CONCENTRATION-September 14, 1976

Host: Jack Narz
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Teri (Orange County, married and children’s librarian)
Ronnie Torso (originally NYC, musician and married)


And Jack tells us there’ll be a twist to this round. Our contestants will find our later.


  • 14 Color TV (Sharp 13″)
  • 21 Household Lube (CRC)
  • 5 Plant Food (Mrs. Myers)
  • 29 Outdoor Furn. (John Hancock Redwood)

Teri 2 (Elec. Caddy) and 17 (Guitar)
Ronnie 6 (Bonus Number) and 24 (Elec. Caddy)
Teri 2 & 24 MATCH!
9 (Bonus Number) and 6 MATCH!
15 (Take 1 Gift) and 25 (Pinball Machine) and 22 (Color TV)
Ronnie 14 and 22 MATCH!
25 and 11 (Free Look)
Now we come to the twist. The Free Look is revealed right away and Ronnie can have a guess.
It doesn’t help, so back to matching the pinball machine.
7 (Kitchen Ware)
Teri 27 (Wild Card!) and 15 (Claims TV)
16 (Bonus Number) and 29
Ronnie 4 (Pinball Machine) and 25 MATCH!
1 (Guitar) and 17 MATCH!
10 (Outdoor Furn.) and 29 THREE IN A ROW!
21 and 13 (Take 1 Gift)
Teri 8 (H’hold Lube) & 21
19 (Golf Clubs) and 12 LUCKY!
Wait, Jack remembers Teri still has a take to use. She’ll steal the Outdoor Furniture.
28 (Take 1 Gift) and 26 (Bonus Number)
Ronnie 16 and 26

Now Ronnie has a guess: RISING TO THE OCCASION WIN!

R + Eyes + Sink Tooth + “E” Hoe + “K” + Shin

DOUBLE PLAY: Chevrolet Chevette 3 Dr.

$100 Puzzle: PREISDENT JOHN ADAMS (Half the Time)
Press + Head + Ant Jaw + N Atoms

Car Puzzle: Mighty Casey Has Svun Out? SO CLOSE!
M + Eye + Tee Case + “E” H + Ass S + Truck Out
Mighty Casey Has Struck Out (and he knew where he goofed up)

Speaking of which, you may have realized this. Teri didn’t have a take to use when she took the Furniture. It’s going back to Ronnie.



  • 12 Rec. Sofa (La-Z-Boy)
  • 30 Cat Food (Tabby)
  • 22 Hair Spray (Adorn)
  • 4 Electric Range (Kelvinator)

Ronnie 6 (Take 1 Gift) and 19 (Asst. Clocks)
Teri 5 (Treas’re Finder) and 20 (Take 1 Gift)
Ronnie 6 & 20 NOTHING TO TAKE!
21 (Mini Camera) and 14 LUCKY MATCH!
1 (Hair Spray) and 22 ANOTHER 3-PEAT!
3 (Chain Saw) and 26 (Rec. Sofa)
Teri 12 and 26 MATCH!
24 (Chain Saw) and 3 MATCH!
22 (WILD CARD!) and The Range at 4
28 (Mini Library) & 11 (Asst. Clocks)
Ronnie 22 (Electric Range) & 17 (WILD CARD!)


4 HEH + Van + Z S + Hay + K

This time is WAS a Van!


$100 Puzzle: CLAUDIA CARDINALE (6 seconds left)
Claw + “D” + A Car + DIN + Alley

Car Puzzle: ALAN ARKIN STARRED IN CATCH-22 (2 sec. to spare)
AL + Hen Ark + Can Star + D Inn Cat + CH TW + Hen + Tee +T + Hoo


It’s just one puzzle, 10 seconds for $50. Teri is first

Teri: JANE FONDA (2 sec.)
Chain F + On + Da

Ronnie: JOHN LENNON (barely 2 sec.)
J + On L + Hen + “N”

Teri leaves with $50
Ronnie has $1,756 in cash and prizes NOT counting the car.

Concentration is owned by NBCUniversal, a division of Comcast.

MATCH GAME(syndicated)-September 12, 1979

Host: Gene Rayburn
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Bart Braverman “Vega$”Brett SomersCharles Nelson Reilly
Eva GaborBill DailyFannie Flagg

Game 1-Round 2

Karen Curtis (West L.A., married for 7 mon., works for property management company) 0
John Wilson (Townsville, NC, after teaching for 7 years, has done traveling to Europe with a friend) 2

A: While Ben the glassblower was blowing a glass bottle, Ben blew so hard he blew his ________ into the bottle.

John: His Lips

Jeannie False TeethFalse Teeth
Brett said Ben is Old Man Periwinkle’s Older Brother

B: The delicastessen owner said, “People keep stealing my food. It’s gotten so bad, I had to take all my bagels and put ________s on them.”

Karen: Locks



Fannie: Of Broadway
Charles: And Goodnight
Brett: Baby
Karen’s Choice: Baby


HEAD-TO-HEAD: Brett ($10,000!)

Karen: Mother
Brett: She had two choices. It could’ve been father but she wrote…MOTHER ($10,500)

Second perfect Super-Match in a row! Maybe John will be the third?

GAME 2: John first

A: The pirate said “I’ll never make it as an athlete.  I almost got killed trying to use my peg leg as a ________.

John: Basketball

Pogo StickBaseball BatVaulting Pole
SwordJavelinBaseball Bat

Karen B: Nerdocrombezia is the world’s sleaziest country. Just try to imagine 40 million people with ________.

Karen: Slime

Bad BreathRuns in their HosePimple
Alethets FeetHairy LegsPolyester Formal Wear

Round 2
Karen B: Mrs. Dumb Donald said “My husband is so dumb, I found him in the closet trying to _________ a shoe tree.”

Karen: Pick

When one face palm isn’t enough.


Mercifully, this show is over. All John needs is one answer, first thing tomorrow to win. Can’t be too hard, can it?

Gene decides to calm the place down by leading the “choir” into a performance of “Adeste Fideles.”

Match Game is owned by Fremantle.


Host: John Davidson
Announcer: Shadoe Stevens

O: DD Alton (One Day, $1,300)
X: Michael Weiner (waiter)


Michael first
1 Milton, with a clip from his new video “A Night at La Cage”. He’s in drag, nothing new for him. Let’s see if he knows it when he sees it. Three Ladies at center stage, but only one is a real woman. The other two are from Lou Paciocco’s La Cage aux Folles Nightclub. Who is the real girl?
“This Question is a drag”
Guess: #3
Michael agrees O (#1 “l blew my wig.”)

  • #1 Wayne Smith
  • #2 Jennifer Palazzo
  • #3 Pia Van Doren

2 Lynn To really get your makeup to set properly, you should spray your face with something after you’re done.
“Krazy Glue”
Guess: Water
DD agrees O
3 Charlotte to block (She’s in a new HBO special: “The Worst Witch”) True or false? The Roman Emperor Nero quit his job to become a singer.
“He opened for Milton at Caesar’s Palace”
Guess: False
Michael agrees WRONG
4 Charlotte to Win The University of California offers a number of courses on sex education.  Are they popular with students?
“Especially those that do lots and lots and lots of homework.”
Guess: Yes
DD agrees WIN!

Secret Square: Trip to the Bahamas (Eastern; Xanadu Beach Resort)

Michael up again
1 Little Richard (New album, Lifetime Friend, coming in October) A hot oil fire has erupted in the skillet.  What should you do?
“Go out for dinner”
Guess: Take some sugar.
Michael agrees O (Baking Soda, 0-3)
2 Milton How long does a person have to be missing before being declared legally dead?
“If it’s a Jewish family, one meal.”
Guess: 7-8 years
DD agrees O (3-0)
3 Louie to block
If you are an average human being, you have 28 pounds of it in your body. What?
Guess: Fat
Michael disagrees X (Bones)
4 Lynn (Secret Square)
For the trip at nearly $3,000, Who was the President who signed the controversial 55 mile per hour Speed limit into law.  Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan?
Guess: Nixon
5 Charlotte to block There is a lady standing in New York Harbor who has been carrying a torch for over 100 years.  What is her official name?
“Ruth Berkowitz”
Guess: Statue of Liberty
Michael agrees WRONG “The Liberty Enlightening the World”
6 Charlotte to win What famous personality said these words “I shall return”?
“Lucille Ball” (She keeps getting new shows)
Guess: General MacArthur
DD Agrees WIN AGAIN! (Up to 5 right in a row)

Round 3

1 Milton True or False? It takes the average Mouse about five seconds to mate.
“In that case, I don’t feel so bad.”
Guess: True
Michael agrees X
2 Kareem When one cat approaches another car and makes nose-to-nose contact, what does it mean?
“Jump Ball”
Guess: Getting acquainted
DD agrees O (Close Enough)
3 Jan-Michael According to New Woman Mag. Placing postage stamps on various areas of the face is a good idea when you want to what?
“Mail yourself”
Guess: Clear your skin
Michael disagrees X (Temporarily smooth it out)
4 Mike to block (Last Question) An expert in the field of hospital guest relations has stated that in many hospitals, bad food is a thing of the past.  Why?
“Because the people who ate it are a thing of the past.”
Guess: They got too many complaints.
DD disagrees O (Hired outside chefs, SEVEN STRAIGHT)

Michael leaves with $200
DD’s total today: $1,200 (Grand Total: $2,500+Bahamas)

Now to the cars. We’ve swapped out the Cadillacs for Mazdas. The least-expensive one has been taken out (Pickup) leaving these four:

  • Rx7 Sports Car
  • 626 Sedan
  • 323 Sedan
  • 626 Sport Coupe

DD chooses the RX7, Jan and Lynn.


Sorry, but she’ll try again tomorrow.

Images of game board based on original by FromEquestria2LA on Deviantart.

Hollywood Squares is owned by King World Productions a part of CBS Media Ventures.

CONCENTRATION-Taped December 5, 1974

Host: Jack Narz
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Kathe Pugh (dental receptionist in Westwood)
Myrna Hoffman (aircraft electrician and raises tropical fish)



  • 7 Dishwasher (Tappan)
  • 25 Car Wax (Turtle Wax)
  • 15 Wall Covering (Z-Brick)
  • 28 Living Room Set (Broyhill Colonial)

Kathe 10 (Bonus Number) and 16 (Ladies’ Luggage)
Myrna 21 (Cook’s Dream) and 3 (Car Wax)
Kathe 25 & 3 MATCH!
18 (Take 1 Gift) and 30 (Encyclopedia)
Myrna 6 (Living Room Set) and 28 MATCH!
14 (Electric Typewriter) and 26 (Binoculars)
Kathe 12 (Bonus Number) and 10 MATCH!
24 (Bonus Number) and 2 LUCKY MATCH! (Kathe’ll have another bonus number after the first one is used up.)
16 and 23 (WILD CARD!) (Both Bonuses still waiting)
20 (Take) and 7 and 22 (Take) (Adds Living Room)
14 and 18 (Take) and 4 (Guitar) UH-OH!
Myrna 21 and 8 (The Last Take)
Kathe 29 (Dishwasher) and 7 NICE RECOVERY!

Guess: The Calm Before the Storm WIN!

THE “Caw” + M Bee + 4 THE Store + M

DOUBLE PLAY: Chevrolet Vega Hatchback

$100 Puzzle: SALVADOR DALI (6 seconds left)
S + Awl + Foot + Door Doll + “E”

Car Puzzle: JAMES FENIMORE COOPER (with 1 sec. Left)
J + Hay + MZ F + Hen + “M” + Oar “Coo” + Pear



  • 19 Electric Range (Monarch)
  • 10 Mints (Richardson)
  • 22 House Paint (True Value Tru-Test)
  • 6 En’t’nm’nt Center (Channel Master Stereo)

Myrna 25 (Water Sof’ner) and 8 (Ice Cream Maker)
Kathe 30 (Calculator) and 17 (Punch Bowl Set)
Myrna 28 (China) and 12 (Calculator)
Kathe 30 & 12 MATCH! (25 flipped by mistake)
10 and 15 (Water Sof’ner)
Myrna 25 & 15 MATCH!
16 (Bonus Number) and 2 (Electric Range)
Kathe 28 OOPS! and 19 DOUBLE OOPS!
Myrna 19 and 2 MATCH!
16 and 8
Kathe 1 (Child’s Toys) and 13 (En’t’nm’nt Center)
Myrna 6 and 13 MATCH!
24 (Child’s Toys) and 1 MATCH!
17 and 29 (Bonus Number)
Kathe 16 and 29 BONUS ACTIVATED!
22 and 4 (Punch Bowl Set) and 17 MATCH!
21 (Ice Cream Maker) and 14 (Take)
Myrna 7 (Take) and 28 UH-OH!
Kathe 14 and 7 MATCH! (Takes Ent. Center)
21 and 18 (Wild Card!)
9 (House Paint) and 27 (Wild! Again)
23 (Take 1 Gift) and 11 (China)
Myrna 28 & 11 MATCH!

Guess: “I Can’t Seem to Make a Mistake” WRONG!
20 (Bonus Number) and 26 (Mints)
Kathe 10 & 26 MATCH!

Guess: I Can’t Seem to Make Ends Meet WIN AGAIN!

Eye Can + ‘T Sea + M II May + K + Ns Meat


$100 Puzzle: Pearl Bill Boat Egg Hood World? STUMPED!
Pearl Buck Row + T Th + Egg + Hood Earth

Myrna leaves with $25
Kathe’s total: $2,367 (not counting the Car)

Concentration is owned by NBCUniversal, a division of Comcast.

MATCH GAME (syndicated)-September 11, 1979

Host: Gene Rayburn
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Bart Braverman “Vega$”Brett SomersCharles Nelson Reilly
Eva GaborBill DailyFannie Flagg

So this is the Star-Studded Big Money Match Game. Fannie hasn’t seen much big money and Bill hasn’t seen much stars.

GAME 2-Round 1:

Rose Welch (San Diego, CA, married w/two kids, just fixing up the house right now)
Patty Olson (married with 2 1/2 y.o. daughter, another child due in Jan., loves golf) ($1,100)

Rose leads 3-0

B: The Hollywood producer said, “There’s something wrong with the casting of this movie. It’s the life story of Pat Boone, and in the starring role, they’ve got ________ .”

Gene shows off Eva’s HUGE ring, (a costume ring). But Charles has that beat, showing off Brett’s gifts from her husband. Gene asks for Patty’s answer, not realizing Charles got distracted.

Patty: “Who is the role of Baretta?” That’d be Robert Blake.

Alice CooperRoman PolanskyRichard Boone
Warren BeattyFess ParkerSammy Davis Jr.

Round 2
Rose B: Howard said, “The girls in our office look like dogs, so instead of a steno pool, we have a steno ________ .”

Eva needs SERIOUS help explaining what a steno pool is.

Rose: Dog House

Kennel PoolKennel

Patty A: Jim said “I went to the world’s strangest butcher shop. (HOW STRANGE WAS IT???!!!) They’re selling pigs’ feet with ________ .”

Patty: Toenails

ShoesBaseball Socks and Golf ShoesAthletic Rash
Nails SneakersKosher Wennies

ROSE WINS! Patty still has $1,100.

HUGH ________

Fannie: Hefner
Charles: Downs
Bart: O’Brian (Remember Wyatt Earp)
Rose’s Choice: HEFNER


HEAD-TO-HEAD: Bart ($10,000!)
________ AND CAKE

Rose: Ice Cream
Bart: He had coffee on his mind but wrote…ICE CREAM ($10,500)

And with that, two new players begin their first match.

Karen Curtis (West L.A., married for 7 mon., works for property management company)
John Wilson (Townsville, NC, after teaching for 7 years, has done traveling to Europe with a friend)

Karen B: Fred said, “My parents raised me on Dr. Spock” and Weird Willie said, “That’s nothing. My parents raised me on Dr. ________.”

Karen: Dolittle

She came up with a very cute answer, very clever and sophisticated and smart, and you expect these people to say the same thing.

Gene’s response
FreudDr. FrankensteinPepper
Charles is showing off his jewelry again, now a Rubiak Tiara (value of $2.8 Million)

John A: Mugsy said, “My school is so tough! (HOW TOUGH IS IT ???!!!) The first time you’re bad, you’re sent to the principal’s office. The second time, you’re sent to the ________.”

John: Jail

Jail Local MorticianSchool Nurse
Jail Gas ChamberGong Show

Karen will have to play catch-up next time.
Match Game is owned by Fremantle.

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?(daytime) Radio Week-October 30-31, 2002

Host: Meredith Vieira

In Radio Week, DJ’s have chosen contestants from their area for a chance at the hot seat. This group is from Washington D.C. :

  • Staff Sergeant Jeff Schmidbauer by Marc Kessler (94.7 The Arrow)
  • Leonard Hardy by DJ Flex (WPGC 95.5)
  • Joyce Stevens (Olney, MD) by Murphy and Cash (Big 100 WBIG)

After a trivia test (presumably not a Fastest Finger) sitting in the hot seat will be…Jeff! “Hoo-Hah” The army chant for when they’re fired up for a mission. Marc says we don’t pay our men in uniform enough.


In the classic cartoons, what is Bugs Bunny’s signature greeting?

A: What’s up, doc?B: Howdy, partner
C: What’s new, pussycat?D: That’s no carrot…

Jeff says A! He’s no Mel Blanc…but it’s still right.


In which of these high school classes are students most likely to use a petri dish?

A: PhysicsB: Home economics
C: BiologyD: Physical education

He goes with Biology…PASSES THAT TEST!


Which of these animals can change the color of its skin, depending on its mood and environment?

A: LionB: Octopus
C: ZebraD; Elephant

Jeff guesses Bravo…Hoo-Hah!


Brothers Dennis, Carl and Brian Wilson were founding members of what pop band?

A: The Beach BoysB: The Mamas & the Papas
C: The TurtlesD: The Lovin’ Spoonful

He remembers his copy of Pet Sounds and says A…GOOD VIBRATIONS


Mesquite is a type of wood traditionally used in what method of cooking?

A: Stir-fryB: Braising
C: FondueD: Barbecue

That would be D…LOCKED UP!

Episode ended here…but I’m not!


Our host is dressed as Meredith Vieira.


Where on the body would you normally find a “soul patch”?

A: Under the navelB: Above the chin
C: Around the elbowsD: Behind the ears

Jeff will have to ask for help

  • A: 21%
  • B: 35%
  • C: 23%
  • D 21%

UGH! Jeff will need more backup on this mission.

Down to B or C (the top two)
Jeff goes with B…THANK YOU AUDIENCE!


The Ficus elastica is a common houseplant better known by what name?

A: Spider plantB: Jade plant
C: Zebra plantD: Rubber plant

Going for broke, Sarge picks D…NOT BROKE YET!


A popular site for pilgrimages, the Wailing Wall is located in what city?

A: MeccaB: Rome
C: CairoD: Jerusalem

Jeff knows it’s from the palace of King Herod, so it must be D…DON’T CRY FOR JEFF!


In the 1984 movie “The Karate Kid”, Daniel’s tournament-winning kick shares its name with what bird?

A: EagleB: Hawk
C: CraneD: Falcon

He remember the hands, but it’s been too long to remember for sure. A crane sounds too aggressive. It’s phone a friend time!

John (colleague at the Defense Information School)

John’s got the image in his mind and it looks like a crane. Times runs out before saying how confident he is.

Jeff says “No Guts, No Glory” His final answer is C. Mark is “Rockin’ With the Sarge”…ROCKAWAY!

In the audience now is Jeff’s wife Barbara. You can tell by the “hoo-hah”.


Meredith hopes “Sarge” can break the streak of contestants losing at this level.

Weighing around three pounds, what is the heaviest internal organ in the human body?

A: PancreasB: Liver
C: HeartD: Spleen

“No Problem Here” It takes a moment since he’s laughing so much. Finally, he says “B, Final Answer”. THE CURSE IS GONE!

So the bogeyman loses this Halloween! The mission is far from over.


The word “maverick” comes from the name of an American pioneer who refused to do what?

A: Use barber wireB: Shoot wild animals
C: Brand his cowsD: Pay his taxes

B and D are dismissed right away. Meredith takes a moment to see Mark and Barbara holding hands. HMMM???!!! Anyway, Jeff reaches into his head. Finally, he comes to C. Meredith gets to ask “Final Answer”. He confirms with a “Goofy” accent. Mark’s not sure this time. Barb thought it was A…GOOD THING SHE COULDN’T SAY ANYTHING!

The smartest man in Washington!



Issued in 1934 for use by Federal Reserve banks, the $100,000 bill features what U.S. president on its front?

A: James MonroeB: James Madison
C: Theodore RooseveltD: Woodrow Wilson

Jeff sparkled about halfway through the question. “It’s so simple” It’s D…RIGHT!

Last week, when a Navy man won $125K, Meredith thought the Navy was the smartest branch. Now “I’m an Army Girl”. FICKLE! Jeff’s going “Mind if I faint now?”

Jeff makes base pay of $30,000 a year. He can pay off his debts, maybe buy an RV and finally see Paris.


Who is the only celebrity with five Hollywood Walk of Fame stars — for excellence in radio, TV, film, music and theater?

A: Gene AutryB: Frank Sinatra
C: Bob HopeD: Bing Crosby

He’s leaning towards the exit, but there’s a gut feeling for either B or D. The Sarge is assessing the risk and…WILL RETREAT.

Correct answer: A (Must’ve been indigestion)

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.

THE PRICE IS RIGHT(Nighttime)-Taped August 26, 1973 (#046N)

Host: Dennis James
Announcer: Johnny Olson
Models: Janice Pennington, Anitra Ford, Melinda and Linda

Note: Only audio again this week.


First Item Up for Bids!

Zenith 25″ Chromacolor TV

  • LOUISE 550
  • NANCY 650
  • SUSAN 625
  • CHERYL 675

The actual retail price is…$775. Cheryl wins!


And it’s a big bonus: A Chevrolet Nova 8 cyl. Hatchback (vinyl roof, remote mirror, leather tires, exterior decor package, rally wheels) plus Castro GTX (33 gal.) and a Turtle Wax Gift Pack (TOTAL: $3,349)

1st Window: HAIR SETTER-Lady Schick Lasting Curls ($48)
Guess: Lower RIGHT!
2nd: WATCH-Bulova Caravelle ($45)
Guess: Higher WRONG!
3rd: MIXER-Sunbeam Deluxe Mixmaster ($52)
Guess: Higher RIGHT!
4th: ENCYCLOPEDIA-World Book ($230)
Guess: Higher (Her Husband Andy says despite her doubts) RIGHT!

Where’s the Bonus?: THE WATCH! OUCH!

JOAN TOWNSEND, come on down!

Second Item Up For Bids!

2 Berkline Deluxe Recliners

  • JOAN 725
  • Louise 425
  • Nancy 500
  • Susan 525

The actual retail price is…$575. Susan wins!


  • Speed Queen Deluxe Washer/Dryer
  • Chevrolet Corvette Stingray (steel belted radials, white stripe tires)
  • The Piggy Bank
7 (her hubby’s call)_ _ 7 _
6 (hubby again)6 _ _
55 _ 7 _
85 8 7 _
1Not Here
4 (hubby tries again)5 8 7 4 WIN!

SALLY CHILCOTT, come on down!

Final item up for bids!

Tappan 3dr. Refrigerator/Freezer (plus Weight Watchers Cottage Cheese)

  • SALLY 475
  • Joan 550
  • Louise 625
  • Nancy 500

The actual retail price is…$670. Louise wins!


Up for grabs in a half-minute: A General Bathroom Products Vanity and a Tamura 96″ Sultan Sofa

VANITY: 400 500 600 800 700 750 740 730 710 701 650 675 680 681 690 670 687 688
SOFA: 1200 100 900 950 960 975 980 981 982 995 TIME’S UP! ($998)


SUSAN$6,449 (Top Winner)
LOUISE$1,358 (Runner-Up)


First Showcase: FASHION
Him: Delta Tuxedo/Wash and Wear Shirt
Her: Mr. Blackwell Wool Double Knit Dress (M)
Town and Travel Costume (L)
Chiffon Evening Gown (A) and Flow Dress (J)
Jean Nate Gift Set
Forever Ladies’ 3kt. Diamond/14kt. Gold Cocktail Ring
Zinman Devino Mink Fur Cape/Fox Jacket
Trip to Acapulco, MX (Mexicana Air; 1wk.@ Las Hamacas)

Susan passes, Louise’s bid: $3,650

Susan’s Showcase:
Mr. and Mrs. Tea Cocktail Mix
Schubert Bourbon Barrel Smuggler’s Bar Set
Decorium New Dimension Seating Group
Portell Las Vegas Shuffle Alley Shuffleboard Table
Masland Inner Circle Carpeting (40 sq. yds.)
3 Arthur Furman Portable Stereos
GA Systems Soda Fountain
Horizon 18′ Fiberglass Jet Boat/Trail-Rate Trailer

Susan’s bid: $7,000

Bid: $7,000Bid: $3,650
ARP: $8,601ARP: $5,182
Difference: $1,601Difference: $1,532

Louise squeaks by for the Win! Total $6,540
Total Winnings: $13,664+

The Price is Right is owned by Fremantle.

THE NEW HOLLYWOOD SQUARES-September 19, 1986 (End of 1st Week)

Host: John Davidson

Friday means the stars are all wearing those red track suits. (Available to buy soon)

O: DD Alton (New Orleans, LA, policy analyst, collects earrings)
X: Kenny Chernov (One-Day Champion)


DD, the challenger, goes first
1 Bronson: What are gibs, mibs, emmys and hoodles?
Guess: African Tribes
DD disagrees O (Marbles)
2 John (owns an island in Fiji): What happens to up to 70 percent of men who have their vasectomies surgically reversed?
“They Feel Short Changed”
Guess: Become Fathers
After some clarity, Kenny agrees O (They Remain infertile)
3 Jackie to win: Your pantyhose may not last as long in Los Angeles as they do in other cities. Why?
Jackie doesn’t wear pantyhose but asks if John does. As the host, he doesn’t have to answer.
Guess: The hot humid weather
DD disagrees WIN! (The Smog)

SECRET SQUARE GAME: Trip to Puerto Vallarta (Western; Plaza Vallarta)

Kenny first
For the $1,330 trip: What war inspired Francis Scott Key to write the Star-Spangled Banner? The American Revolution, The War of 1812 or the Civil War?
Guess: The American Revolution
Kenny agrees O (B)
2 Bronson: Little Bo Peep has lost her sheep, but does she ever find them?
First, a poem:

Little Bovine has lost her mind
And does not know where to recoup it
If she does not find it, the sheep will not mind it
Her conduct from birth has been stupid

Guess: Yes, wagging their tails behind them
DD agrees O
3 Lorenzo to block: A Visual Clue:
Lady Black Belt breaks through a wall. It’s was a running sidekick. Which discipline of the martial arts did she use? Was is Judo, Karate or Kung Fu?
Guess: Karate
Kenny still disagrees WRONG! (That’s what you get for doubting an honest black belt)
Note: Kenny’s 0-3 and DeeDee’s 3-0
4 Lorenzo to win: Finish this song

You must remember this
A kiss is still a kiss
A sigh is still a sigh

“I think there’s something in my eye”
Guess: Fundamental things apply, as time goes by
DD disagrees X
5 Mariette (was in Little Night Music in Ohio): What’s the highest award the government can give a civilian?
“Tax Refund”
Guess: Citizenship medal
Kenny disagrees X (Medal of Freedom) And now, both streaks have been broken.
6 Itzhak to block: Within a pride of lions, the female in addition to bearing the cubs does 95 percent of the…
Guess: Finding the food
DD agrees O (Counts as hunting)
7 Emma: What is Ronald Reagan’s middle name?
Guess: Wilson
Kenny disagrees O
8 Shadoe to win: What are hairline joints, butt joins and lap joints?
“Types of singles bars”
Guess: Sewing terms
DD disagrees WIN! (Ways to hang wallpaper)

Round 3

Kenny up again
1 John: According to Life Magazine, a poll of cosmetic surgeons found that the features their clients want the most are Farrah’s forehead, Brooke’s lips and Dolly’s
Guess: Chest, he said it some way or another
Kenny agrees O (Her nose, “Isn’t that cute”)
2 Mariette: What is Mount Fuji?
“Place where Japanese send their film to be developed”
Guess: The Highest Mountain in the World Japan
DD agrees O
3 Betty to block: Married women were recently asked by poll takers: “If given the chance, would you marry the same man?” What do the majority say?
“Come on in, handsome poll taker”
Guess: They wouldn’t trade in for a new model
Kenny agrees X
4 Bronson (started to choose before the horn went off): There’s one thing you must do in order to get a job in Iceland. What is it?
“Dye your hair blond”
Guess: Enlist in the military
DD disagrees O (Graduate from high school)

Kenny adds $100 for a 2-Day Total of $1,400
DD has $1,300

Our new champ takes a key, but which Caddy will she try for:

  • ElDorado
  • Seville
  • Coupe DeVille
  • Cimarron
  • Sedan Deville

She can choose Bronson, just as a good luck celebrity. Car-wise she picks the Seville.


Not today. DD will come back on Monday to try again. That means a new group of stars in the board:

  • Lynn Redgrave
  • Jan-Michael Vincent (Airwolf)
  • Louie Anderson
  • Heidi Bohay (Hotel)
  • Milton Berle
  • Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
  • Little Richard
  • Mike Connors
  • Charlotte Rae (The Facts of Life)

But without Bronson, will she ever return?

Images of game board based on original by FromEquestria2LA on Deviantart.

Hollywood Squares is owned by King World Productions a part of CBS Media Ventures.

CONCENTRATION-Taped June 27, 1974

Host: Jack Narz
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Sheryl Litz (native Californian, military housewife who travel a lot)
Jane McCauley (moved to California, struggling entertainer w/three kids)

There are two parts to this game. First, match the prizes behind the 30 numbered boxes. Second, solve the rebus behind the prizes. Only by doing that can you take the prizes home.


We’ll start with four head starts:

  • 13 Freezer (Westinghouse Frost Free 17)
  • 1 Children’s Shoes (Mother Goose)
  • 11 S’ndw’ch Bags (Glad)
  • 20 Second H’moon (Weekend@ Marina Hotel, dining, private cruise and limo)

Sheryl 22 (Encyclopedia) and 9 (Children’s Shoes)
Jane 1 & 9 MATCH!
20 and 21 (His & Her Bikes)
7 (Take 1 Gift) and 24 (S’ndw’ch Bags)
Jane 11
& 24 MATCH!
(Phone Answ’r) and Back to 22
Sheryl 18
(Phone Answ’r) and 3 MATCH!
(Take 1 Gift) and 27 MATCH! (Happy-stance, Sheryl takes the Shoes)
(Mattress Set) and 29 (Wild Card!) (Automatic Match)
(Encyclopedia) and 12 (Wild Card Again!)
and 20 (Round and Round)
Jane 21
and 19 (Take 1 Gift)
Sheryl 28
(Bonus Number) and 5 (His & Her Bikes)
Jane 21
& 5 MATCH!
(Binoculars) and 17 (Bonus Number)*
Sheryl 28
& 17 MATCH! Sheryl can pick a third box if the first two don’t work out.
(Binoculars) & 8
Guess: Everything’s Under Control WIN!

“F” + Wreath + Ink IS Un + Door Con + T + Roll

Along with taking her loot home, Sheryl now gets a chance at a lot more.


She has 10 seconds to solve two fully-revealed rebuses. The first one is worth $100; the second adds a new car (this case, a Chevy Vega Hatchback)

$100 Puzzle: THE CARPENTERS (in just three seconds)
THE Car + Pen + Doors

Car Puzzle: “Star R Campobello” NOT CLOSE ENOUGH!
Sun + R + Ice Hat K + Ham + Paw + Bell + “O”
But Sheryl AND Jane have another chance at the car.



  • 17 DINING ROOM (Broyhill Americana)
  • 4 ATTACHE CASE (Samsonite)
  • 16 H’ME CARE PRODUCTS (Magic cleaning prod. including Panel Magic Furniture Polish)
  • 24 SEWING MACHINE (Morse)

Jane 30 (Ladies’ Shirts) and 1 (Dining Room)
Sheryl 17 & 1 MATCH!
19 (Wild Card!) and 13 (Sewing Machine) (Matching the other Wild Card meant $500)
10 (Take 1 Gift) and 22 MATCH but nothing to take
23 (Burner Base) and 7 (Attaché Case)
Jane 4 & 7 MATCH!
23 and 2 (Cook-Ware)
Sheryl 21 (Cook-Ware) & 2 MATCH!
6 (Indoor Grill) and 29 (Knitting Machine)
Jane 21 (Indoor Grill) & 6 MATCH!
5 (Burner Base) and 28 (Bonus Number) OOPS!
Cheryl 29 and 8 (Ladies’ Shirts)
Jane 30 & 8 MATCH!
24 and 3 (Take 1 Gift)
Sheryl 14 (H’me Care Products) and 11 (Wild!)
18 (Take 1 Gift) and 28 WHA-WHA!
Jane 15 and 23 We’re Going ’round in Circles
Sheryl 5 & 23 Matches Burner Base
20 (Lace Hanging) and 27 LUCKY MATCH!


Since neither lady has solved the puzzle thus far, we’ll reveal the whole thing. First to buzz-in and solve it wins.
After eight seconds…Sheryl: WAITER THERE’S A FLY IN MY SOUP WIN AGAIN!
Weigh+Tar Th+Air+S A f + Lion Mice+Hoop


$100 Puzzle: Sack O Move Van Psyche NO GOOD!
Sack + “O” & Van + Zet + Tee

Sheryl’s Winnings: Over $3,700
Jane gets nothing!

Concentration is owned by NBCUniversal, a division of Comcast.

MATCH GAME (syndicated)-September 10, 1979 (daily premiere)

Host: Gene Rayburn
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Bart Braverman “Vega$”Brett SomersCharles Nelson Reilly
Eva GaborBill DailyFannie Flagg

“As George Bernard Shaw said, “Over on my left, we have the open air lunatic asylum”

And over on the right…

Rose Welch (San Diego, CA, married w/two kids, just fixing up the house right now)
Patty Olson (married with 2 1/2 y.o. daughter, another child due in Jan., loves golf)

These ladies will play two full games. The first one starts now!

Rose B: The zookeeper said, “Ugly Edna is SOOOOO UGLY, when she walked through the zoo, I’d thought a ________ had escaped!”

Bill needs the most help with spelling and keeping quiet.


Monkey (Ape)… Oranga Tang an orangatan
gorilla oranguta!!! Gorrillia

Patty A: Rodney Rich is really rich. Rodney Rich is the only man in the world who keeps his waterbed filled with ________.


Champagne Dom Perignon Champagne a Vintage Year Champagne
champagne (Hungarian spelling) Perrier Champane
Charles had gas, but that wasn’t his answer. Got buzzed too soon.

Round 2
Patty B: Ralph said “I’ve got a terrible fear of close spaces, because when I was a baby, instead of a crib my parents kept me in a ________.”

Bill: First kept in the Dark (not funny) so…Drawer (Tie Game)


Rose B: Dumb Dora is REALLY DUMB! She thinks the Happy Hooker is someone who enjoying ________ing!


FishingMaking RugsRug Making
dancing FishingMaking Rugs

Patty A: Roy Rogers treats his car just like he treats his horses. Today, after he car wouldn’t start, he ________ed it.


Kicked Kicked (WRONG)*
Kicked it Saddled itSpurred it
* Sat on the hood and spurred it while Dale made chicken salad sandwiches on the range.

PATTY WINS! We’ll see Rose in the rematch.

I THINK I’M ________

The three most popular answers are on the board. #1 $500 #2 $250 and #3 $100. Patty only has one choice, and she can get help from three of our panelist.

Brett: Pregnant
Bart: In Love
Fannie: Sick

It’s Patty’s Choice: One of those or something else?

The audience knew it

Now to spin the Star Wheel. Whichever celeb Patty spins, she try to match head-to-head. A right match will win her 10x her Super Match winnings ($1,000). Get a star and it’s double the stakes.

HEAD-TO HEAD: Fannie ($1,000)
SUNSET ________

Patty: Boulevard
Fannie: She remembers the song “Sunrise, Sunset” and she HATES it. Instead she wrote…BLVD! ($1,100)


Rose A: The funeral director said, “The deceased might’ve owned an Italian restaurant. Instead of flowers, the relatives are dropping ________(s) into his grave.”


Pepperonis Meatballs* Meatballs
SpaghettiPasta Meat balls
* And Spaghetti with a red sauce

Patty’s next question will be first thing on tomorrow’s show.

Match Game is owned by Fremantle.