
WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?(daytime)-Date Unknown #2

Host: Meredith Vieira

HOT SEAT: Dave Kuschel (Minot, ND)

Meredith and Dave talk about the last contestant “a tough act to follow”. He was excited having been staying at the same hotel. Is there magic in the air?


According to a popular nursery rhyme, who was “eating her curds and whey”?

A: Old Mother HubbardB; Little Bo-Peep
C: Little Miss MuffetD: Jenny Craig

Goes straight to C FINAL ANSWER…RIGHT!


“Grease monkey” is slang for a person who works as a what?

A: MechanicB: Barber
C: Short-order cookD: Coal Miner

Dave went with a “grease monkey” moving his daughter and they went to audition for “Millionaire”. It’s A…”Thank goodness


Founded in Hawaii in 1851, the Dole Food Company began as a grower of what fruit?

A: PeachB; Watermelon
C: OrangeD: Pineapple

Final answer is D…THREE DOWN


Which of these is an example of an oxymoron?

A: Golden opportunityB: Downward spiral
C: Living deadD; Change of heart

Dave locks in C…RIGHT AGAIN


What 1970s TV series’ title character has the last name Morgenstern?

A: AliceB: Rhoda
C: MaudeD: Phyllis

Rhoda is his next final answer…ONE-THOUSAND SAFE!

A little more about Dave: He’s a bankruptcy lawyer and nicknamed “Koosh.”


What sci-fi author wrote “Journey to the Center of the Earth” and “Around the World in Eighty Days”?

A: H.G. WellsB: Edgar Rice Burroughs
C: Jules VerneD: Ray Bradbury

His wife, Margaret, is a bookworm. To bad she’s in the audience. Can’t ask her directly but…

  • A: 25%
  • B: 10%
  • C: 63%
  • D: 2%

Dave was thinking Verne but needed some support. Now he makes it his final answer…THANK YOU AUDIENCE!


Due to a controversy over nude photos, what state initially sent two women to the 2002 Miss America pageant?

A: TexasB: Colorado
C: IowaD: North Carolina

Not picking a favorite, Dave says it was D…FOUR GRAND


Backstage with the other contestants getting briefed, a little confetti fell. The group figured one of them must be going to win the million. Hester, the last contestant made it to $125,000.


What animal is mentioned in the opening lines of the classic song “Mack the Knife”?

A: FoxB: Tiger
C: SharkD: Snake

Even though he’s weak in music, Dave remembers from college days a “Shark Bite”. C it is…”Hurry Up”…ALRIGHT ALREADY!

“I can imagine what you’d be like if we get higher”


What retailer is known for its flexible work program aimed at Olympic Hopefuls?

A: Home DepotB: Wal-Mart
C: TargetD: Barnes & Noble

Now Meredith is pushing, so Dave quickly says A…GOT IT!


What father and son won Academy Awards for the same movie?

A: Henry & Peter FondaB: Jason & Sam Robards
C: Walter & John HustonD: Kirk & Michael Douglas

Not wasting anytime…

Frank (Dave is sure he’ll know this)

“I was hoping it was a telemarketer”

But Frank is 100% sure. The Hustons for “Treasure of the Sierra Madre”. “I’m buying tonight”. C it is…AND IT’S 32K!


“Nanuq” is the Inuit word for what animal?

A: SealB: Polar Bear
C: WolfD: Whale

He has a thought but…

Down to B or C.
Whew! He thought it was Whale. Now his final answer will be C…IT’S B

So Dave wasn’t the one on destiny’s side. At least he still has $32,000.

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.

WHAT’S MY LINE?-Taped August 20, 1968

Host: Wally Bruner

Announcer: Johnny Olson

Celebrity Panel:

  • Soupy Sales
  • Joanna Barnes
  • Nipsey Russell
  • Arlene Francis

FIRST GUEST: Gene Beane (Chattanooga, TN)

Wally clues the panel in that Gene’s in Show Business. He’s also self-employed and deals with a service.

Soupy, who knows his brother “Boston Baked”:

Do you work with someone else?:

No $5

Joanne: Is this service performed before the show?

No $10

Nipsey: Does coming from Tennessee have anything to do with your performance?

No $15

Arlene: Are you on the ground?

Yes, but he could get off the ground

Do you use anything besides yourself?


If I knew the equipment, would I know the act?


Is it attached to you?

No $20

Soupy: During your act, are you hit, like a cannonball?

For that, it’s No $25

Joanna: Is the object not particular to showbiz?


Might I have one?

No $30

Nipsey: Is it a performance?


Are you a hillbilly singer?

No $35         

Arlene: Is the equipment quite long, like in the stilt family?

No $40

Soupy: Is the act outdoors instead of indoors?


It doesn’t have anything to do with animals?

No means Yes

Something you perform at a grandstand?

Yes (30 seconds left)

Is it a high dive?

No $45

Joanna: Any physical danger?


Does it have to do with explosives or charges?


She’s almost there, “Are you shot out of anything”

The Last No!


As a matter of fact, he had performed at the point of this taping, 1,040 TIMES!  In the act, Gene puts himself in a box, pushes the detonator and

Joanna says it probably accounts for the short hair.  To quote the performer, “I literally get a bang out of my job”  He’s played all over North and South America with no mistakes.  And it’s all on film.  Gene’s putting on his helmet, gets into the box, the box goes Boom!!!  Gene flys out and stumbles around to the right, only inches away.  There is occasionally a blackout from the G-force from the lungs.  Nipsey calls it “Excedrin Headache #10.”  In truth, Gene is less afraid of the act than he is driving the highway from show to show.

“Better Luck Next Time” and Next Time is now.

SECOND GUEST: Lana Barrett (Mamaroneck, NY)

Miss Barrett is salaried, dealing with a product.

Nipsey: Based on the audience reaction, a profession not usually attached to a pretty young girl?


Do you come in contact with other people


Is it necessary to converse with other people?

A Little Bit

It’s not the central essence of your job?

No means Yes

Does the product touch the human body?


Between the waistline and the top of the head?


Would Nipsey’s social presence be enhanced?


Between the chin line and the top of the head?


Consumed or eaten or drunken in any way?


Attached with an outdoor activity, like a carnival?

Mostly No $5

Arlene: Solid rather than liquid?


Buy in a store?


Something to have at meal time?

Not to leave you astray but No $10 (30 sec.)

Soupy: Is it chewable?


You wouldn’t swallow it necessarily?

No, not bubble gum we’re talking about $15

Joanna: Under a dollar?


Grocery Store as opposed to a drug store?

No, and that’s time!

Arlene guesses that Lana’s a good humor man!  If only we’d had another minute.

Wally calls Lana the best-looking Good Humor man in West Chester County.  And what’s so shocking about her driving a truck?  Her customers include a few dogs that come for Vanilla every day.  And now, because a little good humor never hurt anyone, there’s ice cream for Wally and all the panel.


A Big Applause and a strawberry shortcake stick for our guest

Arlene: Is there more than one person?

Just one, said meekly

Soupy: Must be in show business?

Could be, Wally says No

Joanna: Are you in the Sports Field?

Sometimes, Wally clarifies Yes

Nipsey: Involved in Politics in New York State?

Both agree, No

Arlene: Are you a baseball hero?


Soupy: Must be Mickey Mantle?


Joanna: National League Player?


Nipsey: Team once based in New York City?


Arlene: Are you “Say Hey”?


And Willie is upset about Wally saying baseball is NOT show business.  As Nipsey knows, that’s what they call “Batman” in Harlem.  Looking back at an article Wally read, we hear about whether Willie could break his career home run record of 714.  Mays was at 569 at the day of taping.  Experts say he could’ve done it.  Ever humble, he’d be happy just reaching 600 against today’s “modern” pitchers.  Maybe these longer games could help, but Willie’s not interested.  As for any other current hitter, 34-year-old Hank Aaron might be too old.  Willie guesses that the Babe got home runs from ground rule doubles.  Wally says either way, Willie has made his mark in baseball. 

Are you saying I’m through?”

Closing: Wally gives an introduction: “We are delighted this week to have a handsome, charming, gracious, intelligent, resourceful, funny (Not you, Soupy) Nipsey Russell with us.”  He can’t deny it, it’s all true.  Russell started in show business early, dancing in a kids’ chorus. This grew into a tap-dancing trio and moved into comedy.  Highlights this year include performing on the Red Skelton Show and a new variety program “Soul”.  Many rock bands and entertainers like Redd Foxx and George Kirby are set to appear.  Meanwhile, the panel is doing fairly well for a Monday.  

What’s My Line? is owned by Fremantle.


Forgive the obvious, but that’s my call to all game show fans. For those shows that came before the Internet and can’t remember them all, this is the dream recap site. You’ll see all those game shows from the 50s all the way through the decades but you don’t have the time to watch ’em all. Goodness knows, I don’t! As a lifelong devotee, I’m ready to share my passion with the world. I hope you’ll watch and read, for just a day or for years to come.

Right now, I’m watching shows and writing up some recaps to start. In the future, I could team up with other fanatics and share in this experience. So, join in, play along and don’t forget your parting gifts.