Host: Monty Hall
Featuring: Brian Cummings and Karen LaPierre
Yes, week two is on for the return of Let’s Make a Deal, for fans who’ve never forgotten the show. Those who’re too young to have see it, prepare to get Zonked!
First Trader: Deborah Bradley (Pickle with bumpy dress, “Let’s Make a Dill” sign and a “Deal Monty” hat)
Monty has something in his hand…a dime. But it’s a dime dated 1875. What does that mean? It could be worth Brian’s small box. Deborah keeps her little dime. Inside the box…A LOW-RENT FUR COAT from Monty’s wife closet…along with a $1,000 bill. Debra does get the coat and keeps the dime, but she’ll have to wait to find out its value later.
Right now, we have three wallets. They’re going to…
Irene Garcia (nurse), Steve Geiger (brown apron) and Mary Sanchez (Unofficial Mother of the Olympics)
Some have $1 or $2, and if it’s $2, that’s what they get…200 cents. If it’s just $1, it can buy a real fur coat: a Dicker and Dicker Davina Bukhara/Fox Coat ($3,000) Irene, who’s really an order entry operator, can keep her red wallet or trade for the big box. She’ll trade giving up on…Two Dollar Bills. Instead, she gets a Samsung Microwave and White-Westinghouse 17 cu. ft. Fridge/Freezer packed with Champale. ($1,364.45)
Steve’s wife would love that fur. Is there just one bill inside his tan wallet? Would he rather trade for Curtain #2, which has a KFC certificate? he won’t know what’s inside until he decides. Steve keeps the wallet, so now we’ll see the curtain had some fur…THREE GIANT PLUSH DOGS!

Mary, who’d trade her go for the gold bunny pin for a deal, had a blue wallet. It could still have just a single dollar bill to buy another fur. Monty decides to buy it back for up to $250. Nope, but what about Curtain #1. Mary choses neither, she wants the door…err, curtain. “Should I?” Don’t regret it Mary, because in the wallet…there was one bill too many. But will she trade the “door” for $300. NO! $600 is Monty’s final offer. Mary keeps the curtain. She thinks it’s a new motorcycle…IT WAS IN 1927.

Back to Deborah and her dime. She can cash it in right now to join in on an $1,100 shopping deal. Our little dill is keeping the dime for now. Instead…
Heli O’Der (Canadian Angel, Estonian Name, Gold Medal Deal) and Wanda McCoy (Minnie Mouse, “I Will Squeak a Deal”)
Four items, one at a time, the one who’s closest gets the cash.
$100: Cortizone 5 (1 oz. Tube)
Heli: $3.59 Wanda $1.89
ARP: $3.40 Heli wins
$200: True Value Tru-Test E-Z Kare Paint (1 gal.)
Wanda: $12 Heli: $15.25
ARP: $18.95 Another $200 for Heli
$300: 2000 Flushes (14 oz.)
Heli: $2.89 Wanda: $3
ARP: $2.25 Heli’s 3 for 3, $600 Total
$500: West Bend Ski and Cycle Stopwatch
Wanda (Last Chance): $45 Heli: $89
ARP: $24.95 Wanda Wins at Last
The Sunshine Box is up! Will Wanda trade her hard-earned cash for that? She quickly says “yes” and winds up with…a KitchenAid Dishwasher W/$25 of ElectraSol. ($804.95)
Now for Heli: We see Curtain #2, we see Os-Cal (We hear the old theme to “Split Second”) Heli will go for the “Door”, get it right. Either way, she winds up with…Brian and Karen’s SOUSAPHONES

Steve | $3,000 |
Irene | $1,364.45 |
Wanda | $804.95 |
Deborah | That Little Dime |
Mary | Queasy Rider |
Deborah finally decides to trade in that lil’ ol’ dime to go for that $8,101 big deal. According to the Los Angeles Coin Company, that 1875 Liberty Dime has an appraised value of…$2,000! She’ll have to make up for it. The other trader is Steve, who’s wife is probably fuming right now. (Deborah who’s dime was a grand less than the fur gets first choice.) First…

Monty’s Cookie Jar, inside is $815 and it goes to…NO ONE.

There’s Galaxy Ariba Carpeting which goes lovely under a new Simmons Contemporary Living Room with Selig Tables. ($4,573) It goes to…Steve. (Hope the wife likes that)
And what did Deborah’s get for that little dime?

First, there’s Skyway Luggage and Ray-Ban Shades. She’s taking all that to the Bahamas (1wk.@ Bahamas Princess) along with a check for $4,500! ($8,101)
Total Winnings: $14,843.40
Quickie Deals: Marie Washington (fancy tux and tails) can get $50 for a mirror, $150 for a mirror on both sides. Monty was also looking for a wallet as the “Telepictures” logo came up to end the program.
The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.
Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.