Host: Jack Narz
Announcer: Johnny Olson
Teri Cummings (Los Angeles, CA, originally from Jacksonville, FL, works for a plastic surgeon)
Paula Sedarberg (originally from Ann Arbor MI, dental hygienist)
- 28 BEDROOM (Broyhill)
- 19 H’ME CARE PRODUCTS (Panel Magic)
- 8 CHEESE SPREADS (Woody’s)
- 16 DISH-WASHER (Maytag)
There are four wild cards up on the board. Matching two will be worth $250. The contestant keeps the cash no matter what.
Teri 9 (His&Her Bikes) and 6 (Encyclopedia)
Paula 3 (Take 1 Gift) and 27 (Cheese Spreads)
Teri 13 (WILD!) and 11 (WILD!) $250
10 (Linens) and 24 (Encyclopedia)
Paula 8 (Cheese Spreads) and 27 MATCH!
I was wondering when they were getting back to that.
1 (Bonus Number) and 20 (Bedroom)
Teri 24 and 6 NICE RECOVERY!
2 (H’me Care Products) and 14 (Bonus Number)
Paula 28 and 20 MATCH!
9 and 26 (Elec. Bar-B-Q)
Teri 10 and 21 (Take 1 Gift)
Paula 14 and 1 MATCH!
Well, they keep getting lost but finding their way back around.
4 (Dish-Washer) and 12 (Bonus Number) and 17 (His&Her Bikes)
Teri 9 and 12 AARGH!
Paula Got 17 and 9 Right
Guess: A SLIP OF THE LIP WIN! ($1,121)
Ace + Lip Off The L + Hip
DOUBLE PLAY: Chevrolet Chevette 3 Dr.
$100 Puzzle: First “The Legend of Paul Revere” then “BUNYAN” (3 sec. left)
The L + Head + Chin Off P + Awl Bun + Yawn
Car Puzzle: “I Say a Can-Hill Paul” WAY OFF!
Ice + Hay A Lid + Hill P + Ray + R IV “U”
I Say a Little Prayer for You
- 7 POOL TABLE (Frederick-Willys)
- 15 HAIR SPRAY (Adorn)
- 26 CANDY (Chick-o-Sticks)
- 13 REFRIG-ERATOR (Amana)
Paula 4 (WILD!) and The Fridge
2 (Take 1 Gift) and 24 (Table Lamps)
Teri 28 (Take 1 Gift) and 2 MATCH!
25 (Child’s Toys) and 11 LUCKY!
22 (Field Glasses) and 1 (Hair Dryer)
Paula 27 (Refrigerator) and 10 (Take 1 Gift)
Teri 5 (Ladies’ Clothes) and 26
Paula 14 (Candy) and 26 MATCH!
3 (Hair Spray) and 16 (Pool Table)
Teri 7 and 16 MATCH!
19 (WILD!) and the Field Glasses (her intention?)
20 (Take 1 Gift) and 10 (Only has the Candy)
12 (Table Lamps) and 24 MATCH AGAIN!
And Paula is itching to guess.
8 (Recliner) and 30 (Bonus Number)
Paula 5 and 17 (Recliner)
Teri 8 and 17 MATCH!
23 (Hair Dryer) and 6 (Bonus Number) BAD TIMING!
Paula 30 and 6
The 1 Th + Hat Cot Hay + Weigh
$100 Puzzle: ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN (took just 2 sec.)
Awl The Prez + Saw + D + Ants M + Hen
Car: “The Who-pit-door Hiss Pla-net” CAN’T DO IT!
J + Hoo + Pit + Door Hiss The L + Arch + Chest Pla + Net
Jupiter Is The Largest Planet
$50 Puzzles
Teri: G + Air + “E” Coo + P + Oar
GARY COOPER (Took 1 sec.)
Teri has $300 Cash.
Paula: Brick + Door (NO) Kr + On + Kite
Wall + Door
Paula’s total: $1,371
Concentration is owned by NBCUniversal, a division of Comcast.