Host: Peter Marshall
Announcer: Kenny Williams

O: Pam Molosca (Fairview Heights, OH, Flight Attendant)
X: Ken Bosket (Detroit, MI, Attending Vegas Community College and Father of Three)
In this version, our players aren’t playing for cash. Each game is worth a prize. No Secret Square games The player who wins the most games wins the grand prize of the day AND moves on to a $100,000 tournament. More about that later.
ROUND 1 Prize: Broyhill French Provincial Bedroom Ensemble
Ken’s first
1 George: True or false? Sophia Loren is a wanted person in Italy.
“Just what she needs another bust! Like a turtle needs a brassiere”
Guess: True
Ken Agrees X
2 Lee: According to the song, Hear the wind Blow dear, Hear the Wind Blow” where?
Guess: Down in the Valley
Pam disagrees X
3 Paul: In the bible, does the Lord ever say that he hates anybody?
Guess: Yes
Ken Agrees X (Two chances to win)
4 Linda, HUH? (Should’ve stuck with Bill to Block)
Who said you’re never fully dressed without a smile?
Guess: Will Rogers
Pam Disagrees O
5 Jim for the Win: True or false? Does a religious group in the South Pacific that, believe it or not, praise everyday to Donald Duck.
Well, Jim says he’s a Frisbee-terian, who worships Frisbees and believe that when you die, your soul is stuck on the roof.
Guess: True
Ken Disagrees WIN! (Scoreboard simply displays an X or O on their scoreboard when they win a round)

Round 2 Prize: Whirlpool Fridge, Dishwasher and Electric Range ($1,899)
For Today’s Big Winner: $4,400 Total
* 7-Day Carnival Caribbean Cruise
* Funky! Dresses
* Trip to Miami (1wk. @ Newport)
* Kenya 14k Gold Earrings, Ring and Tie Tack
* Konica FS1 Single Reflex Camera
Pam to Start
1 Paul: We get it by a Himalayan goat and lots of people want to have it. What is it?
“Twinkie Filling”
Guess: Roquefort Dressing
Pam Disagrees O (Cashmere)
2 George: True or false? There are now up to 50 parts of the body that can be replaced.
“Don’t try to install them yourselves.”
Guess: True
Ken Agrees X
3 Jim: According to the book Lifespans, how long should a good guitar last within 10 years?
Jim played guitar instead of football, and he can kick a guitar 60 yards
Guess: As long as you do, about 100 years
Pam Disagrees O (200 Years)
4 Lee to Block: According to Weight Watchers, a person’s middle years are from 35 to what?
Guess: At least 50
Ken Agrees X
5 Linda: According to Weight Watchers, is it a good or bad idea to exercise in the nude?
Guess: Good Idea
Pam Agrees O
6 Ann to Block: What heavenly body does man know more about that any other?
“Marilyn Monroe”
Guess: The Sun
Ken Disagrees X (The Earth)
7 David to block: True or false? Fish Burp
“I’m thinking who the idiot was who found out about this? What an occupation”
Guess: False, but they barf
Pam Agrees WRONG (One in South America can burp loud enough to be heard a mile away)
8 David to Win: True or false There are exercises for you to do while you are on your death bed.
Three, Swing a burping fish above you head, never close your eyes and move your lips to say “You’re all out of the will”
Guess: True
Ken Agrees WIN!

Round 3 Prize: Soundesign Disco Stereo
Ken Starts
1 George: Jogging has been found effective for many things. Has it been found effective in treating a hangover?
George says he’s had hangovers you could frame.
Guess: No
Ken Agrees X
2 Lee: True or False: According to research at Yale, even just looking at food can make fat people fatter.
“Looking at a donut makes it go from hand to thighs”
Guess: True
Pam Disagrees X
3 Wayland and Madame (“I’m gonna start looking at the hole in the donut”)
True or false? A man in France recently ate an entire bicycle.
“Now that’s what I call ruffage!”
Guess: False
Ken Agrees O
4 Bill: In 1947, they took away several big chunks of India and called them what?
New Delhis, all over New York
No Answer. Ken is offered to guess himself, but he declines for a new question. (Pakistan)
B: You are two stories tall, weigh 20 tons, a six inch tooth, look like a huge ugly kangaroo with a great lashing tail, and loves meat for dinner. What do we call you?
“Sounds like my mother-in-law”
Guess: Dinosaur
Pam Disagrees X (Two shots)
5 Paul to block: After doing this seven times, the Pope said enough for a while, what was the Pope doing?
“Personally hearing a confession from Ann Margaret”
On tour doing communions
Ken disagrees O (Judges rule Paul was close enough to touring)
6 David who hold the win for both: According to Gallup, this is the one food teenagers hate more than any other food.
Guess: Broccoli
Pam Disagrees WIN! (Spinach)

Round 4 Prize: Apple II Computer ($1,195)
Pam’s turn
Paul: Something really, really awful happened began July 1, 1863 and continued off and on for three days.
It’s Not the David Letterman Show. (Heh-Heh-Heh, payback for how HS was canceled on NBC)
Can’t think of anything before the buzzer sounds “Thank God” (It Was The Battle of Gettysburg)
We still have a computer to give away so we’ll go to another question. If Pam gets it, she ties the match. If not, Ken is the champ.
Who wrote the classic WWII novel, the Naked and the Dead James Jones, Leon Uris or Norman Mailer?
Guess: Jones
Pam Agrees WRONG (Mailer)
Pam’s Total (with Parting Gifts): $1,650
Jim’s Total: Around $8,600
Jim will eventually return to play in the big tournament. Grand prize package totaling $100,000! Includes:
- $20,000 Cash
- Domes America Geodisic House
- Coachmen 17.5 ft. Crestline Travel Trailer
Images of game board based on original by FromEquestria2LA on Deviantart.
Hollywood Squares is owned by King World Productions a part of CBS Media Ventures.