All stars have turkeys, but they’re not for cooking.
Shanna Sullivan (OBGYN assistant) X Fred Dybal (1-Day Champ, graphic designer)
Shanna’s up 1 Fred: The story goes that the pilgrims first landed at Plymouth Rock. Today, something is inscribed on that rock. What is it? “Plymouth 2.9% Financing” or “Go Red Sox, Wait ’til Next Year.“ Guess: The Date, 1620 Shanna agrees O 2 Finola: You’re a woman and you’ve just been zigzagged and buzzed and notched out. What has happed to you? “Maybe you were lucky enough to have a date with Steven Ford” Guess: You’ve had a workout Fred disagrees X (Had your hair done) 3 Rip (chicken suit): According to J Edison Price MD, on the average, a facelift will generally last a minimum of how many years? “5 Years or 50,000 smiles” Guess: 15 years Shanna disagrees O (Should’ve stuck with the 1st guess) 4 Steven to block:
John: Have you ever thought of going into politics? Steven: I don’t know, what kind of a politician would an actor make anyway? This doesn’t air in front of all the country does it?
Question: What’s the turkey trot? What you do after you eat too much turkey. Guess: A Dance Fred disagrees
Is it a dance?: Yes Is he a dummy?: HA! HA! 5 Steven to win: According to American Folklore, the legendary character once rode an Oklahoma Cyclone with a saddle. What do we call him? Guess: Paul Bunyan Shanna disagrees WIN! (Pecos Bill)
Fred starts 1 ALF: You’re having company for Thanksgiving: “It’s the holiday where you hide the eggs and soap up the windows, right?” Should you stuff your bird tonight before you go to sleep? Guess: No Fred agrees X
We interrupt this match for the 1st annual Hollywood Squares Classic. Each row is going to race to stuff their birds the fastest.
Left column makes the stuffing
Middle column does the stuffing
Last column sews up the bird
TIME OUT! Rip’s already passing to Steven. He says he already threw the eggs in. The refs agree. Alf couldn’t get the stuffing out of the box. Shirley got caught up in the sewing. And Rip, Steven and Fred are the winners.
2 Shirley: SECRET SQUARE! Which president gave us the Fair Deal? Teddy Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover or Harry Truman? Guess: Truman Shanna disagrees X (The college students in the audience knew it, too) 3 Rip to win (out of costume pretty fast): The fierce Indian Warrior Geronimo got his name from the Mexicans. What does Geronimo mean in Spanish? “Parachute Cord” Guess: Fierce Fred disagrees TIE GAME! (Jerome)
Shanna 1 Edwin: Musical Question, take it away, John!
The Power of Love is a curious thing Makes one man weep, another one sing Change your heart to a little white dove
Edwin: “And That’s the News, Good Night” Guess: “And it works like you like a gift from above” Shanna disagrees O (More than a feeling, that’s the power of love) 2 Steven: What traditionally ends when someone shouts “Thank You, Mr. President!” Guess: A cabinet meeting Fred disagrees X (Presidential news conference) 3 Shirley (performing w/Pacific Symphony in near future): Tradition tells us that the Indians provided this main course for the first Thanksgiving. What was the main course? Big Macs Guess: Corn Shanna agrees “Wonderful answer” but wrong X (Venison) 4 ALF: When preparing Thanksgiving dinner, you should try to prevent something called turkey blowout. What causes it? Stuffing it with chili Guess: Cooking it too long Fred disagrees X (Overstuffing it) Anyone been there? One of the cameramen did.
Cameramen don’t have a real life, do they?
5 Rip to block: Do owls ever dance? “If their tree is on fire” Guess: No Shanna agrees WRONG! 6 Finola to win (HONK!), or just for an extra $200. Fred already has the edge. Question: What well-known legal term literally means “You Have a Body”? Guess: Quid pro quo (the only legalese she knows) Fred disagrees WIN! (Habeas Corpus)
Shanna takes home $500 and the home version of The Newlywed Game.
Fred’s winnings are up to $1,800.
After trying the Wagoneer Limited yesterday, Fred has four more choices.
Comanche X
Cherokee Chief
Grand Wagoneer
It’s the Red Wrangler “the fun one”. ($12,000) And two more fun ones, Shirley and Mindy, for good luck.
Sorry, no room for fun. Look on the bridge side, Fred can join our Thanksgiving feast tomorrow.
Hollywood Squares is owned by King World Productions a part of CBS Media Ventures.