CONCENTRATION-Taped December 5, 1974

Host: Jack Narz
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Kathe Pugh (dental receptionist in Westwood)
Myrna Hoffman (aircraft electrician and raises tropical fish)



  • 7 Dishwasher (Tappan)
  • 25 Car Wax (Turtle Wax)
  • 15 Wall Covering (Z-Brick)
  • 28 Living Room Set (Broyhill Colonial)

Kathe 10 (Bonus Number) and 16 (Ladies’ Luggage)
Myrna 21 (Cook’s Dream) and 3 (Car Wax)
Kathe 25 & 3 MATCH!
18 (Take 1 Gift) and 30 (Encyclopedia)
Myrna 6 (Living Room Set) and 28 MATCH!
14 (Electric Typewriter) and 26 (Binoculars)
Kathe 12 (Bonus Number) and 10 MATCH!
24 (Bonus Number) and 2 LUCKY MATCH! (Kathe’ll have another bonus number after the first one is used up.)
16 and 23 (WILD CARD!) (Both Bonuses still waiting)
20 (Take) and 7 and 22 (Take) (Adds Living Room)
14 and 18 (Take) and 4 (Guitar) UH-OH!
Myrna 21 and 8 (The Last Take)
Kathe 29 (Dishwasher) and 7 NICE RECOVERY!

Guess: The Calm Before the Storm WIN!

THE “Caw” + M Bee + 4 THE Store + M

DOUBLE PLAY: Chevrolet Vega Hatchback

$100 Puzzle: SALVADOR DALI (6 seconds left)
S + Awl + Foot + Door Doll + “E”

Car Puzzle: JAMES FENIMORE COOPER (with 1 sec. Left)
J + Hay + MZ F + Hen + “M” + Oar “Coo” + Pear



  • 19 Electric Range (Monarch)
  • 10 Mints (Richardson)
  • 22 House Paint (True Value Tru-Test)
  • 6 En’t’nm’nt Center (Channel Master Stereo)

Myrna 25 (Water Sof’ner) and 8 (Ice Cream Maker)
Kathe 30 (Calculator) and 17 (Punch Bowl Set)
Myrna 28 (China) and 12 (Calculator)
Kathe 30 & 12 MATCH! (25 flipped by mistake)
10 and 15 (Water Sof’ner)
Myrna 25 & 15 MATCH!
16 (Bonus Number) and 2 (Electric Range)
Kathe 28 OOPS! and 19 DOUBLE OOPS!
Myrna 19 and 2 MATCH!
16 and 8
Kathe 1 (Child’s Toys) and 13 (En’t’nm’nt Center)
Myrna 6 and 13 MATCH!
24 (Child’s Toys) and 1 MATCH!
17 and 29 (Bonus Number)
Kathe 16 and 29 BONUS ACTIVATED!
22 and 4 (Punch Bowl Set) and 17 MATCH!
21 (Ice Cream Maker) and 14 (Take)
Myrna 7 (Take) and 28 UH-OH!
Kathe 14 and 7 MATCH! (Takes Ent. Center)
21 and 18 (Wild Card!)
9 (House Paint) and 27 (Wild! Again)
23 (Take 1 Gift) and 11 (China)
Myrna 28 & 11 MATCH!

Guess: “I Can’t Seem to Make a Mistake” WRONG!
20 (Bonus Number) and 26 (Mints)
Kathe 10 & 26 MATCH!

Guess: I Can’t Seem to Make Ends Meet WIN AGAIN!

Eye Can + ‘T Sea + M II May + K + Ns Meat


$100 Puzzle: Pearl Bill Boat Egg Hood World? STUMPED!
Pearl Buck Row + T Th + Egg + Hood Earth

Myrna leaves with $25
Kathe’s total: $2,367 (not counting the Car)

Concentration is owned by NBCUniversal, a division of Comcast.

CONCENTRATION-Taped June 27, 1974

Host: Jack Narz
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Sheryl Litz (native Californian, military housewife who travel a lot)
Jane McCauley (moved to California, struggling entertainer w/three kids)

There are two parts to this game. First, match the prizes behind the 30 numbered boxes. Second, solve the rebus behind the prizes. Only by doing that can you take the prizes home.


We’ll start with four head starts:

  • 13 Freezer (Westinghouse Frost Free 17)
  • 1 Children’s Shoes (Mother Goose)
  • 11 S’ndw’ch Bags (Glad)
  • 20 Second H’moon (Weekend@ Marina Hotel, dining, private cruise and limo)

Sheryl 22 (Encyclopedia) and 9 (Children’s Shoes)
Jane 1 & 9 MATCH!
20 and 21 (His & Her Bikes)
7 (Take 1 Gift) and 24 (S’ndw’ch Bags)
Jane 11
& 24 MATCH!
(Phone Answ’r) and Back to 22
Sheryl 18
(Phone Answ’r) and 3 MATCH!
(Take 1 Gift) and 27 MATCH! (Happy-stance, Sheryl takes the Shoes)
(Mattress Set) and 29 (Wild Card!) (Automatic Match)
(Encyclopedia) and 12 (Wild Card Again!)
and 20 (Round and Round)
Jane 21
and 19 (Take 1 Gift)
Sheryl 28
(Bonus Number) and 5 (His & Her Bikes)
Jane 21
& 5 MATCH!
(Binoculars) and 17 (Bonus Number)*
Sheryl 28
& 17 MATCH! Sheryl can pick a third box if the first two don’t work out.
(Binoculars) & 8
Guess: Everything’s Under Control WIN!

“F” + Wreath + Ink IS Un + Door Con + T + Roll

Along with taking her loot home, Sheryl now gets a chance at a lot more.


She has 10 seconds to solve two fully-revealed rebuses. The first one is worth $100; the second adds a new car (this case, a Chevy Vega Hatchback)

$100 Puzzle: THE CARPENTERS (in just three seconds)
THE Car + Pen + Doors

Car Puzzle: “Star R Campobello” NOT CLOSE ENOUGH!
Sun + R + Ice Hat K + Ham + Paw + Bell + “O”
But Sheryl AND Jane have another chance at the car.



  • 17 DINING ROOM (Broyhill Americana)
  • 4 ATTACHE CASE (Samsonite)
  • 16 H’ME CARE PRODUCTS (Magic cleaning prod. including Panel Magic Furniture Polish)
  • 24 SEWING MACHINE (Morse)

Jane 30 (Ladies’ Shirts) and 1 (Dining Room)
Sheryl 17 & 1 MATCH!
19 (Wild Card!) and 13 (Sewing Machine) (Matching the other Wild Card meant $500)
10 (Take 1 Gift) and 22 MATCH but nothing to take
23 (Burner Base) and 7 (Attaché Case)
Jane 4 & 7 MATCH!
23 and 2 (Cook-Ware)
Sheryl 21 (Cook-Ware) & 2 MATCH!
6 (Indoor Grill) and 29 (Knitting Machine)
Jane 21 (Indoor Grill) & 6 MATCH!
5 (Burner Base) and 28 (Bonus Number) OOPS!
Cheryl 29 and 8 (Ladies’ Shirts)
Jane 30 & 8 MATCH!
24 and 3 (Take 1 Gift)
Sheryl 14 (H’me Care Products) and 11 (Wild!)
18 (Take 1 Gift) and 28 WHA-WHA!
Jane 15 and 23 We’re Going ’round in Circles
Sheryl 5 & 23 Matches Burner Base
20 (Lace Hanging) and 27 LUCKY MATCH!


Since neither lady has solved the puzzle thus far, we’ll reveal the whole thing. First to buzz-in and solve it wins.
After eight seconds…Sheryl: WAITER THERE’S A FLY IN MY SOUP WIN AGAIN!
Weigh+Tar Th+Air+S A f + Lion Mice+Hoop


$100 Puzzle: Sack O Move Van Psyche NO GOOD!
Sack + “O” & Van + Zet + Tee

Sheryl’s Winnings: Over $3,700
Jane gets nothing!

Concentration is owned by NBCUniversal, a division of Comcast.