
WHAT’S MY LINE?-Taped November 7, 1968

Host: Wally Bruner

Announcer: Johnny Olson

Celebrity Panel:

FIRST GUEST: James Proco (NYC)

We already learn he’s an usher right in this theatre and a college student. In between that, he’s salaried and working in a service.

Soupy (After a bit of rambling…) Does it have to do with show biz?

In the broadest sense, on the fringe (“He Makes Fringes”) It’s a Yes

Does it have to do with other people in showbiz?

No $5

Anita: Would I like to use your service?

Indirectly, same for Orson

It doesn’t matter if it’s a man or woman?

It doesn’t matter, Yes

When you perform, do people come to you?


Do you perform in a building? 


Do you require a uniform?


Anita gets lost finding the next question: Do you use any equipment?

No $10

Orson (who thought Anita was talking instruments of torture): Would people come to you all alone?

No, which means your turn is over, Orson. $15

Arlene: You deal with groups of people?

More Than One

Do you instruct in any way?

James leans to No, but Wally needs a conference.  There may be advice given, but there’s no degree of instruction.  It’s still No $20

Soupy: Do you deal with groups other than people?

No $25

Anita: Do people hire you to take them around a building?

No $30

Orson: Is it a small group/number of people?


Would it be two?

Not necessarily

Would it help to know what you’re wearing?


Are you fully clad?


Wearing a suit like the suit and tie he’s wearing now?

No $35

Arlene: Anything athletic?

No, two to go and 15 seconds left

Soupy: Do you move around?

Another conference after James jumps with a No.  Allegedly, he may have ups and downs.

Soupy: Do you have to touch anything to go up and down?

Wally brings this game to an end

If there’s anything James touches, it might be his nose going up and down the chimney.  Mr. Proco is a DEPARTMENT STORE SANTA CLAUS.  Specifically, at Lord & Taylor’s in NY, and it’s his second year.  It took a while to learn how to get the voice down.  We see some great looking pictures with a wide-eyed kid.  Soupy asks if Jim every got a smack in the face. “Almost!”

Christmas is another story for the panel not figuring this out.  In Soupy’s building, the elevator operator for 18 years is fired because the regular one came back.

SECOND GUEST: Charlotte Drury (Jackson Heights, NY)

After some applause from friends, we learn Charlotte is salaried, in services AND deals with a product

Arlene: A service I might use?


Requires some dexterity, for her to give it to me?

For the service itself, but let’s focus on the product

Is it a product you can hold it your hand?

No $5

Soupy with the age old Question:  Is it bigger than a bread box?


A product used by men and women?


Does it touch the human body?

A quick no, then a conference changes it to Yes

Is it used in the home?

Definite No $10

Anita: Is it used in or near water?


Is it MUCH larger than a bread box?


Some sort of boat?


Do you operate this boat?

The boat is the product, she’s not involved in the operation.  No leeway!  $15 “It’s all yours, Orson”

Orson: Do you instruct in some way?

No $20

Arlene: Boats large enough for three or more passengers?


Are these decorated by you?

No $25

Soupy: Is it a dinghy?

Too small, “I’m pretty dinghy myself”, We’ll move on

Do you sell boats?

No $30

Anita: Arranging trips on boats?


Are you a travel agent?


Is it the liner around Manhattan?

Wally’s had enough!  Charlotte RENTS YACHTS.

Mrs. Drury works for Wakefield Fortune Incorporated arranging cruises.  A new service at the time, Charlotte has become a specialist in this field.  Yachts all have their own crews.  As you’d know from game show history, popular spots include the Caribbean, Mediterranean and Greek Isles.  If Wally and the panel wanted a boat to rent, the smallest they could get would be about 54 ft.  About $206 per person for one week including three meals a day.  A larger, 200ft. power yacht on Mediterranean would take the whole studio.  Total $12,000 a week per person.  The interior is as fancy as any local hotel around here.


A strong applause marks his/her arrival

Orson: May I assume that you’re in show business?


Arlene: Are you known for your work in the theater?


Wally says there are some you’d know this guest from theater, but primarily for something else.

Soupy: Would this activity be in motion pictures?


Anita: Do you live in this city, most of the time?

Wally doesn’t know for sure.  In her business, she would be found in NYC sometimes.

Orson (30 sec. to go): Are you also in TV?

No, not at this moment

Arlene: Are you a singer?


Soupy: Did you earn your reputation in movies for musicals?


Anita: Are you in a musical picture right now?


Orson: A non-musical picture?

No, 15 seconds

Arlene: Are you appearing in a club or hotel in NYC?


It’s Historic Maggie Flynn, SHIRLEY JONES

Honest Answers:

Mark Rafferty (Staten Island, NY) for Anita:  How tall are you?  You seem so little, how do you get into mini-skirts?

Answer: 5’1” in stocking feet, but she often says 5’3”.  And she buys clothes in the Junior Department.  Not many mini-skirts, though

Larry Schmidt (Potsdam, PA) for Orson: “Where did you get the name Orson Bean?”

Answer: He made it up.  His real name is Dallas Burrows which he said “Sounds Like a name a nut like Orson Bean would make Up” One last letter for “Souper Sales” but not enough time.

What’s my Line? is owned by Fremantle

ALL-NEW LET’S MAKE A DEAL-September 24, 1984

Host: Monty Hall

Featuring: Brian Cummings and Karen LaPierre

Yes, week two is on for the return of Let’s Make a Deal, for fans who’ve never forgotten the show.  Those who’re too young to have see it, prepare to get Zonked!

First Trader: Deborah Bradley (Pickle with bumpy dress, “Let’s Make a Dill” sign and a “Deal Monty” hat)

Monty has something in his hand…a dime.  But it’s a dime dated 1875.  What does that mean?  It could be worth Brian’s small box.  Deborah keeps her little dime.  Inside the box…A LOW-RENT FUR COAT from Monty’s wife closet…along with a $1,000 bill.  Debra does get the coat and keeps the dime, but she’ll have to wait to find out its value later.

Right now, we have three wallets. They’re going to…

Irene Garcia (nurse), Steve Geiger (brown apron) and Mary Sanchez (Unofficial Mother of the Olympics)

Some have $1 or $2, and if it’s $2, that’s what they get…200 cents. If it’s just $1, it can buy a real fur coat: a Dicker and Dicker Davina Bukhara/Fox Coat ($3,000) Irene, who’s really an order entry operator, can keep her red wallet or trade for the big box. She’ll trade giving up on…Two Dollar Bills. Instead, she gets a Samsung Microwave and White-Westinghouse 17 cu. ft. Fridge/Freezer packed with Champale. ($1,364.45)

Steve’s wife would love that fur. Is there just one bill inside his tan wallet? Would he rather trade for Curtain #2, which has a KFC certificate? he won’t know what’s inside until he decides. Steve keeps the wallet, so now we’ll see the curtain had some fur…THREE GIANT PLUSH DOGS!


Mary, who’d trade her go for the gold bunny pin for a deal, had a blue wallet.  It could still have just a single dollar bill to buy another fur.  Monty decides to buy it back for up to $250.  Nope, but what about Curtain #1.  Mary choses neither, she wants the door…err, curtain. “Should I?” Don’t regret it Mary, because in the wallet…there was one bill too many.  But will she trade the “door” for $300.  NO! $600 is Monty’s final offer. Mary keeps the curtain. She thinks it’s a new motorcycle…IT WAS IN 1927.

Back to Deborah and her dime. She can cash it in right now to join in on an $1,100 shopping deal. Our little dill is keeping the dime for now. Instead…

Heli O’Der (Canadian Angel, Estonian Name, Gold Medal Deal) and Wanda McCoy (Minnie Mouse, “I Will Squeak a Deal”)

Four items, one at a time, the one who’s closest gets the cash.

$100: Cortizone 5 (1 oz. Tube)

Heli: $3.59 Wanda $1.89

ARP: $3.40 Heli wins

$200: True Value Tru-Test E-Z Kare Paint (1 gal.)

Wanda: $12 Heli: $15.25

ARP: $18.95 Another $200 for Heli

$300: 2000 Flushes (14 oz.)

Heli: $2.89 Wanda: $3

ARP: $2.25 Heli’s 3 for 3, $600 Total

$500: West Bend Ski and Cycle Stopwatch

Wanda (Last Chance): $45 Heli: $89

ARP: $24.95 Wanda Wins at Last

The Sunshine Box is up! Will Wanda trade her hard-earned cash for that? She quickly says “yes” and winds up with…a KitchenAid Dishwasher W/$25 of ElectraSol. ($804.95)

Now for Heli:  We see Curtain #2, we see Os-Cal (We hear the old theme to “Split Second”)  Heli will go for the “Door”, get it right.  Either way, she winds up with…Brian and Karen’s SOUSAPHONES


DeborahThat Little Dime
MaryQueasy Rider

Deborah finally decides to trade in that lil’ ol’ dime to go for that $8,101 big deal.  According to the Los Angeles Coin Company, that 1875 Liberty Dime has an appraised value of…$2,000!  She’ll have to make up for it.  The other trader is Steve, who’s wife is probably fuming right now.  (Deborah who’s dime was a grand less than the fur gets first choice.) First…

Monty’s Cookie Jar, inside is $815 and it goes to…NO ONE.

There’s Galaxy Ariba Carpeting which goes lovely under a new Simmons Contemporary Living Room with Selig Tables. ($4,573) It goes to…Steve. (Hope the wife likes that)

And what did Deborah’s get for that little dime?

First, there’s Skyway Luggage and Ray-Ban Shades. She’s taking all that to the Bahamas (1wk.@ Bahamas Princess) along with a check for $4,500! ($8,101)

Total Winnings: $14,843.40

Quickie Deals: Marie Washington (fancy tux and tails) can get $50 for a mirror, $150 for a mirror on both sides.  Monty was also looking for a wallet as the “Telepictures” logo came up to end the program.

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.

PASSWORD (Daytime)-September 16, 1966

Host: Allen Ludden

Announcer: Lee Vines

On this last day of 10-Star Week we have…

Carole Wells (Pistols ‘n’ Petticoats) and John Shumate (Brayea, CA, fireman for L.A., enjoys water skiing and formed Brayea’s first swim team, $100)

Bob Denver (Gilligan’s Island) and Sherry Knudsen (Newport Beach, CA, mother and married to a partner in a property analysis/research business)

WORD #1-Carol for John first

10: PETTICOAT-JUNCTION (That was Tuesday)


WORD #2-John gives


9: SNOT-SNOB (18) (How often did you hear “Snot” in 1966?)

Sherry studied up last night, can John make a comeback?

WORD #3-Carol gives


WORD #4-Sherry gives

10 (for the win): BORED-INATTENTIVE


8 (for the win): GESTURE-YAWN $100





WORK-PLAY, OPPOSITE-HARD, OPPOSITE-LEISURE, ROOM-DEN, EASY-CHAIR, TAKE-HARD (Bob desperately wanted to pass, but Allen says there’s still 30 sec., finally passes on REST)


GAME #2 (Men vs. Women)-WORD #1, Bob first




WORD #2-Sherry gives




7: BOOTH (Bob: “That’s what I was gonna say”)-MERCHANDISE

6: SHOW-(Ticked Out)


WORD #3-Carole gives


WORD #4-John gives






4: SHIPS-“Fool Me Twice” Allen: “And you are fooled”



WORD #5-Carole gives



WORD #6-Sherry gives (any word can give the men the win)

10: STABLE-HORSEs (20)

WORD #7-Bob gives

9 (Ladies for the win): MALE-MULE


7 (Ladies for the Win): DEER-(just frustration)


5: (Ladies’ last chance): Carole blanks out



2: DEER-STAG (such exuberance) Up to $200

Sherry still picks up $300






WAR-PEACE $150 (Final Total: $350)

Total Winnings: $3,800

$700 Winners: Kay Barber (Monday) and Phyllis Doyan (Tues.-Wed.)

Players leaving empty handed: 3

And now, Allen’s parting words:

The password today is Next.  Hope you and your friends will make a point of joining us next week.  Have a good weekend, and remember it’s always better if you pause a moment and say thank you and worship with your family.”

Password is owned by Fremantle.


Host: Marc Summers

Announcer: John “Harvey” Harvey

Assistants: Robin Marrella, Dave Shikiar and Jamie Bojanowski

$20 Toss-Up

It’s the same cracking egg stunt from the previous episode. (See #129) Taking the first score of the day is…BLUE TEAM!

Seismic Zonkers: Janna (loves to shop for anything) and Greg (plays soccer and hockey and hanging out with his friends)

Brain Teasers: Saema (likes to sing anything) and Kevin (does gymnastics which Marc has always wanted to do)

Meanwhile, Harvey has a new gray suit and Marc a new pair of pants.


Which Peanuts character would rather be playing Beethoven than playing with Lucy?

DARE (just before the buzzer)



Greg is the Barber of Seville and Janna is in the chair with a wig. Greg has 20 seconds to put all this stuff on that mop of hair:

  • Apron
  • Green Smile Shampoo
  • Shaving Cream

Finally, he’s got to dump the bucket. But wait, it’s empty. Dave wants eggs, but we used them all in the beginning. We’ll have to use water.

Done With 3 Seconds to Spare (All Blue Team with $60)

In the original movie “King Kong”, what New York skyscraper did the big ape climb?

Empire State Building ($70)

What does the Soviet Union call its astronauts?

Soymites (Cosmonauts)

The distance light travels in one year is called what: A Light Year, a Parsec or the Far Side

Light Year ($10)

What Northeastern state’s name comes from the Latin for “Green Mountain”?

Vermont ($20)

In Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” what’s Tiny Tim’s last name?


Saema will be popping balloons of whipped cream with her behind. Getting 10 balloons in 15 seconds wins $40 for the Brain Teasers.

Only got to three (Seismic Zonkers up to $110)

What Southern City is home to Bourbon Street and the Sugar Bowl?




Janna is a quarterback passing to Greg. BOTH are blindfolded. They only need one football in the garbage can in 30 seconds.

Barely got it in with 3 seconds left.


Seismic Zonkers $150

Brain Teasers $20

$40 Toss-Up

The teams are slurping chocolate milk, Yep, the toss-ups have been switched from the last show.

First to fill past the line…BRAIN TEASERS ($60)

In Rhode Island, a school official was pressured into taking what off of the school lunch menu? Sales Tax, Twinkies or Tofu?

Tofu (Twinkies)

Hammerheads, Makos and the Great Whites are all different types of what fish?

Sharks ($170)

How many cells does a paramecium have?


One ($100)

Which former Beatle sings “Got My Mind Set On You”?


George Harrison ($210)

What is a male whale called? Fluke of the Sea, Bull or Tusset?

Fluke of the Sea (Bull)

What horse delivered mail service died out after the 1861 invention of the telegraph?

Pony Express ($120)

The Russian word “Nyet” means what in English?

No Means Yes ($140)

If each member of the Keaton family had 1 pair of socks, how many total socks would they have?

10 (12)



Seismic Zonkers $210

Brain Teasers $140

Brain Teasers get the cash, $50 Kaybee Gift Certificates, the Double Dare home Game and Coca-Cola Back to Cool Watches


1: 1-Ton Human Hamster Wheel for Franklin Word Wiz

2: Blue Plate Special (Waffles) for White’s Coinmaster Metal Detector

3: Sundae Slide for Bushnell Spectacu-learn Scope and Binoculars

4: Slime Canal for Kent Fusion 500 Bike

5: The Tank (Angel Tears) for Pressman Board Games

6: Dallas for $600 Kaybee Gift Certificate

7: Pick It for Magnavox Video Writer Word Processor

8: Down the Hatch (creamed corn) for Trip to Space Camp


  • #1 @ 54 sec.
  • #2 @ 46 sec. (Under the butter on the first waffle)
  • #3 @ 32 sec.
  • #4 @ 27 sec.
  • #5 @ 20 sec.
  • #6 @ 4 sec.
  • #7: Got it just as clock ran out
  • TOTAL: $2,300 (Harvey meant Kay-Bee but said Toys R Us)

Double Dare is owned by Nickelodeon, a subsidiary of CBS/Viacom.

WHAT’S MY LINE-Taped October 1, 1968

Host: Wally Bruner

Announcer: Johnny Olsen

The “Bright and Alert” Celebrity Panel:

FIRST GUEST: John Garrity (Kenoshia, Brooklyn, NY)

John makes an edible product and is self-employed

Pia: Does it comes from some animal?

No $5

Gawn: In the line of sweeties (as we call candy?)


Would I lick it rather than chew it?

No $10

Arlene: Would other than human beings enjoy it? 

No, or at least never find out $15

Soupy: Is it sold outdoors (like football games or parks)


Is it larger than an ice cream cone?


Is it like cotton candy?

No, no like cotton candy…IT IS COTTON CANDY!

1 out of 47 isn’t bad


Mr. Garrity goes by the name “Johnny Cotton Candy”, same as Soupy’s Mother.  It got started by a friend to pay tuition, he’s now a graduate student at St. John’s in American History.  Soupy’s not done, he asks about the sugar base that’s put into the spinner.  It’s PURE SUGAR!  We get a full demonstration on stage.  With a twist of the hand, BING! A Whip of pink magic!  The panel walks over to try it out making “Q-Tips for the Jolly Green Giant” Soupy’s words again who gives himself a Santa Beard.

Note:  Gawn calls it “Candy Floss”.  Also, “Sweetie” doesn’t mean girls.  The Brits call them Broads.

SECOND GUEST: Catherine W. Stone (Madisonville, KY)

She’s salaried and deals with a product.

Soupy: Is it a product I might use?


Would women use it more than men?

No $5

Pia: Likely found in the home?

No $10

Gawn: Am I assuming it has nothing to do with the derby?

Yes, nothing to do with horses

Might find it outside the home?


Anything to do with open air?

Tricky, considering the last question.  Try another question, Gawn.

Anything to do with the elements?

No $15

Arlene: Any moving parts?

Gets an Ooh, then a No $20

Soupy: Something run by electricity?

No $25

Pia: Something I could hold in my hand?


Is it a useful product?


Would I have to buy it to use it?


Would I WANT to buy it?

If for some strange reason, Yes

Would it make me look better using it?

Nothing could $30

Gawn: More to do with children?

No $35

Arlene: Made of wood?

No $40

Soupy: Used in building or excavation?


It’s not a shovel, is it?

No (That wasn’t Soupy, that was the producer trying a ventriloquist act)

Soupy Passes

Pia: Used in my garden?

No $45, one to go

Gawn: Would it help hold things together?

Just the opposite, Soupy said the correct answer right after the last card flips:  SHE SELLS DYNAMITE $50

Employed by the Atlas Powder Company in Knoxville, we see a GIANT stick of commercial dynamite used for coal mines.  Wally’s only used to the small type for fence post holes.  Catherine says the type on stage could blow up the theatre, though it’s not the biggest bomb the theatre’s seen.  HA! HA! HA! Our guest used to be a contractor who drilled those coal mines, and it took a lot of convincing for Atlas to hire her.  Wally concludes that this is a business with many ups and downs.


Arlene: Are you a name we’d find in the entertainment pages?

Yes (Light Falsetto)

Soupy: Are you on television?


Pia: Are you an actor?


Gawn: Comedian?


Arlene: Do you sing?


Soupy: Under 40 years old?


Pia: Deal with ethnic humor?


Gawn: Do you play an instrument?

Yes, Soupy thinks he’s got it

Arlene: Are you also a writer?


Soupy: Is it a violin?  Are you Henny Youngman?


Pia: Jack Benny?


Gawn: Do you dance?


Arlene: Do you have a TV program?


Soupy: You don’t use the violin in your act?

That’s correct

Pia passes, Gawn: You write your own material?


Arlene: Are you humorous in one line or endeavor? (Irish, Jewish, etc.)

Not necessarily

Clue: His autobiography is a smash best-seller

Soupy jumps in with Sam Levenson


Sam did play violin on TV, which he called “A great failure”.  He never lived up to his mother’s dream.  His autobiography is titled “Everything but Money”, which was a title Wally wanted for his book.  “Everything but Money” meant Sam grew up with lots of love, books and music, but no money.  Soupy points out Sam was a teacher before going into show biz.  If he were a teacher today with a class of long hairs and wild clothes, would have sneakers on to leave in a hurry.  But seriously, every generation has great potential, and the older people have the responsibility to keep them on the straight and narrow.  We can all help each other and understand each other, regardless of ethnicity.  As for music, Sam calls himself a “Long Hair of the Old School”.  “You can become a howling success by just howling” The best he can do is find the roots of it all.

You can’t come to every idea with an open mouth. An open mind requires a little education.

One of Sam’s sayings during his teaching days

For more to know about our mystery guest: imdb

Closing: Wally speaks with Pia, his former ABC news colleague.  She was doing evening news in San Francisco, proving she’s more than just Ingrid Bergman’s daughter.  They were recently in France visiting their own townhouse which is falling apart.  Soupy Sales, meanwhile, has been going around in circles from what Wally’s heard.  Actually, Soupy has circles around his eyes, while Arlene is going around the best circles.

What’s My Line is owned by Fremantle

ALL-NEW LET’S MAKE A DEAL-September 21, 1984

Host: Monty Hall

Featuring: Brian Cummings and Karen LaPierre

First Traders: Paula Stevens (Kermit the Frog costume) and Ron Pratt (All-American Cook)

Both get bankrolls. We look at Paula’s first, there’s a $100 bill to start. She can keep that Benjamin and the rest OR trade for Curtain #1. She’ll keep the money…but wait, there’s $25 of Os-Cal Calcium behind the curtain…at least. No changing Paula’s mind, though. That means she misses out on…a Broyhill Dining Room Set ($1,359) Unwrapping her bankroll, there are 23 more bills…all ones. $123 is good enough for Paula.

Ron, who tries to sneak a peek, gets his chance.

…there are $1,000 bills in there? Sorry, just checking if you’re awake. There is a $10 up front, but what else? Enough to turn down the sunshine box. Although his wife’s next to him, he follows his sister-in-law. He keeps the cash and turns down…TWO NOISY DUCKS!

Well, they’re weren’t Thousands, but they were Eight-Hundred Bills. (Total: $810)

Next Traders: Jill and Danny Olsen (Super Chicken)

Let’s Make a Deal Quick, Before We Have Another Chick

Two birds of a feather could win this from Monty…a check for $8,000! To win, the Olsen have to do some item pricing! Starting with 8, each right guess lights up the number on the board. One miss, and it’s all over.

$8 Quaker Corn Bran (12 oz. Box) within 60¢.

Guess: $1.25 ARP $1.45 RIGHT

$80 Champale (12 oz. Bottle) within 50¢

Guess: $2.50 ARP: 83¢ BIG MONEY GONE

Still a chance for some money, the next two items will be worth $250.

2000 Flushes (14 oz.) within $1.25

Guess: $2 ARP: $2.25 RIGHT

True Value Master Mechanic Tool Set (22 piece) within $6

Guess: $12 ARP: $43.59 WRONG

One more thing, they can buy Curtain #2 for their $250. If they pass up the curtain, Monty will throw in another $100. Nope, they still wanna trade! How about doubling their $250? Jill convinces Danny to keep the $500. What could they’ve had…A HONG KONG RICKSHAW!

Fourth trader: Linda Bullock (Baby)

First, a poem:

Blush Again Baby on the Game Show, When the Deals start the baby will glow, When the Deals Stop the Trading will end, sleepy will be baby and teddy my friend.

Thank you, Sylvia Plath. Here’s a box of Cortizone 5, so that’s why it wasn’t in the last deal. Will she keep it or trade for a money packet? She can see a $50 up front and a $50 in the back. Which will she choose? Leftovers go to the big bunny. She takes the money, but will she keep it further for the big box? Nope, so she gives up $100 plus 17…ones again. ($117) In the box…a Litton Microwave and Microwave Cookware, plus a Silver Reed Electric Typewriter ($943.95)

Back to the bunny…

Fifth Trader: Mark Urbaniak

He can keep the ointment OR take the Microwave Package OR Curtain #1? Mark takes the box…of ointment. Behind the curtain…A GIANT HOT WATER BOTTLE!

Mark’s climbing up the walls to see what’s inside…Keep Climbing, Bunny, because it’s time for the…


MarkCortizone Plus ?

Mark makes the trade for his Cortizone and what was inside….$1,500 cash! Threw away Linda’s gift; now she’ll choose leftovers between the two doors.

Today’s sneak peak:

Appropriately, it opens up on Kirsch Window Blinds.

First door to fully open is…

It’s Monty’s Piggy Bank again…$382 Linda gets that. On to…

It’s a Whirlpool Refrigerator/Freezer, Dishwasher and Gas Range. ($2,078) Mark’s bunny wife got him back down on the ground, and they chose…#2. We open the blinds to show a Mazda GLC Custom 3dr. Hatchback. ($8,364) Not only did Monty get the value of the Big Deal wrong, he forgot to mention there was also $1,000 for the Bunnies. (Total: $3,078)

Total Winnings: $4,893

Big Winner: Mark

Quickie Deals:  Cowgirl Grace Davidson pulls out 99¢ of change and gets $250 in bills instead.  Also, Mrs. Pepper (next to Mr. Salt) gets $50 for a key ring.

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.

PASSWORD (Daytime)-September 15, 1966

Host: Allen Ludden

Announcer: Lee Vines

It’s Day Four of 10-Star Week

Donna Douglas (Beverly Hillbillies) and Stephen Barado (San Gabriel, CA, affiliated with savings and loan industry in L.A.)

Steve Hill (Mission: Impossible) and Pat Bradley (Indianapolis, IN, first out of state this week, secretary of a bank’s marketing department)

WORD #1-Donna gives first


WORD #2-Pat gives

10 Points: LOG-WOOD


This could be a quick game. Time for this future TV Prosecutor and secretary to end their coffee break.

WORD #3-Steve gives


9 (to win): NECK-KISS

7 (to win): NECK-CARESS

6: POOCH-PUPPY (Allen warns that sound alikes don’t often work)


4: NESTLE-SMOOCH to get on the board.

WORD #4-Stephen gives

10 (to win): DOG-HOUSE


WORD #5-Donna gives

10 (to win): HARD BOILED-EGG


8 (to win): HORSE-HEART

7 OLD (emphasis on the “O”)-CROW

6 (last chance to clinch): HENPECK-CHICKEN

5 BAG (just before the ticks, but Pat doesn’t get to guess)


3 CARP-FISH (did she mean something else?)


1 HAG-NAG (14)

A lot of work for one measly point.

WORD #6-Stephen

10 (to win): BACON-STRIP


8 (to win): TOWN-COUNTRY

7: TWIRLER-BATON (pronounced like Baton Rouge)

6 (to win): STRIPPER-BURLESQUE $100





4rd: OUR-TIME, GROUP- OUT OF TIME! (GANG) $200 Total

GAME #2 (Battle of the Sexes): WORD #1-Steve gives



WORD #2-Stephen gives





6 LEAD-EVIDENCE (after a while)

WORD #3-Donna gives


Agent Briggs, your mission is to shape up and get your partner on the board.

WORD #4-Stephen gives


9 (to win) AVENUE-BOULEVARD $100

Over before the message could self-destruct. Stephen still leaves with $200.



2nd GREEN-GRASS $100


4rd (no effort with MILE)

5th ALIVE-DEAD Pat’s total is $250


Donna and John Shumate (Brayea, CA, fireman for L.A., professional back seat driver for a ladder track in a city valet)

Steve and Sherry Knudsen (Newport Beach, CA, mother of 6 y.o. Scott and 3 y.o. Amy)

WORD #1-Donna gives


WORD #2-Sherry gives

10 SPIDER-WEB (all tied up)

WORD #3-Donna gives



8 FIREMAN-LADDER (18 as the whistle sounds)

$100 for John, but Sherry’ll get another chance tomorrow.

“The password today is “Friends” Do us a favor, you and your friends a favor, pass a word along that the next few weeks on Password are going to be very delightful, full of surprises, so that you’ll make Password a regular habit and be with us every day.”

Password is owned by Fremantle.

DOUBLE DARE-#129 (First Syndicated Episode)

Host: Marc Summers

Announcer: John “Harvey” Harvey

Assistants: Robin Marrella, Dave Shikiar and Jamie Bojanowski


Both teams are slurping Chocolate Syrup into another glass. The goal is, as usual, to fill past the red line. The winner is…RED TEAM!

Radioactive Overdeveloped Brains: Peter (an MTV addict, especially Motley Crue) and Amy (wants to be a vet) Note: First episode to have a blue team and a red team

Winning Streaks: William (wants to be President) and Lauren (wants to be a Kindergarten Teacher)

Only one way to properly explain the rules:

“I’m going to ask you a question, and if you don’t know the answer, or think the other team hasn’t got a clue, you can dare them to answer it for double the dollars. But be careful: they can always double dare you back for four times the amount, and then you either have to answer that question or take the Physical Challenge.”

Immortal words

What 3 transportation devices are in the title of a John Candy and Steve Martin movie?

Planes, Trains and Automobiles $30

How many U.S. States begin with the letter “F”?

Lauren says One $40

In Madame Tussand’s famous museum, what are all the figures made of?

Wax $50

Animals that drink milk from their mother’s bodies are called what?  Pseudopods, Crustaceans or Mammals?

Mammals $60

On A Different World, name 1 of Denise’s 2 roommates.

DARE (Will said it before Lauren said Denise)

Blue responds: Maggie On the Board with $20 (Jaleesa was the other)

A millennium equals how how many years?


Red responds: A Million Years Blue up to $40 (Thousand)

In what European country can you visit the cities of Naples and Milan?

Italy $50

Who is first credited with saying, “Don’t count your chickens before they hatch”? Thomas Jefferson, Aesop or Frank Perdue


Red Responds: Aesop Up to $80

In Monopoly, what color are the properties that include St. James Place?

Purple (Orange) Back to Blue

According to the fable, Androcles pulled a thorn from what animal’s Paw?

Lion $60

On the TV show, what tool is pictured on Sledgehammer’s gun?

A Sledge Hammer $70

What is Wrigley Field?  Baseball park, Department Store or Where they grow gum

Play Ball and it’s a Tie game

In you stood beneath the state flower of Oklahoma you might get kissed.  What flower is it?

Mistletoe to take the lead

On a traffic signal, which color is on top?

After going back and forth, Red $100

If an astronaut weighs 180 lbs. on Earth, how much would they weigh in zero gravity?


Red Responds 0 lbs. All Tied Up Again!

Which of the following is NOT part of the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights? The Right of Free Speech, The Right to Arm Bears or Trial by Jury

The Right to Arm Bears (or close enough) to go ahead again

If you put sodium chloride on your French Fries, what common seasoning have you added?

Salt $120

Who wrote 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Journey to the Center of the Earth?



Robin’s wearing her colander hat. William puts it on while Lauren fishes for water balloons. Must deposit two balloons into the hat in 20 seconds. If so, they add $40. If not, it goes to R.O.B.

Done in 15 sec.


Radioactive Overdeveloped Brains-$100

Winning Streaks-$160

Onto Round 2:

That means all the dollar values will be doubled and when you hear this sound (Beulah the Buzzer) that means the game is over.

$40 Toss-Up

It’s an egg toss; the girls will toss while the guys crack it on their heads and leave some in the bowl. First to 7 wins. It’s neck and neck but…WINNING STREAKS get it done. ($200)

Which suntan lotion would block more of the sun’s ray, a #6 or a #2?

6 $220

Which of the following is NOT the name of a Native American tribe? Aw Shucks, Tawpanee or Seminoles

Aw Shucks $240

What famous sci-fi character is known for saying “That’s highly illogical Captain”


Blue says: Mr. Spock $140

Who created the TV show, “The Twilight Zone” Vincent price, Steven Speilberg or Rod Serling

Rod Serling $160

What ex-president once managed his family peanut business?

Jimmy Carter $180

On the old TV show, what is the TV name of Beaver’s mom?

June $200

What great boxing personality once said, “When you’re as great as I am, it’s hard to be humble?

Muhammad Ali $220

In what month does Memorial Day occur?

September (May)

Which of these is a real consumer product?:

  • Elvis Presley Love Me Tender Shampoo
  • Madonna Betty Button Lint Remover
  • Rob Lowe’s Practical Princess Dating Guide

TIME’S UP! (It was Elvis’ Shampoo)


Radioactive Overdeveloped Brains $220

Winning Streaks $240

Also, Peter and Amy each get a $50 Kaybee Gift Certificate, Double Dare Home Game and a Coca-Cola Watch.


Links for each obstacle from Double Dare Wiki, where available. William goes first

1: 1-Ton Human Hamster Wheel for Franklin Word Wiz

2: Blue Plate Special (Waffles) for White’s Coinmaster Metal Detector

3: Sundae Slide (Mark tries a Cookie) for Bushnell Spectacu-learn Scope and Binoculars

4: Rootbeer Float (small lake) for Kent Fusion 500 Bike

5: The Tank (Angel Tears) for Pressman Board Games

6: Dallas (going through three slippery oil tubes) for $600 Kaybee Gift Certificate

7: Pick It for Magnavox Video Writer Word Processor

8: Down the Hatch (creamed corn) for Trip to Space Camp


  • #1 @ 53 sec.
  • #2 @ 46 (Under the second waffle’s butter
  • #3 @ 35
  • #4 @ 28
  • #5 @ 22
  • #6 @ 11
  • #7 @ 5
  • #8: Lauren couldn’t get up fast enough to grab that last flag.
  • TOTAL: $2,400 each

Double Dare is owned by Nickelodeon, a subsidiary of CBS/Viacom.

WHAT’S MY LINE?-Taped August 20, 1968

Host: Wally Bruner

Announcer: Johnny Olson

Celebrity Panel:

  • Soupy Sales
  • Joanna Barnes
  • Nipsey Russell
  • Arlene Francis

FIRST GUEST: Gene Beane (Chattanooga, TN)

Wally clues the panel in that Gene’s in Show Business. He’s also self-employed and deals with a service.

Soupy, who knows his brother “Boston Baked”:

Do you work with someone else?:

No $5

Joanne: Is this service performed before the show?

No $10

Nipsey: Does coming from Tennessee have anything to do with your performance?

No $15

Arlene: Are you on the ground?

Yes, but he could get off the ground

Do you use anything besides yourself?


If I knew the equipment, would I know the act?


Is it attached to you?

No $20

Soupy: During your act, are you hit, like a cannonball?

For that, it’s No $25

Joanna: Is the object not particular to showbiz?


Might I have one?

No $30

Nipsey: Is it a performance?


Are you a hillbilly singer?

No $35         

Arlene: Is the equipment quite long, like in the stilt family?

No $40

Soupy: Is the act outdoors instead of indoors?


It doesn’t have anything to do with animals?

No means Yes

Something you perform at a grandstand?

Yes (30 seconds left)

Is it a high dive?

No $45

Joanna: Any physical danger?


Does it have to do with explosives or charges?


She’s almost there, “Are you shot out of anything”

The Last No!


As a matter of fact, he had performed at the point of this taping, 1,040 TIMES!  In the act, Gene puts himself in a box, pushes the detonator and

Joanna says it probably accounts for the short hair.  To quote the performer, “I literally get a bang out of my job”  He’s played all over North and South America with no mistakes.  And it’s all on film.  Gene’s putting on his helmet, gets into the box, the box goes Boom!!!  Gene flys out and stumbles around to the right, only inches away.  There is occasionally a blackout from the G-force from the lungs.  Nipsey calls it “Excedrin Headache #10.”  In truth, Gene is less afraid of the act than he is driving the highway from show to show.

“Better Luck Next Time” and Next Time is now.

SECOND GUEST: Lana Barrett (Mamaroneck, NY)

Miss Barrett is salaried, dealing with a product.

Nipsey: Based on the audience reaction, a profession not usually attached to a pretty young girl?


Do you come in contact with other people


Is it necessary to converse with other people?

A Little Bit

It’s not the central essence of your job?

No means Yes

Does the product touch the human body?


Between the waistline and the top of the head?


Would Nipsey’s social presence be enhanced?


Between the chin line and the top of the head?


Consumed or eaten or drunken in any way?


Attached with an outdoor activity, like a carnival?

Mostly No $5

Arlene: Solid rather than liquid?


Buy in a store?


Something to have at meal time?

Not to leave you astray but No $10 (30 sec.)

Soupy: Is it chewable?


You wouldn’t swallow it necessarily?

No, not bubble gum we’re talking about $15

Joanna: Under a dollar?


Grocery Store as opposed to a drug store?

No, and that’s time!

Arlene guesses that Lana’s a good humor man!  If only we’d had another minute.

Wally calls Lana the best-looking Good Humor man in West Chester County.  And what’s so shocking about her driving a truck?  Her customers include a few dogs that come for Vanilla every day.  And now, because a little good humor never hurt anyone, there’s ice cream for Wally and all the panel.


A Big Applause and a strawberry shortcake stick for our guest

Arlene: Is there more than one person?

Just one, said meekly

Soupy: Must be in show business?

Could be, Wally says No

Joanna: Are you in the Sports Field?

Sometimes, Wally clarifies Yes

Nipsey: Involved in Politics in New York State?

Both agree, No

Arlene: Are you a baseball hero?


Soupy: Must be Mickey Mantle?


Joanna: National League Player?


Nipsey: Team once based in New York City?


Arlene: Are you “Say Hey”?


And Willie is upset about Wally saying baseball is NOT show business.  As Nipsey knows, that’s what they call “Batman” in Harlem.  Looking back at an article Wally read, we hear about whether Willie could break his career home run record of 714.  Mays was at 569 at the day of taping.  Experts say he could’ve done it.  Ever humble, he’d be happy just reaching 600 against today’s “modern” pitchers.  Maybe these longer games could help, but Willie’s not interested.  As for any other current hitter, 34-year-old Hank Aaron might be too old.  Willie guesses that the Babe got home runs from ground rule doubles.  Wally says either way, Willie has made his mark in baseball. 

Are you saying I’m through?”

Closing: Wally gives an introduction: “We are delighted this week to have a handsome, charming, gracious, intelligent, resourceful, funny (Not you, Soupy) Nipsey Russell with us.”  He can’t deny it, it’s all true.  Russell started in show business early, dancing in a kids’ chorus. This grew into a tap-dancing trio and moved into comedy.  Highlights this year include performing on the Red Skelton Show and a new variety program “Soul”.  Many rock bands and entertainers like Redd Foxx and George Kirby are set to appear.  Meanwhile, the panel is doing fairly well for a Monday.  

What’s My Line? is owned by Fremantle.

ALL-NEW LET’S MAKE A DEAL-September 20, 1984

Host: Monty Hall

Featuring: Brian Cummings and Karen LaPierre

Shaking hands with a headless woman?!? Just an ordinary day for Monty Hall. That lady wasn’t on the trading floor, but this lady is:

Eleanor Forman (Hawaiian with Staff, wants Monty to feel young again)

Welcome Back, Monte! We Missed You! Let’s Make a Deal!”

Brian has a small box for Eleanor. She can sell back to Monty (not Monte) for $100 a pound. Eleanor passes and hope she has a heavy deal. Inside…10 English Pound Bills. Here’s the exchange rate:

  • Monty’s Bank: $1,000
  • UK: $1.27 X 10 = $12.70

Valeria Crowder (pumpkin “Pie in the Sky”)

Karen’s at Curtain #3 and it has $25 worth of Os-Cal Calcium. Behind the Curtain, something that weighs 2,008 lbs. Monty’s only selling it for 25¢ a pound this time. A big drop, but that’s still $502. Valeria’s made up her mind; she wants the curtain. She’s sure it’s a car. And she’s right…but it’s not exactly new.

Farmer Brian says it’s got no motor.

Couple: Patty and Tim Covert (Patty has some blue tinted hair, lightning bolt earnings and a sign “I Put on a Bright New Look”, Tim’s a nurse)

Our married couple could go home with a Rabbit…A Volkswagen Rabbit 4dr. Sedan. ($9,490) (Much better than the last four wheeler here.) To win, the Coverts have to price five items, one at a time. If the total is within $9, high or low, that’s a New Rabbit

Cortizone 5 (1 oz.)1.89
Champale (4 pack)4.00
Gillespie Refinish Furniture Kit11.50
Perfect Nail Manicure Set8.00
West Bend Automatic Skillet32.00

Before the total was revealed, we have a sure thing behind Curtain #2. It’s a trip to Hawaii (1wk.@ Maui Surf) plus $500 in spending money ($2,686) The Coverts take so long to decide, Monty uses Tim’s stethoscope for a pulse. Patty perks up and decides…they’re taking the trip.

Perfect Nail29.98
The Skillet also was worth their total guess. Needless to say, they made the smart choice

Kathy Rogers (balloons, sunglasses and heart antenna)

She almost fainted when Monty walked by last time. Wake up! Here’s your chance at Brian’s small box. Krementz 14kt. Gold Mesh Link Bracelet. I’d usually tell you the price but…not yet. It could be worth a $25 Gift Certificate Envelope from KFC. Plus, whatever’s inside. Kathy wants to look inside: Not happening! She and her mother go back and forth. Kathy sticks with the bracelet. In the envelope…a $500 bill. And NO, you can’t have both, no matter how nice you say you are.

Here’s another idea: The White spotted Big Box on the Studio Floor. Kathy trades the bracelet in, so now we can reveal the price…$1,350. But inside the big box…a Kelvinator Washer/Dryer ($1,019)

Don’t sit down yet, Kathy! There’s one more trade to try. It’s Curtain #1! Her husband said, she came with nothing, it’s alright if you go home with nothing. The curtain is hers, and it’s….another BUCKET o’ CHICKEN and it’s a bit raw

After all that, Kathy still wants to trade again.

Find yourself a friend

Sayeth Mr. Hall


Patty and Tim$2,686
Valeria$25 and Running on Empty
KathyNot so Finger Lickin’ Good


The Colverts as expected get first crack, and they’re in. You’d think she wouldn’t be first here, but Kathy’s too nice to deny a second chance. She’s joined by Mom, sprouting matching antennae. Getting down to business…

Another sneak peek: Pinseeker Golf Clubs and Wimbledon Tennis Rackets. So far, that’s $1,421. Later we find Monty adds another $500 on top. ($1,921) Patty chose that (on advice from mother, Daddy needs a new set of clubs)

Just one prize…A Dicker & Dicker Davina Mink Jacket ($3,500) The Colverts choose Door Number…

Right place at the Right Time, their son is turning two soon. Patty and Tim are taking home Galaxy Carpeting, a Jerry Zellman Living Room Set and a Sharp 25″ TV. Grand total ($7,354)

Total Winnings: $9,312.70

Quickie Deals: Vincent, wearing an Olympic cap, can name Five Olympic Gold Medalists for $50 each. He gets it done with help from his wife next to him…and Kathy. Monty gets the torch, but he needs matches. No Luck.

The image of the three doors is from cwashington2019 on Deviantart.

Let’s Make a Deal is owned by Fremantle.