg of postman”
Guess: Cheese (Her dog loves peaches)
DD disagrees O (Hot Dogs)

Denny leaves with $200
DD wins with $1,300 (Total: $7,111+Bahamas)
On to the remaining Mazdas:
- 626 Four Door
- 323 Sedan
- 626 Sport Coupe
She picks the 626 Coupe. Joined by Charlotte Jan-Michael and Lynn
Still no good. If DD is willing, we’ll bring her back
Images of game board based on original by FromEquestria2LA on Deviantart.
Hollywood Squares is owned by King World Productions a part of CBS Media Ventures.