Gene Rayburn

MATCH GAME(syndicated)-September 14, 1979

Host: Gene Rayburn
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Bart Braverman “Vega$”Brett SomersCharles Nelson Reilly
Eva GaborBill DailyFannie Flagg

Jack Daniels (Providence RI, country radio DJ on vacation)

Jack is about to play the Super Match, but he’s got a story to tell. About 8-9 years ago, he was stuck in traffic for over an hour (felt like a year). When he and his wife finally got home, they hear that Gene’s car had caught on fire! So thanks for “Spending an hour on 95”.

YES SIR ________

Brett: That’s My Baby
Charles: Your Honor (not amused)
Bill: “You’re not picking on me”
Changes to Bart: Arafat


$250NO SIR

________ OF DIAMONDS

Eva has the confidence to trust the panel’s opinions before putting the car in the slot.

Jack: Ace

Go on your own next time, Eva. Onto Game #2

Isetta Seberhagen (Mt. Prospect, IL, flight attendant, married to “Super Man” Fred, 11 m.o. son Brett and another on the way)

Isetta A: The bank personnel officer said, “I’ll tell you why I’m not hiring that weirdo. he put down ________’s name as a reference.”

Isetta: Bert Lance
Charles is sick of the Nixon jokes, which Bart answers “This is the Carter Error, not a Nixon Error”

Bert Lance Bert Lance*Al Capone
My NameJohn HancockNixion
*-Mr. Let the Chips fall Where they Lay Lance

Jack B: Gloria said to the psychiatrist, “Doc, you’ve got to help me. My husband thinks he’s a dog. Every night in bed, he ________”

Jack: After a long thought…”He Whines”

Pushes his wet nose in my earPlays DeadRolls Over and Plays Dead
barksBuries My BonesRolls Over & Plays Dead

Round 2

Isetta A: Did you hear that there is a new stock market for babies? At the close, diapers were ________.

Isetta: Down

dry Down dropping*
*Buzzed first but a booing from the audience changed his mind.

John B: The psychiatrist says, “My next patient thinks he’s a refrigerator, and I’m beginning to believe him. Whenever he opens his mouth, I see a ________ in it.”

John: A lightbulb

Piece fruitLight A 25 watt appliance bulb
ice cubeLight Bulb Little Light


Since we’re pressed for time, we going to do a sudden death tie-breaker. Both players and panel will write down their answers. The first player to match wins.

________ IRELAND

Bart: The Hills of X
Brett: Dublin John Wins (Isetta: Jill)
Nothing for Isetta but the parting gifts.

NOTHING BUT ________

Charles: The Truth
Brett: The Best
Fannie: Trouble


HEAD-TO-HEAD: Brett ($5,000)
STATE YOUR ________

John: Point (Audience soundly supported Name)
Brett: Case X

John’s Final Total: $750

Say goodbye to Brett, who Charles announces has a bridal veil on for her new show. “The Virgin Bride”.

Match Game is owned by Fremantle.

MATCH GAME (syndicated)-September 13, 1979

Host: Gene Rayburn
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Bart Braverman “Vega$”Brett SomersCharles Nelson Reilly
Eva GaborBill DailyFannie Flagg

GAME 2-Round 2:

Karen Curtis (West L.A., married for 7 mon., works for property management company) ($10,500)
John Wilson (Townsville, NC, after teaching for 7 years, has done traveling to Europe with a friend)

Both tied at 0-0

If you missed it, this match was painful. But John can end it with just one match.


If you can’t get that right…

Gene realizing B was played already.

John A: Nick said, “I could tell this was Popeye’s restaurant. When I walked in, ________ was on the table.”


  • Bart: SPINACH WIN!
  • Fannie spelled it “Spinich”, Brett and Bill said Olive Oyl

Despite the rough performance this time, Karen still has $10,500.

________ THE CAR

Brett: My Mother
Bart: Start
Charles: Park


Brett gets the last laugh, while John gets stuck with parting gifts. We hope a better fate awaits our next two players

Jack Daniels (Providence RI, country radio DJ on vacation)
Isetta Seberhagen (Mt. Prospect, IL, flight attendant, married to “Super Man” Fred, 11 m.o. son Brett and another on the way)

GAME 1-Round 1:

Jack A: Nancy said, “When I go out in the sun, I really like to roast. That’s why before I go to the beach, instead of suntan oil, I put ________ all over my body.

Jack: Cooking Oil

GravyBarbecue Sauce!Gravy
CriscoButterBarbque Sause

Isetta B: Wally the Wise Guy said to Herbie “Your girlfriend is like a car in the slums. Everybody wants to ________ her.”

Isetta; Steal

STRIPFlatten Her TiresSTRIP
Fix Her UpSTRIP (Her Gears)Steal Her Hubcaps
Charles gives Brett the “Pathetic Answer Award-1979”

Round 2
John B: One nurse said to the other, “I think that new surgeon used to be a butcher. After he took out that patient’s liver, he ________ it.”

A quick country song from Fannie then…
Jack: Sliced

Chopped(Wrong Answer)* RIGHT!**
Chopped Cut it up
*Cooked it in chicken fat, chopped it, mixed in a little hard-boiled egg and put it on crackers
**Sliced it , weighed it, put it in a cardboard moisture-resistant tray and put cellophane over it and marked the price

Isetta A: Tom said, “This coffee is really terrible. It tastes like Joe DiMaggio cleaned his ________ in it.”

Isetta: Baseballs

Baseball GloveBaseball MittGLOVE
baseball batballs Baseball Glove

Back to the showers for Isetta until Jack’s Super Match first thing tomorrow. Another musical number from Fannie:

I’m getting old,
Sitting on this log,
Because my cat’s growing up
to be a dog.

Match Game is owned by Fremantle.

MATCH GAME(syndicated)-September 12, 1979

Host: Gene Rayburn
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Bart Braverman “Vega$”Brett SomersCharles Nelson Reilly
Eva GaborBill DailyFannie Flagg

Game 1-Round 2

Karen Curtis (West L.A., married for 7 mon., works for property management company) 0
John Wilson (Townsville, NC, after teaching for 7 years, has done traveling to Europe with a friend) 2

A: While Ben the glassblower was blowing a glass bottle, Ben blew so hard he blew his ________ into the bottle.

John: His Lips

Jeannie False TeethFalse Teeth
Brett said Ben is Old Man Periwinkle’s Older Brother

B: The delicastessen owner said, “People keep stealing my food. It’s gotten so bad, I had to take all my bagels and put ________s on them.”

Karen: Locks



Fannie: Of Broadway
Charles: And Goodnight
Brett: Baby
Karen’s Choice: Baby


HEAD-TO-HEAD: Brett ($10,000!)

Karen: Mother
Brett: She had two choices. It could’ve been father but she wrote…MOTHER ($10,500)

Second perfect Super-Match in a row! Maybe John will be the third?

GAME 2: John first

A: The pirate said “I’ll never make it as an athlete.  I almost got killed trying to use my peg leg as a ________.

John: Basketball

Pogo StickBaseball BatVaulting Pole
SwordJavelinBaseball Bat

Karen B: Nerdocrombezia is the world’s sleaziest country. Just try to imagine 40 million people with ________.

Karen: Slime

Bad BreathRuns in their HosePimple
Alethets FeetHairy LegsPolyester Formal Wear

Round 2
Karen B: Mrs. Dumb Donald said “My husband is so dumb, I found him in the closet trying to _________ a shoe tree.”

Karen: Pick

When one face palm isn’t enough.


Mercifully, this show is over. All John needs is one answer, first thing tomorrow to win. Can’t be too hard, can it?

Gene decides to calm the place down by leading the “choir” into a performance of “Adeste Fideles.”

Match Game is owned by Fremantle.

MATCH GAME (syndicated)-September 11, 1979

Host: Gene Rayburn
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Bart Braverman “Vega$”Brett SomersCharles Nelson Reilly
Eva GaborBill DailyFannie Flagg

So this is the Star-Studded Big Money Match Game. Fannie hasn’t seen much big money and Bill hasn’t seen much stars.

GAME 2-Round 1:

Rose Welch (San Diego, CA, married w/two kids, just fixing up the house right now)
Patty Olson (married with 2 1/2 y.o. daughter, another child due in Jan., loves golf) ($1,100)

Rose leads 3-0

B: The Hollywood producer said, “There’s something wrong with the casting of this movie. It’s the life story of Pat Boone, and in the starring role, they’ve got ________ .”

Gene shows off Eva’s HUGE ring, (a costume ring). But Charles has that beat, showing off Brett’s gifts from her husband. Gene asks for Patty’s answer, not realizing Charles got distracted.

Patty: “Who is the role of Baretta?” That’d be Robert Blake.

Alice CooperRoman PolanskyRichard Boone
Warren BeattyFess ParkerSammy Davis Jr.

Round 2
Rose B: Howard said, “The girls in our office look like dogs, so instead of a steno pool, we have a steno ________ .”

Eva needs SERIOUS help explaining what a steno pool is.

Rose: Dog House

Kennel PoolKennel

Patty A: Jim said “I went to the world’s strangest butcher shop. (HOW STRANGE WAS IT???!!!) They’re selling pigs’ feet with ________ .”

Patty: Toenails

ShoesBaseball Socks and Golf ShoesAthletic Rash
Nails SneakersKosher Wennies

ROSE WINS! Patty still has $1,100.

HUGH ________

Fannie: Hefner
Charles: Downs
Bart: O’Brian (Remember Wyatt Earp)
Rose’s Choice: HEFNER


HEAD-TO-HEAD: Bart ($10,000!)
________ AND CAKE

Rose: Ice Cream
Bart: He had coffee on his mind but wrote…ICE CREAM ($10,500)

And with that, two new players begin their first match.

Karen Curtis (West L.A., married for 7 mon., works for property management company)
John Wilson (Townsville, NC, after teaching for 7 years, has done traveling to Europe with a friend)

Karen B: Fred said, “My parents raised me on Dr. Spock” and Weird Willie said, “That’s nothing. My parents raised me on Dr. ________.”

Karen: Dolittle

She came up with a very cute answer, very clever and sophisticated and smart, and you expect these people to say the same thing.

Gene’s response
FreudDr. FrankensteinPepper
Charles is showing off his jewelry again, now a Rubiak Tiara (value of $2.8 Million)

John A: Mugsy said, “My school is so tough! (HOW TOUGH IS IT ???!!!) The first time you’re bad, you’re sent to the principal’s office. The second time, you’re sent to the ________.”

John: Jail

Jail Local MorticianSchool Nurse
Jail Gas ChamberGong Show

Karen will have to play catch-up next time.
Match Game is owned by Fremantle.

MATCH GAME (syndicated)-September 10, 1979 (daily premiere)

Host: Gene Rayburn
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Bart Braverman “Vega$”Brett SomersCharles Nelson Reilly
Eva GaborBill DailyFannie Flagg

“As George Bernard Shaw said, “Over on my left, we have the open air lunatic asylum”

And over on the right…

Rose Welch (San Diego, CA, married w/two kids, just fixing up the house right now)
Patty Olson (married with 2 1/2 y.o. daughter, another child due in Jan., loves golf)

These ladies will play two full games. The first one starts now!

Rose B: The zookeeper said, “Ugly Edna is SOOOOO UGLY, when she walked through the zoo, I’d thought a ________ had escaped!”

Bill needs the most help with spelling and keeping quiet.


Monkey (Ape)… Oranga Tang an orangatan
gorilla oranguta!!! Gorrillia

Patty A: Rodney Rich is really rich. Rodney Rich is the only man in the world who keeps his waterbed filled with ________.


Champagne Dom Perignon Champagne a Vintage Year Champagne
champagne (Hungarian spelling) Perrier Champane
Charles had gas, but that wasn’t his answer. Got buzzed too soon.

Round 2
Patty B: Ralph said “I’ve got a terrible fear of close spaces, because when I was a baby, instead of a crib my parents kept me in a ________.”

Bill: First kept in the Dark (not funny) so…Drawer (Tie Game)


Rose B: Dumb Dora is REALLY DUMB! She thinks the Happy Hooker is someone who enjoying ________ing!


FishingMaking RugsRug Making
dancing FishingMaking Rugs

Patty A: Roy Rogers treats his car just like he treats his horses. Today, after he car wouldn’t start, he ________ed it.


Kicked Kicked (WRONG)*
Kicked it Saddled itSpurred it
* Sat on the hood and spurred it while Dale made chicken salad sandwiches on the range.

PATTY WINS! We’ll see Rose in the rematch.

I THINK I’M ________

The three most popular answers are on the board. #1 $500 #2 $250 and #3 $100. Patty only has one choice, and she can get help from three of our panelist.

Brett: Pregnant
Bart: In Love
Fannie: Sick

It’s Patty’s Choice: One of those or something else?

The audience knew it

Now to spin the Star Wheel. Whichever celeb Patty spins, she try to match head-to-head. A right match will win her 10x her Super Match winnings ($1,000). Get a star and it’s double the stakes.

HEAD-TO HEAD: Fannie ($1,000)
SUNSET ________

Patty: Boulevard
Fannie: She remembers the song “Sunrise, Sunset” and she HATES it. Instead she wrote…BLVD! ($1,100)


Rose A: The funeral director said, “The deceased might’ve owned an Italian restaurant. Instead of flowers, the relatives are dropping ________(s) into his grave.”


Pepperonis Meatballs* Meatballs
SpaghettiPasta Meat balls
* And Spaghetti with a red sauce

Patty’s next question will be first thing on tomorrow’s show.

Match Game is owned by Fremantle.

WHAT’S MY LINE? Stats-Week of September 9, 1968 (Premiere Week)


  • Soupy Sales :1
  • Meredith MacRae: 2 (2 Mystery Guests)
  • Gene Rayburn: 3 (2 Mystery Guests)
  • Arlene Francis: 5 (1 Mystery Guest)
  • TOTAL: 11-4 (5-0 Mystery Guests)


  • Record: 4-6
  • $50: 4
  • $45: 1
  • $35: 2
  • $25: 1
  • $5: 2*

*-Contestant given full $50

TOTAL WINNINGS: $395 ($350 not counting Little Egypt)

What’s My Line? is owned by Fremantle.

WHAT’S MY LINE?-Aired September 13, 1968

Host: Wally Bruner
Announcer: Johnny Olson

  • Soupy Sales
  • Meredith MacRae
  • Gene Rayburn
  • Arlene Francis

Ah, but Arlene all of those things I have done, none of them compares with working with you on What’s My Line? and the rest of our very charming panel.

What things?? We don’t know, Buzzr clipped the intro again.

FIRST GUEST: Rufus Harley (Philadelphia, PA)

He’s self-employed and deals with a service.

Soupy: With what you’re wearing, would that have to do with what you do? (Afro-centric outfit)
It IS what he wears, but it’s not necessary $5
Meredith: Do you work for a profit-making organization?
Forgot the self-employed bit, she gets a pass.
Can your services be provided for both men and women?
Do you entertain people in any way?
Indoors more than outdoors?
Both, though mostly indoors. Not important, though.
Do people watch you?
You don’t touch people in any way?
No means Yes
Do you hold anything in your hand?
Can you perform on a nightclub stage?
When you have this thing in your hand, can you also move it away?
Are you a juggler?
No $10
Gene: Does who he do involve music?
Is his instrument in the string family?
No $15
Arlene: Is it a pipe?
Hmmmm, yes
Do you hold it in your mouth?
Something other than the flute?
Would knowing the instrument be essential?
“An instrument that we are not so accustomed to seeing in our orchestra?”
In the Kazoo Family?
No $20
Soupy, going through all of what Arlene has found out: Are you a clarinet player?
No $25
Meredith: The instrument longer than a whistle?
Do you play a recorder and cobras come up?
No $30
Gene: An instrument that the Western World is familiar with?
Yes 30 second warning
Is it a recorder?
No $35
Arlene with a final question: Does your costume bely the quality of the instrument, by that I mean is it anything like a bagpipe…

ARLENE DOES IT AGAIN! Yes, Rufus PLAYS BAGPIPES, Jazz bagpipe. He’s part of a four-piece combo and the American Federation of Musicians. Plus, he’s the only Left-Handed Bagpiper And of course, we have a performance.

SECOND GUEST: Bob Krugman (Chicago, IL)

He’s self-employed and deals with a product.

Arlene: Would I be interested in your product?
Be interested for a man?
No $5
Soupy: Would it be good for an animal?
No $10
Meredith: Does your product come in contact with the body?
Is it other than clothing?
Absolutely not (No Means NO this time) $15
Gene: Is it an expensive product?

Does it change the appearance of the individual involved?
In the cosmetic field?
No $20
Arlene: Is it anything in the massage field?
No $25
Soupy: Benefit from the body up?
Sometimes “I’m beginning to understand you”
Soupy Passes
Meredith: When someone wears this product, can you see it?
Yes it’s not undergarments
Is it an accessory rather than a whole thing?
No $30
Gene: Is it made of animal substances?
Can also be made out of plastics?
In the broad sense
A harness?
No $35
Arlene: Would I be interested in buying for an animal?
No $40
Soupy: Would a woman wear this more than a man?
Definitely, Passes Again
Meredith (who was thinking Strait Jacket at one point): is it a bikini bathing suit?
No $45
Gene: Is it decorative?
Do you design the ones you make?
Is it made of fabrics?
Are they NOT utilitarian?
Yes means NO! Game over

Arlene would’ve gotten it: Bob makes MATERNITY CLOTHES, owner and designer of Plus One. Or Plus One Etc. depending on how many children a mother has. Before this, he was a stage actor and rock singer.


Wally figures it’s okay to cut the panel 30 seconds, since this one is so well known. (2 1/2 Minutes Total)

Meredith: Are you in the entertainment business? “You might say that” (Sounds like Paul Lynde)
Gene: Are you primarily an actor? No
Arlene: Are you in the theater? No
Soupy: Are you known mostly for television? “Sort of”
Meredith: Have you ever had your own television series? Yes
Gene: Do you sing? “Sort of” (Deep-voiced)
Arlene: Are you singing someplace around New York at the present time? Yes (About to burst)
Soupy: Would this be in a nightclub? Yes and No
Meredith: Are you also known for your recordings? Yes
Gene guesses Mel Torme…RIGHT!

Mel was nervous after he did an interview with Patrick O’Neal. When O’Neal asked about lunch, Mel let him know off the record. Pat joked that he was on the panel. Soupy talks about a special Mel did with the Marty Page Group. Gene was amazed Mel could disguise his voice.

Closing: Looking back on the past week, Wally points out some great highlights. Soupy learning Yoga, Meredith’s father as a mystery guest and Arlene’s amazing skills. She doesn’t take all the credit for the work.

What’s My Line? is owned by Fremantle.

WHAT’S MY LINE?-September 12, 1968

Host: Wally Bruner
Announcer: Johnny Olson
Celebrity Panel:

  • Soupy Sales
  • Meredith MacRae
  • Gene Rayburn
  • Arlene Francis

FIRST GUEST: Debbie Kath (Roseville, MN)

She deals with a service and is self-employed.

Soupy: Is it a service I might come to you for?
A service in some way or manner touch me?
She says yes but after a conference No! $5

Meredith: In your service, do you instruct people?
No $10

Gene: Is this a practical service?
Is it in the cultural field?
No $15

Arlene: Is your service for human beings?
Could they ever come to you more than one at a time?
Do you work indoors?
No $20

Soupy: Do you instruct in any way?
Been there, done that!
Do it have to do with sports?
Is it unusual for you compared to a man?
Is this a national sport, or seasonal like football or baseball?
No $25

Meredith: Is it a team sport?
No $30

Gene: “Do you put the shot?”
No $35

Arlene: When you’re involved, are balls involved in some way?
No $40

Soupy: Is this a sport where animals would be involved?
No (Last Chance)

Meredith: Do you hold something or move something with your hands?
Are you involved with chess or bridge?
Game Over

Debbie Kath is the youngest female hot air BALLOONIST in the world. And she does instruct, but it’s not her basic job. Ballooning is more about advertising and putting on a show. She can stay up around an hour “while my gas holds up.” (No Fart Jokes, please) All this started after writing a paper for 8th grade about “Stratospheric Research”. Busy for a 19 y.o., Debbie is also her hometown “Miss Roseville.” As for airplane, coming here was her first flight.

NEXT GUEST: Eddie Pulaski (“Fun City”, NY)

He’s self-employed and deals with a product.

Arlene: Is it a useful product?
A product one would find in a home?

Soupy: A man would use rather than a woman?
If I wore it, would I look different?
Something that would approve my appearance from the waist up?
Do you have anything to do with beards?
Do you sell fake beards?

Soupy’s FINALLY GOT ONE THIS WEEK! Mr. Pulaski been at this for a year. He gets many young men who can’t grow their own facial hair. Other clients work in banks or other places that don’t allow it. Eddie’s new career followed 30 years being a barber. Indeed, Gene was a customer and would’ve disqualified himself.

Onto the demonstration, Eddie puts a businessman type on Wally. “It’s a bit difficult to breathe.” Before going to Soupy and Gene, Eddie reveals his fake hair…including his head. He makes hairpieces, too! Soupy (Diabolical, Mitch Miller) and Gene (“Gilded The Lily”)


Gene: Are you wearing a beard? Yes (still can’t tell man or woman)
Arlene: Is it your own beard? Yes
Soupy: Do you have a television show? No
Meredith: Are you known primarily for motion pictures? No
Gene: Are you an author? Yes, among other fields.
Arlene: Are you also a musician? Not particularly
Soupy: Are you also an actor? Yes
Meredith: Have you ever appeared on Broadway? No
Gene (who thought he had it): Are you inscrutable? Yes (both in bad Chinese impressions)
Arlene: Have you done any records? Yes
Soupy: Do you currently have a record that’s a best-seller? No
Meredith: Did you ever have a partner? No, under a minute
Gene: Do you have a mustache? Yes
Arlene: The last time I saw you, were you not smooth-shaven? Yes
Did you write “Hello Muddah, Hello Faddah” Yes

Wally declares it’s time to take the fake mustaches off. Allen’s is real! A staff member tried to pull it off backstage. Among other things (writer for “I’ve Got a Secret”) he’s casting a comedy musical for Broadway. His last record “Togetherness” was released about a year prior. Wally recounts a story about Allen and his maid in California. He’d just been fired from “The Steve Allen Show” They were trying to decide who should file for unemployment pay. The other would’ve had to clean the house.

Closing: Big news, Arlene has been elected to the United States Hall of Fame in Washington. To add to that, her son Peter is in Phi Beta Kappa in college.

What’s My Line? is owned by Fremantle.

WHAT’S MY LINE?-September 11, 1968

Host: Wally Bruner
Announcer: Johnny Olson
Celebrity Panel:

  • Soupy Sales
  • Meredith MacRae
  • Gene Rayburn
  • Arlene Francis


She’s self-employed and deals in a service. (Wally forgets to show the audience the answer

1 Gene: Is it a physical activity?
Do you wear a certain costume when you perform?
Is it in the general field of entertainment?
Is it something that might go on in New York?
Could I do it with you?
“Would you like to meet me after the show?”
Yes (OH-OH!)
Would it be a pleasurable experience?
Yes “You do your show and I’ll do mine!”
Would it be remunerative to you?
Yes (There’s some compensation for her)
Would it change my physical appearance?
“It Could” but for the most part, No $5

2 Arlene: Is it a good idea to have music playing?
Does dancing come into it in anyway?
Are you a go-go dancer or belly dancer?

And Miss X’s real name is…LITTLE EGYPT! The Little Egypt, great granddaughter of the original who performed at the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893. This Little Egypt has been performing since five, but in nightclubs for about 6 1/2 years. And it pays extremely well…SHOCKER! Wally decides to pay her well by awarding the entire $50.

She went out the wrong way. Should I go get her?


SECOND GUEST: The Rev. Dale Lend (former assistant pastor of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church)

While attending school for his Masters at New York Theological Seminary, he’s in an occupation. It’s salaried and deals with a service.

1 Arlene: Have anyone ever called you a “swinging minister”?
Are you interested in new music?
Yes, but it might lead you on the wrong path. Wally lets it go. Since it ruined her plan, Arlene will pass. NOW it’s a No $5

2 Soupy: “You’re the guys who originated turtlenecks”
Something concerned with entertainment?
No $10

3 Meredith: Does it involve teaching?
No $15

4 Gene: Is it a full-time job?
Are people’s lives benefited in any way?
Perhaps (Let the laughter begin)
Sex involved?
Mmmm….No $20

5 Arlene: Do you move around from place to place?
No $25

6 Soupy: Something that I might come to you?
If I had this problem, would I have a problem?
If I came to you over a period of time, would it change my outlook?
The Rev. thinks so
When a person finishes coming to you, are they liable not to bother with a particular vice? Gambling, drinking, wild wild women?
Do you deal with alcoholics?
Sometimes, Soupy Passes

7 Meredith: Are you involved with gambling or card playing?
No $30

8 Gene: Do you work with young people or teenagers? (Arlene: “Alcoholic teenagers”)
No $35

9 Arlene: Does psychology have anything to do with you job?
Psychology made fit in to any job, but overall in this case, No! $40

10 Soupy: Anything to do with Alcoholics Anonymous?
No $45

11: Meredith: Do you come in contact physically?
Game Over $50

The Rev. must confess: He’s a BARTENDER. He works at Mr. Lacy’s in NYC for the last seven months and graduated from the International Bartending School. No, Arlene it’s not a milk bar. And at the job, Dale’s Reverend Uniform stays at home. On Sunday, he preaches at various congregations as a fill-in. It’s a way to relate to people he wouldn’t meet at work.


1 Meredith: Are you in the entertainment business?
Yes (sounds like Donald Duck)
2 Gene: Are you an actor?
3 Arlene: Are you also a singer?
4 Soupy: Are you currently starring on your own television show?
5 Meredith: Are you my father?
YES, Gordon MacRae

Gordon’s been doing that “Donald” voice since Meredith’s been a baby. Now he’s doing it with her 2-month-old daughter, Amanda. He was hoping Meredith would catch on, since only Rich Little can do it better. (What about Clarence Nash?) The proud father dotes on his other daughter, Heather. She’s appearing in a movie and previous in a show called “Here’s Where I Belong” Truthfully, Gordon and the missus never gave advice about going into show business. He didn’t even know when Meredith got her first TV role in “My Three Sons”. The girls discovered it for themselves. Meredith said they’d preferred she’d become an English teacher.

Closing: Gene is a Yachtsman. Living in Long Island Sound, he was surrounded by boat races, but only got into it 3-4 years. Moving to Cape Cod, Gene bought a 13 ft. Fiberglas Catamaran and discovered the thrill of sailing against the elements.

He was in a yacht just the other day. He chased his girl around the deck for three hours.


Gene gets more time with boats that he did with flying a plane.

The stalling ends so we could get to the real show: Little Egypt showing her stuff!

What’s My Line? is owned by Fremantle.

WHAT’S MY LINE?-2nd Taped Episode (Aired Sep. 10 1968)

Host: Wally Bruner
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Celebrity Panel:

  • Soupy Sales
  • Meredith MacRae
  • Gene Rayburn
  • Arlene Francis

And I tell you, Arlene, it’s much better being here than Saigon.

Wally’s intro, with no context (Why’d you delete the panelists intros, Buzzr??!)

FIRST GUEST: Esteene Del Rio (Chicago, IL)

Some strong whistling as Esteene signed in. She’s self-employed and deals with a product.

Gene: Does what you do bely your physical appearance?
Would I come to you?
Would it make me happy?
Would it cost me a great deal of money?
No $5

Arlene: Is the product edible or coatable?
Neither $10

Soupy: Would it help my home?
We don’t know what kind of problems Soupy has in his home, but generally No $15

Meredith: Does it come in contact with the body?
Is it other than clothing?
Yes means No $20

Gene: Are there animals other than humans that use the product?
Yes “I concluded that”
Household pets
Canine family?
Is it edible?
No $25

Arlene: Would the canine wear it?
Wear it on the head or neck?
Does it cover a certain area?
Do you make raincoats, fur coats or dresses?

She designs fashions for dogs, including mini skirts. Selling to department stores, grooming shops out of cloth and paper and. Prices go up to $500, the lowest Wally said was 298. ($298 or $2.98?) Time for a fashion show!

Shelly and Gigi are wearing psychedelic Lame line, changing full-length gown and a mini. Gene decides to help the human model transform. In her hand is Celito, both wearing paper embossed fabric. It’s totally disposable! (The other was cleanable.)

After the break, Wally offers Arlene a fitting for that special outfit; Arlene was more into the dog’s hair

SECOND GUEST: Bernice Gera (Indiana, PA)

She’s self-employed and deals with a service.

Soupy: Is it a service I might come to you for?
A service I’d come to you rather than you come to me?
A reluctant Yes
A service that would help physically?
It might
Would it make my house a better house?
Definitely No $5

Meredith: Do you wear a uniform?
Is what you do instructive?
To a degree, Yes
Do you work indoors more than outdoors?
Outdoors, So No $10

Gene: He gathers it’s more utilitarian than aesthetic?
Anything to do with food?
No $15

Arlene: Can we rule out sports?
No $20

Soupy: So it can be sports?
Is it a sport?
Is it a sports with both men and women?
Wally’s explanation flew over my head like it did Soupy’s
Bottom Line: No $25

Meredith with another wild guess: Are you a girl’s gymnastics instructor?
Not this time $30

Gene: The people that come to you benefit physically?
Debatable, but Wally makes it No $35

Arlene: Is it a team sport?
A sport indulged by men a great deal?
Even more than women?
Usually a man’s job?
If you’re not a instructor, are you a lady umpire?

Mrs. Gera work for semi-pro with police departments. She next wants to get into real minor league baseball. And she used to play, hitting 350 footers! You could see her in live demonstrations around NYC with real Major Players such as Roger Maris. Problems in regular stadiums include lack of a dressing room. Soupy says she’d be a good cook because she can dust off the plates! Anyway, Bernice is mostly a base umpire so she doesn’t wear the chest protector. A new one is being designed for her. Mrs. Gera leaves us with her “YOU’RE OUT!”


Arlene: Does one find you in the entertainment pages
A Deep Yes
Soupy: Associated with Television rather than Broadway?
High Yes
Meredith: Are you a comedienne?
Gene: Are you appearing on Broadway?
Arlene: Do you appear on your own show?
Teary No
Soupy; Is there just one of you?
Now Yes
Meredith: Have you been associated with another person?
Gene: Are you Joan Rivers?

And she was afraid they’d never figure her out. Gene has worked with her so often, he’s recognized her voice, despite all her attempts. Exclusively here on What’s My Line?, Joan announces her upcoming talk show. She promises it won’t compete with this show. Tapings start in two weeks. Being on the Tonight Show has been her big career boost. From seven bucks a week working office temp, her salary has skyrocketed…up to $12 a week. Joan also mentions the “Upstairs at the Downstairs” club where she works with her husband. They also have a seven-month-old to watch. Wally gets Joan to talk about writing her material. Soupy mentions how few women are out there in comedy. “Don’t get me started” “Show them your Mickey Mouse (watch) ” “I’ve gotta give it more cheese”.

Joan: Show them your Mickey Mouse (watch)
Soupy: I’ve Gotta give it more cheese

Closing: Soupy’s history with throwing pies. It started in Cleveland in 1950, and in those days, he’d whip up eggs or cream. One director gained lots of weight from eating offset. Many stars have gotten “creamed” by Soupy including Frank Sintara, Burt Lancaster, Tony Curtis, Shirley Maclaine and Jimmy Durante. There’s also a plug for his 25th High School reunion at West Virginia.

What’s my Line? is owned by Fremantle.