Host: Monty Hall
Featuring: Brian Cummings
First, a celebrity citing. Country Star Charlie Daniels….wait, no he’s not. Now introducing BRIAN CUMMINGS…and his mustache! Forgot that, let’s talk about that packet of money Brian has. Two ladies are going to have to fight over it.
Suzi Lacey (Olympic Garb with a sign saying “USSR”, “You Boycotted my Olympics”) and Carolyn Cox (bunny rabbit)
Brian’s packet has nine bills, a $20 up front. Each will get one of the remaining bills for themselves.
- #2 $1,000
- #3 $500
- #4 $100
- #5 Carolyn’s Choice
She’s got a look of buyer’s remorse. Maybe she can trade her pick for the spotted big box. Hey, don’t coax her into keeping the cash!! No, she’s made up her own mind. Carolyn wants the bill. Behind the box…a Litton Go-Anywhere Microwave and KitchenAid Portable Dishwasher W/ElectraSol ($1,183.95) All that to hang on to…a Benjamin. Hey, she needs the money for college (She wants to be a Teacher)
- #6 $500
- #7 A Mystery for Suzi
The Appliances are no mystery, she can buy that OR…another mystery. Curtain #2…with a clue. Kirsch Window Blinds. Suzi’s not one for surprises, she’ll take the sure thing.
There’s a girl that knows a bird in the hand is forth five gold medals in your own Olympics
- Suzi’s bill: Just a $100
- #8 $1,000
- #9 $100

And now the age-old question? Who’s the better shopper, the husband or the wife?
Joe and Marcia Takaks (Slicker Jackets and Leaves on their heads “We NUTMEGGERS want to spice up a deal!”)
Marcia says she’s the better shopper. Only one way to find out. The Takaks will compete against each other and “What’s Mine is Mine!” The first three are $300 each.
Sanwa Ramen Pride Noodles (3 oz.)
Marcia 99¢ Joe $1.39
ARP: 25¢ Marcia says the prizes are more expensive at home in Connecticut.
Plasti-Kote Rust Not Enamel (16 oz.)
Joe: $2.95 Marcia: $2.75
ARP: $3.39 Tie game
Pollenex Smoke Grabber Ash Tray
Marcia: $15 Joe $11.50
ARP: $24.95 Ladies 2 Gentleman 1
Last One’s $500: Bionaire 500 Air Purifier
Joe $40 Marcia $49
ARP: $130 She wins $1,100-$300
Now will our couple keep their finances separate OR pool together to buy Curtain #3? And it’s transportation. They say “I do” to the cash. I now pronounce you missing out on…His/Hers…BURROS!

$1,400 is just the beginning, there’s another fortune up for grabs next…

Still just the middle section this time. The lucky player is in Seat…14.
Jack Rosenberg (I’m dying, dying, dying to make a deal)
Done, you have the cash behind the fourth door. However, he may die regretting trading the door for $700 OR…Curtain #1 (Travel sign) With advice from “Honey” he chosses…the TRAVEL. Behind the door:
$ 2 4 8 .00
And for travelling, he and his honey are going to….Hawaii (1wk.@ Kona Surf). And they’ll stop, but Monty won’t. Here’s another $1,000 ($3,148)
Two other people in the center section will get their chance at that other fortune Mr. Hall was talking about before.
Tonnie Cremacino (Hawaiian sprite) and George Shire (hobo tennis player)
And here’s Brian with two fortunes…Fortune Cookies. Messages included. George is ready to crack it open…NOT YET! Maybe you should trade it for Curtain #3. He quickly changes his mind, so Monty gets to open it up.
George is feeling pretty dumb, especially after he sees…THREE GARBAGE CANS STRAIGHT FROM NEWPORT BEACH!

Who knows whether Tonnie will have better luck? Her decision is the Cookie or the Star Big Box. She wants the Box! So she’s misses this important message:
Instead, Tonnie’s telling time with an Emperor Cherry Grandfather Clock. Plus, she’ll keep time to music with an Helix Portable Component Stereo. ($1,648.50)
JACK | $3,148 |
TONNIE | $1,648 |
JOE & MARCIA | $1,400 |
SUZI | $1,183 |
CAROLYN | $100 |
GEORGE | Hot Garbage |
The Takaks and Tonnie will participate as Jack and Honey say ALOHA! (The Takaks get first choice)

SNEAK PREVIEW TIME! There’s some Os-Cal Calcium. The rest will come later! Next…

His/Her Catalina Sportswear, Ray-Ban Leather Sunglasses and Benrus Quartz Watches. ($1,410) And it’s for…Tonnie. An OK trade!

Another matching set: Gibson Fridge/Freezer, Dishwasher and Electric Range. We add to it a Sharp 19″ TV and a West Bend Stir Crazy Popcorn Popper. ($2,733.60) Doesn’t matter who the better shopper is in the Tataks. They both got lucky by going with the Calcium instead. It was $25 and it comes with…a Dicker and Dicker Davini Poncho Mink. ($7,525) Marcia, thankfully, have a respectable blue dress on. The smock comes off and the fur goes on.
Total Winnings: $13,366
Quickie Deals: One happy lady gets $150 for a Needle in a Haystack.
The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.
Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.