WHAT’S MY LINE?-Taped January 21, 1969

Host: Wally Bruner
Announcer: Johnny Olson
Celebrity Panel:

  • Nipsey Russell
  • Joanna Barnes
  • Bert Convy
  • Arlene Francis

FIRST GUEST: Nancy Moritz (Yonkers, NY)

She’s salaried and deals with a service.

Bert: Could I avail myself in this service?
How about Arlene?
Do the people come to you?
Do you wear something else?
Yes, most of the time
Is it a uniform?
Is it an essential service?
Is it in the health field?
No $5

Arlene: Yonkers had Arlene thinking the Chamber of Commerce, is it a non-profit?
Branch of the government?
No $10

Nipsey: It has nothing to do with health?
Yes, it doesn’t
Anything to do with children?
An institution with the education of children?
In a sense
Do you deal with children and parents?
Do it have to do with orphans?
Sometimes, but No $15

Joanna: Anything to do with bringing kids and adults together?
Anything to do with foster homes and adoptions?
Yes, but it’s one of the extra services.
Do you work indoors?
Anything to do with the law?
No $20 (30 seconds left)

Bert after shifting through all the possibilities he was wrong about PASSES.

Arlene: Anything to do with the Lord?
Are you a minister of some kind?
Yes, but it’s not enough (Wally reminds the panel she wears a uniform)
Is she a nun or sister?
No Game Over

Our guest is Capt. Nancy Moritz of THE SALVATION ARMY. And guess What? Arlene is an honorary Colonel, of the “best army in the world”. At the time, there were over 300,000 people in America and 2 million around the world! Let’s not forget the Salvation Army Christmas Band! Nancy says it’s not a requirement, but it’s about the joy of singing for the Lord. She plays coronet and tambourine. Sometimes piano, too, rough playing in December. Back to tambourine, we see sheet music written for the instrument. It’s in shapes looking straight out of geometry. All instructions for timing and choreography. It’s too confusing, we need a demonstration. Three tambourine dancers from the Salvation Army School of Officer Training in the Bronx.

  • Cadet Eileen Smith
  • Cadet Betty Jones
  • Cadet Joan Burke

After performing The March Parade by the New York Staff Band of the Salvation Army, it’s the panel’s turn. Three symbols are shown with numbers indicting the rhythm. Easy to explain, hard to show here, but the panel gets it.

SECOND GUEST: Sheldon Goldstein (Norwich, NY)

He’s self-employed and deals with a product.

Nipsey: Would the product be contrary to something that your appearance indicates?
Wally gets it, Sheldon’s appearance is not a giveaway to his product.
You don’t sell razor blades, do you?
Since Nipsey agrees he meant it, No $5

Joanna: Does it have any electricity?
No $10

Bert: Would we find it in our home?
Would it be mainly found in one room in the house?
Usually on the ground floor?
A room with an oven?
Could you hold it in your hand?
Yes (Wally makes a fish face)
If you held it in your hand, would it be functional? (The audience can’t hold back snickers)
Anything to do with the preparing of food?
Is it an implement?
Oh a utensil, No $15

Arlene: Something put in the mouth?
Is it a “Food substance” itself?
Is it something you’d have for lunch?
Is it an accessory to the meal, instead of the main course?
Does it grow in the ground?
Does it have a distinctive odor?
Yes (There goes the audience)
In the vegetable family?
Yes (15 second)
Garlic, Onion or Pickle?
No, No, No $20

Nipsey: Is it a seasoning or garnishment?
No, expect in one case. And in this case, GAME OVER

It’s not radishes or ketchup, either. It’s SAUERKRAUT! Sheldon has his own company, “Ready Pac Foods” in Norwich. At the time, they were making 40 million pounds a year!


Joanna: Are you a motion picture performer, predominately?
Bert almost wants to make a guess “It couldn’t be!”: You’re on the stage primarily?
Bert’s guess: Eileen Heckhart
Arlene think she knows it, too: Are you currently appearing in a Broadway play with a small cast and is a big hit?
Arlene’s guess: Maureen…Wally finishes it, STAPLETON

And she was so afraid she wouldn’t be recognized, she would’ve signed in as Marlene Dietrich! Arlene says Maureen didn’t disguise her voice, but she says otherwise. Anyway, our guest is appearing in the play “Plaza Suite”, really three one act plays. Joanna mentions Maureen would soon appear in a movie, but she hates flying. She’s booked a train instead, too bad the 20th Century to Chicago was closed by this time. Wally suggest a freight instead! The film was “Airport” adapted from the book which she didn’t read. Maureen is playing Van Heflin’s wife. Afterwards, you would expect to see her return for the theatre version. The irony is not lost on Arlene.


For Bert (From Helen O’Donnell, NYC): Do you have any children?
Answer: Yes, Three Children. Ages 30, 24 and one’s about to graduate from college.

Arlene butted in. It’s 8 years, 3 years and 14 months.
For Arlene (Mrs. T.H. Moore, Gainesville, FL): Which do you prefer: Television or legitimate stage and why?
Answer: Devoted to television, it’s been very, very, good to her. Any actress prefers the stage for the excitement of playing to an audience. Overall, she likes them both.

What’s My Line? is owned by Fremantle.

$ALE OF THE CENTURY(syndicated)-January 8, 1985

Host: Jim Perry
Hostess: Summer Bartholomew
Announcer: Jay Stewart

Cash Jackpot: $51,000
All the Prizes: $124,659

Paul Airmen (originally from Boulder, CO), an exotic car wholesaler

Colleen Inuhai (Lehua, Kauai, HI), a obstetrician for a women’s hospital, but no babies of her own yet

Buck Riley (1-Day Champ, $0, $75 in bank) previous show

1 What TV series stars Daniel J. Travanti as…
Paul: Hill Street Blues (…playing the part of Furillo) 25
2 Legend says that this drink was named by oil workers that stirred the vodka and orange juice…
Colleen: Screwdriver (…with one of their tools) 25
3 What is the last name of the only father and son to serve as President?
Buck: Adams Three-Way Tie
4 What classic book by Dickens opens with the line “It was the best of times…”
Paul: Tale of Two Cities (…”it was the worst of times”) 30
5 Traditionally served hot, this Japanese liquor is from…
Colleen: Sake (…fermented rice) 30


Since Paul and Colleen are tied for the lead, the first one to ring in buys this…

KitchenAid Portable Dishwasher
Normal Price: $779
Today: $6

Neither player budges on the normal price. Jim will cuts it down further until we have a buyer. At $2…Paul hits the buzzer! (28)

6 “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” Name the famous…
Colleen: Mary Poppins (…movie madam who made that magic word famous.) 35
7 Name the 984 ft. Structure that indelibly identifies the city of Paris.
Paul: Eiffel Tower 33
8 What was it about Cyrano de Bergarac that made him so…
Colleen: His Nose (…self-conscious) 40

FAME GAME #1-Up to $10 or something else

Famous Person: I was born in Iowa in 1925.  In World War II, I served in the Navy aboard the U.S.S. Pennsylvania.  I wrote for Red Skelton and when he was hurt, I filled in for him.  This lead for a job as the host of an ABC game show called “Who do you Trust?”
Buck: Johnny Carson

Chooses the Money: $700
His first earnings in the maingame and no matter what, that cash is his to keep.

  • Paul: 33
  • Colleen: 40
  • Buck: 25

9 The gunfight at the O.K. Corral took place at an Arizona town with an appropriate…
Buck: Tombstone (…name.) 30
10 Name the Russian Composer who wrote the thunderous 1812 overture.
Buck: Tchaikovsky 35
11 What is a German trying to tell you when he says Danke Schoen?
Colleen: Thank You 45
12 In 1979, a major accident occurred near a little town in Pennsylvania
Colleen: Three Mile Island 50

INSTANT BARGAIN #2-Colleen all to herself
Finlandia Birch Rocking Chair
Normal Price: $1,073
Today: $11

Leading Buck by 15 bucks, there’s no need to drop the price. She’s not budging, though. Will an extra $400 make a difference “GOING ONCE…GOING TWICE… Sold! (39)

13 Native to the forests of West Africa, it’s the largest of the apes.
Paul: Gorilla One Dollar Away
14 Two Irish Brothers named McWhirter complied a book containing strange and incredible world records.
Colleen: Guinness World Record Book 44
15 What’s the name of the major river that flows through London?
Paul: Thames 43
16 What’s the name of the title character in English Literature that visited Lilliput?
Paul: Gulliver 48
17 To which ancient university are Rhodes scholarships awarded?
Paul: Oxford University (Alum include Pat Haden, Sen. Bill Bradley and Kris Kristofferson)

  • Paul: 53
  • Colleen: 44
  • Buck: 25

FAME GAME #2: $15 added

Famous City: I was a small village when Captain William Brown sailed into my harbor in 1794.  In my language, my name means Sheltered Bay.  In the 1800s, I became a major Pacific whaling base. From 1803 to 1811, I was the home of King Kamehameha.
Buck: Hawaii
I’m often called the crossroads of the Pacific.
Colleen: Honolulu

#3: $10 (54)

18 In 1981, the U.S. senate confirmed the appointment of the first woman to the Supreme Court
Paul: Sandra Day O’Connell (O’Connor) 48
19 Which of your fingers shares its name with an alphabetical reference list?
Buck: Index 30
20 Who played the father in the famous movie custody battle Kramer vs. Kramer?
Colleen: Dustin Hoffman 59

INSTANT BARGAIN #3-Colleen again
Kawasaki Motor Scooter
Normal Price: $1,799
Today: $16

Jim cuts it down to $11 for a tie game. GOING ONCE…GOING TWICE…NO SALE!
All together now AWWWWW!

21 What are the first three words in the text of the King James Bible?
Paul: In the Beginning 53
22 What modern city was first known as Byzantium and then…
Paul: Constantinople (Try Again)
Istanbul A Dollar Behind
23 Name the TV series that’s set in Boston’s St. Eilgius Hospital.
Colleen: St. Elsewhere 64

FAME GAME #3: $25 added

Famous Person: I was born in 1832. I am an English author who wrote many books on mathematics under my real name, Charles Ludwig Dobson.
Paul: Lewis Carroll

#6: $15 (8 was the $25)

Going into Speedround:

  • Paul: 73
  • Colleen: 64
  • Buck: 40

According to the song, what is a many splendored thing” Colleen: Love
Name Adam’s partner in Eden” Buck Eve
What’s the better known name of the American bison? Paul Buffalo
What do Chinese people do with their wok? Colleen Cook
In the classic film, who played Dr. Strangelove” Paul Peter Sellers
Name the largest planet in the Solar System. Buck Jupiter
What descriptive word do we give to violent seismic activity? Paul Earthquake
In what American city can you stroll around the Loop? Colleen Chicago
Who composed the famous musical piece “Bolero”? Buck Tchaikovsky (Ravel)
Name the Eastern state that has the postal abbreviation PA? Paul Pennsylvania
Name the young heiress who was kidnapped by the SLM? Colleen Patty Hearst
What museum is the permanent home of the Mona Lisa? Paul The Louvre




Paul can buy the $3,000 Leader Car Phone for $85 or continue on. $110 more will buy the Dune Buggy worth more than twice that. Also up for sale this week:

  • Dicker and Dicker Full-Length Fur Coat ($9,000) for $390

And Paul would like a chance at more of our shopping mall. He’ll return to play again!

Sale of the Century is owned by Fremantle.


Host: Al Roker
Announcer: Burton Richardson


One of them calls Hef the Boss, the other got whacked by a boss? 

The Girls Next Door (playing for Operation Gratitude and the Linda Blair Worldheart Foundation): Bridget Marquardt, Holly Madison, Kendra Wilkinson, Jayde Nicole (Playboy playmate of the year) and Sara Underwood (Last Year’s Playmate of the Year)

Vincent Pastore Family (playing for Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research): Vincent (The Sopranos), Kathrine Narducci (also from “Sopranos”), Nancy Jean (not married for 30 years), Renee (daughter), and Christopher (Renee’s fiancé).

Round 1: Top Five Answers

Tell me one word women use to describe a very attractive man
Vincent: Handsome #3 (17)
Bridget: Hot #1 (37)
Girls Next Door:

  • Holly: Sexy #4 (9)
  • Kendra: Bootylicious
  • Jayde: Gorgeous
  • Sara: Stud

Pastores to Steal: Vinnie says Hunk “They call me this all the time”
Roker gets “chunk-a-loving” #2 for 63 points.


Round 2: Top Seven Answers

Name something you might find on Hugh Hefner’s night table.
Holly: A Little Black Book
Kathrine: Cigar #5 (5, close enough to Pipe)

  • Nancy: Condom #2 (14)
  • Renee: Lamp #4 (8)
  • Christopher: Book
  • Vincent: Cologne
  • Kathrine: Breath Mint

GND to Steal: Viagra, #1 for 27 points


TRIPLE ROUND-Top 4 answers

Kendra doesn’t shake Nancy’s hand…Burn!

Name something people cheat on.
Kendra: Tests #3 (23)
Nancy: Spouse #2 (26)
For the record, Vinnie says infidelity was not the reason he and Nancy split.

  • Renee: Taxes #1 (32)
  • Christopher: “Pass, I don’t know”
  • Vinnie: Boss
  • Kathrine: Cards

GND to steal: Diet…Still in the game.



Name something people are better off keeping shut.
Renee says Their mouths to win (84, Total of 315)

The Pastores move on, gotta say goodbye to the Girls “Say hi to Hef for us”


One of them spent years next to Regis, the other always gets their man.

Kathie Lee Gifford Family (playing for Cody House and Cassidy’s Place): Kathie Lee (4th Hour Today), Frank (husband, football player/announcer), Cody (son), Cassidy (daughter), and Christiana (Frank’s adopted grandaughter)
Chapmans (playing for Mousseheart Child City School): Dog (The Bounty Hunter), Beth (wife), Duane Lee (2nd son), Leland (3rd son) and Lyssa (9th daughter)

Round 1: Top Five Answers

Name something Tarzan might complain that the laundry did to his loincloth.
Dog: Shrunk it #1 (57, and Kathie was thinking of it, too)

  • Beth: Starched it #3 (10)
  • Duane Lee: Changed Color (15)
  • Leland: Shreds it #4 (8)
  • Lyssa: Losing it (Clean Sweep, 97)

Round 2: Top Five Again

Frank gives Beth a kiss on the hand. She’s not falling for it, though.

Name something people ask you to smell.
Beth: Flower #2 (39)

  • Duane Lee: “Smell my Breath” Al’s not impressed.
  • Leland: Feet #5 (2)
  • Lyssa: Cookies, or any food #3 (9)
  • Dog: Money
  • Beth: Their Hair

Giffords to Steal: Perfume #1 for 50 points.


TRIPLE ROUND-Top 4 Answers

Tell me something women stuff.
Cody: Their Bra #1 (53, Mom’s so proud)

  • Cassidy: Purse
  • Christiana: Christmas Stockings
  • Kathie Lee: Turkey #2 (22)
  • Frank: “Their Feet into Shoes” (but he does get a kiss)

Chapmans for the Win: “Themselves into Clothing” Giffords up to 275



Which animal communicates best with humans?
Cassidy’s staring right at ’em. Dogs win it! (77, total of 506)

Round 1-Top Five Answers on the board

Name something you’d hate to see fall on the floor during an operation.
Kathie Lee: Scalpel #1 (41, with other tools)

  • Frank: Body Parts #2 (32)
  • Cody: The Doctor #3 (12)
  • Cassidy: The Person, or Patient #4 (8)
  • Christiana: Table
  • Kathie Lee: The Light
  • Frank: Masks

Pastores to steal: Blood “There will be Blood” 93 points.


Round 2-Top Five Again

Name a card game that might describe a woman’s lovelife.
Frank: Hearts #4 (17)

  • Cody: Texas Hold’em #3 (18)
  • Cassidy: Go Fish #5 (6)
  • Christiana: Solitaire #2 (18)
  • Kathie Lee: Old Maid, Save the Best for Last (87)

TRIPLE ROUND-Top 4 Answers

We asked 100 single women, what’s the first thing you do when you get home from an awful blind date?
Cody: Take a Shower
Nancy: Have a Drink #4 (2)

  • Renee: Call her Best Friend #1 (49, or anyone)
  • Christopher: Pig Out #3 (22)
  • Vinnie: Throw away their Phone Number
  • Kathrine: Watch a Movie
  • Nancy: Go To Bed

Giffords to decide the game: A Good Long Cry…WIN! (306)


The Pastores get the $10,000 runner-up prize.



  • Name something a gardener cuts while he’s on the job
  • Name something you polish
  • Name the time most people go to bed during the week
  • Name something you’d find in a golf bag
  • Name a type of jewel you’d see in a crown


* (Number #1 Answer)

Kathie Lee:

FLOORS+ (Toes too close to Nails)0
TOTAL $50,000 230
* (Number #1 Answer) +(Repeated Answer First) Shoes/Boots was the second #1 answer

Family Feud is owned by Fremantle.

$ALE OF THE CENTURY-(Syndicated Premiere) January 7, 1985

Host: Jim Perry
Hostess: Summer Bartholomew (replace Lee Menning here and on daytime)
Announcer: Jay Stewart

Up for grabs:
Cadillac Eldorado Convertible valued at $35,679 for just $610
All the prizes and a cash jackpot of $50,000 for just $850

That could go to any of our players if they answer right, avoid temptation and are in it for the long haul.

Jack Winklin (Hawthrone, CA) a number lover, can memorize any serial number

Andra Racibarken (originally from Newark, NJ) “she does not do anything halfway”  except climb Mount Whitney when she first came to California

Buck Riley (originally from Santa Fe, NM) “doesn’t practice what he preaches” wrote a gambling book, filled with advice that has failed him

Every one starts with $20. Each right answer adds $5 more, wrong answers cost you 5. Who’s ever ahead after the Speed Round is the Champion and gets a chance at going shopping.

1 According to a famous film title, when did John Voight’s cowboy get in the saddle?
Andra: Midnight 25
2 What are square, overhand and granny?
Jack: Serves (Knots) 15
3 In 1588, what country’s Navy defeated the Spanish Armada?
Buck: Great Britain 25
4 Who made the daring statement, “Give me Liberty or Give Me Death?
Jack: Patrick Henry 20
5 She had a dumb boyfriend, a heartless boyfriend and a cowardly boyfriend.  Name the girl who went with these wimps to see the Wizard of Oz?
Audra: Dorothy 30


Audra, who’s in the lead, has a chance to buy bargain merchandise. Once she buys, it’s hers to keep, no matter what…BUT, it may cost her the game later. Here’s Summer with a bargain.

Jewels by Edwar 18kt. Gold Triangular Ring (Gift Certificate)
Regular Price: $800
Today: $5

Andra doesn’t rush. Jim steps in to add $100. “GOING ONCE…GOING TWICE” Almost Three Times before “SOLD!” (25)

6 In Chess, only one piece goes in any direction as far…
Jack: King (…as it wants: Queen) 15
7 By what collective name do we know the first ten amendments to the Constitution?
Andra: The Bill of Rights 30
8 In Literature, Aramis, Athos and Porthos were better known…
Buck: The Three Musketeers 30


The first to figure out this riddle gets a pick of the board of 9. Some prizes, some cash and one number adds $10 to their score.

Famous Person: “I was born in 1935.  I learned hillbilly and blues songs from records.  In 1954, I made my first commercial record.  I created a sensation of the Ed Sullivan Show.”
Buck: Elvis Presley

#5 $10 (Note: Elvis also made 28 movies)

  • Jack: 15
  • Andra: 30
  • Buck: 40

10 What’s the French Name of the creamy potato soup that’s flavored…
Andra: Vichyssoise (…with leeks, chicken stock and served cold) 35
11 Name the ceremonial march that is the official song of the President…”
Andra: Hail to the Chief (…of the United States) Tied for Lead
12 The Name of this mythical beast derives from the Latin words meaning “one horn”
Andra: A Unicorn 45
13 From what small nut would grow a mighty oak?
Jack: Acorn 20

INSTANT BARGAIN #2-Andra again

Beverly Stereo System from Denmark
Regular Price: $1,095
Today: $10

Andra is worried about Buck, not so much about Jack. We’ll cut it down to $6, only one buck behind Buck. “GOING ONCE…” Sold! PLUS A SALE SURPRISE FOR $800 (39)

14 This flightless African creature is the largest bird…
Jack: Ostrich (…alive) 25
15 Who’s the American Secretary of State who shared the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize…
Buck: Kissinger (with North Vietnam’s Lê Đức Thọ) 45
16 Which American city before being renamed in 1664 had been called New Amsterdam?
Andra: New York 44
17 In the Legend, the people of Troy were stunned when something unexpected…
Andra: The Trojan Horse (Jim almost give it to her, but the judges want more info.)
The Troops came out of the Trojan Horse 49
18 Who played Right Hand Man to Robinson Crusoe?
Jack: Friday 30

When he was asked who did the housework, Robinson Crusoe said “Thank God, it’s Friday.

  • Jack: 30
  • Andra: 49
  • Buck: 45

FAME GAME #2: $15 Added

Famous Place: I’m one of the world’s capital cities, as well as a cultural and financial center.  I was the residence of the Haspburgs
Jack: Brussels, Belgium
Andra: Vienna

Her husband said to pick a lucky 1 $5 (54)

20 Zimbabwe, a nation in Southern Africa…
Andra: Rhodesia (…was known until 1980 as what?) 59
21 Because they’re often sponsored by toiletry companies, what name is given to daytime dramas?
Jack: Soaps 35
22 As an adjective, this word means up to date.  As a noun…
Jack Current (…it’s the main flow of a river, Lucked Out) 40

INSTANT BARGAIN #3-Third for Andra

7-Day New England Tour
Regular Price: $2,336
Today: $16

Andra’s hubby loves to travel. Jim figures she’ll buy the trip as is. No price cut, no bonus cash. GOING ONCE…DONE DEAL! And she’s still ahead by 3 Dollars

23 The world’s tallest building, the Sears Tower…
Andra: In Chicago 48
24 Name the famous Portuguese Sailor who commanded…
Andra: Christopher Columbus (…commanded the first expedition to circumvent the globe: Magellan) 43
25 What popular Television series began with the theme song, Suicide is Painless?
Jack: MASH 45

FAME GAME #3-$25 Added

Famous Person: I was born about 1872. And grew up to become a vital dominating figure.  I stole horses as a youth but underwent religious conversion in my 20’s. In 1903, I was acclaimed as a great prophet and healer.
Jack: Aimee Semple Macpherson
The son of the Czar was afflicted…
Andra: John Smith
Buck gets the rest “…with hemophilia.  I stopped the boy’s bleeding with hypnosis.  In 1916, three conservatives plied me with poisoned and finally shot me to death.  I was known as Russia’s mad monk.  I am…Rasputin

#9 $25! (Lucky 7 had $15)

Going into Speedround:

  • Jack 45
  • Andra 43
  • Buck 70

“On TV’s Star Trek, Leonard Nimoy’s character was…” Andra Spock
“What is Popeye’s favorite vegetable?” Andra Spinach
“What must you be able to do to become a member of a glee club?” Andra “You Gotta be Singing” Name the sweet yellow fluid bees make from the nectar: Andra Honey
In what popular comic strip does Peppermint Pattie appear? Buck Peanuts
How many strings are there on a standard violin? Jack: 4
Who invented the phonograph? Jack “Mark, ugh Bell” (Edison)
What book of the bible contains the story of Noah? Jack Genesis
Name the TV miniseries that told the story of Knuta Kinte: Jack Roots
By what nickname do we know the playwright Thomas Linear Williams? Jack Tennessee Williams
Name the European capital served by Heathrow airport: Jack London
What tree branch is regarded as a symbol of peace? Jack Olive
In what state will you find the Grand Canyon? Audra Arizona


ANDRA68$5,170 (My Count: $5,199 adding her score)

Buck is the champ and that $75 on the scoreboard can be spent on the shopping floor.

  • Leader Portable Car Phone ($3,000) for $85 $75
  • Sand Toys Dune Buggy ($6,100) for $195
  • Cadillac Eldorado Convertible ($35,679) for $610
  • Those prizes and more PLUS a cash Jackpot of $50,000 ($123,659!) all for $830

If Buck wants the bigger stuff, he’ll have to keep playing and keep winning. If he loses, that cash is no better than any other U.S. currency. He can buy the Phone right now instead and retire from the show. Buck will…play again! The $75 will be banked and added to his score if he wins again. Meanwhile, the jackpot goes up by $1,000 each day until someone goes all the way.

Note: The NBC Daytime version had scrapped this format for the Winner’s Board by this time.

Sale of the Century is owned by Fremantle.

ALL-NEW LET’S MAKE A DEAL-September 28, 1984

Host: Monty Hall
Featuring: Brian Cummings and Karen LaPierre

Once Monty’s doing giving high fives, it’s time to get down to business.

First Trades: Kathy Anset (gambling lady, with giant aces)

Monty giver her five, too. A $500 Bill! Now what’s in his other pocket? It’s MORE CASH…or less cash? Kathy doesn’t know, but she can trade her $500 bill for that, OR she can trade it in for Curtain #1. To start with, we see $25 of Os-Cal Calcium. Decisions, Decisions! Kathy…keeps what see already has. SOME GAMBLER SHE IS! What was behind the Os-Cal? It’s a Ford….THAT’S AGED A BIT! (Old Falcon)

But what about Monty’s other pocket? THREE TIMES WHAT SHE HAD! ($1,500)

After seeing what a woman can do, let’s she how good shoppers men are!

HOLD ON! The alarm’s gone off! That mean it’s time for Door #4! In this first edition, there’s cash behind the door. We don’t know how much, but it could be up to $5,000…or as little as $1. In the center of the trading floor, players’ seats are numbered 1 to 36. Whatever number the randomizer on the door stops on, the trader in that seat wins the money. And the number is…28. It’s Sue Cornet (tennis player).

Sue is the first that gets to open the door we don’t have room for the Big Deal. The question is, will she keep the cash or make a trade for Curtain #3? You don’t have to wait to find out about the curtain. It’s a Trip to Mexico City (1 wk.@ Maria Isabel Sheraton) and $500 cash ($2,148) The audience wants Sue to take the trip, but she’s already five miles ahead of them. So, what was behind Puerta Numero Cuatro?


Now, where were we before all this? Oh yeah, let’s see how good shoppers men are?

Dan Beavers (deli baseball team) vs. Jim Briggs (gator hat)

Who ever bids closest to this item gets $400
Cortizone 5 (1 oz.)
Dan $2.69 Jim $1.99
ARP: $3.40 Dan wins

That was an interesting experiment. Back to the ladies:

Shirlene Mayer (chicken with an egg) vs. Anne Gibbons (fisher lady)

Another item for the same stakes:
Mentos (1 roll)
Anne $1.25 Shirlene 80¢
ARP: 35¢ Shirlene makes bank

Now for a real test, Man vs. Woman

Duane Starr (gold suit with monster helmet) vs. Jodie Edmonson (party clown)

VLP Vinyl Repair (1 oz.)
Jodie $2.99 Duane $3.15
ARP: $2.89 Jodie Wins

Next comes the hard part. Each of our winners can trade their cash in for something different.
Jodie goes first, Four Benjamins or Curtain #3. She takes the curtain:

It’s a Roper Gas Range and Litton Go Anywhere Microwave, plus some d’Amelia Pasta to cook up! ($1,253)

Shirlene’s option is the Sunshine Box. It’s a deal for…AN OLD-FASHIONED GAS PUMP (Not the cool ones that PiR would offer)

Lastly, it’s Dan. His money for Curtain #1? He’ll take a swing and gets… a La-Z-Boy Signature II Sleeper Sofa and Pilot Stereo ($1,598)

Julie Chapman (giant Orbo cookie) and Tina Yusef (playboy Bunny)

Make Me Some Money and I’ll be your (Bunny)

Sign (Never take My Word for it)

You can take Monty’s word that he’ll give $300 to each lady. Three boxes are on the floor, each will cost $150 to buy.

#1: Julie will buy: Benrus Citation Gold Watches ($500)
#2: Tina buys: PUNK ROCK WIG
#3: Both buy: Sharp 9″ TV ($450)

To recap:

  • Julie has $950 in prizes
  • Tina has the TV and an MTV dust rag!

One decision left, will they trade it all in for Curtain #2? A sneak preview: Mazola No Stick Cooking Spray.

  • Julie NO!
  • Tina YES!

Tina missed out on his/her watches, now she has his/her…POLKA DOT LONG JOHN’S!


ShirleneRunning on Empty
TinaHung on to Dry


Sue and Jodie will trade (WHAT ABOUT DAN?)

We got a Kelvinator 16 cu. ft. Fridge/Freezer filled with Bright and Early Orange Drink. There’s also a Royal Prince Vacuum Cleaner ($1,160.80) It’s for…Jodie, only a little dip.

This time, we see a Gibson Washmaster Washer/Dryer (W/20 Mule Team Borax Detergent). While washing, you can enjoy a La-Z-Boy Recliner/Rocker and that Sharp 19″ TV ($2,221) Sue…didn’t pick that! Her Mom has joined her, and she’s seen Monty before. She won a Camaro on LMAD before. And now her little girl has won…

…a car of her own! It’s a Volkswagen Rabbit 4 Door ($9,490)

Total Winnings: $13,698.80

Quickie: Yolanda was looking for up to 15 credit cards. I didn’t get the rest because the theme was too loud.

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.

PASSWORD (Daytime)-January 12, 1966

Host: Allen Ludden
Announcer: Lee Vines

Lucille Ball (The Lucy Show) and Sara Maynard (Huntington Beach, CA, married to a tool designer for a large aircraft company, and a fellow redhead) vs.
Gary Morton (husband) and Donald Morrison (Elk Grove Junior High, CA principal and father of 14 y.o. Tom and 12 y.o. Mike) ($350)

GAME #2-WORD #1: Lucy gives


WORD #2: Sara gives


WORD #3: Gary gives


WORD #4: Sara gives


WORD #5: Gary gives

10 (for the win): KOSHER-STYLE
9 (for the win): ESTABLISHMENT-DELICATESSEN $100 (includes a name drop for Max’s Delicatessen)


IN-OUT $200

Lucy’s perfect streak has ended. Sara’s got her money and Donald’s got $50 more.

Lucy and John Johanessen (Santa Monica, CA, deputy probation officer in LAPD vs. Gary and Charlene Marshall (Covina, CA, mother of Keith 10, Susan 8 and Tim 5)

GAME #1-WORD #1: Lucy gives

8: BETTY-HURRICANE (Allen wished Lucy had used a different hurricane name)

WORD #2: Charlene gives

10: HOUDINI-MAGICIAN (form of the word) MAGIC

WORD #3: Lucy gives

10: ROBE-(pronounced KEN-WAH)

WORD #4: John gives



LARGE-SMALL $250 in 20 seconds

NOTE: The record at the time was 15 sec. shared by Peter Lawford and Kitty Carlisle.

GAME #2 (Battle of the Sexes)-WORD #1: Gary gives


WORD #2: Charlene gives


WORD #3: Lucy gives

9: POLICE-PRECINCT John’s up to $450


UNCLE-AUNT $200 ($650 Total)

Lucy and Larry Young (Whitier, CA, student and high school bus driver) vs. Gary and Trudy Rhodes (Long Beach, CA, getting married in June)

GAME #1-WORD #1: Lucy gives


WORD #2: Trudy gives


WORD #3: Lucy gives



How’s your shooting, Lucy? Allen meant the Lucy Show, guest starring Dean Martin. Deano is a living doll, a lazy one. Gary is a consultant on the show, including guest stars. Dean will hopefully be there when the shoot comes.

The password today is Enthusiasm. The Peace Corps workers have a lot of enthusiasm, so investigate a career in the Peace Corps

Password is owned by Fremantle.

WHEEL OF FORTUNE (Daytime)-November 7, 1990 (approximate)

Hosts: Bob Goen and Vanna White
Announcer: Charlie O’Donnell

Three new contestants after a retired champion yesterday.

Tudi Roach (Los Angeles, CA) married for almost 5 years, moved in February. She’s an assistant sales rep for a major shoe corporation. Originally from Texas and lived with her husband in New York before.
Rhondalyn McCloney, part-time seamstress, secretary for a business partnership, married for Five Years, two year old son, and the family’s all here today.
Roger Sauerwein (Fieldon, IL) runs a sawmill lumber yard, sawing logs for a living

ROUND 1-Top Value is $500

Free Spin on Red $200

_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Tudi $200 No R’s
Rhondalyn $300 No S’s
Roger $400 No T’s
Tudi $100 No N’s
Rhondalyn $300 No M’s
Roger $250 Two L’s
$200 Two F’s, buys one O and one U
$125 No C
Tudi FREE SPIN but no D’s
Rhondalyn $125 No B’s
Roger $200 One P ($900)
$100 No H’s
Tudi $400 No W’s (WHEN WILL IT END???!!!)
Rhondalyn $250 No K’s
Roger $100 No G’s
Tudi $300 Four Z’s and thankfully no more consonants
Solve: FULL OF PIZZAZZ…Right for $1,200 (Bob said this was like pulling teeth)

ROUND 2-Same Wheel
Prize: SHOP-Service Merchandise Gift Certificate for Parfums Salvador Dali Collection ($400)

SHOP on Pink $250

_ _ _ _ _ _ &
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Rhondalyn $300 No T’s
Roger $250 Four N’s
Tudi $500! One R
$150 Two L’s, but no E’s
Rhondalyn $175 Three D’s
$150 No S’s
Roger $500! Two Y’s
Solve: LYNDON & LADY BIRD JOHNSON…Right for $1,000

ROUND 3-Top Value is $1,000

2nd Prize: MEXICO-Ventura 3 pc. Luggage and Trip to Acapulco (1wk.@ Fiesta Americana) ($2,369)

Mexico is on the $100 next to the red $400. Shop is now on the yellow $200.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _

Tudi $250 Two N’s
$400 Four T’s
$300 One L ($2,400)
$100 Two R’s, buys Two E’s and Three A’s
$200 Two H’s and Two F’s, buys Four O’s
Solve: GARFIELD THE CAT ON A HOT TIN ROOF…Right for $3,100!



ROUND 4-Top Value is $1,250

3rd Prize ROOM-Keller Oak Bedroom Set, Bemco Mattress and Waverly Bedding ($4,934)

Room swaps with Mexico which is now on the $100 next to $1,250.

_ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Tudi $750 No R, uses Free Spin
$500 One T
$750 One S, buys Two E’s
$100 One N (Back to $1,250)
Tudi No D’s
Rhondalyn No L’s
Roger No G’s
Tudi Two M’s “HOME ECONOMIST” Right for $1,450


Maingame Total:$6,750
Bankrupt Trash:$1,000
Left on Board:$2,125


Same choices as the last episode (here) Tudi wants “the brand new red car” as Bob said it. The Geo Metro worth $7,360!

_ _ _ _ _ _


_ _ _ C A R

Tudi sifts through Roadcar, Fastcar, Motorcar, Racecar. Answer: BOXCAR

Images are from wheelgenius at deviantart

Wheel of Fortune is a trademark of Califon Productions, Inc. distributed by CBS Media Ventures and Sony Television Studios.

WHAT’S MY LINE?-Date Unknown

Host: Wally Bruner
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Celebrity Panel:

  • Soupy Sales
  • Anita Gillette
  • Bert Convy
  • Arlene Francis

FIRST GUEST: Francis Kelly (Bronx, NY)

He’s self-employed, concerned with a product

Arlene: Might I possibly have this product?
You Could
Used by both sexes?
Does it come in contact with the person?
No $5

Soupy: Found in the home?
Found in one room more than another?
Probably, but Wally calls it a No $10

Anita: Could I hold it in my hand?
Comes in contact with other places beside the hand?
No $15

Bert: Is this product functional?
“It Lives” Bert heard it, but Francis and Wally deny it.

Go on, you big stoop!

Does it do something?
Does it perform a task for the home?
Not necessarily $20

Arlene: Is this product is or has every been alive?
In the animal family?
Is it a pet?
“It Can Be”
Is it a Bird?
Is it a Canary or Parakeet? (There’s a difference)
Does it talk?
No $25

Soupy: “He gains 300 pounds and hollers CHEEP?”
Not a question
Do you train canaries?

“They kamikaze canaries. They throw themselves in cat’s mouths?”

Train them to sing?

Our bird expert has brought a quartet of his class of 60! Yes! 60! Johnny O. brings them out, after they’ve been flying around the dressing room. Wally says a cat stood by in case they got rowdy. Francis has no problem living with ’em all By listening to what the mic was picking up, they are have bass voices. Wally needs to bring them closer. All you can do is give them time to work out their stage fright. In a contest, birds get up to a half a hour to perform!

Our birds have gotten a little better. In other knowledge, Francis uses a graduate canary to train students. But with only a little taste, another group of birds serenade us. (The Panel)

SECOND GUEST: Dianna Engel (New York City)

She’s salaried and deals with a service.

Soupy: Would I come to you?
Yes (Bert: Can I come with you?)

Are you wearing something other than what you’re wearing?
(Dianna has a typical 60s floral dress) No $5

Anita: Would I use it too?
Would I enjoy it as much as Soupy?
Aside from some side benefits, Yes
Do you touch people?
No $10

I’m so sorry to hear that?


Would you say this service would make me feel better?
No therapeutic benefit but Yes
Would I need an appointment?
No $15

Arlene: Are you employed with others in the same line?

A place where one might wants some relaxation?
Dianna says Yes but Wally doesn’t think so. Arlene’s getting miffed, so it’s a Yes
Do they serve anything to eat or drink?
A definite No $20

Soupy: Is there an office?
Do you do any paperwork?
Do people come that have a particular problem involving paperwork?
Dianna was unsure, but time’s up anyway

Arlene guesses it’s a cashier. Soupy guesses a hostess on a patrol wagon. Both wrong! She’s a STOCKBROKER. Her company is Kern Securities. How did a nice girl like you get in a business like this? She just started investing, got good and decided to spread the knowledge. And the men don’t see to mind if you earn their respect. Soupy and Bert are in for sure.


The guest welcomes us in a voice sounding like Julia Child.

“It’s one of my mother’s favorite shows and one of the birds is loose backstage.

Bert: Are you primarily known for television?
Yes, giggling with excitement
Arlene: Do you have your own series?
Soupy: A nighttime show?
Anita: Afternoon talk show?
Bert: Game Show?
Arlene: Are you the moderator?
“Yes, and I’m so beautiful”

Soupy: GENE RAYBURN, everyone knew it.

Gene says he’s done plenty of voices with his wife…


Anyway, Mrs. Rayburn says Gene has a certain tone in his voice. The only option was Falsetto. The entire panel has been on “The Match Game”. Along with all those game shows and #1 DJ in New York, what’s left? Two Things: Create a starring role in Broadway and movie. After that, he’ll quit! ANYTHING BUT THAT! Reminisicing about past What’s My Line appearances, there was the time Gene milked a cow with the boy from Illinois. One of the most popular things fans talk about. Soupy says the cow should’ve gotten kid gloves, Gene’s got the coldest hands in the business. Cold Hands, Warm Personality!

Honest Answers:

Marsha Robbins (New Rochelle) for Soupy:
“Do you really wear a Mickey Mouse watch?”
Answer: Yes, and we get the closeup to prove it. When it slows down, he feeds it cheese

For Bert: “What was your occupation before you became an actor?”
Answer: Played in the Philadelphia Phillies farm system

Arlene: Do you have any dogs?
Answer: Not currently, but there used to be Otto Von Bismarck (Dacushand), Sheep dog, Scottie, Russian Wolfhound.

Wait, what about the canary! He flew to the top of the lights and finally began to sing. Don’t call the Humane Society, the bird’s back in safe hands.

What’s My Line? is owned by Fremantle.

THE NEW PRICE IS RIGHT (Nighttime)-Taped October 16, 1972 (#012N)

Host: Dennis James
Announcer: Johnny Olson
Models: Janice Pennington and Anita Ford


First Item up for Bids!

Carnegie Psychedelic Stereo Cabinet (Anitra)

  • CLYDE 275
  • PHYLLIS 425
  • NANCY 475
  • BEVERLY 450

The actual retail price is…$750. Nancy wins! She may have said she bid low, but it’s good enough to play this


Getting the right window wins a Zinman Defino Tournaline Pale Beige Mink Coat (Janice) worth $2,000.

1st Window: VACUUM CLEANER-Eureka Empress 2 ($89)
Guess: HIGHER ARP: $150
2nd: CLOCK RADIO-Westxlox Digital AM/FM Cassette Recorder ($145)
Guess: LOWER ARP: $130
3rd: MIXER-Hamilton Beach Gourmet Stand Mixer ($33)
Guess: HIGHER ARP: $57 (One More to Lock it up)
4th: BOOKS-World Book Childcraft Encyclopedia ($180)

Where’s the BONUS: MIXER


Second Item Up for Bids!

Capetown 1.95 ct. Sapphire/1.56 ct. Diamond/18 ct. Gold Ring (A)

  • MARIANNE $860
  • Beverly $900
  • Clyde $1,200
  • Phyllis $675

The actual retail price is…$1,500, Clyde Wins “I’d better give it to my wife” Yeah, you better.


Clyde and his wife may next have to ditty up:

  • A Caloric Self-Cleaning Range (J)
  • A Ford Thunderbird (Power Steering, Power Front Disc Brakes, Power Ventilation, Opera Windows [pure 70’s], deluxe rear bumper) (A)
  • The measly Piggy Bank
55 _ _ _
15 _ _ 1
2_ . _ 2
66 _ _
75 _ 7 1
85 8 7 1
ARP6 4 09 . 3 2


Johnny has one more name: “It’s Gonna Be…BARBARA MCQUAN, COME ON DOWN” (He sounded like Justin Timberlake)


W&J Sloane Cimarron 102″ Sofa (A)

  • BARBARA $850
  • Marianne $740
  • Phyllis $647
  • Marianne $550

The actual retail price is…$799. Marianne Wins.

Didn’t anyone catch that Marianne and Phyllis switched spots?


30 seconds to win a Pfaff Console Sewing Machine and a Wurlitzer Fun Maker Spinet Organ (J). PLUS, if there’s at least 2 seconds left on the clock, we’ll throw in an extra $1,000 cash.

SEWING MACHINE: 339 ↑ 345 ↑ 390 ↑ 475 ↑ 550 ↑ 600 ↓ 570 ↑ 575 ↑ 577 ↑ 580 ↑ 585 ↓ 584 (11.5 sec. left)
ORGAN: 645 ↑ 750 ↑ 895 ↑ 1000 ↓ 995 ↓ 950 ↑ 960 ↑ TIME’S UP! ($964)
Pricing Games: 2 for 3


CLYDE$7,371 (Top Winner)
NANCY$3,087 (Runner-Up)


First Showcase:
13d BOAC London/Mallorca Tour
Samsonite 3pc. Silhouette Luggage (A)
Yamaha SL292C Snowmobile(J)/MPX Skis (A)

Clyde’s going for London. Bid: $1,750

Nancy’s Showcase:
Ford Mustang (heater/defroster, deluxe bumper system, carpeting)
Turtle Wax Assortment
Arthur Fulmer Portable/Home/Car Stereo Systems
Vanda Cosmetics (A)
Zinman Defino Lynx Paw Fur Coat (J)

Nancy’s Bid: $3,900

Bid: $1,750Bid: $3,900
ARP: $2,762ARP: $4,803
Difference: $1,012Difference: $903

Nancy wins! Total: $7,890 (Dennis rushes through the final reveal and ending)
Total Winnings: $16,644

The Price is Right is owned by Fremantle.

ALL-NEW LET’S MAKE A DEAL-September 26, 1984

Host: Monty Hall
Featuring: Brian Cummings and Karen Lapierre

Monty has two handbags that don’t go with his Blue suit and pants. Would a couple of ladies be interested?

First Traders: Dale Columbo (Brown Low-Cut Dress) and Giselle Moreau (Black Hat and no pants)

Dale can trade her light blue handbag with some money for Curtain #1. She takes the handbag. The Curtain was a REJECT FROM THE GLUE FACTORY!

In the bag, just one bill…worth $500.

What will Giselle choose? Her bag or Curtain #2, which starts with a giant box of Creamettes. Monty remembers there’s double in this deal. Is it twice as much money in the handbag or was there twice as many donkeys as behind that first curtain? Giselle chooses the curtain. The money in the bag….was $1,000! As for the curtain…it was DOUBLED TOO!

SECOND TRADERS: Tom and Karen Luken (honeybees expecting a Babee)

This couple has a chance at what’s in Monty’s Hand…10 Pennies. Just seven will be enough to send them to Paris. Plus, we’ll throw in a check for $2,300 ($7,190)

One Penny: Champale Extra Dry (12 oz.) within 60 cents.
Guess: $2.00 (Karen spoke first) ARP: 83¢

Wait, Tom and Karen, that was just one penny. Nine are still on the table. Just make sure you agree on the right price.

Two Pennies: Mentos Wintergreen (single roll) within 25 cents.
Guess: 49¢ ARP: 35¢

Three Pennies: Maximum Strength Cortizone 5 (1 oz.) within $1
Guess: $2.75 ARP: $3.40 (Up to Five Pennies)

Four Pennies: Gillespie Refinish Furniture Kit within 50 cents.
Guess: $9.95
Feel confident?!? If not, there’s the Sunshine Box. Inside is an home electronic Package:

  • Commodore 64 Computer
  • Sharp 19″ TV
  • TOTAL: $1,238.85

The Lukens can’t seem to decide. Monty will add $500 to the Electronics. Karen convinces Tom to take the Sure Thing.

ARP of Furniture Kit: $9.95 “Adieu”

THIRD TRADER: Jim Poole (5th Understudy from “Cats”) “The Pur-r-r-r-fect Deal”

Brian has a Treasure Chest Behind Curtain #1, a giant box of Quaker Corn Barn. Who gets the rejects?

Marie Harrington (Nurse “What’s Up Doc?”)

Brian chooses the chest. Marie’s not sure about the Curtain. How about Cash “$2,000 or $3,000” Not happening, $100..2…3…4…No More! Marie will settle for that. Inside the Corn Bran…Ventura 4pc. Luggage and His/Her Helbros Quartz Watches. ($1,240)

Jim still has his treasure. Will he trade it for the Diamond Box? The leftovers this time go to…

Wendy Smith (maid)

Monty will stick to the same $400 from last time. it won’t work for Wendy. She’ll have the box…it’s DOUBLE PUPPY LOVE!

Last chance for Jim to trade. Is Curtain #2 want this cat’s been looking for? Nope! He won’t get…the Sunray 36″ Range or the 2 Charbroil Grills. ($1,099)

Time to finally unlock the chest and the big treasure is…$33.

TOM AND KAREN$1,738.85


The Lukens and Dale will trade:

Whirlpool Microwave, Cutco Cutlery Set and Regina Steam Cleaner ($1,037.99) Who gets this? Dale does

Os-Cal Calcium Supplement, 2 Berkline Wall-away Recliners and Pilot Stereo System ($2,222) It’s an upgrade from what the Lukens had. It would’ve been better if they choose this instead:

Schafer & Sons California Grand Piano and for Sheet Music, a check for $1,800 ($8,208)

Big Winners: The Lukans
Total Winnings: $3,692

Quickie Deals:

Ron (Frito Bandito come to life) we’d expect you to sing, but he can’t. He’ll whistle “Dixie” instead for $100. For another $100, how about “Battle Hymn of the Republic”? Nope

Another Jim (I’ll Boogie for a Deal) does the job, sort of

Charles Johnson (rainbow clown) can’t produce a key pen.

Dave Palmer (genie) can bring out a pen for $50. He gets an extra $50 for advertising on it, but can’t get another $50 since it wasn’t black.

Man dressed as a flower looking for lipstick or a hard-boiled egg ($50 for each).

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.