Host: John Davidson
Announcer: Shadoe Stevens

O DD Alton (3-Day Total: $3,800 and two trips)
X Marc Stone (Los Angeles, account manager for office machines)
Round 1
1 Milton: To Dr. Ruth Westheimer, what is good sex?
“At George Burns’ age, anything”
Guess: Must be referring to her book.
Marc agrees X
2 Lynn: According to biblical experts, it is described as a “Divine occurrence beyond the power of man”. What do we commonly call it?
“The Success of Wheel of Fortune”

Guess: A Revelation
DD disagrees O (A miracle)
3 Louie:
Louie: Why am I in the third tier?
John: Because we want to see it wobble.
Louie: Neither of us can talk.
Question: What is hippophobia?
“When I’m in your backyard.”
Guess: Fear of Hippos
Marc disagrees X (Fear of Horses)
4 Jan-Michael to block: According to folklore, what does it mean if your ears are burning?
“Your hair is on fire”
Guess: You’re going to hear from an old friend
DD disagrees O (Someone’s talking about you)
5 Charlotte to block:
When she plays the witch, she doesn’t use makeup.
Milton on Charlotte’s upcoming Halloween special
Question: Who wrote Frankenstein?
“Nobody. That’s why he had such a rotten time at camp.”
Guess: Mary Shelley
Marc agrees X
6 Kareem: In Mythology, what was the drink of the gods?
“Bud Light”
Guess: Ambrosia
DD disagrees O (Nectar)
Both players are 3-for-3 so far.
7 Heidi to block: True or false? According to watermelon experts, the bigger your melons, the better.
“Especially in this business”
Guess: False
Marc agrees X (Medium or better)
8 Little Richard to block: According to fashion experts, what’s wrong with mixing gold and silver?
Guess: After a long wait…makes you look very rich. Nothing’s wrong
DD agrees O
9 Mike to decide:

There’s a motorcycle cop (Mr. Powell of the California Highway Patrol) here to read Mike his rights:
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can or will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to refuse a search. You have the right to speak with an attorney and have an attorney present with you while you’re being questioned. If you cannot afford to hire an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you before questioning if you wish.
Question for someone who starred on three police shows: What right shouldn’t have been there?
After a repeat, The Search line
Marc agrees WIN!
Secret Square Round: 6d Windjammer Barefoot Bahamian Cruise (via Nassau; Eastern)
DD’s up
1 Louie: Where do we get most of our maple syrup?
“Safeway Aisle 6”
Guess: Maine
DD disagrees O (Vermont)
2 Heidi: Scientists reporting in USA Today claim that you see chickens try to fly and pigs jump over fences just before a certain event. What even is that?
“A Barbecue”
Guess: A tornado
Marc disagrees X (Earthquake)
3 “Uncle Milty”: According to the New Testament, what is it that will set you free?
“Bran Muffins”
Guess: Love
DD disagrees O (The Truth)
4 Jan-Michael to block: There is a well-known Japanese word that means “the Divine Wind”. What do we call it?
(Something in Japanese)
Guess: Sushi
Marc disagrees X (Kamikaze)
5 Mike: Yakitori, Maguro and Kaki are things you might find where?
“In Fresno around the dairy farms, the farmers get it on their boots.”
Guess: Cities in Korea
DD disagrees O (Japanese Restaurants)
Marc has two spots to block, and if he gets either one, we’re in sudden death.
6 Kareem to block AND Secret Square ($3,288): Who said “Nice guys finish last?” Was it Vince Lombardi, Leo Durocher or General George S. Patton?
Guess: “Daffy Duck” Durocher
Marc agrees YOU MEANIE! X
Lynn will decide this. Do you know what you’ve done, Marc?

7 Lynn to win: A musical question, give us the next line:
More than the greatest love the world has known
Guess: I cannot go on living alone (Not her key)
DD disagrees TIE MATCH! (“This is the love I give to you alone”)
To recap: Both players have played eight questions and gotten eight right.
Round 3
Marc first
1 Uncle Milty: The Constitution limits the President to 8 years in office, but could George Bush serve for the next 20 years (as V.P.)?
“Sure but who would ever know?”
Guess: No
Marc disagrees X (Vice Presidents have no term limit)
2 Lynn: According to a new study in L.A. Daily News, what is more fattening: Eating 500 calories of chocolate ice cream or 500 cal. of rye bread?
Guess: “500 calories is 500 calories”
Milton: “What a relief”
DD disagrees O (Ice Cream, calories from fats are more than carbs)
3 Louie: What is a jib boom?
“It’s a sound you make when you drop a jib.”
Speaking of sound, the horn goes off. This decides the game.
Guess: A fish
Marc disagrees WIN! (Part of a sailboat)
It’s 19-0!
DD’s grand total: $4,400 Plus the Trips
Marc has $700 in cash.
One last choice, find the Mazda that’ll fit the key from the bowl.
- RX-7
- 626 4-Door
- B2000 Truck
- 323
- 626 Sports Coupe
Marc’s choice is the RX-7, and for good luck Kareem. Too bad they fit.
Only wrong guess for the whole day. Marc won’t have to be perfect again tomorrow. He just has to win try for the cars again.
Hollywood Squares is owned by King World Productions a part of CBS Media Ventures.