Meredith Vieira

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? (Recorded: October 28, 2002)

Host: Meredith Vieira

Right after a Kathy walked away with $8,000 even though she knew the answer.

HOT SEAT: Kevin Lipton (Ft. Lauderdale, FL)

This is a homecoming for Kevin who spent his childhood in “The Greatest City in the World”. First in Brooklyn, then Queens, before the Great Southern borough of South Florida.


According to the lyrics of a classic Tom Jones song, “It’s not unusual to be loved by” whom?

A: AnyoneB: Everything
C: SomebodyD: Larry King

Kevin heard more than a few women liked Larry, but he believe Tom sang A…RIGHT!


A person cornrows her hair by doing what to it?

A: Curling itB: Braiding it
C: Bleaching itD: Dyeing it

Final answer this time is B…GOT IT!


The cartoon trio Alvin, Simon, and Theodore are better known by what name?

A: The RugratsB: The Care Bears
C: The RescuersD: The Chipmunks

“I think David Seville would say D”…no he’d say ALLLLLLLLLLVINNNNNN!! But D is correct.


According to a popular saying, what object is “mightier than the sword?”

A: The penB: The shield
C: The hearthD: The head

A it is…FOUR DOWN!


Bob Dole served for almost 28 years as a U.S. senator from what state?

A: IowaB: Missouri
C: KansasD: Oklahoma

Final Answer is C…Meredith apologizes because you’ll have to wait for the next question. GRAND GUARANTEED

We meet Kevin’s proud parents, Stanley and Renee, in the support seats


What adjective is used to describe a material that can be broken down by microorganisms?

A: BiohazardousB: Biodegradable
C: BiodiverseD: Biotic

Good question for a nurse like Kevin. Biotic is out, Biohazard means toxic, and biodiverse refers to the diversity of the biosphere. Has to be B for Biodegradable…His chances aren’t crumbling


In 2002, what TV journalist had a well-publicized eyelift before launching her latest news show?

A: Paula ZahnB: Judy Woodruff
C: Connie ChungD: Greta Van Susteren

Having no idea, Kevin hopes the audience is “New York Intelligent”.

  • A: 7%
  • B: 3%
  • C: 29%
  • D: 61%

“I trust you guys” Final Answer is D…AND IT’S GOOD NEWS!


Martin Luther King Jr. was born in what U.S. city?

A: Memphis, TNB: Mobile, AL
C: Atlanta, GAD: Jackson, MS

King Center is in Atlanta, King died in Memphis. “You guys make some great questions.”


Unfortunately, Drew is completely silent. At the very end he says a meek C.

Right now, Kevin’s just glad to qualify, so he’ll go for it. C it is…Thanks for not breaking Meredith’s heart. RIGHT AGAIN!


The Avedis Zildjian Company is the world’s leading maker of what?

A: Knitting needlesB: Model trains
C: DiceD: Cymbals

This time, he can thank concerts. He can see the drums with the name on the shiny things. D is the final answer…AND DADDY’S SMILING!

All Meredith can say is Kevin’s a nice guy who’s not finishing last.


In 2002, what comic strip introduced the character Chip Gizmo, a computer specialist?

A: DoonesburyB: Dilbert
C: Non SequiturD: Beetle Bailey

They’re all favorites of his. The one he remembers that had a naming contest for a new character for a new century. His final answer is D…don’t need to know how he knew. HE JUST DID!


In the classic silent movie “Battleship Potemkin,” what is shown rolling down the Odessa Steps?

A: Open umbrellaB: Baby carriage
C: Flower cartD: Wheelchair

Even though Kevin’s sure it’ll be B and D.

A and B

He can’t see an umbrella rolling down Odessa. After a little hesitation, he locks in B. Meredith has the check for $32K in her head…but not for long. KEVIN’S RIGHT AGAIN!

“You dog, you” Our hostess is tearing up.


Thought to be Earth’s oldest living tree, the 4,700-year old Methuselah is what kind of tree?

A: PineB: Redwood
C: OakD: Joshua

Kevin would say B, if he actually wanted to go for it. Meredith almost tries to take a chance. He does think about it, but ultimately walks away. “Chalk it up to a wonderful time”. The right answer…A

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?(syndicated)-Date Unknown #3

Host: Meredith Vieira

Comes right after a $32,000 Winner

HOT SEAT: David Yang (San Francisco, CA)

He’s an Associated Vice President for an Internet company, not hurt by the Dotcom bust. Definitely could use that big money though.


According to superstition, garlic worn around the neck protects a person from which of the following?

A: WerewolvesB: Bad weather
C: VampiresD: Lasting relationships

D seems right but Dennis makes C his final answer…GOT IT!


Which of these insects is closely related to the grasshopper?

A: LadybugB: Wasp
C: ButterflyD: Cricket

Final answer is D…RIGHT AGAIN!


On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong famously said, “The Eagle has” what?

A: FlownB: Landed
C: TriumphedD: Arrived

Docking in with B…it’s one small step to a million.


In the Bible, God reveals himself to Moses in the form of a what?

A: Fruit treeB: Snake
C: Burning bushD: Golden calf

Dennis says C…HE DOES! “Or she does, I don’t know” (Mere)


What credit card’s classic ads featured celebrities asking “Do you know me?”?

A: American ExpressB: MasterCard
C: VisaD: Diner’s Club

He’s not sure enough right now. Let’s turn to the audience!

  • A: 56%
  • B: 12%
  • C: 9%
  • D: 23%

His gut was telling him Visa, but he follows the crowd. They’re not always right…but they are this time.


In 2001, Andre Agassi married what women’s tennis star in a private Las Vegas ceremony?

A: Lindsay DavenportB: Jennifer Capriati
C: Martina HingisD: Steffi Graf

Dennis remembers hearing this. He goes with D…”Love Love” IT’S RIGHT!


It’s been the biggest week so far, with winnings of over $596,000! If Dennis gets his share, he hopes to open “The Perfect Bar”, where all his buds can drink free all the time.


The historic Ford’s Theatre is located in what U.S. city?

A: Washington, D.C.B: Chicago
C: PhiladelphiaD: Richmond

Dennis took a field trip and can see Ford’s Theatre in D.C.. Final answer is A…GOT IT!


American tycoon Andrew Carnegie made his fortune in what industry?

A: OilB: Fur
C: SteelD: Real Estate

Must be Carnegie Steel. C is locked in…HE’S SHINING!


What John Waters movie was adapted into a hit Broadway musical that opened in 2002?

A: HairsprayB: Cry Baby
C: PolyesterD: Pink Flamingos

Eileen (up to date with musicals and movies)

After a quick check, she goes with A. So does Dennis…NO DOUBT!


A: SudraB: Kshatriya
C: VaisyaD: Brahman

Brahman is standing out somehow. But to be sure…

It leaves Kshatriya with Brahman.
David likes his guess more. D is his final answer…he must like WINNING!


What type of animal is a snook?

A: BirdB: Fish
C: LizardD: Insect

“In school, they always said, when in doubt guess C” C it is…NOPE! B was the answer.

Still a lot of drinks he can buy with $32K

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?(daytime)-Date Unknown #2

Host: Meredith Vieira

HOT SEAT: Dave Kuschel (Minot, ND)

Meredith and Dave talk about the last contestant “a tough act to follow”. He was excited having been staying at the same hotel. Is there magic in the air?


According to a popular nursery rhyme, who was “eating her curds and whey”?

A: Old Mother HubbardB; Little Bo-Peep
C: Little Miss MuffetD: Jenny Craig

Goes straight to C FINAL ANSWER…RIGHT!


“Grease monkey” is slang for a person who works as a what?

A: MechanicB: Barber
C: Short-order cookD: Coal Miner

Dave went with a “grease monkey” moving his daughter and they went to audition for “Millionaire”. It’s A…”Thank goodness


Founded in Hawaii in 1851, the Dole Food Company began as a grower of what fruit?

A: PeachB; Watermelon
C: OrangeD: Pineapple

Final answer is D…THREE DOWN


Which of these is an example of an oxymoron?

A: Golden opportunityB: Downward spiral
C: Living deadD; Change of heart

Dave locks in C…RIGHT AGAIN


What 1970s TV series’ title character has the last name Morgenstern?

A: AliceB: Rhoda
C: MaudeD: Phyllis

Rhoda is his next final answer…ONE-THOUSAND SAFE!

A little more about Dave: He’s a bankruptcy lawyer and nicknamed “Koosh.”


What sci-fi author wrote “Journey to the Center of the Earth” and “Around the World in Eighty Days”?

A: H.G. WellsB: Edgar Rice Burroughs
C: Jules VerneD: Ray Bradbury

His wife, Margaret, is a bookworm. To bad she’s in the audience. Can’t ask her directly but…

  • A: 25%
  • B: 10%
  • C: 63%
  • D: 2%

Dave was thinking Verne but needed some support. Now he makes it his final answer…THANK YOU AUDIENCE!


Due to a controversy over nude photos, what state initially sent two women to the 2002 Miss America pageant?

A: TexasB: Colorado
C: IowaD: North Carolina

Not picking a favorite, Dave says it was D…FOUR GRAND


Backstage with the other contestants getting briefed, a little confetti fell. The group figured one of them must be going to win the million. Hester, the last contestant made it to $125,000.


What animal is mentioned in the opening lines of the classic song “Mack the Knife”?

A: FoxB: Tiger
C: SharkD: Snake

Even though he’s weak in music, Dave remembers from college days a “Shark Bite”. C it is…”Hurry Up”…ALRIGHT ALREADY!

“I can imagine what you’d be like if we get higher”


What retailer is known for its flexible work program aimed at Olympic Hopefuls?

A: Home DepotB: Wal-Mart
C: TargetD: Barnes & Noble

Now Meredith is pushing, so Dave quickly says A…GOT IT!


What father and son won Academy Awards for the same movie?

A: Henry & Peter FondaB: Jason & Sam Robards
C: Walter & John HustonD: Kirk & Michael Douglas

Not wasting anytime…

Frank (Dave is sure he’ll know this)

“I was hoping it was a telemarketer”

But Frank is 100% sure. The Hustons for “Treasure of the Sierra Madre”. “I’m buying tonight”. C it is…AND IT’S 32K!


“Nanuq” is the Inuit word for what animal?

A: SealB: Polar Bear
C: WolfD: Whale

He has a thought but…

Down to B or C.
Whew! He thought it was Whale. Now his final answer will be C…IT’S B

So Dave wasn’t the one on destiny’s side. At least he still has $32,000.

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?(daytime) Radio Week-October 30-31, 2002

Host: Meredith Vieira

In Radio Week, DJ’s have chosen contestants from their area for a chance at the hot seat. This group is from Washington D.C. :

  • Staff Sergeant Jeff Schmidbauer by Marc Kessler (94.7 The Arrow)
  • Leonard Hardy by DJ Flex (WPGC 95.5)
  • Joyce Stevens (Olney, MD) by Murphy and Cash (Big 100 WBIG)

After a trivia test (presumably not a Fastest Finger) sitting in the hot seat will be…Jeff! “Hoo-Hah” The army chant for when they’re fired up for a mission. Marc says we don’t pay our men in uniform enough.


In the classic cartoons, what is Bugs Bunny’s signature greeting?

A: What’s up, doc?B: Howdy, partner
C: What’s new, pussycat?D: That’s no carrot…

Jeff says A! He’s no Mel Blanc…but it’s still right.


In which of these high school classes are students most likely to use a petri dish?

A: PhysicsB: Home economics
C: BiologyD: Physical education

He goes with Biology…PASSES THAT TEST!


Which of these animals can change the color of its skin, depending on its mood and environment?

A: LionB: Octopus
C: ZebraD; Elephant

Jeff guesses Bravo…Hoo-Hah!


Brothers Dennis, Carl and Brian Wilson were founding members of what pop band?

A: The Beach BoysB: The Mamas & the Papas
C: The TurtlesD: The Lovin’ Spoonful

He remembers his copy of Pet Sounds and says A…GOOD VIBRATIONS


Mesquite is a type of wood traditionally used in what method of cooking?

A: Stir-fryB: Braising
C: FondueD: Barbecue

That would be D…LOCKED UP!

Episode ended here…but I’m not!


Our host is dressed as Meredith Vieira.


Where on the body would you normally find a “soul patch”?

A: Under the navelB: Above the chin
C: Around the elbowsD: Behind the ears

Jeff will have to ask for help

  • A: 21%
  • B: 35%
  • C: 23%
  • D 21%

UGH! Jeff will need more backup on this mission.

Down to B or C (the top two)
Jeff goes with B…THANK YOU AUDIENCE!


The Ficus elastica is a common houseplant better known by what name?

A: Spider plantB: Jade plant
C: Zebra plantD: Rubber plant

Going for broke, Sarge picks D…NOT BROKE YET!


A popular site for pilgrimages, the Wailing Wall is located in what city?

A: MeccaB: Rome
C: CairoD: Jerusalem

Jeff knows it’s from the palace of King Herod, so it must be D…DON’T CRY FOR JEFF!


In the 1984 movie “The Karate Kid”, Daniel’s tournament-winning kick shares its name with what bird?

A: EagleB: Hawk
C: CraneD: Falcon

He remember the hands, but it’s been too long to remember for sure. A crane sounds too aggressive. It’s phone a friend time!

John (colleague at the Defense Information School)

John’s got the image in his mind and it looks like a crane. Times runs out before saying how confident he is.

Jeff says “No Guts, No Glory” His final answer is C. Mark is “Rockin’ With the Sarge”…ROCKAWAY!

In the audience now is Jeff’s wife Barbara. You can tell by the “hoo-hah”.


Meredith hopes “Sarge” can break the streak of contestants losing at this level.

Weighing around three pounds, what is the heaviest internal organ in the human body?

A: PancreasB: Liver
C: HeartD: Spleen

“No Problem Here” It takes a moment since he’s laughing so much. Finally, he says “B, Final Answer”. THE CURSE IS GONE!

So the bogeyman loses this Halloween! The mission is far from over.


The word “maverick” comes from the name of an American pioneer who refused to do what?

A: Use barber wireB: Shoot wild animals
C: Brand his cowsD: Pay his taxes

B and D are dismissed right away. Meredith takes a moment to see Mark and Barbara holding hands. HMMM???!!! Anyway, Jeff reaches into his head. Finally, he comes to C. Meredith gets to ask “Final Answer”. He confirms with a “Goofy” accent. Mark’s not sure this time. Barb thought it was A…GOOD THING SHE COULDN’T SAY ANYTHING!

The smartest man in Washington!



Issued in 1934 for use by Federal Reserve banks, the $100,000 bill features what U.S. president on its front?

A: James MonroeB: James Madison
C: Theodore RooseveltD: Woodrow Wilson

Jeff sparkled about halfway through the question. “It’s so simple” It’s D…RIGHT!

Last week, when a Navy man won $125K, Meredith thought the Navy was the smartest branch. Now “I’m an Army Girl”. FICKLE! Jeff’s going “Mind if I faint now?”

Jeff makes base pay of $30,000 a year. He can pay off his debts, maybe buy an RV and finally see Paris.


Who is the only celebrity with five Hollywood Walk of Fame stars — for excellence in radio, TV, film, music and theater?

A: Gene AutryB: Frank Sinatra
C: Bob HopeD: Bing Crosby

He’s leaning towards the exit, but there’s a gut feeling for either B or D. The Sarge is assessing the risk and…WILL RETREAT.

Correct answer: A (Must’ve been indigestion)

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE?(daytime)-Date Unknown

Host: Meredith Vieira

HOT SEAT: Peter Bonner (Annapolis, ME)

Peter has a goal to write the “Eggplant Lover’s Guide to the Universe”. When people read, they’ll know where to find the best eggplant. Here’s a couple of fun facts, eggplants have nicotine and are related to the poisonous Belladonna plant.

Can’t guarantee there’ll be any eggplants in this game. But, there are 15 questions between Peter and $1 Million.

And he has three lifelines to help him out:

  • Eliminates two of the wrong answers from the four choices
  • Call up anyone from the U.S. for help
  • Poll the studio audience for their guess


Break dancing is most often performed to what type of music?

A: RapB: Country
C: ClassicalD: The theme to “Jeopardy!”

Final answer is A. He’ll do it if it’s right…AND IT IS!


What additional flavoring gives the soft drink Pepsi Twist is “twist”?

A: CherryB: Vanilla
C: GingerD: Lemon

Peter goes with D…RIGHT AGAIN!


Hospital “candy stripers” were named for their uniforms, which featured what color stripes?

A: Red and whiteB: Blue and green
C: Orange and yellowD: Purple and gold

Like a candy cane, he goes with A…RIGHT!


Sherpas are a people known for their ability to lead treks through what mountains?

A: AndesB: Himalayas
C: RockiesD: Alps

He figures that sherpas are from Nepal which must be in B…RIGHT!


The Kentucky Derby is also known as the “Run for the” what?

A: MoneyB: Rainbow
C: RosesD: Gold

Peter is betting on C…AND HE’S RIGHT! That $1,000 is guaranteed even if he misses a question. Once you get it wrong, GAME OVER!

More about Peter, in case the eggplants put you to sleep. He is an international trade advisor (good research) and his wife Elba is in the audience. She’s an eggplant nut, too!!


In the Wham! song “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go”, what dance is mentioned repeatedly?

A: RumbaB: Merengue
C: JitterbugD: Can-can

Peter has no idea; he turns to the audience for help.

  • A: 7%
  • B: 10%
  • C: 67%
  • D: 16%

Sounds good enough for him. C: FINAL ANSWER…THANK YOU, AUDIENCE!


What TV comedian’s signature sign-off was “Good night, Mrs. Calabash, wherever you are”?

A: Jimmy DuranteB: Jack Benny
C: George BurnsD: Sid Caesar

He can see it in his head. A…INDUBITABLY


Edmond Dantés is a fictional character better known by what name?

A: Zorba the GreekB: The Count of Monte Cristo
C: The Merchant of VeniceD: The Idiot

Peter crossed his arms like he knows it. Final Answer is B…RIGHT! Looking good, as long as Wham! doesn’t jitterbug up again.


The Fujita Scale measures the amount of damage caused by what natural disaster?

A: TornadoB: Forest Fire
C: FloodD: Earthquake

Measuring F1-5, Peter believes it’s A…RIGHT! “Eggplant must be a brain food”. If it works again, Peter will have $32,000 locked up.


In a famous movie scene, Mae West says, “Why don’t you come up sometime and see me?” to what actor?

A: Gary CooperB: Clark Gable
C; Cary GrantD: Montgomery Clift
“I’d take any one of them” M.

He’s ready for a phone call.

Leszek (friend from Arizona, would like to meet Meredith, easy she’s taken)

Peter has 30 seconds to read the question and for Leszek to answer. Leszek is positive it’s Cary Grant.

Just to be sure:

A or C
And an immediate lock-in for C…
“Why don’t you come up and see me sometime, Leszek?” HE GOT IT RIGHT!

There’s already a check for 32 Grand all ready. As for what he’ll do with the million, he’ll get a convertible and go play baseball for a week.


“To serve, not to be served” is the motto of what organization?

A: AARPB: American Red Cross
C: Salvation ArmyD: NAACP

Peter doesn’t know, but it’s a free gift here. It sounds like an analogy for “Serving the Lord”, so his final answer is C…A

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.