
Host: Jack Narz
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Jack mentions some special guests with us today. “Mike, Randy, Karen, Melissa, the whole Bunch”

Terri Oaxman (originally from OK, Senior at Cat State Long Beach, major in business finance, graduating this December)
Chris Donahue (1 yr. wedding anniversary back in June, works in real estate)



  • 27 REFRIGERATOR (Aman)
  • 13 MACARONI DINNER (Golden Grain)
  • 25 STEREO (Electrophonic)

Terri 10 (Luggage) and 11 (Bonus Number)
Chris 23 (H’Hold Lube) and 5 MATCH!
2 (Take 1 Gift) and 14 LUCKY!
16 (STEREO) and 25 MATCH!
9 (Cassette Record’r) and 21 (Macaroni Dinner)
Terri 13 and 21 MATCH!
4 (Bonus) and 11 MATCH!
1 (Rods and Reels) and 24 (Bonus) and 26 (Pinball Machine)
Chris 12 (Pinball Machine) and 26 MATCH!
30 (Take) and 8 (Refrigerator)
Terri 27 and 8 MATCH!
24 and 30 OOPS!
Chris 19 (Rods and Reels) and 1 HOOKED!
29 (Luggage) and 10 MATCH!
20 (Vanity W/Sink) and 22 (Bonus)
Terri 6 (Vanity W/Sink) and 20 NICE COMEBACK!
9 and 7 (Stoneware)
Chris 17 (Cassette Record’r) and 9 MATCH!
3 (Wild!) and 30 TAKES FRIDGE! (Total $1,200)

Recap: We’re down to the Stoneware, one take and one bonus number

28 (Take) and Chris passes DEFENSE!
Terri 15 (Stoneware) and 7 MATCH!

Chest L + Eye + K Moth + IR U’s II M + Hay + K

Terri is shaking all over as she reaches for the cup of water that’s always on the table.

DOUBLE PLAY: Chevrolet Chevette

$100 Puzzle: Metro Ton Weight Ten Mayor STUCK ON REPEAT!
M + Head + T+ Row Gold + W + Hen M + Hay + Ear
METRO GOLDWYN MAYER (She thought the bar of gold was a ton)



  • 16 VEGAS WEEK (@ Union Plaza)
  • 3 HAIR SPRAY (Adorn)
  • 29 BABY FRESH’NER (Diaparene)
  • 6 BEDROOM (Broyhill Traditional)

Chris 9 (Hot Tray) and 23 LUCKY!
7 (Take) and 25 (Encyclopedia)
Terri 10 (Drapes) and 22 (Bonus)
Chris 29 and 2 (Ladies Clothes)
Both she and Jack were sure that was right
Terri 5 (Wild!) and Bedroom at 6
1 (Bonus) and 22 MATCH!
13 (Movie Camera) and 21 (Drapes) and 10 MATCH!
14 (Bonus) and 26 (Take)
Chris 2 (OOPS!) and 24 (Table Lamps)
Terri 30 (Bonus) and 12 (Table Lamps) SLIPPED AGAIN!
Chris 14 and 30 ONE DOWN!
24 and 12 THAT’S THE OTHER!
18 (Take) and 25 (NOPE!) and 8 (Matched Encyclopedia)
11 (Wild!) and Vegas at 16
19 (Hair Spray) and 3 MATCH! (Over $900)
13 and 20 (Before the Buzzer) LUCKY! (Way to keep the streak alive)

T + Hen + Deer Loaf + ING K + Hair

Jack said Chris won over $1,400, but that’s incorrect. Chris sips in peace.


$100 Puzzle: Hant Jeer Hant a Deer Hoe 7 Ancient…ANOTHER WIPEOUT!
The best Chris can come up with is Enchantable. “You got me”
“H” + Ant DAH + Bull Hoe S + Heaven

Terri’s grand total: $1,276
Chris’s actual grand total: $1,281

Could that be the closest difference in this version’s run?

Concentration is owned by NBC Universal, a division of Comcast.

MATCH GAME(syndicated)-September 20, 1979

Host: Gene Rayburn
Announcer: Johnny Olson

David Doyle “Charlie’s Angels”Brett SomersCharles Nelson Reilly
Debralee Scott “Angie” Dick MartinPatty Duke Astin

Frank Lockett (member of the L.A. Fire Department, likes water skiing and camping) $0

We finished his second game and now we have get to…

DEVIL ________

Debralee: May Care
Charles: Dog
David: Take the Hindmost (Gene: And I’ll Take the Low Most”)
Charles: DOG

$250MADE ME DO IT (Audience choice)
Debralee “I’m always on top”

Frank mercifully sloughs off stage, only getting “some pantyhose” and other assorted parting gifts. “Devil Take the Hindmost” indeed

Sheryl Svensen (Whittier, CA, Phone information operator or “D.A”)
Annie Dale (Nottingham, Eng., published poet/author w/o any money)

GAME 1-Round 1

Sheryl B: Dumb Dora, the interior decorator, is really DUMB! (HOW DUMB IS SHE??!!) She didn’t want a treaty with the Chinese; she was afraid Red China would clash with her ________.

Sheryl: Glasses

Lipstick*Good Linens What She Used on her Table Dining Room Set
Blue TableclothBlue TableclothTablecloth
Given the “Pathetic Answer” of 1979. Gene strongly protests, earning him the “Pathetic M.C.” Award. Dick remembers that was the same joke from the pilot to “Laugh-In”

Annie A: Norm said, “Something crazy happened to my television set. I can see two programs at the same time. It was horrible! Julia Child was ________ Archie Bunker!”

Annie: Kissing (In America for 20 years, and hasn’t watched Julia Child!)

BastingTrussing and Then BastingFrying


Annie A: Gary said, “We’ve got the world’s worst weatherman. If he’d been around in biblical times, he would’ve told Noah it was going to be ________ for 40 days.”

Annie: Dry

Clear & Sunny Clear & Sunny Sunny
Sunny Sunny Dry & Unhealthy to Breathe

Sheryl B: President Carter said, “I heard my brother Billy had given up drinking. Now I wish he’d give up ________ing.”

Sheryl: Talking

Breathing Talking Talking
Talking Talking Thinking and Talking
David says in New York, they call them “Mouth-Breathers” NICE TRY!

but David,

At least Sheryl get another chance

________ JACKSON

“Brat”: Andrew
Patty: Kate (David’s friend)
Dick (Dolly Parton’s favorite): Reggie
“How do you think I got the arthritis”
Annie meant Dolly Martin’s favorite, Bill Daly


Another BUST!

YEESH! After another disaster, Gene wants to start another game. Sheryl picks A, but there’s no time. Only a history lesson from Mr. Reilly, Andrew Jackson was our 9th, no 11th, no, no, 10th president and his vice president was Sid Goldstein.

Match Game is owned by Fremantle.

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?(syndicated)-My 9th Recap

Host: Meredith Vieira

HOT SEAT: Tom Tracy (Omaha, NE)

Tom is an attorney for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, previously a tax attorney.


In the nursery rhyme “Baa, Baa, Black Sheep”, the sheep is asked if he has any what?

A: MilkB: Wool
C: FoodD: Single friends

That would be B, Tom says…YES SIR! YES SIR!


“Fireplug” is another word for which of the following?

A: Fire hydrantB; Fire extinguisher
C: FirewoodD: Fireman

He’s not wasting time. A is his guess…HE’S ON FIRE!


A person who is told “use your gray matter” is being instructed to do what?

A: ExerciseB: Sleep
C: ThinkD: Eat

Something he says he’ll have to do a few more times today. Final answer is C…SO FAR, SO GOOD!


What popular TV series features a group of students known as the “Sweathogs”?

A: Happy DaysB: The Facts of Life
C: The White ShadowD: Welcome Back, Kotter

It was a favorite of his, Tom goes with D…YEP!


According to its slogan, the New York Times provides “All the News That’s Fit to” what?

A: PrintB: Read
C: AppearD: Know

Quickly locks in A…AND IT’S GOOD!


In 1981, what candy brand introduced a blueberry flavor in honor of Ronald Reagan’s inauguration?

A: DotsB: Jelly Belly
C: StarburstD: Twizzlers

Tom knows Reagan loved his jelly beans. Final answer is B…CORRECT!


“Isn’t it rich, are we a pair?” is the opening line of what popular show tune?

A: Send in the ClownsB: The Music of the Night
C: What I Did for LoveD: All That Jazz

Since he’s married, he says there is no right answer, to the question. But he’s 99% percent sure it’s A…Don’t bother, they’re here. HE’S RIGHT AGAIN!


If it is 4 p.m. in Boston, Massachusetts, what time is it in Anchorage, Alaska?

A: 9:00 a.m.B: 10:00 a.m.
C: 11:00 a.m.D: Noon

He has an idea but first,

  • A: 6%
  • B: 17%
  • C: 21%
  • D: 56%

Tom had counted the time zones and figured it was Noon. It’s his final answer…AND WE’RE ALL RIGHT!


Revolutionary Leon Trotsky was banished from the USSR in 1929 for opposing what sitting leader?

A: Nicholas IIB: Vladimir Lenin
C: Joseph StalinD: Nikita Khrushchev

No waste of time, Tom guesses C…“YES AGAIN!”

Tom and his wife, Marion, hope to adopt, but it’s always a long road. In a magazine, he found out about an open house. It didn’t take anytime once they found a boy named Jack. That was three years ago, and last August, they added Karen to the family. Any big money from here could mean a third baby. As Tom says, “I work. I don’t have to be with them all day”


What 1970s rocker and his wife penned the 2002 cookbook, “Kill It & Grill It”?

A: Gene SimmonsB: Ted Nugent
C: Alice CooperD: Iggy Pop

Ted Nugent’s a hunter, so it’s jumping out. Despite his regrets, he’ll make B his final answer.
Does he regret it? Marion wouldn’t regret it, this experience is a blessing.
Well then, HALLEJULAH!


capsicum is an active ingredient in which of the following?

A: Smelling saltsB: Pepper spray
C: Shoe polishD: Lip balm

Tom doesn’t wanna regret jumping too quickly.

Leaves A and B (salt and Pepper)
And he goes with B…IT’S GOOD AGAIN!

Tom says he’s a cocky guy, but he’s worried about the Phone a Friends. They’re a little Stupid. WATCH IT!


What is the architectural term for the part of a church where the congregation usually sits?

A: NaveB: Ambulatory
C: TransaptD: Apse

Tom’s had a lot of Catholic invocation experience. If he’s wrong, he’ll know where to go for confession. “no Guts, No Glory” Final Answer A…He’s sound like a good-enough Catholic AND HE’S A GREAT PLAYER!


Relax Meredith, I can just fast forward.


Better hope those Phone a Friend have studied up in the last 24 hours. Hope that and his cockiness are benefits today.


A: Road to SingaporeB: The Lemon Drop Kid
C: My Favorite BrunetteD: The Big Broadcast of 1938

Calling Luke, who doesn’t think he’s as smart as Tom.
Unfortunately, Luke is just as lost as Tom is. Guess he’s not getting a share.
Tom’s first thought was a because but he saw it before. At the same time, he’s also leaning toward C. Cockiness alone isn’t going to be enough here. Tom is walking away.

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.

HOLLYWOOD SQUARES-November 28, 1986

Host: John Davidson
Announcer: Shadoe Stevens

ALFSteven Ford
(Young and the Restless)
Chris Lemmon
Mindy Cohn
(The Facts of Life)
Fred WillardShirley Jones
Finola Hughes
(General Hospital)
Edwin NewmanRip Taylor

O DeAnn Samplee (Bakersfield, CA, sign language instructor)
She gives a demonstration following John’s instructions

X Fred Dybal (3-Day Champ: $3,100)

ROUND 1-DeAnn starts

1 Chris: According to USA Today, when an executive makes coffee for his secretary, it usually indicates he is what?
“Paying her rent”
Guess: Intending to fire her
DeAnn disagrees O (He is a secure executive)
2 Edwin: On your desk are the words to one of the most time-honored Mother Goose Rhymes. Edwin will sing it:

The Eensy Weensy spider climbed up the water spout
Down came the rain and washed the spied out
Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain (ALF gags)
And the Eensy weensy spider climbed up the spout again.

Question: What country were the Mother Goose stories first published?
Guess: Germany
Fred disagrees X (England, 1760)
3 Fred: True or False? George Washington had a half-brother named Larry who served in the British Navy.
And two other brothers Curly and Moe

Guess: True
DeAnn agrees O
4 Finola to block: According to Redbook Magazine, is it better for you to take long hot showers or quick warm showers?
“It depends who you’re with”
Guess: Quick warm showers
Fred agrees X (Hot showers dry the skin)
5 Rip to block: True or false? There’s a little amusement park in Oklahoma(True! False!)
…where all the attractions are based on stories from the Bible.
“My favorite is Sodom and Gomorrah land”
Guess: True
DeAnn agrees O (DeAnn’s husband is a Baptist Minister)
Fred can only block one at a time
6 Shirley to block: According to superstition, why do wedding guests throw rice at newlyweds?
“Toasters are too dangerous”
Guess: For good luck
Fred agrees WRONG! (So they’ll have many children)
7 Shirley to win (Sorry, ALF): According to Health Magazine, if a hotel wants to keep Frank Sinatra happy, it should always have a jar of it waiting for him. A jar of what?
Guess: Spaghetti sauce
DeAnn disagrees WIN! (Peanut Butter)

SECRET SQUARE: Trip to Puerto Vallarta, MX (Western Airlines; Buganvillias Sheraton)

Fred starts
1 Fred (making up for being a short-tempered cook yesterday): According to the book “How to Use Colors to Sell”, customers who like red are extroverted. Customers who like yellow are intellectual. What are customers who like purple?
Red(Extrovert) + Blue(Sad) = Insane people
Guess: Artistic people
Fred (the contestant) disagrees O
2 Chris: The early Romans brought live chickens to the table and dumped them in red wine. Why did they do this?
“They wanted to drown them”|
Guess: To prepare them for plucking
DeAnn disagrees O (To Flavor the birds)
3 Finola to block: Does Cosmopolitan think you’ll get better service by flirting a little?
Guess: Yes
Fred agrees WRONG! (Flirting could be misinterpreted)
4 Finola to win: According to New Woman Magazine, do couples who sleep together get more or less sleep than when either partner sleeps alone.
Guess: Less
DeAnn disagrees X (Around 30 times a night)
John got lost on who gets the Square. DITTO!
5 Mindy: 800 women from over 12 nations have appeared on “Facts of Life.”

…met in Washington D.C. recently. What was the #1 issue discussed?
Guess: Nuclear disarmament
Fred disagrees X (Lack of attention to women’s issues)
6 ALF to block: Just before Monday’s show our staff played a joke on John that the show had a new sponsor. Larva, a gag soft drink. We see the outtakes as John struggles to keep his composure.
What we didn’t see is John actually drink the stuff. Did he?
“That was a clip. Looked like a pilot”
Guess: “No one’s that stupid, then again”
DeAnn agrees, show the clip:
6 ALF to win: “I apologize, you are that stupid”
Question: What’s a finger wave?
Moving your finger up and down (ALF Demonstrates)
Guess: A Hairdo
Fred agrees TIE GAME! (Method of setting hair)
Secret Square: Edwin


DeAnn starts
1 Chris (HONK!) to decide: This screen goddess of the 50s who starred in such movies as Vertigo, Pal Joey, Bell Book and Candle, recently made her debut on TV’s Falcon Crest. Who is she?
Guess: Kim Novak
DeAnn agrees NEW CHAMPION!

Fred’s total winnings: $3,600 and a home version of Price is Right

Are the signs with DeAnn? She picks a new key from John’s bowl. Which Jeep will she go for?

  • Wrangler
  • Comanche X
  • Cherokee Chief
  • Wagoneer Limited
  • Grand Wagoneer

DeAnn wants the big one, the Grand Wagoneer ($25,049). And since it’s Friday, everyone is her good luck celebrity, except ALF. He busy guzzling Larva, “I’m gonna go spin a web now”

3…2…1…VVROOM! ($25,749)

A toast to DeAnn’s first-day car win!


Two new contestants on Monday and these nine new celebs!

  • Gil Gerard (Sidekicks)
  • Ahmad Rashad (NBC Sports)
  • Brad Garrett
  • Pat McCormick
  • Arleen Sorkin (Days of Our Lives)
  • Bob Vila (This Old House)
  • Sarah Purcells (Real People)
  • Jose Feliciano
  • Betty White

Hollywood Squares is owned by King World Productions a part of CBS Media Ventures.


Host: Jack Narz
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Freda Merrick (married w/two kids, administrative specialist for computer company)

Bonnie Taft (MO, elementary teacher, married, earning Masters at Long Beach State)



  • 13: ELECTRIC RANGE (Kelvinator)
  • 21: IMPORT CHEESE (Danish Cheese)
  • 28: BABY FRESH’NER (Diaparene)
  • 19: WASHER & DRYER (Maytag)

Freda 7 (Mini Library) and 24 (Outdoor Furn.)
Bonnie 5 (Mattress Set) and 17 LUCKY!
6 (C. B. Radio) and Back to 24
Freda 29 (C.B. Radio) and 6 MATCH!
15 (Take 1 Gift) and Back to 21
Bonnie 9 (Free Look)
No waiting, we just reveal that square right now.
26 (Take) and 10 (Baby Fresh’ner)
Freda 19 and 7 UGH!
Bonnie 10 and 28 THAT’S BETTER!
30 (Electric Range) and 13 MATCH!
21 and 15
Freda 1 (Bonus Number) and 25 LUCKY!
16 (Take) and 27 (Free Look) and 4 OFF THE HOOK!
She takes the Range from Bonnie.
20 (WILD!) and 2 (Import Cheese)
14 (Crepe Maker) and 26 (Take) and 3 (WILD!)
Freda chooses the Take and the Mattress
18 (Bonus Number) and 22 (Crepe Maker)
Bonnie 11 (Washer & Dryer) and 19 NICE SAVE!
14 and 22 GOT IT RIGHT!
15 and 21 OOPS!
Freda 12 (Outdoor Furn.) and 24 MATCH! (Over $1,400)

Chest 4 Hole + D Tie + M S + Hay + K

DOUBLE PLAY: Chevrolet Chevette

$100 Puzzle: I’ll Be In…Scottle For, “I’ll be in Scotland Before You” (4 sec. Left)
Aisle Bee Inn S + Cot + L + Hand Bee + IV “U”

Car Puzzle: Betty Dugal…NOPE!
P + Ad + Tee D + Hoo + K P + Oar + Tray + D Heh + Link + “L” + Ear



  • 18 REC. SOFA (La-Z-Boy)
  • 26 HONEY (Sue Bee)
  • 7 HOME WAVE (Toni)
  • 15 2 PORT. T.V.’S (Panasonic B&W)

Bonnie 1 (Treas’re Finder) and 14 (Wild!)
22 (Treas’re Finder) and 10 (Bonus)
Freda 4 (Rec. Sofa) and 18 MATCH!
30 (Bonus) and 10 MATCH!
21 (Take) and 9 (Kitchen Ware) and 6 (Honey)
Bonnie 26 and 6 SWEET!
3 (His & Her Bikes) and Back to 22
Freda 29 (Home Wave) and 7 MATCH!
27 (Bonus) and 5 (T.V. Games)
Bonnie 25 (Sewing Machine) and 12 LUCKY! (Over $800)
20 (Kitchen Ware) and 13 (Linens)
Freda 22 and 11 (Take)
Bonnie 11 and 21
Takes so much time concentrating on the board, she forgets about the take. Finally chooses the Sofa. (Up to $1,400)
28 (Take) and 2 (2 Port. T.V.’s)
Freda 15 and 2 MATCH!
3 and 28 OOPS!
Bonnie 22 and 20 AARGH!
Freda 24 (Linens) and 5 OH, COME ON!
Bonnie 13 and 24 THANK HEAVENS!
23 (His & Her Bikes) and 3 MATCH! (Over $2,000)

A H + Ear + Rose Well + Comb


$100 Puzzle: A Lass Duz Ant Leaf Here N-more, A Lass Doesn’t Leave Here…UH OH!
AH + Lass DUZ + Ant Leaf H + Ear “N” + Knee M + Oar

$50 Puzzles

Freda: BARNEY MILLER (No hesitation)
Barn + Knee Mill + Ear

Bonnie: Monty Awl, MONTY HALL
M + On + Tea H + Awl

Concentration is owned by NBC Universal, a division of Comcast.

MATCH GAME(syndicated)-September 19, 1979

Host: Gene Rayburn
Announcer: Johnny Olson

David Doyle “Charlie’s Angels”Brett SomersCharles Nelson Reilly
Debralee Scott “Angie” Dick MartinPatty Duke Astin

Terry Johnson (married, plays viola in a small orchestra, taught in Germany and now 4th grade in Cali.) 0
Frank Lockett (member of the L.A. Fire Department, likes water skiing and camping) 0

GAME 1-Round 2

Frank A: Ken said “My wife is really getting fat! Not only does she have a spare tire around her stomach, she has a spare tire around her ________.”

This oughta be an easy one for you, Chubby!

Gene to David

Frank: Boobs

ChinBig Fat MouthNeck

Terry B: Mr. and Mrs. Smith said, “This summer we’re trying something new. We’re sending our dog to camp and we’re sending our son to ________.”

Terry: The Kennel

  • David: The Kennel WIN!
  • Brett: A Very Nice Kennel
  • Debralee and Patti: The Pound (which likely would’ve scored, too)
  • Audience: Obedience School

Frank is sent back to the camp house until the next game.

________ A PICTURE

Patty: Pretty as
Charles: Draw
Brett: Take
Terry: TAKE


HEAD-TO-HEAD: Debralee (just past the left star)
________ SHERRY

Terry: Cooking
Debralee: Dry (thought of Cooking first)


Frank A: Dumb Donald said, “I just built a swimming pool, but I didn’t want anyone to drown, so I filled it with ________.”

Frank: Dirt

Frank’s record: 0-18

Terry B: Did you hear about the crazy scientist who invented a perfume for delicatessen waitresses? It’s called “Eau de ________”.

Terry: Salami

CamembertPicklee’Pickle Juice
PastramiSalami Lox
Gene’s answer: Eau de Bologne


Terry B: Jim said, “I have the world’s toughest dog. Today he was out on the yard barbecuing a ________.”

Terry: The Mailman

BearA 7-year-old boy who lived next doorA Hot Man
Dog CatcherMarinated Burglar
Patty is upset everyone doesn’t agree hers is the definitive answer.

Frank A: Howard Cosell said, “I have the acute feeling my wife is no longer enamored of me. Today, she scoured the oven with my ________.”

Frank: Toupee

Toope Rug, Toupee, Wig, etc. <— with my*
Toupee Toupee Toupee
Pointing to Charles’s version

Even Frank couldn’t blow that! Terry leaves with her $500, Frank will have to wait for his stash tomorrow. But first, that great impersonator…DAVID DOYLE.

“Who stole the strawberries”
Brett and Charles: James Cagney

“Why they say James Cagney?”
Brett and Charles: James Garner

“There’s nothing funny about this group”
Brett and Charles (All totally rehearsed): Liberace

On a scale of 1-10, Gene ranks this routine at -8.

Match Game is owned by Fremantle.

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?(syndicated)-2002-03

Host: Meredith Vieira

HOT SEAT: Ron Russell (Richland, WA)

Ron doesn’t have any characters to perform like the last contestant did, at least not on Family TV.


According to a popular saying, “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t” do what?

A: Throw stonesB: Raise eyebrows
C: Build wallsD: Watch Cinemax

That would be A, right…RIGHT!


What classic nursery rhyme character is described as a “merry old soul”?

A: Little Jack HornerB: Georgie Porgie
C: Old King ColeD: Humpty Dumpty

Ron believes it’s C…AND A MERRY OLD SOUL IS HE!


According to a classic children’s song, “Who can take the sunlight” and “sprinkle it with dew”?

A: The Cookie ManB: The Candy Man
C: The Ice Cream ManD: The Pudding Man

He’s going with B…YESSIR!


A person suffering from astigmatism would most likely wear which of the following?

A: EyeglassesB: Hearing aid
C: Neck braceD: Retainer

Ron can see his final answer: A…and Meredith can “see a man who just won $500”


The title of a popular men’s magazine, “GQ” is short for “Gentleman’s” what?

A: QuintessentialB: Queries
C: QualityD: Quarterly

He’s got this too! It’s D…PIECE OF CAKE!


The pen-shaped instrument used with electronic organizers is called a what?

A: SaberB: Stylus
C: AwlD: Nib

We found his weakness, not being very tech savvy. Luckily there are a lot of people behind him that could help.

  • A: 4%
  • B: 76%
  • C: 7%
  • D: 13%

That’s what Ron was thinking. B is the final answer…ALL GOOD!


Which of these animals is also known as an anteater?

A: AardvarkB: Platypus
C: SlothD: Muskrat

Not that the audience is done, he doesn’t have to worry about what he says…well, not entirely. Ron believes Aardvark means “Earth Pig” and he knows a few sloths from work. He’s not one here, locking in A…GOT IT!


In the 1988 movie “Rain Man”, Raymond insists on buying his underwear from what retailer?

A: Wal-MartB: Woolworth
C: JC PenneyD: Kmart

Ron quickly picking D, but a bit of a pause to confirm…DEFINITELY, DEFINITELY KMART

Tom Cruise in the movie said Kmart sucks. Will Ron start going? No, sticking to Wal-Mart or what GQ says.


Since 1998, Lance Armstrong has ridden in the Tour de France with a team sponsored by which of the following?

A: United States NavyB: Reebok
C: U.S. Postal ServiceD: Microsoft

“I Like the Question” Ron’s a big fan of Lance, an American Hero.


The video didn’t have the next segment. I can tell you that he got the $32,000 without using another lifeline. Good thing, because he needed both for the next question.


The Amazon river originates in what country?

Ron’s friend said it’s Peru, but that’s not good enough.

A: ColombiaB: Peru

He’ll locks in B and…

Did Ron think Meredith was being cold? Time to warm him up…IT’S PERU!


A $40 million endowment created in 1924 prompted Trinity College to change its name to what?

A: Emory UniversityB: Vanderbilt University
C: Rice UniversityD: Duke University

He quickly pivots toward D. “I Shouldn’t say I know it” Ron does figure the “Duke” isn’t John Wayne. $125K is four years salary and probably a sweet monster truck. He’d said he wouldn’t guess after 64K, is this more than a “guess”.

It is! D is the final answer.

“Stop doubting yourself”


Who was emperor of Rome when Jesus Christ was crucified?

Already he’s saying “NO WAY!” At least see the choices Ron!

A: TiberiusB: Claudius
C: TitusD: Nero

He was thinking Pontius Pilate. Titus is popping out, but it’s only a guess this time. TIME TO GO! The Answer…A.

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.

HOLLYWOOD SQUARES-November 27, 1986

Host: John Davidson
Announcer: Shadoe Stevens

ALFSteven Ford
(Young and the Restless)
Edwin Newman
Mindy Cohn
(The Facts of Life)
Shirley JonesChris Lemmon
Fred WillardFinola Hughes
(General Hospital)
Rip Taylor

And the visiting Los Chivas Flames Soccer Team

O Helene Salor (San Gabriel, CA, likes horseback riding, spending time with her son and works as a waitress)
X Fred Dybal (2-Day Champ, graphic designer)

Round 1-Helene first

1 Shirley: According to ??? Magazine, these kinds of TV programs combine the glitter of game show with the hard sell of old-time commercials. What are they? (Name lost in video cutoff)
“Religious shows”
Guess: Courtroom Dramas
Helene disagrees O (Home Shopping Shows)
2 Fred, who’s demonstrating how to make pancakes for Thanksgiving.
According to Webster, is there any difference between flapjacks and pancakes?
Guess: They’re the same
Fred the contestant agrees X
3 Steven: Do you do bed scenes?
No, and those that do get a lot of lip injures
Real Question: A Frontier cowboy’s most precious possession was his horse. What was his most important tool?
Guess: His gun
Helene agrees X (His Rope)
4 ALF: Tina Turner and Madonna both made this dubious top 10 list. What list did they both make?
“Both women who could squirt pudding”
Stop reading those tabloids, ALF!
Guess: Best Dressed List
Fred disagrees X (Worst Dressed)
Helene has two spots to block
5 Mindy to block: According to veterinarian Michael Garvey, is it okay to give your dog some of your chocolate bar?
“No, let him get his own”
Guess: Yes
Helene agrees WRONG! (Gives them gas, Helene replies “No wonder my dog’s sick”)

6 Mindy to win: The Abominable Snowman is said to live in the Himalayas, the Loch Ness Monster is said to dwell in Scotland, where does legend say Bigfoot comes from?
“Reebokia” (Mindy apologizes)
Guess: The Andes Mountains
Fred disagrees WIN! (North America)

SECRET SQUARE: Trip to Orlando, FL (Delta; @ Sea World Wyndham)

1 Edwin: What’s it called when a member of the Senate makes an exceptionally long speech in order to prevent a vote?
Guess: Filibuster (thanks to Edwin’s first news job for the Senate 45 years ago)
Helene agrees O (“You can trust that Face”)
2 Finola: It used to begin on the last Sunday in April, but next year, it will begin on the first Sunday in April. What is it?
“The Christmas Sales”
Guess: The Baseball Season
Fred disagrees X (Daylight Saving Time)
3 ALF SECRET SQUARE! (So Helene can visit her former stomping grounds)
Who was the first man in space?: Yuri Gagarin, John Glenn or Alan Shepherd?
Guess: Glenn
Helene agrees X (Yuri)
4 Mindy: It’s a white ash that grows from 75 years. It’s cut down, split and baked for 8 months. What is made out of it?
Guess: Railroad tires
Fred disagrees X (Baseball Bats)
As a Jewish girl, Mindy knew about bagels. As for baseball, she just files nails in the dugout.
5 Fred to block: According to Dr. Joyce Brothers, if your child walks in while you and your spouse are making love, what should you do?
First, “Put down that camera”
Guess: Bring it out in the open
Helene disagrees WRONG!
6 Fred for Fred to win: Nero couldn’t have possibly fiddled while Rome burned. Why not?
“His Violin Teacher started the fire with his fiddle”
“Someone’s not gonna get pancakes today.”
Guess: The fiddle hadn’t been invented
Fred agrees $1,000 WIN!


Helene starts
1 Edwin: According to World Book, what is the Bumble Bee’s worst enemy?
Rimsky-Korsakov (Wrote “Flight of the Bumblebees”)
ALF “Go Back to News”
Guess: DDT
Helene disagrees X (Close enough to man)

2 Shirley: Music time:

When I’m calling you
Will you answer too
That means I offer my love to you
To be your own
If You refuse me I will be blue
And waiting all alone

Shirley and ALF duet The Indian Love Song

Question: Who is best remembered for singing that duet in the movies?
Guess: Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson Eddy
Fred agrees X
3 Fred to block: In 1960, Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev disrupted a meeting at the United Nations by banging something on the table.
Richard Nixon’s head
Guess: Took off his shoe
Helene agrees O
4 Chris (HONK!): A 17-year-old girl can’t be admitted to an X-rated movie alone. Could she be allowed into the movie if you go with her?
Chris pleads the fifth as first.
Guess: Absolutely not
Fred agrees X

Helene only gets $100.
Fred wins with $1,300 ($3,100 Total)

Now Fred can get an early Christmas present in one of these Jeeps:

  • Comanche X
  • Cherokee Chief
  • Grand Wagoneer

Fred picks the Cherokee ($14,997) with Mindy, Chris and Rip.


UH-OH! Still no luck. I’m sure there’s a pancake waiting for him, though. Happy Thanksgiving!

Hollywood Squares is owned by King World Productions a part of CBS Media Ventures.

CONCENTRATION(syndicated)-September 24, 1976(#975)

Host: Jack Narz
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Barbara Cunningham (married, three children Brandy (4), Lisa (2) and Scottie (1) (named by booze)
Phil Brockman (married to a Japanese w 2 y.o. Nana Kathleen)


  • 29 DINING ROOM (Broyhill Americana)
  • 6 HOME WAVE (Toni)
  • 20 MACARONI DINNER (Golden Grain Macaroni and Cheddar)
  • 4 DIGITAL WATCHES (Helbros Minicom)

This time Jack is sure, it’s another special game. CALL 3 You get up to three picks each turn, unless you make a match in two.

Barbara 1 (Macaroni Dinner) and 20
9 (Stone-Ware) and 22 (Sheets, Spreads) and 24 (Mattress Set)
Phil 17 (Stone-Ware) and 9 MATCH!
21 (Digital Watches) and 4 MATCH! ($600 Total)
7 (Air Hockey) and 25 (Home Wave) and 6 MATCH!
2 (Take 1 Gift) and 28 LUCKY! (but he can only take the macaroni)
27 (Love Stories) and 10 (Sheets, Spreads) and 22 MATCH!
11 (Take 1 Gift) and 30 (Ice Cr’m Maker) and 8 (Felt Pen)
Barbara 26 (10 Spd. Bikes) and 11 and 3 (Dining Room)
Phil 16 (Felt Pen) and 18 (Take) and 11 MATCH! (but a wasted take)
15 (Mattress Set) and 26 and 23 (WILD!)
Getting to choose, he takes the Mattress
14 (Air Hockey) and 7 GOAL!
3 and 24 and 19 (10 Spd. Bikes) WHAT A MESS!
Barbara 29 and 3
Guess (after a few sec.): CATCHING FORTY WINKS WIN!

Cat + CH + Ink Fort + Tea Wink + Z

DOUBLE PLAY: Chevrolet Chevette

$100 Puzzle: The Navel A Cat Toe Me, The Naval Academy is in Naples…Annapolis.
She gets the full title before the buzzer.
THE N + Hay + Veil A + Cat + Toe + ME IS Inn “N”+ Apple + Hiss

ROUND 2-Back to Normal


  • 9 VEGAS VAC. (@ California)
  • 30 WOOD FINISHER (Wipe-On Zar)
  • 11 HOME FIX-ITS (Epoxy Bond)
  • 5 REF. FREEZER (Amana)

Phil 29 (Take) and 1 (Lamps)
Barbara 20 (Bonus) and 22 (Vegas Vac.)
Phil 9 and 22 JACKPOT!
5 and 26 (Carpet Prods.)
Barbara 7 (Carpet Prods.) and 26 MATCH!
11 and 1 UGH!
Phil 23 (35mm Camera) and 10 (Bonus)
Barbara 20 and 10
3 (Bonus) and 28 (Home Fix-Its) and 21 (BONUS)
Hope she does better with this one
29 and 6 LUCKY AGAIN! (Vegas is her)
25 (Ref. Freezer) and 5 MATCH!

Egg + H + ST M + Eye Bed + Door Judge + Men + T


$100 Puzzle: I Love You a Bush Of…I LOVE YOU A BUSHEL AND A PECK (Half of the Time)
Aisle + UV “U” A Bush + Shell & A Peg + K

Car Puzzle: Artur Grange Was Called…NOT GETTING IT!
R + Head GR + Range WUZ K + Awl + D THE Gull + Up Ink G + Hoe + S


Barbara 1 (50 Rubles) and 13 (Take)
Neil 30 (Take) and 19 (Wild!) PHEW!
7 (150 Kroner) and 17 (250 Marks)
Barbara 9 (250 Marks) and 17 MATCH!
27 (500 Rupees) and 10 (100 Guilders)
Neil 16 (300 Francs) and 25 (20,000 Yen)
Barbara 11 (2,000 Soles) and 21 (Take)
Neil 24 (25,000 Lire) and 8 (300 Francs)
Barbara 25 and 2 (Take)
Neil 21 and 2 (Takes the Marks)
11 and 27 OOPS!
Barbara 3 (1,000 Pesetas) and 28 (Take)
Neil 15 (Take) and 28 WASTED ANOTHER ONE!
12 (20,000 Yen) and 25 MATCH! ($184 Total)
26 (1,000 Forint) and 5 (500 Rupees)


Barbara (after 7 sec.): Faster Than a Speeding Bullet $100 WIN!

Fez + Tear TH + Hen Ace + “B” + Ding Bull + IT

Neil winds up with nothing!
Barbara’s Total: $2,677

Concentration is owned by NBCUniversal, a division of Comcast.

MATCH GAME (syndicated)-September 18, 1979

Host: Gene Rayburn
Announcer: Johnny Olson

David Doyle “Charlie’s Angels”Brett SomersCharles Nelson Reilly
Debralee Scott “Angie” Dick MartinPatty Duke Astin
Today, Gene and Bill have matching suits, and they’re also matching the set. Debralee’s dress also blends into the green area.

Mike Madwin (elementary teacher, counselor, home tutor, student and author) ($250)
Tina Brigham (Manhattan Beach, CA, works for a temp service agency)

Tina leads the first half of this re-match 4-0.

Mike A: Sally said, “I raised my daughter by the book. Unfortunately the book was written by ________.”

Mike: Jacquelin Susann (“Valley of the Dolls” author)

Polly AdlerXavier Hollander Xavier Hollander
Masters & JohnsonHugh HefnerThe Three Stooges

Tina B: Riddle: What happens when two bags of sugar get married?

The Answer: They go out and raise a little ________

Tina: Cube-let


Mike A: Jake said, “This weather is really terrible. (HOW TERRIBLE IS IT??!!) We need this weather like a mermaid needs ________s”

Mike: Pantyhose
The audience is not a fan, Gene demonstrates how hard it is for a mermaid to get into “No Nonsense”.

Pantyhose Tails Scales

Couldn’t wiggle out a win, Mike will hopefully get some sleep. Still has $250.

EUGENE ________

Brett: O’Neill
Patty: McCarthy
David: Roach

It’s David’s actor buddy with a new show this year. Charles has a better answer, Roach invented the clip you use to hold marijuana.


“Do I look like a Eugene, I ask you”

________ SPEAKING

Tina: Frankly
David: “I just hate this game” PLAIN

Since you don’t feel the same way Bosley does, let’s get another match going.

Terry Johnson (married with two children and a husband who’s “terrific most of the time”, plays viola in a small orchestra, taught in Germany and now 4th grade in Cali.)
Frank Lockett (Los Angeles, CA, member of the L.A. Fire Department, likes water skiing and camping)

Oh, and Frank’s a snappy dresser, too!

GAME 1-Round 1

Terry A: All the tourists at Mt. Rushmore are AMAZED! Because right next to the bust of George Washington, they added the bust of ________.

David finished early, so he talked about “Charlie’s Angels” two-hour season premiere, shot in the Virgin Islands.

Terry: Martha
Raquel (Welch) would’ve been better

Dolly PartonDolly Parton Raquel Welch*
Dolly PartonDolly PartonDolly Parton
*The Stolen Answer Award from Brett
We also got a long story from Gene about Buffalo Meat

Frank B: Weird Willie is REALLY WEIRD (HOW WEIRD IS HE??!!) He just went through the Tunnel of Love on ________.

Gene gives a hands-on explanation of the Tunnel of Love to Patty.
HHMMM! HHMMM! Moving On!

Frank: Innertubes

Water SkiisRoller Skates* Water Skis
Water SkisWater SkisWater Beds
*Holding an umbrella over his head with valves to keep him up

“Let’s get with it.” but not right now. Gotta say goodbye.

Match Game is owned by Fremantle.