Jack Cassidy

WHAT’S MY LINE?-Taped January 14, 1969

Host: Wally Bruner

Announcer: Johnny Olson

Celebrity Panel:

  • Gene Rayburn (Match Game)
  • Dr. Joyce Brothers (Famous Psychiatrist)
  • Jack Cassidy
  • Arlene Francis

FIRST GUEST: Paul Francis (London, England)

Mr. Francis has had a lot of careers before today: Chef, Hairdresser, Drummer. Today, he’s dealing with a product and salaried.

Arlene: We’re not related, are me?
No, Just Checking
A product I might use?
Yes, men too!
I can hold it in my hand?
No $5

Gene: Does it come in contact with the body?
Yes, but not beyond the hand so No $10

Joyce: When used, do you move it around?
In a loose way
Large enough to be taller than a person?
Large enough for someone to get into?
No $15

Jack: Is the product mobile?
Wally asks again, does he mean place to place? Yes
It’s possible
Outdoors instead of indoors?
No $20

Arlene: Found in a home?
Possibly, but not likely $25

Gene: Anything therapeutic?
No $30

Joyce: Used in the World of Sports?
No $35

Jack: Sold to the consumer market?
In a sense
Would I have to come to you?
Do you demonstrate the product?
Possibly but No $35

Clue: Paul works in Paradise Island in the Bahamas.

Arlene (Ha, Ha, Ha!): Does it have to do with gambling?
Do it have to do with the tables?
No $45

Gene: By table, does that include roulette?
Yes (Arlene goes Oh!)
Gene: Do it have to do with the ocean?
The Last No

Arlene wants a guess: SLOT MACHINES! Again, Arlene is too little, too late. Paul specifically repairs them at the Paradise Island Casino in the Bahamas. He originally came to the island as a croupier, then took a six-week course in Chicago, before taking the job. Then the important question: Can you change the odds? Yes! Joyce asks how often the Big Jackpots come along. Well, there’s no rhyme or reason. It depends on the number of symbols on each machine. Jack thinks it’s set by the owners! Wally tries to equate it to how many ways a toothpick fall. In a 24-hour span, Paul figures you’ll lose about 20¢ on every dollar. Some machines can range from $500-$1,000. Back-to-Back Jackpots have happened.

SECOND GUEST: Alice Schiller (Hollywood, CA)

She’s self-employed and deals with a service.

Gene: Do both men and women use this service?
No $5

Joyce: Performed for animals?
No $10

Jack: Service confined to male?
No $15

Arlene: “What else is there?” Women use it?
Any relation to the entertainment world?
For women in the entertainment world?
Either do something for someone or how to someone?
Show them how to do it?
Do anything with the way they look?
In the sense, but it’s not the basic part
Do you operate something?
Alice said yes, but when indicating a product, Wally says No $20

Gene: Is this a physical thing?
Would they get a little “dewy”? What he means is perspiring.
Would they eventually do it in front of a movie camera?
Anything to do with losing weight?
No $25

Joyce: Do it have to do with movement?
In walking or exercise?
No $30

Jack: Looking for a specific area, is it part of the water?
No $35

Arlene, The Art of Self-Defense?
No $40

Gene (who Wally thought would get it in the first try): Do it have to do with love making?
No $45

Joyce: Do you touch the person in any way?
Takes a second before…The Last No

Jack has a thought, does it help women with a relationship? No! Gene is off with stunt driving. Alice TEACHES STRIP TEASE DANCING. Dr. Joyce is curious how Alice can teach that without movement. One black mark for Wally. Mrs. Schiller is the “Dean” of Pink Pussycat College Dancing in Hollywood, California. Requirements include being over 21, fine moral character, and be very serious about strip tease. And, of course, a voluptuous body. At graduation, instead of a degree, they get a stripper’s kit and a T-Shirt. Inscribed is the slogan “The Navel Academy of the West”. Dr. Joyce asks if they take the shirts on or off at graduation. The answer “Both”. For the lady panelists, the kit for one and the shirt for the other.


A great applause

Dr. Joyce: Would I know you from the movies?

Jack: Do you presently have a TV series?

Arlene: Are you known for TV apperances?

Gene: Have you ever appeared in Broadway?
Stumbles out a “Yes, ever” (Not his primary fame)

Joyce: Are you a singer?

Jack: Have you ever done a Disney film?

Arlene: Are you appearing presently at a hotel/club in NY?
Almost (to clarify, it will open soon)

Do you have a current hit record?
No, I wish I did (15 seconds left)

Joyce: Is the Disney picture a recent one?

Jack: Are you that Big, Tall, Handsome, Smashing Baritone John Davidson?

Backstage, John told Wally that Jack Cassidy was his idol and kinda expected “Ol’ Jack” would catch me. That’s “Ol” no “Old”, it’s a term of endearment. John was concerned about sitting down and reading the requirements: “Admission requirements, Over 21, High Moral Character, voluptuous body.” Dr. Joyce will give him the Rhinestone from the Stripper’s Kit for his navel. Psychology of inhibitions, controlling the structural components of the anatomy. Anyway, John is saddened by the end of “Maggie Smith” on Broadway, starring Cassidy. And that night club that John’s is almost performing at the Diversion Room (open now on airdate). Live performances are better than taped for John.

What’s My Line? is owned by Fremantle.

WHAT’S MY LINE?-Taped November 7, 1968

Host: Wally Bruner

Announcer: Johnny Olson

Celebrity Panel:

FIRST GUEST: James Proco (NYC)

We already learn he’s an usher right in this theatre and a college student. In between that, he’s salaried and working in a service.

Soupy (After a bit of rambling…) Does it have to do with show biz?

In the broadest sense, on the fringe (“He Makes Fringes”) It’s a Yes

Does it have to do with other people in showbiz?

No $5

Anita: Would I like to use your service?

Indirectly, same for Orson

It doesn’t matter if it’s a man or woman?

It doesn’t matter, Yes

When you perform, do people come to you?


Do you perform in a building? 


Do you require a uniform?


Anita gets lost finding the next question: Do you use any equipment?

No $10

Orson (who thought Anita was talking instruments of torture): Would people come to you all alone?

No, which means your turn is over, Orson. $15

Arlene: You deal with groups of people?

More Than One

Do you instruct in any way?

James leans to No, but Wally needs a conference.  There may be advice given, but there’s no degree of instruction.  It’s still No $20

Soupy: Do you deal with groups other than people?

No $25

Anita: Do people hire you to take them around a building?

No $30

Orson: Is it a small group/number of people?


Would it be two?

Not necessarily

Would it help to know what you’re wearing?


Are you fully clad?


Wearing a suit like the suit and tie he’s wearing now?

No $35

Arlene: Anything athletic?

No, two to go and 15 seconds left

Soupy: Do you move around?

Another conference after James jumps with a No.  Allegedly, he may have ups and downs.

Soupy: Do you have to touch anything to go up and down?

Wally brings this game to an end

If there’s anything James touches, it might be his nose going up and down the chimney.  Mr. Proco is a DEPARTMENT STORE SANTA CLAUS.  Specifically, at Lord & Taylor’s in NY, and it’s his second year.  It took a while to learn how to get the voice down.  We see some great looking pictures with a wide-eyed kid.  Soupy asks if Jim every got a smack in the face. “Almost!”

Christmas is another story for the panel not figuring this out.  In Soupy’s building, the elevator operator for 18 years is fired because the regular one came back.

SECOND GUEST: Charlotte Drury (Jackson Heights, NY)

After some applause from friends, we learn Charlotte is salaried, in services AND deals with a product

Arlene: A service I might use?


Requires some dexterity, for her to give it to me?

For the service itself, but let’s focus on the product

Is it a product you can hold it your hand?

No $5

Soupy with the age old Question:  Is it bigger than a bread box?


A product used by men and women?


Does it touch the human body?

A quick no, then a conference changes it to Yes

Is it used in the home?

Definite No $10

Anita: Is it used in or near water?


Is it MUCH larger than a bread box?


Some sort of boat?


Do you operate this boat?

The boat is the product, she’s not involved in the operation.  No leeway!  $15 “It’s all yours, Orson”

Orson: Do you instruct in some way?

No $20

Arlene: Boats large enough for three or more passengers?


Are these decorated by you?

No $25

Soupy: Is it a dinghy?

Too small, “I’m pretty dinghy myself”, We’ll move on

Do you sell boats?

No $30

Anita: Arranging trips on boats?


Are you a travel agent?


Is it the liner around Manhattan?

Wally’s had enough!  Charlotte RENTS YACHTS.

Mrs. Drury works for Wakefield Fortune Incorporated arranging cruises.  A new service at the time, Charlotte has become a specialist in this field.  Yachts all have their own crews.  As you’d know from game show history, popular spots include the Caribbean, Mediterranean and Greek Isles.  If Wally and the panel wanted a boat to rent, the smallest they could get would be about 54 ft.  About $206 per person for one week including three meals a day.  A larger, 200ft. power yacht on Mediterranean would take the whole studio.  Total $12,000 a week per person.  The interior is as fancy as any local hotel around here.


A strong applause marks his/her arrival

Orson: May I assume that you’re in show business?


Arlene: Are you known for your work in the theater?


Wally says there are some you’d know this guest from theater, but primarily for something else.

Soupy: Would this activity be in motion pictures?


Anita: Do you live in this city, most of the time?

Wally doesn’t know for sure.  In her business, she would be found in NYC sometimes.

Orson (30 sec. to go): Are you also in TV?

No, not at this moment

Arlene: Are you a singer?


Soupy: Did you earn your reputation in movies for musicals?


Anita: Are you in a musical picture right now?


Orson: A non-musical picture?

No, 15 seconds

Arlene: Are you appearing in a club or hotel in NYC?


It’s Historic Maggie Flynn, SHIRLEY JONES

Honest Answers:

Mark Rafferty (Staten Island, NY) for Anita:  How tall are you?  You seem so little, how do you get into mini-skirts?

Answer: 5’1” in stocking feet, but she often says 5’3”.  And she buys clothes in the Junior Department.  Not many mini-skirts, though

Larry Schmidt (Potsdam, PA) for Orson: “Where did you get the name Orson Bean?”

Answer: He made it up.  His real name is Dallas Burrows which he said “Sounds Like a name a nut like Orson Bean would make Up” One last letter for “Souper Sales” but not enough time.

What’s my Line? is owned by Fremantle