Brett Somers

MATCH GAME (syndicated)-September 11, 1979

Host: Gene Rayburn
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Bart Braverman “Vega$”Brett SomersCharles Nelson Reilly
Eva GaborBill DailyFannie Flagg

So this is the Star-Studded Big Money Match Game. Fannie hasn’t seen much big money and Bill hasn’t seen much stars.

GAME 2-Round 1:

Rose Welch (San Diego, CA, married w/two kids, just fixing up the house right now)
Patty Olson (married with 2 1/2 y.o. daughter, another child due in Jan., loves golf) ($1,100)

Rose leads 3-0

B: The Hollywood producer said, “There’s something wrong with the casting of this movie. It’s the life story of Pat Boone, and in the starring role, they’ve got ________ .”

Gene shows off Eva’s HUGE ring, (a costume ring). But Charles has that beat, showing off Brett’s gifts from her husband. Gene asks for Patty’s answer, not realizing Charles got distracted.

Patty: “Who is the role of Baretta?” That’d be Robert Blake.

Alice CooperRoman PolanskyRichard Boone
Warren BeattyFess ParkerSammy Davis Jr.

Round 2
Rose B: Howard said, “The girls in our office look like dogs, so instead of a steno pool, we have a steno ________ .”

Eva needs SERIOUS help explaining what a steno pool is.

Rose: Dog House

Kennel PoolKennel

Patty A: Jim said “I went to the world’s strangest butcher shop. (HOW STRANGE WAS IT???!!!) They’re selling pigs’ feet with ________ .”

Patty: Toenails

ShoesBaseball Socks and Golf ShoesAthletic Rash
Nails SneakersKosher Wennies

ROSE WINS! Patty still has $1,100.

HUGH ________

Fannie: Hefner
Charles: Downs
Bart: O’Brian (Remember Wyatt Earp)
Rose’s Choice: HEFNER


HEAD-TO-HEAD: Bart ($10,000!)
________ AND CAKE

Rose: Ice Cream
Bart: He had coffee on his mind but wrote…ICE CREAM ($10,500)

And with that, two new players begin their first match.

Karen Curtis (West L.A., married for 7 mon., works for property management company)
John Wilson (Townsville, NC, after teaching for 7 years, has done traveling to Europe with a friend)

Karen B: Fred said, “My parents raised me on Dr. Spock” and Weird Willie said, “That’s nothing. My parents raised me on Dr. ________.”

Karen: Dolittle

She came up with a very cute answer, very clever and sophisticated and smart, and you expect these people to say the same thing.

Gene’s response
FreudDr. FrankensteinPepper
Charles is showing off his jewelry again, now a Rubiak Tiara (value of $2.8 Million)

John A: Mugsy said, “My school is so tough! (HOW TOUGH IS IT ???!!!) The first time you’re bad, you’re sent to the principal’s office. The second time, you’re sent to the ________.”

John: Jail

Jail Local MorticianSchool Nurse
Jail Gas ChamberGong Show

Karen will have to play catch-up next time.
Match Game is owned by Fremantle.

MATCH GAME (syndicated)-September 10, 1979 (daily premiere)

Host: Gene Rayburn
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Bart Braverman “Vega$”Brett SomersCharles Nelson Reilly
Eva GaborBill DailyFannie Flagg

“As George Bernard Shaw said, “Over on my left, we have the open air lunatic asylum”

And over on the right…

Rose Welch (San Diego, CA, married w/two kids, just fixing up the house right now)
Patty Olson (married with 2 1/2 y.o. daughter, another child due in Jan., loves golf)

These ladies will play two full games. The first one starts now!

Rose B: The zookeeper said, “Ugly Edna is SOOOOO UGLY, when she walked through the zoo, I’d thought a ________ had escaped!”

Bill needs the most help with spelling and keeping quiet.


Monkey (Ape)… Oranga Tang an orangatan
gorilla oranguta!!! Gorrillia

Patty A: Rodney Rich is really rich. Rodney Rich is the only man in the world who keeps his waterbed filled with ________.


Champagne Dom Perignon Champagne a Vintage Year Champagne
champagne (Hungarian spelling) Perrier Champane
Charles had gas, but that wasn’t his answer. Got buzzed too soon.

Round 2
Patty B: Ralph said “I’ve got a terrible fear of close spaces, because when I was a baby, instead of a crib my parents kept me in a ________.”

Bill: First kept in the Dark (not funny) so…Drawer (Tie Game)


Rose B: Dumb Dora is REALLY DUMB! She thinks the Happy Hooker is someone who enjoying ________ing!


FishingMaking RugsRug Making
dancing FishingMaking Rugs

Patty A: Roy Rogers treats his car just like he treats his horses. Today, after he car wouldn’t start, he ________ed it.


Kicked Kicked (WRONG)*
Kicked it Saddled itSpurred it
* Sat on the hood and spurred it while Dale made chicken salad sandwiches on the range.

PATTY WINS! We’ll see Rose in the rematch.

I THINK I’M ________

The three most popular answers are on the board. #1 $500 #2 $250 and #3 $100. Patty only has one choice, and she can get help from three of our panelist.

Brett: Pregnant
Bart: In Love
Fannie: Sick

It’s Patty’s Choice: One of those or something else?

The audience knew it

Now to spin the Star Wheel. Whichever celeb Patty spins, she try to match head-to-head. A right match will win her 10x her Super Match winnings ($1,000). Get a star and it’s double the stakes.

HEAD-TO HEAD: Fannie ($1,000)
SUNSET ________

Patty: Boulevard
Fannie: She remembers the song “Sunrise, Sunset” and she HATES it. Instead she wrote…BLVD! ($1,100)


Rose A: The funeral director said, “The deceased might’ve owned an Italian restaurant. Instead of flowers, the relatives are dropping ________(s) into his grave.”


Pepperonis Meatballs* Meatballs
SpaghettiPasta Meat balls
* And Spaghetti with a red sauce

Patty’s next question will be first thing on tomorrow’s show.

Match Game is owned by Fremantle.