Jack Barry

THE JOKER’S WILD(syn.)-My 6th Episode(Taped Jan. 78)

Host: Jack Barry
Announcer: Jay Stewart

Champ: Tom Perrish (teacher, worked two yrs. in Nigeria) (2 wins, $1,175)

Challenger: Sandy Pelletiere (law student and mom)

Update from Tom: The traffic in Nigeria is up 700-800%. Too bad the roads can’t keep up. Sandy is looking to practice criminal law, a lot of criminals in the audience.



Sandy JOKER/Women Writers/JOKER $200 (No choice)
What is the last name of the woman who wrote the best seller “Fear of Flying”?
Guess: Jong $200
And the shouting could be heard back in Nigeria.
Tom chooses The Godfather
Name the author of the novel “The Godfather”.
Guess: Mario Puzo THAT’S THAT! $1,675

Sorry Sandy, no appeals here. As easy as that was, Tom (who is 6’2″), getting this prize will takes a little more time….three more games.

Five-Win Bonus: Chevrolet Chevette 4 Dr. Hatchback


* World Book Encyclopedia
* Waterpod Water Bed
* Trip to Thailand (@ Hyatt Pattaya)
* TOTAL: $3,500


Size doesn’t matter to the devil.

NEW CHALLENGER: Alicia Sears (originally from Philadelphia, PA, property manager)

If you’re like Jack and don’t know, a property manager manages buildings. It’s apartments for Alicia and one tenant is always complaining about the view from his parking space. “You should see our building.”


  • MIXED FRUITS (Unscrambling)

Alicia JOKER/Fashions/JOKER $200
Nearly half of a swinging London street famous for its mod clothing shops was auctioned off to a private concern for $8.5 Million. What’s the name of that London street?
Guess: Carnaby Street $200

Tom JOKER/T.V. Action/T.V. Action $200
Telly Savalas stars as a detective lieutenant in this drama about a South Manhattan police precinct. Name the series.
Guess: Kojak TIED

Alicia T.V. Action/Fashions/Fashions $100
The rather shapeless sack dress of the late 50s was also known by a French word meaning “shirt”. What was the French word?
Guess: Blouson (my best guess) WRONG!
Tom: Chemise $300

Tom T.V. Action/JOKER/Teams $100
In which show would you find the character Bosley receiving a message from the unseen voice of John Forsythe?
Guess: Charlie’s Angels $400

Alicia “A Spin to Win” JOKER/JOKER/JOKER “This lady is psychic”
Choice: Alice in Wonderland
What friend of the Mad Hatter present at the Tea Part offered Alice a glass of wine and then told her there was none.
Magic 8 Ball says…ASK AGAIN LATER (The March Hare)
Tom looked like he was back in the jungle.

Tom JOKER/T.V. Action/Fashions $100 and a win
Which show would you be watching if Friday and Gannon’s search for a teenage runaway leads them to the chief of a robbery gang?
Guess: Dragnet WIN $2,175

Poor Alicia, she should know Barry & Enright shows weren’t so predictable by 1978.


$200$50NOT AGAIN!

NEXT CHALLENGER: Natasha Hertz (grad student, former librarian)

Born in Stanford, CT, Natasha was raised down in New Orleans before studying in Cali. NOLA is still her favorite place, especially the restaurants such as Galatoire’s.



Natasha FF Trivia/Pol. Movies/FF Trivia $100 a piece
#1 The TV show “My Three Sons” began in 1960. Name the actor who portrayed the father of the three boys.
Guess: Fred MacMurray $100
#2 The humorous poem “Casey at the Bat” tells of the gloom that covered one town when Casey the town hero struck out. Tell me the name of Casey’s hometown
Guess: Detroit NO
Tom: Mudville $100

Tom Stock/Stock/Poetry $100
The market which handles stocks not listed on the major exchanges is sometimes called the curb. The other term for it is expressed by the initials O.T.C.. What do the initials O.T.C. stand for?
Guess: Over the Counter $200

Natasha FF Trivia/JOKER/Stock $100
#1 Name the play that was in progress at Ford’s theater the night President Lincoln was assassinated.
Guess: Hamlet NO
Tom: Our American Cousin $300

Tom JOKER/JOKER/Stock $200 and Win #4
On Friday, October 29th, the Stock Market crashed and the American Depression began. In what year did the Stock Market crash take place?
Guess: 1929 WIN! $2,675

Fast forward wasn’t kind to Natasha. Hope school works out better.



Good news, the devil hasn’t stopped Tom winning four games. Someone else will have to stop him from a new Chevette.

CHALLENGER: Robin Cook (spent 7 yrs. in the U.S. Information Agency as a foreign officer)

You thought Natasha racked up miles? Robin has been to India, Belgium and Yugoslavia. Never got to meet Tom in Nigeria. They’ll meet head-to-head as Tom plays for a Chevette next time.

The Joker’s Wild is owned by Sony Pictures Television.

THE JOKER’S WILD(syn.)-Date Unknown #3

Host: Jack Barry
Announcer: Johnny Jacobs

Who defeated the “Cisco Kid”? This woman did.

Sharon Miller (personnel analyst, likes hiking and baking)

Who is “The Cisco Kid”?

I do know there’s another dang sidewinder for Sharon to beat.

* Roper Starflite Zipper Luggage
* Turtle Bax Ladies’ Wardrobe
* Yashica FX2 35mm Camera
* Trip to Bali (@ Hyatt)
* Total: $3,700


But she didn’t have a chance to shoot!! Before she can challenge the devil again, there’s another stranger in town.

By the way, there’s a reward for Sharon catching four more challengers.

Car: Chevrolet Chevette 4 dr.

Mel Larkin (salesman, likes bowling and karate) (1 Game, $550)

Going bowling 3-4 times a week, Mel only sleeps at home between lodge meetings. Two of his teams are “Fire in the Hole” and “The Glove”.



Mel Flags/Juniors/JOKER $100
This Jr. was the greatest of all black civil rights leaders. A Baptist minister, he preached non-violent resistance to achieve full civil rights for all. Name him.
Guess: Martin Luther King Jr. $100

Sharon Food/Male Vocalists/Juniors $50
This talented vocalist overcame the handicap of blindness to become one of America’s great superstars. His hit albums include “Innerversions” (OOPS!) “Innervisions” and “Songs in the Key of Life”. Name this multi-talented performer.
Guess: Stevie Wonder $50

Mel Juniors/JOKER/JOKER $200
This Jr. was the son of a great American writer. He served in the U.S. Supreme Court for 30 years and was nicknamed “The Great Dissenter”. Name this important American judicial leader.
Guess: “Oh, God”
Sharon: Warren WRONG! (Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.)

Sharon War Movies/War Movies/Male Vocalists $100
Van Johnson and Spencer Tracy starred in the 1944 film about the bombing of Tokyo by James Doolittle’s Squadron. According to the film’s title, how much time does a squadron spend over Tokyo?
Guess: 20 seconds NO!
Mel: 30 sec. $200

Mel Flag/Food/Food $100
A non-alcoholic beverage made with ginger ale and grenadine is named for a child star of the 30s. What is the name of that drink?
Guess: Shirley Temple $300

Sharon War Movies/Flags/Food $50
A rich beef dish flavored with white wine and sour cream is named for an influential Russian family. Name the dish.
Guess: Beef Stroganoff $100

Mel Juniors/Flags/Juniors $100
This Junior is the Senior Senator from Tennessee and was also a member of the Senate Watergate Committee. Name him.
Guess: Irvin NO!
Sharon: No Guess (Howard Baker)

Sharon War Movies/Male Vocalists/JOKER $100
One of the most popular nightclub circuit groups is called Brazil 77. Name the singer who leads that popular group.
Guess: Just a syllable after the buzzer
Mel: Sergio Mendez $400

Mel Male Vocalists/War Movies/JOKER $100
Known for the hits “Foxy Lady”, “All Along the Watchtower” and “Purple Haze”,
this singer was considered one of the great rock guitarists. Name him.
Sharon: Jimi Hendrix $200

Sharon Food/War Movies/JOKER $100
A salad of nuts, apples, celery and mayonnaise is named for a New York City hotel where it was first introduced. Name the salad.
Guess: Ambrosia NO!
Mel to win: Waldorf WIN!


Mel’s not sure what’s more exciting, beating the devil or going to Bali? In the audience: his wife Tina, her sister Vanessa and her cousin Joy.


Tina pushed him to victory. Grand total: $4,325
Mel thinks this is pretty exciting, but he won’t know for sure until he bowls a 300.

New Challenger:
Linda Feyer Feuer (homemaker, likes traveling, cooking and ice skating, expecting 1st child in June)

It’s pronounced “Fewer” as said by Johnny, the master of words. Producer Ron Greenberg is the master of misspellings. As for having a baby, it ranks above bowling in Linda’s mind.



Linda P.L./P.L./Water $100
In one competitive sport, the participants perform two basic moves known as “The Clear and the Jerk”* and “The Press”. Name the sport.
Guess: Weightlifting $100
(Error: It’s the “Clean n’ Jerk”)

Mel Capitals/P.L./Plays $50
Mrs. Nuzbaum and Senator Claghorn were radio characters who lived along a certain fictional byway on the old Fred Allen Show. Name the byway
Not the Slightest Idea
Linda: Stumped as well (Allen’s Alley)

Linda P.L./JOKER/S.A.P. $100
The Tse-tse fly, a carrier of sleeping sickness is virtually restricted to one continent. Which one?
Guess: Asia NOPE!
Mel: Africa TIED!

Mel Water/JOKER/P.L. $100
A Baltimore lady who made a career out of good manners wrote such book as “Etiquette” and “How to Behave-though a Debutante”. Tell me this helpful lady’s name.
Guess: Emily Post $200

Linda P.L./JOKER/Capitals $100
Following World War I, a delicate flower that bloomed in the battlefields of France was designated by war veterans as the symbol of war’s tragedy. Name the flower
Guess: Lilly NO!
Mel: Poppy $300

Mel P.L./Capitals/JOKER $100
A famous 350-mile road built by the Romans in the 4th Century B.C. is named for the man who ordered its construction. Name the road.
Guess: The App- BLANKED!
Linda: The Appian Way $200

Chief Pontiac of the Ottawa Indians led the Conspiracy of Pontiac in 1763 with the objective of capturing a city held by the British. Name the Michigan city.
Guess: Potomac NO! (Detroit)

Mel S.A.P./Capitals/Plays $50 (Can’t avoid the other categories forever)
The title of this Stephen Foster song is “Old Folks at Home”, but most people refer to it by the name of the river contained in the lyric. Name the river.
Guess: The Swanee River $350

Linda S.A.P./Plays/Capitals $50
According to the Frank Sinatra recording, what is the name of “My Kind of Town”?
Guess: Chicago $250

Mel JOKER/Capitals/P.L. $100
In a court suit, the party answering a charge is the defendant. The legal word identifying the party who brings the suit comes rom the Middle English word meaning “complaining person”. What is the word for “complaining person”?
Guess: The Plantiff $450

Linda S.A.P./JOKER/P.L. $100
Complete the lyrics of this song:
“New York, New York
A Hell of a Town
The Bronx is up
but the ________ is Down”
Guess: The River NO!
Mel to win: Yonkers NO! (The Battery)

Mel P.L./Plays/Plays $50
For five years, William Bendix played a bumbling factory worker who summed up his weekly predicament with the phrase “What a revolting development”. Name the television character portrayed by William Bendix.
Guess: “Life With Riley” WIN! ($4,825)

Barely had enough time to finish all that. Mel takes another run at the devil next time.

The Joker’s Wild is owned by Sony Pictures Television.

THE JOKER’S WILD(syn.)-1977-78

Host: Jack Berry
Announcer: Jay Stewart

We’re in the middle of a game. As Jack says, it “Was Tied and Tied and Tied and Tied”.

CHAMP: Carl Goldstein (concession stand manager, 2-Day Champ, $1,275) Score: $750

CHALLENGER: Wendy Pritzker (dancing clown, loves the theater and sports) Score: $750

Carl’s all revved up after having a meal. Here’s the rules: Wendy will spin first for a question. If she scores, Carl has a chance at the slots. If she misses, he can steal the question and the game. We’ll keep at it until each player has spun and someone’s ahead.



Wendy: Beverages/Fashion/Beverages ($100)
Name the beverage which has varieties known as Espresso and Cappuccino.
Guess: Coffee $850

Carl: JOKER/Want Ads/Football ($100)
What is the yardage penalty for being offside in football?
Guess: 5 yds. HERE WE GO AGAIN!

Youngsters are coming up, in a week and a half.
Another reminder about winning five days in a row. You’ll get this bonus:

Chevrolet Chevette 5 Dr. Hatchback

Wendy: Fashion/JOKER/Beverages $100
This distilled alcoholic liquor is made from grain and when mixed with vermouth, forms the cocktail knows as a Manhattan.
Guess: Scotch…Judges say no
Carl to win: Bourbon…WHISKEY!

Carl: Beverages/Football/Inventions $50
Which team did the Oakland Raiders play in the 1977 Super Bowl?
Guess: Minnesota WIN! (And what seems like Quadruple Overtime is finally over)

* Yashica FX2 Camera
* Radio Shack Sideman CB Radio
* Trip to Virgin Islands (St. Thomas @ Bluebeard’s Castle)
Total: $3,100+

Mom and friend Dorothy are in the audience.

$75$25GAME OVER!

The Devil doesn’t like to drag it out.

Bea Westcott (Gary, IN, sales rep., likes swimming and racquetball)

Jack: “What are you excited about?”
Bea: “Hopefully about winning.”
Jack: Would you be excited if you were losing?”
Bea: “At least I got on TV.”


  • MYSTERY (?)

Bea: Cities/Sex/JOKER $100
Which city in the Northeastern U.S. is known as The Big Apple?
Guess: New York $100

Carl: JOKER/JOKER!/JOKER (For his 2nd time)
Carl just has one question to answer for an automatic win. Plus, the category is his choice: Nicknames of Cities
The capital of the Philippines is known as “The Pearl of the Orient”.
Guess: Manila DONE!

Sorry Bea, we had to make up for the last game.



Mother was saying stop after the third spin. Carl, you’re lucky that paid off. (Total $5,775)

Maybe our next lady will stay longer than the last.

Carolyn Lawson (dental hygienist and mother of 3)

And her bright smile proves she practices what she preaches. Not much spare time, but she was able to play on USC’s Basketball Team.



Carolyn: Awards/JOKER/JOKER Disney for $100
Kirk Douglas played Ned Land and Paul Lucas played Professor Aranax in this Disney underwater adventure based on a book by Jules Verne. Name this Disney film.
Guess: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea $100

Carl: Language/Cats/Disney $50
Which large member of the cat family lives in a family group called a pride?
Guess: The Lion $50

Carolyn: Disney/Awards/JOKER $100
In the Disney film Dumbo, Dumbo has a friend named Timothy who sticks by him through think and thin. What kind of animal is Timothy?
Guess: A Mouse $200

Carl: Awards/Awards/Awards $200
First off, for getting a natural triple, Carl has won a bonus prize: A 68 pc. Michael C. Fina Flatware set that’s his to keep.
Question: Oscars are awarded for the movie industry. What is the name of the major television award?
Guess: An Emmy $250

Carolyn: JOKER/Awards/Disney $100
A lovable chimney sweep in Disney’s film “Mary Poppins” was named Bert and was played by a well-known TV comedian. Name him.
Guess: Dick Van Dyke $300

Carl: Disney/Fast Forward/Languages $50

Now it gets interesting! If Carl gets the first question right, he can keep playing that category up to the $500 (Five would do it). However, if he misses one, he goes back to $250 and Carolyn can steal.

1st: In 1899, a future British statesman was imprisoned while reporting on the Boer War in South Africa. Name this prominent Englishman.
Guess: Sir Winston Churchill $300

2nd: In 1886, the Indian Chieftain Geronimo led one of the last great Indian uprisings against the U.S. government. To which tribe did Geronimo belong?
Guess: “Oh, gee” Back to $250
Carolyn: Apache $350

Carolyn: Fast Forward/Cats/JOKER $100
The spotted hunting cat is the fastest animal known for running short distances. It can run at a top speed of 65 miles an hour. Name this speedy spotted cat.
Guess: Jaguar
Carl: Cheetah

Carl: JOKER/JOKER/JOKER Big Cats, Small Cats
The name given to a cat with stripes and colored patches comes from the French word for tafetus silk. Name this type of small domestic cat.
Guess: Tabby WIN! ($6,275)

Carolyn at least had a chance at it, only to end the same way.

* Cattani Collection?
* “Charlie & The Chocolate Factory” and “Charlie & the Great Glass Elevator”
* Fisher Stove
* Armstrong First Family Bedroom Group

  • The prize description was muted.

I’m sure Carl can find a motel with over six grand. More importantly, he’s one win away from a new car.

Cindy Scott (school teacher, enjoys sports especially catamaran racing)

But the big boat race will have to wait until next time.

The Joker’s Wild is owned by Sony Pictures Television.

THE JOKER’S WILD (syndicated) 1977

Host: Jack Barry
Announcer: Jay Stewart

Champion: Beverly Wink (Brandenburg, KY, housewife and mother) (One Win, $500)

* Max Factor Fragrances
* World Book Encyclopedia
* Trip to Vienna (@ Wien Hilton)
* Total: $3,300+


That hurt Jack, and he had nothing to gain. Beverly can only think about planning another game. Reminder, if she wins four more games, this is hers!

Chevrolet Chevette 4 dr. Hatchback

As for that 2nd game

Challenger: Scott Greene (cashier, interested in theater and writing)

Scott’s also been hypnotized on stage by a professional. Under the influence, he became an opera singer, did Romeo & Juliet and danced the Pagan Dance of the Goddess of Love. Jack tries it but almost puts himself to sleep.


  • Pot Luck
  • The Kennedys
  • Plays & Playwrights
  • Songs About Places
  • The Body

Scott: Plays/JOKER/Plays $200
In 1957, the Putlizer Prize for Drama was won by the author of “A Long Day’s Journey Into Night”. Name the American playwright who wrote the drama.
Guess: Eugene O’Neill $200

Beverly: Kennedys/Songs/Pot Luck $50
Palm Sunday commemorates the day when Jesus rode a donkey into one ancient city as a sign of humility. Which ancient city was that?
Guess: Nazareth NO!
Scott: Jerusalem $250

Scott: JOKER/Pot Luck/JOKER $200
Jackie Gleason has created several comic characters. Perhaps his most famous is the bus driving hero of “The Honeymooners”. Give me the full name of the Gleason character.
Guess: Johnny NO!
Beverly: Ralph Kramden $200

Beverly: Plays/Body/Pot Luck $50
Pearl S. Buck won the 1932 Pulitzer Prize for her novel “The Good Earth” which depicted life in a foreign country. Name the country.
Guess: Africa NO!
Scott: Sweden NO! (China)

Scott: JOKER/Plays/JOKER $200
Zero Mostel starred in a Eugenie Unesco play whose one word title is the name of a giant pachyderm. What’s the title of the play?
Guess: Rhinoceros $450

Beverly: Songs/JOKER/Pot Luck $100
The Mamas and (the) Papas recorded this song that began:
All the Leaves are Brown
And the Sky is Gray

Name the song
Guess: A Sunny Day NO!
Scott (to win): California Dreamin’ WIN!


$200$75$25$500 QUITS!

How can a nice guy like Scott be broke? “I’m not willing to sell my body” At least he’s earned $1,050 without any shame. We have another potential buyer…er, opponent.

Ellen Kerstein (secretary, interests are drama and cruel stitchery)

Jack knows cruel stitchery, his wife knitted him a sock that fit cruelly. Ellen also has performed in the local Glendale Community Theater and on a float in the Rose Parade. Jack says she could also pass as a Liza Minelli impersonator…and he can be her father.


  • Slang
  • Currency
  • Aviation History
  • American Indians
  • Old T.V.

Ellen Currency/JOKER/JOKER $200
Italy and Turkey share the same name for their monetary unit. Name Italy and Turkey’s unit of currency.
Guess: Lira $200

Scott: Aviation/JOKER/Slang $100
Which supernatural term describes a person who writes an article under someone else’s name.
Scott: Ghostwriter $100

Ellen: Aviation/JOKER/TV $100
E.G. Marshall and Robert Reed starred for four years on this successful courtroom drama filmed entirely in New York. Name the show.
Guess: The Defenders $300

Scott: JOKER/Slang/Aviation $100
A type of breakfast food is also a slang term for the kind of landing an airplane might make when its landing gear is damaged. What is that term?
Guess: Crash NO!
Ellen: No Guess (Pancake)

Ellen: Indians/JOKER/JOKER $200 and the goal
The west’s last major gold rush, which brought prospectors to the Black Hills was a direct cause of a great Indian uprising. Which Indian nation led that uprising.
Guess: The Sioux $500

Scott: JOKER/TV/Indians GAME OVER!


Ellen’s Mom and Grandma are watching.

* Window froze before a quick spin

Walter Clanhard (writer, man of many vocations)

Along with writing, Walter’s been a cab driver, St. Bernard breeder, and a traveler. He’ll settle down after he’s visited every continent.


  • Mystery (?)
  • The Beatles
  • War Headlines
  • Sports Terms
  • Food & Drink

Walter: Mystery/Beatles/Sports $50
A popular Beatles hit of 1967 contains the line “I am the Eggman, I am the Eggman”. What is the title of that Beatle hit?
Guess: I Am the Walrus $50

Ellen: Sports/JOKER/Sports $200
Minnesota Fats applies reverse english on his bank shot. What sport is he playing?
Guess: Pool $200

Walter: Beatles/War/JOKER $100
A best-selling Beatles album of 1969 features such songs as “Come Together”, “Carry the Weight” and “Here Comes the Sun”. Name that best-selling Beatles album.
Guess: Abbey Road $150

Ellen: War/Beatles/JOKER $100
A controversial song hit of late 1974 was written by Hoyt Axton and sung by one of those Beatles. It was entitled “The No No Song” Name the Beatle who sang it.
Guess: John Lennon NO!
Walter: Ringo Starr $250

Walter: Food/Beatles/Beatles $100
Which Beatle recorded the 1970 best-selling album “All Things Must Pass”
Guess: George Harrison $350

Ellen: Sports/Beatles/Sports $100
Which sports such events as Side Horse, Vaulting and Parallel Bars?
Guess: Gymnastics $300

Walter JOKER/Beatles/JOKER $200 (There’s no $150)
Which city in England was credited with being the birthplace of the Beatles?
Guess: Liverpool $550

Ellen: Food/Beatles/War THE END!

Will the Devil get his due? We’ll have to wait until next time.

The Joker’s Wild is owned by Sony Pictures Television.

THE JOKER’S WILD(syndicated)-Premiere (9/5/77)

Host: Jack Barry
Announcer: Jay Stewart

Ann Ursula O’Neil (department store detective turned homemaker)

Glen Nemhauser (vegetarian, into yoga, judo, swimming, jogging and bicycling)

Ann helped capture a lady on the 10 Most Wanted List. Jack “Who Wanted Her?” Just as well, Ann didn’t hear that question.

Hope you listen to the rest of the questions. Both players take turns at the slot machine. There are three slots with categories and jokers. Players can go with one reel for $50, two for $100 and $200 for all three. The Joker’s Wild and can be used as any category. The goal is $500 to win, but it’s not automatic. And there’s another way to win with one question and one spin of the reels. More about that later.


  • Birds
  • Psychiatric Terms
  • Military Leaders
  • Lovers
  • Hot Stuff (contains the word “hot”)

Ann: Lovers/Lovers/Hot Stuff $100
Narcissus was one of the most unusual lovers in literature because of the strange object of his affections. With whom was Narcissus in love?
Guess: Himself $100

Glen: Lovers/Lovers/Psychiatric $100
In literature, what was the name of Lolita’s lover: Holden Catfield, Humbert Humbert or Willy Loman?
Guess: Humbert $100

Ann: Military Leaders/Lovers/JOKER $100
In D.H. Lawrence’s novel, Lady Chatterley had a lover. What was his profession: Gamekeeper, Physician or Lawyer?
Guess: Physician No
Glen: Gamekeeper $200

Glen: Psychiatric/JOKER/Hot Stuff $100
If you have gynophobia, what are you afraid of: Exercise, The Naked Body or Dancing?
Guess: Exercise NO!
Ann: Naked Body TIED AGAIN

Heads up! Even though this is just the first game for both players, here’s a reminder. Winning five games in a row will earn you this:

Chevrolet Chevette 3dr. Hatchback

Ann: Lovers/Military/Psychiatric $50
According to legend, when Lady Godiva made her famous ride a man named Tom gazed upon her unclad form. Was Tom exhibiting a tendency toward Masochism, Voyeurism or Cataclysm?
Guess: Voyeurism $250

Tom Glen: Birds/JOKER/JOKER $200
Which bird is the mascot of the U.S. Air Force Academy: Is it the Eagle, the Hawk or the Falcon?
Guess: Falcon $400

Ann: Lovers/JOKER/Birds $100
This small bird is the symbol of New Zealand and appears on stamps and coins of that country and it cannot fly. Is it an Emu, a Kiwi or an awk?
Guess: Kiwi $350

Glen: JOKER/Lovers/Military $100 and the Win
What’s the name of the British general who surrendered to the Americans at Yorktown in 1781: Was it Armbruster, Burgoyne or Cornwallis?
Guess: Cornwallis WIN!


The reels now have money amounts and devils. You want the money and not the devil. Get the devil and lose the cash. If Glen can reach $1,000 or more, he’ll add this prize package:

* World Book and Childcraft Encyclopedia
* Copy of “Roots”
* Trip to Nairobi, Kenya (@ Hilton)
* Total: $3,900+

$150$50$150$850 QUITS

The money is for acting school, $1,350 total.

Susan Miller (bartender, secretary, saleslady in the past, now a showroom manager)

As with most bartenders, Susan learned that most people are lonely.


  • Mystery (choose one of 7 question marks, question is worth double value)
  • Food & Drink
  • Sex Symbols
  • Best Sellers
  • Quotations

Susan Best Sellers/Quotes/Food $50
What’s the name of the Italian dessert consisting of multicolored ice cream mixed with fruit and nuts: Is it Saltimbocca, Spumoni or Cannelloni?
Guess: Spumoni $50

Glen Best Sellers/Sex Symbols/Mystery $100
#6 Flags
The oldest national flag in the world, a large white cross on a red field dates back to 1219. Which country’s flag is it: Japan, Armenia or Denmark?
Guess: Denmark $100

Susan Mystery/Mystery/Quotes $200
#2 Fishing (What’s so funny, Jack?)
Are a gray tackle, a royal coachman and a nymph types of Casting Flies, Lures or Reels?
Guess: Reels NO!
Glen: Flies $300

Glen Food/Sex Symbols/Mystery $100
#4 Government Departments and Agencies
Is the government agency formally headed by both Richard Helms and Allen Dulles the FBI, the CIA or the Atomic Energy Committee?
Guess: CIA $400

Susan Mystery/Best Sellers/Mystery $200
#7 Sports Movies
Which sport is the subject of the Bruce Brown film “The Endless Summer”: Is that Tennis, Surfing or Auto Racing?
Guess: Surfing $250

Glen JOKER/Sex Symbols/Quotes $100 and Win #2
What is the name (Jack’s not sure if there’s a picture, SORRY) of the sexy star of Barbarella?
Guess: Jane Fonda WIN! (Up to $1,850)

BEAT THE DEVIL #2: For the African Holiday

$50$150$50$675 QUITS AGAIN

Hey, acting school isn’t cheap. Glen now has $2,525 worth of lessons.

Morrie Wright (health instructress turned housewife, animal fan)

Her little one gives her enough exercise now.


  • Boxing
  • Weights & Measures
  • Small Towns
  • Films of the 60’s
  • Women in Politics

Morrie: Women in Politics/JOKER/JOKER $200
What’s the name of the Congresswoman from Houston, TX who made a stirring speech at the 1976 Democratic Convention: Is she Shirley Chisholm, Helen Miner or Barbara Jordan?
Guess: Chisholm NO!
Glen: Miner NO!

2 Glen: Weights/JOKER/JOKER $200
If you order a ream of paper, how many sheets will you wind up with: 50; 500 or 5,000?
Guess: 5,000 NO!
Morrie: 500 $200

The Joker’s Wild is owned by Sony Pictures Television.