JEOPARDY! (weekly syn.)-November 23, 1974

Host: Art Fleming
Announcer: Don Pardo
- Beth Trachtenburg (Philadelphia, PA, freelance producer for movie/TV/industry)
- Ron Foster (NYC, consultant, makes booklets for corporations and colleges)
- Barbara Stein (Ossining, NY, nursery school teacher)
This nighttime version is played the same, but the stakes are higher. The champion’s score can translate to an extra bonus:
- $5 to 995-1975 Compact Car
- $1000 to 1495-1975 Luxury Car
- $1500 to 1995-$10,000 Cash
- $2,000 or over-$25,000 Cash
And there’s more, we have another bonus for the FIRST player to get all the clues in a single category.
BONUS: British Airways Show Tour
Beth picks first.
SB $10: Kind of film assoc. with actor “Harry Reems”, under real name, he also directs them
Ron: (Pause) Porno Films-What are porno films? (Art needed to remind him)
Colleges $10: Where J. (James) Meredith made headlines in ’62
Ron: What is the University of Mississippi? $20
$20: Founded in 1875, this Mormon Univ. prohibits coffee, tea, alcohol & tobacco
Ron: What is Brigham Young University? $40
$30: The largest engineering college in the South
Ron: What is Georgia Tech? $70
$40: German Center of Scholarship after Reformation, it’s educated many “student princes”
Ron: What is the University of Heidelberg? $110
$50: In 1756, this school’s Nassau Hall became lgst. academic building in colonies.
Ron: What is Princeton University? $160 and London
Transportation for $10: Wm. Harrah of Reno owns greatest coll. of “Vintage” ones
Ron: What are slot machines? $150
Barbara: What are antique cars? $10
Show Biz for $20: Mil. Junta in Chile banned this Topol film bec. of “Clear Marxist Tendency”
Beth: (After blanking) What is Z? -$20
Barbara: What is “Fiddler on the Roof”? $30
$30 (AUDIO DAILY DOUBLE): $50 Maximum
Film for which the foll. was distinctive theme
What was “The Third Man”? $80
Barbara: $80
Ron: $150
Beth: -$20
Show Biz for $40: Film “The Dragon Dies Hard” concerns this late star of martial arts movies
Barbara: Who is Bruce Lee? $120
$50: Fam. 19th C. Showman whose 1st name is Hebrew for “Mouth of Brass”
Barbara: Who is Spiegel? $70
Beth: Who is Phineas Barnum? $30
Odds and Ends for $10: Speed record for it is 220 WPM (words per minute) taken by a man using Gregg System
Ron: What is shorthand? $160
$20: Its main ingredient, Chicle, is obtained from sap of sapodilla tree
Beth: What is gum? $50
$30: Radar is now being used to find hidden burial chambers in these ancient wonders
Barbara: What are the Pyramids? $100
Children’s Stories for $10: Supposedly oldest version of this rhyme begins, “Little Miss Mopsey/Sat in the Shopsey”
Barbara: What is “Little Miss Muffet”? $110
$20: In this tale, 2 chamberlains pretend to lift monarch’s imaginary train
Barbara: The Emperor’s New-What is the Emperor’s New Clothes? $130
$30: E. (Eugene) Field wrote, “I’d…ruther be a boy, without sashes & curls” of this “Little Lord”
Barbara: Who is Fauntleroy? $160 (Tied in 1st)
$40: In her 3rd adventure, this heroine meets Tiktok, a mechanical man & Ozma
Barbara: Who is Alice in Wonderland? $120
Ron: Who is Dorothy? $200
Transportation for $20: Country in which rush hour crush is called “Rasshu awa”
Ron: What is Japan? $220
$30: In Eng., early ones were called “Dandy Horses” & “Swiftwalkers”
Barbara: What are bicycles? $150
Children’s Stories for $50: Hugh Lofting created this “Doctor” out of disgust for mistreatment of animals
Barbara: Who is Doctor Dolittle? $200
Time for $10: The nation will be on it from 10/27/74-2/23/75
Ron: What is Standard Time? $230
Odds & Ends for $40: “Point” that’s lower by 1 degree for every 550′ above sea level
Barbara: Dew Point (Phrasing made no difference) $160
Ron: What is the boiling point (of water)? $270
$50: From Greek for “Sacred Carving”, complete dict. of this kind of writing is now available
Ron: What are hieroglyphics? $320
Transportation for $40: In ’65, Grissom & Young made 1st manned flight in this program
Beth: What is the Apollo Program? $10
Ron: What is the Gemini Program? $360
$50: SW State in which 2nd Transcontinental Railroad link was completed in 1881
TRIPLE STUMPER (What is New Mexico?)
Time remains, $20: “Season in name of tides occurring when Sun, Moon & Earth are directly aligned
Beth: Spring, What is Spring? $30
$30: The Korean War & 6-Day War both began in this month
Beth: What is June? $60
- Barbara: $160
- Ron: $360
- Beth: $60
Beth picks Famous Families for $20: Married name of Brit. Actress R. (Rachel) Kempson, Mother of Vanessa, Lynn & Corin
Beth: What is Redgrave? $80
$40: John D. IV, of this family, was originally mistaken for a revenuer in W. Virginia
Ron: Who are the Rockefellers? $400
$60: Relationship of younger son-in-law of 36th Pres. to wife of 33rd Pres.
Barbara: Who is the….son-in-law? $100
TRIPLE STUMPER Beth speaks without ringing in as buzzer comes up. (What is grandson?)
$80 (DAILY DOUBLE): $300
He became justice of Supreme Court of Mass. in 1882, one yr. after pub “The Common Law”
Who is Burke? $100 (Who is Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.?)
$100: Royal house that lasted thru Richard II before splitting into York & Lancaster branches
Ron: Who are the Plantagenet? $200
Bodies of Water for $20: 250,000 sq. mi. Canadian Bay, it’s felled with floating ice 9 mos. of yr. but doesn’t freeze
TRIPLE STUMPER (What is Hudson’s Bay?)
$40: Gandhi’s ashes were scattered where it is joined by Jumna River
Barbara: What is the Ganges? $140
Movies for $20: ‘tho he played (Clark) Gable role, Brando was orig. considered for Laughton role in its remake
Barbara: What is “Mutiny on the Bounty”? $160
$40: Habit that’s subject of 1 film starring J. (James) Caan & another starring E. (Elliot) Gould & G. (George) Segal
Ron: What is compulsive gambling? $240
Words for $20: From Greek for “Bed”, medical canter that’s either low cost of specialized
Beth: What is a clinic? $100
Movies for $60: ’59 Disney Film in which Tommy Kirk becomes an English sheepdog
Barbara: What is….Lad? $100 (She must’ve been flustered as she didn’t even know she got in first)
TRIPLE STUMPER (What is “The Shaggy Dog”?)
Words for $40: From Latin for “Foot of Crane”, a list of ancestors
Beth: What is hereditary? $60
Barbara: What is genealogy? $200
TRIPLE STUMPER (What is pedigree?)
$60: A lit. composition; pronounced diff., an attempt at something
TRIPLE STUMPER (What is essay?)
Movies for $80: F. (Fred) MacMurray’s execution scene was cut from this film whose title names a kind of ins. policy
Barbara: What is “Double Indemnity”? $140
$100: “Red River” was final picture referred to in title of this film set in Anarene, Texas
Barbara (after talking it through): What is “The Last Picture Show”? $240 (Tied with Ron again)
Bible for $20: At first, “Anguish of Spirit” & “Cruel Bondage” keep Israelites from listening to him
Barbara: Who is Moses? $260
$40: The “Hallelujah Psalms”, 111-118 were composed to be sung at this feast
TRIPLE STUMPER (What is Passover/Seder?)
$60: Name of beggar in Luke 16, it’s also name of man raised from dead in John 11
Barbara: Who is Lazarus? $320
$80: His “Books” & “Parchments”, mentioned in II Timothy, predate by 300 yrs. oldest existing N.T. Mss. (New Testament Manuscripts)
TRIPLE STUMPER (Barb late again, Who is Paul?)
$100 She’s 1st woman whose age is mentioned in the Bible, 90 yrs. in Genesis 17
Barbara: Who is Sarah? $420
American History for $20: Deposits of it were found near Los Angeles in 1842, 6 yrs. before major strike
Beth: What is gold? $80
$40: Words of this document were not revealed to public until 4 days after adoption
Barbara: What is the Constitution? $380
Ron: What is the Declaration of Independence? $280
Words for $80: A uniform pattern of behavior, from name of printing process that made exact copies
Ron: What is the stereotype? $360
$100: From late Latin “To be in danger”, a civilian who acts as a sentry
TRIPLE STUMPER (What is a sentinel?)
American History for $60: He spent night before 1776 execution in tent of Brit. officer he’d befriended
Barbara: Who is Benedict Arnold? $320
Ron: Who is Nathan Hale $420
- Barbara: $320
- Ron: $420
- Beth: $80
As this point, the best the winner can get is the compact car.
Named from the Greek for “color”, this metallic element makes rubies red, etc.
Beth: What is iron? NO!
Wager: $20
Barbara: What is corundum? NO!
Wager: $320
Ron: What is chlorine? NO!
Wager: $220
Correct response: What is chromium?
Barbara | $0 |
Ron | $200 (Plus London Tour and Chevy Vega Notchback) |
Beth | $60 |
Jeopardy! is distributed by CBS Media Ventures and Sony Television Studios.