All stars have turkeys, but they’re not for cooking.
Shanna Sullivan (OBGYN assistant) X Fred Dybal (1-Day Champ, graphic designer)
Shanna’s up 1 Fred: The story goes that the pilgrims first landed at Plymouth Rock. Today, something is inscribed on that rock. What is it? “Plymouth 2.9% Financing” or “Go Red Sox, Wait ’til Next Year.“ Guess: The Date, 1620 Shanna agrees O 2 Finola: You’re a woman and you’ve just been zigzagged and buzzed and notched out. What has happed to you? “Maybe you were lucky enough to have a date with Steven Ford” Guess: You’ve had a workout Fred disagrees X (Had your hair done) 3 Rip (chicken suit): According to J Edison Price MD, on the average, a facelift will generally last a minimum of how many years? “5 Years or 50,000 smiles” Guess: 15 years Shanna disagrees O (Should’ve stuck with the 1st guess) 4 Steven to block:
John: Have you ever thought of going into politics? Steven: I don’t know, what kind of a politician would an actor make anyway? This doesn’t air in front of all the country does it?
Question: What’s the turkey trot? What you do after you eat too much turkey. Guess: A Dance Fred disagrees
Is it a dance?: Yes Is he a dummy?: HA! HA! 5 Steven to win: According to American Folklore, the legendary character once rode an Oklahoma Cyclone with a saddle. What do we call him? Guess: Paul Bunyan Shanna disagrees WIN! (Pecos Bill)
Fred starts 1 ALF: You’re having company for Thanksgiving: “It’s the holiday where you hide the eggs and soap up the windows, right?” Should you stuff your bird tonight before you go to sleep? Guess: No Fred agrees X
We interrupt this match for the 1st annual Hollywood Squares Classic. Each row is going to race to stuff their birds the fastest.
Left column makes the stuffing
Middle column does the stuffing
Last column sews up the bird
TIME OUT! Rip’s already passing to Steven. He says he already threw the eggs in. The refs agree. Alf couldn’t get the stuffing out of the box. Shirley got caught up in the sewing. And Rip, Steven and Fred are the winners.
2 Shirley: SECRET SQUARE! Which president gave us the Fair Deal? Teddy Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover or Harry Truman? Guess: Truman Shanna disagrees X (The college students in the audience knew it, too) 3 Rip to win (out of costume pretty fast): The fierce Indian Warrior Geronimo got his name from the Mexicans. What does Geronimo mean in Spanish? “Parachute Cord” Guess: Fierce Fred disagrees TIE GAME! (Jerome)
Shanna 1 Edwin: Musical Question, take it away, John!
The Power of Love is a curious thing Makes one man weep, another one sing Change your heart to a little white dove
Edwin: “And That’s the News, Good Night” Guess: “And it works like you like a gift from above” Shanna disagrees O (More than a feeling, that’s the power of love) 2 Steven: What traditionally ends when someone shouts “Thank You, Mr. President!” Guess: A cabinet meeting Fred disagrees X (Presidential news conference) 3 Shirley (performing w/Pacific Symphony in near future): Tradition tells us that the Indians provided this main course for the first Thanksgiving. What was the main course? Big Macs Guess: Corn Shanna agrees “Wonderful answer” but wrong X (Venison) 4 ALF: When preparing Thanksgiving dinner, you should try to prevent something called turkey blowout. What causes it? Stuffing it with chili Guess: Cooking it too long Fred disagrees X (Overstuffing it) Anyone been there? One of the cameramen did.
Cameramen don’t have a real life, do they?
5 Rip to block: Do owls ever dance? “If their tree is on fire” Guess: No Shanna agrees WRONG! 6 Finola to win (HONK!), or just for an extra $200. Fred already has the edge. Question: What well-known legal term literally means “You Have a Body”? Guess: Quid pro quo (the only legalese she knows) Fred disagrees WIN! (Habeas Corpus)
Shanna takes home $500 and the home version of The Newlywed Game.
Fred’s winnings are up to $1,800.
After trying the Wagoneer Limited yesterday, Fred has four more choices.
Comanche X
Cherokee Chief
Grand Wagoneer
It’s the Red Wrangler “the fun one”. ($12,000) And two more fun ones, Shirley and Mindy, for good luck.
Sorry, no room for fun. Look on the bridge side, Fred can join our Thanksgiving feast tomorrow.
Hollywood Squares is owned by King World Productions a part of CBS Media Ventures.
O DeAnn Samplee (Bakersfield, CA, sign language instructor) She gives a demonstration following John’s instructions
X Fred Dybal (3-Day Champ: $3,100)
ROUND 1-DeAnn starts
1 Chris: According to USA Today, when an executive makes coffee for his secretary, it usually indicates he is what? “Paying her rent” Guess: Intending to fire her DeAnn disagrees O (He is a secure executive) 2 Edwin: On your desk are the words to one of the most time-honored Mother Goose Rhymes. Edwin will sing it:
The Eensy Weensy spider climbed up the water spout Down came the rain and washed the spied out Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain (ALF gags) And the Eensy weensy spider climbed up the spout again.
Question: What country were the Mother Goose stories first published? Guess: Germany Fred disagrees X (England, 1760) 3 Fred: True or False? George Washington had a half-brother named Larry who served in the British Navy. And two other brothers Curly and Moe
Guess: True DeAnn agrees O 4 Finola to block: According to Redbook Magazine, is it better for you to take long hot showers or quick warm showers? “It depends who you’re with” Guess: Quick warm showers Fred agrees X (Hot showers dry the skin) 5 Rip to block: True or false? There’s a little amusement park in Oklahoma(True! False!) …where all the attractions are based on stories from the Bible. “My favorite is Sodom and Gomorrah land” Guess: True DeAnn agrees O (DeAnn’s husband is a Baptist Minister) Fred can only block one at a time 6 Shirley to block: According to superstition, why do wedding guests throw rice at newlyweds? “Toasters are too dangerous” Guess: For good luck Fred agrees WRONG! (So they’ll have many children) 7 Shirley to win (Sorry, ALF): According to Health Magazine, if a hotel wants to keep Frank Sinatra happy, it should always have a jar of it waiting for him. A jar of what? Guess: Spaghetti sauce DeAnn disagrees WIN! (Peanut Butter)
SECRET SQUARE: Trip to Puerto Vallarta, MX (Western Airlines; Buganvillias Sheraton)
Fred starts 1 Fred (making up for being a short-tempered cook yesterday): According to the book “How to Use Colors to Sell”, customers who like red are extroverted. Customers who like yellow are intellectual. What are customers who like purple? Red(Extrovert) + Blue(Sad) = Insane people Guess: Artistic people Fred (the contestant) disagrees O 2 Chris: The early Romans brought live chickens to the table and dumped them in red wine. Why did they do this? “They wanted to drown them”| Guess: To prepare them for plucking DeAnn disagrees O (To Flavor the birds) 3 Finola to block: Does Cosmopolitan think you’ll get better service by flirting a little? Guess: Yes Fred agrees WRONG! (Flirting could be misinterpreted) 4 Finola to win: According to New Woman Magazine, do couples who sleep together get more or less sleep than when either partner sleeps alone. Guess: Less DeAnn disagrees X (Around 30 times a night) John got lost on who gets the Square. DITTO! 5 Mindy: 800 women from over 12 nations have appeared on “Facts of Life.”
…met in Washington D.C. recently. What was the #1 issue discussed? Guess: Nuclear disarmament Fred disagrees X (Lack of attention to women’s issues) 6 ALF to block: Just before Monday’s show our staff played a joke on John that the show had a new sponsor. Larva, a gag soft drink. We see the outtakes as John struggles to keep his composure. What we didn’t see is John actually drink the stuff. Did he? “That was a clip. Looked like a pilot” Guess: “No one’s that stupid, then again” DeAnn agrees, show the clip: HE DID! 6 ALF to win: “I apologize, you are that stupid” Question: What’s a finger wave? Moving your finger up and down (ALF Demonstrates) Guess: A Hairdo Fred agrees TIE GAME! (Method of setting hair) Secret Square: Edwin
DeAnn starts 1 Chris (HONK!) to decide: This screen goddess of the 50s who starred in such movies as Vertigo, Pal Joey, Bell Book and Candle, recently made her debut on TV’s Falcon Crest. Who is she? Guess: Kim Novak DeAnn agrees NEW CHAMPION!
Fred’s total winnings: $3,600 and a home version of Price is Right
Are the signs with DeAnn? She picks a new key from John’s bowl. Which Jeep will she go for?
Comanche X
Cherokee Chief
Wagoneer Limited
Grand Wagoneer
DeAnn wants the big one, the Grand Wagoneer ($25,049). And since it’s Friday, everyone is her good luck celebrity, except ALF. He busy guzzling Larva, “I’m gonna go spin a web now”
3…2…1…VVROOM! ($25,749)
A toast to DeAnn’s first-day car win!
Two new contestants on Monday and these nine new celebs!
Gil Gerard (Sidekicks)
Ahmad Rashad (NBC Sports)
Brad Garrett
Pat McCormick
Arleen Sorkin (Days of Our Lives)
Bob Vila (This Old House)
Sarah Purcells (Real People)
Jose Feliciano
Betty White
Hollywood Squares is owned by King World Productions a part of CBS Media Ventures.
O Helene Salor (San Gabriel, CA, likes horseback riding, spending time with her son and works as a waitress) X Fred Dybal (2-Day Champ, graphic designer)
Round 1-Helene first
1 Shirley: According to ??? Magazine, these kinds of TV programs combine the glitter of game show with the hard sell of old-time commercials. What are they? (Name lost in video cutoff) “Religious shows” Guess: Courtroom Dramas Helene disagrees O (Home Shopping Shows) 2 Fred, who’s demonstrating how to make pancakes for Thanksgiving. According to Webster, is there any difference between flapjacks and pancakes? Guess: They’re the same Fred the contestant agrees X 3 Steven: Do you do bed scenes? No, and those that do get a lot of lip injures Real Question: A Frontier cowboy’s most precious possession was his horse. What was his most important tool? Guess: His gun Helene agrees X (His Rope) 4 ALF: Tina Turner and Madonna both made this dubious top 10 list. What list did they both make? “Both women who could squirt pudding” Stop reading those tabloids, ALF! Guess: Best Dressed List Fred disagrees X (Worst Dressed) Helene has two spots to block 5 Mindy to block: According to veterinarian Michael Garvey, is it okay to give your dog some of your chocolate bar? “No, let him get his own” Guess: Yes Helene agrees WRONG! (Gives them gas, Helene replies “No wonder my dog’s sick”)
6 Mindy to win: The Abominable Snowman is said to live in the Himalayas, the Loch Ness Monster is said to dwell in Scotland, where does legend say Bigfoot comes from? “Reebokia” (Mindy apologizes) Guess: The Andes Mountains Fred disagrees WIN! (North America)
SECRET SQUARE: Trip to Orlando, FL (Delta; @ Sea World Wyndham)
Helene 1 Edwin: What’s it called when a member of the Senate makes an exceptionally long speech in order to prevent a vote? Guess: Filibuster (thanks to Edwin’s first news job for the Senate 45 years ago) Helene agrees O (“You can trust that Face”) 2 Finola: It used to begin on the last Sunday in April, but next year, it will begin on the first Sunday in April. What is it? “The Christmas Sales” Guess: The Baseball Season Fred disagrees X (Daylight Saving Time) 3 ALFSECRET SQUARE! (So Helene can visit her former stomping grounds) Who was the first man in space?: Yuri Gagarin, John Glenn or Alan Shepherd? Guess: Glenn Helene agrees X (Yuri) 4 Mindy: It’s a white ash that grows from 75 years. It’s cut down, split and baked for 8 months. What is made out of it? “Bagels” Guess: Railroad tires Fred disagrees X (Baseball Bats) As a Jewish girl, Mindy knew about bagels. As for baseball, she just files nails in the dugout. 5 Fred to block: According to Dr. Joyce Brothers, if your child walks in while you and your spouse are making love, what should you do? First, “Put down that camera” Guess: Bring it out in the open Helene disagrees WRONG! 6 Fred for Fred to win: Nero couldn’t have possibly fiddled while Rome burned. Why not? “His Violin Teacher started the fire with his fiddle” “Someone’s not gonna get pancakes today.” Guess: The fiddle hadn’t been invented Fred agrees $1,000 WIN!
Helene starts 1 Edwin: According to World Book, what is the Bumble Bee’s worst enemy? Rimsky-Korsakov (Wrote “Flight of the Bumblebees”) ALF “Go Back to News” Guess: DDT Helene disagrees X (Close enough to man)
2 Shirley: Music time:
When I’m calling you Will you answer too That means I offer my love to you To be your own If You refuse me I will be blue And waiting all alone
Shirley and ALF duet The Indian Love Song
Question: Who is best remembered for singing that duet in the movies? Guess: Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy Fred agrees X 3 Fred to block: In 1960, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev disrupted a meeting at the United Nations by banging something on the table. Richard Nixon’s head Guess: Took off his shoe Helene agrees O 4 Chris (HONK!): A 17-year-old girl can’t be admitted to an X-rated movie alone. Could she be allowed into the movie if you go with her? Chris pleads the fifth as first. Guess: Absolutely not Fred agrees X
Helene only gets $100. Fred wins with $1,300 ($3,100 Total)
Now Fred can get an early Christmas present in one of these Jeeps:
Comanche X
Cherokee Chief
Grand Wagoneer
Fred picks the Cherokee ($14,997) with Mindy, Chris and Rip.
UH-OH! Still no luck. I’m sure there’s a pancake waiting for him, though. Happy Thanksgiving!
Hollywood Squares is owned by King World Productions a part of CBS Media Ventures.
O: J.J. Tande (San Diego, CA, Navy wife heading to Japan, mother of four)
X: Jerrod Mink (Alma, GA, in air conditioning)
Round 1 Prize: Tappan Fridge, Dishwasher and Microwave/Range ($2,800)
J.J. first 1 Ross: Something very famous started when a guy named Paris stole a woman named Helen. What happened? Guess: The Trojan War J.J. Agrees O 2 Wayland and Madame: In the nursery rhyme, what did Little Jack Horner do that convinced him he was a good boy? “When Mary told him she had a little lamb, he didn’t make a wisecrack” Guess: He pulls out a plum Jerrod Agrees X 3 Paul: According to a famous poet, what burns at both ends? “Listerine” Guess: The Candle J.J. Agrees O 4 Vikki to block: Nothing in your home uses up more energy that this. Guess: Washers and Dryers, but Peter means Water, Electricity, Gas Re-Do: Electric Jerrod Disagrees X (Hot Water Heater) 5 Tom: Did Jonah stay overnight in the belly of the whale? “When the whale went to sleep, he snuck out the back way” Guess: Yes J.J. Agrees O 6 Fred to Block: According to the Boy Scout Handbook (Fred doesn’t remember his rank), what is a boy’s most valuable possession? His bunk mate’s best possession was a “benoit”. “I Was sorry I gave him the darn thing” Guess: The Boy Scout Manual Jerrod Disagrees X (His Honor) 7 Margaret to Block: Where is Queen Elizabeth’s husband supposed to walk when he’s with her in public? Guess: Ten Paces in Front J.J. Disagrees O (Several steps behind her) 8 Phyllis to block: True or False? Some cultures think avocados make you feel sexy? Guess: True J.J. Agrees X 9 Jim Stafford for 5-Square Win: Does marijuana do anything funny to cows when they eat it? He prefers drinking “If you smoke dope, you don’t get to throw up” Guess: Yes J.J. Agrees WIN! Peter adds, “They start wandering aimlessly around and start playing musical instruments”
Note: Had she missed, Jerrod would’ve gotten it by default. Just one thing I can say about that…
Round 2 Prize: Lane Backgammon Desk Table
For Today’s Big Winner: * Trip to Islamorada, FL (1wk.@ Cheeca Lodge) * D’Avila Men’s Wardrobe * Pedre His/Her Gold Watches * 7d Carnival Caribbean Cruise
Jerrod to Start 1 Paul: Why did the sailors throw Jonah off their boat. “He looked Cuban” Guess: Too many people on board Jerrod Disagrees X (To stop the storm he was causing, God was angry) 2 Ross: His first film was “Love is on the Air” and his last was “The Killers”. Who is he? Guess: James Cagney J.J. Agrees X (Ronald Reagan, Cagney was shooting a film at taping) 3 Vicki to win: “You’re the Tops”, “All Through the Night”, and “I Get a Kick Out of You” are all songs from a popular musical show. Name the show Guess: Anything Goes Jerrod Agrees WIN! (Both Vicki and Peter have been in that show)
Round 3 Prize: Broyhill French Provincial Bedroom ($1,000+)
Each winner gets to come back for that tournament for the following:
Domes America Geodesic House
Midas Van RV
$20,000 in Cash
Buick Riviera
J.J. starts 1 Paul: True or False? Hugh Hefner has announced plans for a giant amusement park in Nevada to be called Bunny Land. “One of the rides is Miss November” Guess: True J.J. agrees X 2 Wayland and Madame: “Who wore a blue shirt, blue pants, a red kerchief, a white hat and a black mask?” “Sammy Davis Jr., but I don’t remember no mask.” Guess: The Lone Ranger Jerrod disagrees O 3 Tom: “The wise old philosopher Socrates once stated that you should call no man unhappy he has done something at least once. What?” “Eaten Christmas dinner at the House of Pancakes” No Answer (Until he’s gotten married) T: “True or false? Studies showed that the size and power of a person’s car often reveals something about his sexual personality.” Tom: “I Drive a Volkswagen” Peter: “Well, it’s better than that minibus you had” Tom: “Both are out of gas a lot” Guess: True J.J. agrees O 4 Vikki “The woman on trial for running a house of ill-repute in San Francisco has been sentenced to 90 days in a convent.” Guess: True Jarrod agrees X 5 Ross to block: “Cupid, the god of love, was the son of Venus, the Goddess of Beauty. Who was Cupid’s Daddy?” “She’s been trying to find out for Centuries” Guess: A Swan J.J. disagrees O (Mars, the god of war: Ross “I Knew it wasn’t me”) 6 Margaret: “True or False, According to the book of Lists, Josephine often feel out of bed when making love to Napoleon.” Guess: True Jarrod agrees X 7 Phyllis to block: “Something Joan Crawford wore in the film “Mildred Pierce” made American housewives all over the country copied. Shoulder Pads J.J. Agrees O “Also the San Diego Chargers” 8 Jim to block: “According to a recent survey of prominent clergymen, is it okay for a gambler to pray for good luck?” Guess: No Jerrod Disagrees WRONG 9 Jim to win: “According to statistics, this is the most popular instrument among amateur musicians. What is it?” Guess: Guitar J.J. Agrees X (Piano) 10 Fred to decide: “In a popular song, they say that leather is tough, but this girl is tougher. And she like to see men suffer.” “I want a girl just like the girl that married dear old Dad. What am i sayin” Answer: Hard-Hearted Hannah Jerrod agrees WIN!
Round 4 Prize: Spalding Executive Golf Clubs
1 Jerrod to start: Tom: “In a movie, who is famous for saying “Gotta Dance, Gotta Dance”” “Peg Leg Bates” Gene Kelly Jerrod agrees X (From “Singin’ in the Rain”) 2 Paul: “According to Ann Landers, who should you complain to about an unsatisfactory piece of meat.” “No one, it’s hereditary” HONK! Guess: The manager J.J. agrees WRONG (The Waiter)
J.J.’s Total (with Parting Gifts): $3,700 Jerrod’s Total: $8,350
Closing: Fred Willard is appearing in the movie “First Family”. Also featured are Bob Newhart, Gilda Radner, Harvey Korman and Jim Benjamin.
Images of game board based on original by FromEquestria2LA on Deviantart.
Hollywood Squares is owned by King World Productions a part of CBS Media Ventures.