Host: John Davidson
Announcer: Shadoe Stevens

X Jim Babbit (Redondo Beach, CA, general contractor)
O Sheila Taylor (3-Day Champion)
The first question isn’t from John, it’s from a young fan for ALF. “Where is Melmak?”
Answer: Take a left at Andromeda
Round 1
Jim first
1 ALFie: According to Webster’s dictionary, what do you call a person who wears lots of makeup, dresses in tights, is very light on his feet and makes weird gestures with his hands.
“A Traffic Cop in Hollywood”
Guess: A mime
Jim agrees X
2 Arleen: What is that on your head?
I can tell you, it’s a silver colored baseball glove and bat (“GO METS!”)
Real Question: What country can we thank for giving us the turkey?
Guess: Italy
Sheila disagrees O (U.S., Arlene “I knew that”)
3 Charles: Young people love them, but a University of Georgia report describes them as being sexist violent and male-dominated. What are they?
Pat Sajak and Vanna White
Guess: Soap Operas
Jim agrees O (Music Videos, Charles: Don’t call on me)
4 Tempestt: The question is about her TV brother, Malcolm Jamal-Warner. We asked Malcolm who his dream date would be. If it could be anyone in the whole world, who do you think he said?
Guess: Whitney Houston
Shiela disagrees
Malcolm is on the phone with his answer: Janet Jackson O, and Tempestt objects. Malcolm says Whitney’s too old.
5 Christopher to block: He’s with a live penguin from Marineland. It’s called a Jackass Penguin. (Don’t read into that Christopher). What is special about jackass penguins?
“It’s a penguin that still believes in the stork.”
Guess: They make a noise like a jackass
Jim disagrees X (Warm Weather Penguins, and Christopher can tell)
6 Ed to block: He says the network is giving him a spinoff “Corner Square”.
Question: According to the Wall Street Journal, there is a habit that provides much pleasure to many young children, but it’s also gained great popularity among adults. What is t?
“Having a pretty nurse take your temperature.”
Guess: Thumb sucking
Sheila disagrees WRONG
I don’t write ’em folks, I just read ’em.
John’s response
7 Ed to win: According to Webster’s Dictionary, is there any real difference between being dumb and being stupid?
“Fooling around with your wife is stupid, getting caught is dumb.”
Guess: Yes
Jim agrees O
8 Zsa Zsa to win: Ms. Gabor has three wrenches on her desk. First, an open end, then a crescent, and finally a pipe wrench. As if she’s ever seen then before.
Question: Which one would a plumber use on your elbow joint?
“Why would he use that on me?”
No, Zsa Zsa, it’s the elbow joint under the sink.
Alf: “She uses them to remove her rings.”
Guess: The Pipe wrench
Sheila agrees WIN!

Secret Square: Trip to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho (via Spokane WA, Western; 6n@ Coeur d’Alene)
Jim’s up
1 ALFie: According to scientists at NASA, intelligent life may very well have existed there once, but very unlikely today. Where?
“Network TV offices”
“Only kidding. I wouldn’t bite the paw that fed me.”
Guess: Mars
Jim agrees X
2 Ed: Where would you have to go to see the highest peaks in North America?
“The Playboy Mansion”
Guess: Mt. McKinley
Sheila agrees O (In Alaska)
If he got it right, why’s he trying to jump.
Charles: “Think of your spinoff.”
3 Tempestt: According to a survey by the Bel Air Prep School, which quality did the kids say they most want in a teacher?
A) Easy to talk to
B) Easy grader
C) The one who gives little homework
Guess: A
Jim agrees X
4 Ken to block: A large gregarious colorful baboon, what’s its name?
Guess: Orangutan
Sheila agrees WRONG (Mandrill)
5 Ken to win: Dent, sweet, flint, pop, flower, and pod are all what?
Guess: Types of rock
Jim disagrees TIE GAME! (Types of corn)
Secret Square: Zsa Zsa

Round 3
Sheila starts
1 ALF: What has over 600 muscles and 206 bones?
“One of those fast food fish sandwiches.” For the record, Alf doesn’t eat them. “I eat the box they come in”
Guess: The Human Body
Sheila agrees O
2 Nell, performing at the Tropicana (horn): According to Cosmopolitan, what is the absolute worst place to have a fight?
“In the delivery room”
Guess: In the Bedroom
Jim agrees X
We’re tied at $600, Sheila holds fate in her hands.
3 Ken to decide: The great Michelangelo, was that his first name, last name or his only name?
Guess: Last Name
Sheila agrees X (First Name) JIM WINS!

Sheila’s Grand Total: $4,200 in Cash and Trips to NYC & St. Thomas
Car Cavalcade: ISUZU
- Impulse
- I-Mark Sedan
- Pickup
- LS Space Cab
- Trooper II
“I need that truck” as he was reaching in the bowl. Jim is talking about the LS Space Cab. ($11,029) Zsa Zsa must be good luck, right.
Jim: “Maybe it has a dead battery” Nice try! The bad news, he won’t be playing for that truck again. Good news, there’ll be a new set of wheels for Jim to play for. And of course, a new set of faces.
- Robin Leech
- Roseanne Barr
- Gil Gerard
- Robert Walden, Paul Regina and Brandon Maggart (from “Brothers”)
- Garrett Morris (Hunter)
- Jan Stephenson
- Delta Burke
- Joanna Kerns
- Charo
Hollywood Squares is owned by King World Productions a part of CBS Media Ventures.