O DeAnn Samplee (Bakersfield, CA, sign language instructor) She gives a demonstration following John’s instructions
X Fred Dybal (3-Day Champ: $3,100)
ROUND 1-DeAnn starts
1 Chris: According to USA Today, when an executive makes coffee for his secretary, it usually indicates he is what? “Paying her rent” Guess: Intending to fire her DeAnn disagrees O (He is a secure executive) 2 Edwin: On your desk are the words to one of the most time-honored Mother Goose Rhymes. Edwin will sing it:
The Eensy Weensy spider climbed up the water spout Down came the rain and washed the spied out Out came the sunshine and dried up all the rain (ALF gags) And the Eensy weensy spider climbed up the spout again.
Question: What country were the Mother Goose stories first published? Guess: Germany Fred disagrees X (England, 1760) 3 Fred: True or False? George Washington had a half-brother named Larry who served in the British Navy. And two other brothers Curly and Moe
Guess: True DeAnn agrees O 4 Finola to block: According to Redbook Magazine, is it better for you to take long hot showers or quick warm showers? “It depends who you’re with” Guess: Quick warm showers Fred agrees X (Hot showers dry the skin) 5 Rip to block: True or false? There’s a little amusement park in Oklahoma(True! False!) …where all the attractions are based on stories from the Bible. “My favorite is Sodom and Gomorrah land” Guess: True DeAnn agrees O (DeAnn’s husband is a Baptist Minister) Fred can only block one at a time 6 Shirley to block: According to superstition, why do wedding guests throw rice at newlyweds? “Toasters are too dangerous” Guess: For good luck Fred agrees WRONG! (So they’ll have many children) 7 Shirley to win (Sorry, ALF): According to Health Magazine, if a hotel wants to keep Frank Sinatra happy, it should always have a jar of it waiting for him. A jar of what? Guess: Spaghetti sauce DeAnn disagrees WIN! (Peanut Butter)
SECRET SQUARE: Trip to Puerto Vallarta, MX (Western Airlines; Buganvillias Sheraton)
Fred starts 1 Fred (making up for being a short-tempered cook yesterday): According to the book “How to Use Colors to Sell”, customers who like red are extroverted. Customers who like yellow are intellectual. What are customers who like purple? Red(Extrovert) + Blue(Sad) = Insane people Guess: Artistic people Fred (the contestant) disagrees O 2 Chris: The early Romans brought live chickens to the table and dumped them in red wine. Why did they do this? “They wanted to drown them”| Guess: To prepare them for plucking DeAnn disagrees O (To Flavor the birds) 3 Finola to block: Does Cosmopolitan think you’ll get better service by flirting a little? Guess: Yes Fred agrees WRONG! (Flirting could be misinterpreted) 4 Finola to win: According to New Woman Magazine, do couples who sleep together get more or less sleep than when either partner sleeps alone. Guess: Less DeAnn disagrees X (Around 30 times a night) John got lost on who gets the Square. DITTO! 5 Mindy: 800 women from over 12 nations have appeared on “Facts of Life.”
…met in Washington D.C. recently. What was the #1 issue discussed? Guess: Nuclear disarmament Fred disagrees X (Lack of attention to women’s issues) 6 ALF to block: Just before Monday’s show our staff played a joke on John that the show had a new sponsor. Larva, a gag soft drink. We see the outtakes as John struggles to keep his composure. What we didn’t see is John actually drink the stuff. Did he? “That was a clip. Looked like a pilot” Guess: “No one’s that stupid, then again” DeAnn agrees, show the clip: HE DID! 6 ALF to win: “I apologize, you are that stupid” Question: What’s a finger wave? Moving your finger up and down (ALF Demonstrates) Guess: A Hairdo Fred agrees TIE GAME! (Method of setting hair) Secret Square: Edwin
DeAnn starts 1 Chris (HONK!) to decide: This screen goddess of the 50s who starred in such movies as Vertigo, Pal Joey, Bell Book and Candle, recently made her debut on TV’s Falcon Crest. Who is she? Guess: Kim Novak DeAnn agrees NEW CHAMPION!
Fred’s total winnings: $3,600 and a home version of Price is Right
Are the signs with DeAnn? She picks a new key from John’s bowl. Which Jeep will she go for?
Comanche X
Cherokee Chief
Wagoneer Limited
Grand Wagoneer
DeAnn wants the big one, the Grand Wagoneer ($25,049). And since it’s Friday, everyone is her good luck celebrity, except ALF. He busy guzzling Larva, “I’m gonna go spin a web now”
3…2…1…VVROOM! ($25,749)
A toast to DeAnn’s first-day car win!
Two new contestants on Monday and these nine new celebs!
Gil Gerard (Sidekicks)
Ahmad Rashad (NBC Sports)
Brad Garrett
Pat McCormick
Arleen Sorkin (Days of Our Lives)
Bob Vila (This Old House)
Sarah Purcells (Real People)
Jose Feliciano
Betty White
Hollywood Squares is owned by King World Productions a part of CBS Media Ventures.