$ALE OF THE CENTURY(syndicated)-January 8, 1985

Host: Jim Perry
Hostess: Summer Bartholomew
Announcer: Jay Stewart
Cash Jackpot: $51,000
All the Prizes: $124,659
Paul Airmen (originally from Boulder, CO), an exotic car wholesaler
Colleen Inuhai (Lehua, Kauai, HI), a obstetrician for a women’s hospital, but no babies of her own yet
Buck Riley (1-Day Champ, $0, $75 in bank) previous show
1 What TV series stars Daniel J. Travanti as…
Paul: Hill Street Blues (…playing the part of Furillo) 25
2 Legend says that this drink was named by oil workers that stirred the vodka and orange juice…
Colleen: Screwdriver (…with one of their tools) 25
3 What is the last name of the only father and son to serve as President?
Buck: Adams Three-Way Tie
4 What classic book by Dickens opens with the line “It was the best of times…”
Paul: Tale of Two Cities (…”it was the worst of times”) 30
5 Traditionally served hot, this Japanese liquor is from…
Colleen: Sake (…fermented rice) 30
Since Paul and Colleen are tied for the lead, the first one to ring in buys this…
KitchenAid Portable Dishwasher
Normal Price: $779
Today: $6
Neither player budges on the normal price. Jim will cuts it down further until we have a buyer. At $2…Paul hits the buzzer! (28)
6 “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” Name the famous…
Colleen: Mary Poppins (…movie madam who made that magic word famous.) 35
7 Name the 984 ft. Structure that indelibly identifies the city of Paris.
Paul: Eiffel Tower 33
8 What was it about Cyrano de Bergarac that made him so…
Colleen: His Nose (…self-conscious) 40
FAME GAME #1-Up to $10 or something else
Famous Person: I was born in Iowa in 1925. In World War II, I served in the Navy aboard the U.S.S. Pennsylvania. I wrote for Red Skelton and when he was hurt, I filled in for him. This lead for a job as the host of an ABC game show called “Who do you Trust?”
Buck: Johnny Carson
Chooses the Money: $700
His first earnings in the maingame and no matter what, that cash is his to keep.
- Paul: 33
- Colleen: 40
- Buck: 25
9 The gunfight at the O.K. Corral took place at an Arizona town with an appropriate…
Buck: Tombstone (…name.) 30
10 Name the Russian Composer who wrote the thunderous 1812 overture.
Buck: Tchaikovsky 35
11 What is a German trying to tell you when he says Danke Schoen?
Colleen: Thank You 45
12 In 1979, a major accident occurred near a little town in Pennsylvania
Colleen: Three Mile Island 50
INSTANT BARGAIN #2-Colleen all to herself
Finlandia Birch Rocking Chair
Normal Price: $1,073
Today: $11
Leading Buck by 15 bucks, there’s no need to drop the price. She’s not budging, though. Will an extra $400 make a difference “GOING ONCE…GOING TWICE… Sold! (39)
13 Native to the forests of West Africa, it’s the largest of the apes.
Paul: Gorilla One Dollar Away
14 Two Irish Brothers named McWhirter complied a book containing strange and incredible world records.
Colleen: Guinness World Record Book 44
15 What’s the name of the major river that flows through London?
Paul: Thames 43
16 What’s the name of the title character in English Literature that visited Lilliput?
Paul: Gulliver 48
17 To which ancient university are Rhodes scholarships awarded?
Paul: Oxford University (Alum include Pat Haden, Sen. Bill Bradley and Kris Kristofferson)
- Paul: 53
- Colleen: 44
- Buck: 25
FAME GAME #2: $15 added
Famous City: I was a small village when Captain William Brown sailed into my harbor in 1794. In my language, my name means Sheltered Bay. In the 1800s, I became a major Pacific whaling base. From 1803 to 1811, I was the home of King Kamehameha.
Buck: Hawaii
I’m often called the crossroads of the Pacific.
Colleen: Honolulu
#3: $10 (54)
18 In 1981, the U.S. senate confirmed the appointment of the first woman to the Supreme Court
Paul: Sandra Day O’Connell (O’Connor) 48
19 Which of your fingers shares its name with an alphabetical reference list?
Buck: Index 30
20 Who played the father in the famous movie custody battle Kramer vs. Kramer?
Colleen: Dustin Hoffman 59
INSTANT BARGAIN #3-Colleen again
Kawasaki Motor Scooter
Normal Price: $1,799
Today: $16
Jim cuts it down to $11 for a tie game. GOING ONCE…GOING TWICE…NO SALE!
All together now AWWWWW!
21 What are the first three words in the text of the King James Bible?
Paul: In the Beginning 53
22 What modern city was first known as Byzantium and then…
Paul: Constantinople (Try Again)
Istanbul A Dollar Behind
23 Name the TV series that’s set in Boston’s St. Eilgius Hospital.
Colleen: St. Elsewhere 64
FAME GAME #3: $25 added
Famous Person: I was born in 1832. I am an English author who wrote many books on mathematics under my real name, Charles Ludwig Dobson.
Paul: Lewis Carroll
#6: $15 (8 was the $25)
Going into Speedround:
- Paul: 73
- Colleen: 64
- Buck: 40
According to the song, what is a many splendored thing” Colleen: Love
Name Adam’s partner in Eden” Buck Eve
What’s the better known name of the American bison? Paul Buffalo
What do Chinese people do with their wok? Colleen Cook
In the classic film, who played Dr. Strangelove” Paul Peter Sellers
Name the largest planet in the Solar System. Buck Jupiter
What descriptive word do we give to violent seismic activity? Paul Earthquake
In what American city can you stroll around the Loop? Colleen Chicago
Who composed the famous musical piece “Bolero”? Buck Tchaikovsky (Ravel)
Name the Eastern state that has the postal abbreviation PA? Paul Pennsylvania
Name the young heiress who was kidnapped by the SLM? Colleen Patty Hearst
What museum is the permanent home of the Mona Lisa? Paul The Louvre
PAUL | 98 | $779 |
COLLEEN | 84 | $1,557 |
BUCK | 45 | $745 |
Paul can buy the $3,000 Leader Car Phone for $85 or continue on. $110 more will buy the Dune Buggy worth more than twice that. Also up for sale this week:
- Dicker and Dicker Full-Length Fur Coat ($9,000) for $390
And Paul would like a chance at more of our shopping mall. He’ll return to play again!
Sale of the Century is owned by Fremantle.