January 2025


Host: Jack Narz
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Who’s our “lovely young couple” today, Jack?

Sherry Garland (“frightened smile” (Sarcasm), married w/three kids, magnetic-tape typist)

Glenn Newsome (claims representative for an insurance company, single, graduate from Cal State-Northridge)

ROUND 1-Call 3 Game


  • 6 DINING-ROOM (Broyhill Early America)
  • 30 HOME WAVE (Toni)
  • 13 CANDY (Chick-o-Sticks)
  • 22 ESCAPE FOR TWO (Las Vegas @ California Hotel)

Sherry 13 and 10 Home Wave and 30 MADE IT WORK
19 Wine and 2 Candy and 13 MATCH (There’s the appetizer)
1 Wine and 19 CHEERS
11 Escape for Two and 27 Luggage and 22 ANOTHER COMEBACK
3 Com-pactor and 21 Take 1 Gift and 24 COMPACTOR
7 Take and 21 MATCH (just a precaution)
9 Luggage and 27 UNSTOPPABLE
25 C.B. Radio and 29 Sheets, Spreads and 5 Take
Glenn (finally) 6 and 28 Vacuum and 16 WILD! (chooses dining room)
5 Take and 20 Vacuum and 28 (Over $1,300)

ITS Chest 1 Off TH + Hose TH + Ink + Z

DOUBLE PLAY: Chevrolet Chevette

$100 Puzzle: “BAAAAA-Bull-Zing Scent Hills” “Balance Hills and Streams” NOPE!

Baa + Bull + Z Bank (Piggy) + Hill + S & Bee + DZ

ROUND 2-Back to 2 at a time


  • 10 MOTOR BIKE (7Up Un-Machine)
  • 16 BABY FR’SHNERS (Diaparene)
  • 14 CHEESE (Hoffman’s)
  • 27 ELECTRIC RANGE (Kelvinator)

Glenn 25 (Bonus Number) and 7 (Digital Watches)
Sherry 8 (Window Blinds) and 24 (Take)
Glenn 6 (Electric Range) and 28 (Sewing Machine)

Sherry 27 and 6 MATCH!
9 (Mini Library) and 21 (Bonus)
Glenn 25 and 21 THAT’S BETTER!
3 (Sewing Machine) and 28 MATCH!
11 (St’mware) and 12 (WILD!)
30 (WILD AGAIN!) and Motor Bike at 10
Who needs that Bonus Number?
4 (Take) and 17 (St’mware) and 20 (Window Blinds)
I spoke too soon
Sherry 7 and 24 (Wrong flashback)
Glenn 17 and a pass
Sherry 4 and 24 (Takes Sewing Machine)
18 (Mini Library) and 9 MATCH!
14 and 26 (Digital Watches)
Glenn 7 and 26 MATCH!
8 and 20 MEMORY!
11 (Take) and 17 NOT AGAIN!
Sherry 2 (Bonus) and 14
Glenn 23 (Cheese) and 14 MATCH!
Glad he didn’t blow that!
29 (Motor Bike) and Back to 17
Sherry 22 (Ladies Clothes) and 5 LUCKY!

Money Tube + Urn


Where’s the answer?

$100 Puzzle: “The Hole and…Games” GAME OVER!
THE Hole + Limb + Pick Games


Sherry: ELTON JOHN (in just 2 seconds)
“L” + Ton Jaw + N

Glenn: THE Auto-pen-doors, The Unopened Doors, and finally THE CARPENTERS (just mad it)
THE Car + Pen + Doors

Total Winnings
Sherry: $1,267
Glenn: $1,443

Concentration is owned by NBCUniversal, a division of Comcast.

JEOPARDY! (weekly syn.)-November 23, 1974

Host: Art Fleming
Announcer: Don Pardo

  • Beth Trachtenburg (Philadelphia, PA, freelance producer for movie/TV/industry)
  • Ron Foster (NYC, consultant, makes booklets for corporations and colleges)
  • Barbara Stein (Ossining, NY, nursery school teacher)

This nighttime version is played the same, but the stakes are higher. The champion’s score can translate to an extra bonus:


  • $5 to 995-1975 Compact Car
  • $1000 to 1495-1975 Luxury Car
  • $1500 to 1995-$10,000 Cash
  • $2,000 or over-$25,000 Cash



And there’s more, we have another bonus for the FIRST player to get all the clues in a single category.

BONUS: British Airways Show Tour

Beth picks first.

SB $10: Kind of film assoc. with actor “Harry Reems”, under real name, he also directs them
Ron: (Pause) Porno Films-What are porno films? (Art needed to remind him)

Colleges $10: Where J. (James) Meredith made headlines in ’62
Ron: What is the University of Mississippi? $20

$20: Founded in 1875, this Mormon Univ. prohibits coffee, tea, alcohol & tobacco
Ron: What is Brigham Young University? $40

$30: The largest engineering college in the South
Ron: What is Georgia Tech? $70

$40: German Center of Scholarship after Reformation, it’s educated many “student princes”
Ron: What is the University of Heidelberg? $110

$50: In 1756, this school’s Nassau Hall became lgst. academic building in colonies.
Ron: What is Princeton University? $160 and London

Transportation for $10: Wm. Harrah of Reno owns greatest coll. of “Vintage” ones
Ron: What are slot machines? $150
Barbara: What are antique cars? $10

Show Biz for $20: Mil. Junta in Chile banned this Topol film bec. of “Clear Marxist Tendency”
Beth: (After blanking) What is Z? -$20
Barbara: What is “Fiddler on the Roof”? $30

$30 (AUDIO DAILY DOUBLE): $50 Maximum
Film for which the foll. was distinctive theme
What was “The Third Man”? $80

Barbara: $80
Ron: $150
Beth: -$20

Show Biz for $40: Film “The Dragon Dies Hard” concerns this late star of martial arts movies
Barbara: Who is Bruce Lee? $120

$50: Fam. 19th C. Showman whose 1st name is Hebrew for “Mouth of Brass”
Barbara: Who is Spiegel? $70
Beth: Who is Phineas Barnum? $30

Odds and Ends for $10: Speed record for it is 220 WPM (words per minute) taken by a man using Gregg System
Ron: What is shorthand? $160

$20: Its main ingredient, Chicle, is obtained from sap of sapodilla tree
Beth: What is gum? $50

$30: Radar is now being used to find hidden burial chambers in these ancient wonders
Barbara: What are the Pyramids? $100

Children’s Stories for $10: Supposedly oldest version of this rhyme begins, “Little Miss Mopsey/Sat in the Shopsey”
Barbara: What is “Little Miss Muffet”? $110

$20: In this tale, 2 chamberlains pretend to lift monarch’s imaginary train
Barbara: The Emperor’s New-What is the Emperor’s New Clothes? $130

$30: E. (Eugene) Field wrote, “I’d…ruther be a boy, without sashes & curls” of this “Little Lord”
Barbara: Who is Fauntleroy? $160 (Tied in 1st)

$40: In her 3rd adventure, this heroine meets Tiktok, a mechanical man & Ozma
Barbara: Who is Alice in Wonderland? $120
Ron: Who is Dorothy? $200

Transportation for $20: Country in which rush hour crush is called “Rasshu awa”
Ron: What is Japan? $220

$30: In Eng., early ones were called “Dandy Horses” & “Swiftwalkers”
Barbara: What are bicycles? $150

Children’s Stories for $50: Hugh Lofting created this “Doctor” out of disgust for mistreatment of animals
Barbara: Who is Doctor Dolittle? $200

Time for $10: The nation will be on it from 10/27/74-2/23/75
Ron: What is Standard Time? $230

Odds & Ends for $40: “Point” that’s lower by 1 degree for every 550′ above sea level
Barbara: Dew Point (Phrasing made no difference) $160
Ron: What is the boiling point (of water)? $270

$50: From Greek for “Sacred Carving”, complete dict. of this kind of writing is now available
Ron: What are hieroglyphics? $320

Transportation for $40: In ’65, Grissom & Young made 1st manned flight in this program
Beth: What is the Apollo Program? $10
Ron: What is the Gemini Program? $360

$50: SW State in which 2nd Transcontinental Railroad link was completed in 1881
TRIPLE STUMPER (What is New Mexico?)

Time remains, $20: “Season in name of tides occurring when Sun, Moon & Earth are directly aligned
Beth: Spring, What is Spring? $30

$30: The Korean War & 6-Day War both began in this month
Beth: What is June? $60

  • Barbara: $160
  • Ron: $360
  • Beth: $60



Beth picks Famous Families for $20: Married name of Brit. Actress R. (Rachel) Kempson, Mother of Vanessa, Lynn & Corin
Beth: What is Redgrave? $80

$40: John D. IV, of this family, was originally mistaken for a revenuer in W. Virginia
Ron: Who are the Rockefellers? $400

$60: Relationship of younger son-in-law of 36th Pres. to wife of 33rd Pres.
Barbara: Who is the….son-in-law? $100
TRIPLE STUMPER Beth speaks without ringing in as buzzer comes up. (What is grandson?)

$80 (DAILY DOUBLE): $300
He became justice of Supreme Court of Mass. in 1882, one yr. after pub “The Common Law”
Who is Burke? $100 (Who is Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.?)

$100: Royal house that lasted thru Richard II before splitting into York & Lancaster branches
Ron: Who are the Plantagenet? $200

Bodies of Water for $20: 250,000 sq. mi. Canadian Bay, it’s felled with floating ice 9 mos. of yr. but doesn’t freeze
TRIPLE STUMPER (What is Hudson’s Bay?)

$40: Gandhi’s ashes were scattered where it is joined by Jumna River
Barbara: What is the Ganges? $140

Movies for $20: ‘tho he played (Clark) Gable role, Brando was orig. considered for Laughton role in its remake
Barbara: What is “Mutiny on the Bounty”? $160

$40: Habit that’s subject of 1 film starring J. (James) Caan & another starring E. (Elliot) Gould & G. (George) Segal
Ron: What is compulsive gambling? $240

Words for $20: From Greek for “Bed”, medical canter that’s either low cost of specialized
Beth: What is a clinic? $100

Movies for $60: ’59 Disney Film in which Tommy Kirk becomes an English sheepdog
Barbara: What is….Lad? $100 (She must’ve been flustered as she didn’t even know she got in first)
TRIPLE STUMPER (What is “The Shaggy Dog”?)

Words for $40: From Latin for “Foot of Crane”, a list of ancestors
Beth: What is hereditary? $60
Barbara: What is genealogy? $200
TRIPLE STUMPER (What is pedigree?)

$60: A lit. composition; pronounced diff., an attempt at something
TRIPLE STUMPER (What is essay?)

Movies for $80: F. (Fred) MacMurray’s execution scene was cut from this film whose title names a kind of ins. policy
Barbara: What is “Double Indemnity”? $140

$100: “Red River” was final picture referred to in title of this film set in Anarene, Texas
Barbara (after talking it through): What is “The Last Picture Show”? $240 (Tied with Ron again)

Bible for $20: At first, “Anguish of Spirit” & “Cruel Bondage” keep Israelites from listening to him
Barbara: Who is Moses? $260

$40: The “Hallelujah Psalms”, 111-118 were composed to be sung at this feast
TRIPLE STUMPER (What is Passover/Seder?)

$60: Name of beggar in Luke 16, it’s also name of man raised from dead in John 11
Barbara: Who is Lazarus? $320

$80: His “Books” & “Parchments”, mentioned in II Timothy, predate by 300 yrs. oldest existing N.T. Mss. (New Testament Manuscripts)
TRIPLE STUMPER (Barb late again, Who is Paul?)

$100 She’s 1st woman whose age is mentioned in the Bible, 90 yrs. in Genesis 17
Barbara: Who is Sarah? $420

American History for $20: Deposits of it were found near Los Angeles in 1842, 6 yrs. before major strike
Beth: What is gold? $80

$40: Words of this document were not revealed to public until 4 days after adoption
Barbara: What is the Constitution? $380
Ron: What is the Declaration of Independence? $280

Words for $80: A uniform pattern of behavior, from name of printing process that made exact copies
Ron: What is the stereotype? $360

$100: From late Latin “To be in danger”, a civilian who acts as a sentry
TRIPLE STUMPER (What is a sentinel?)

American History for $60: He spent night before 1776 execution in tent of Brit. officer he’d befriended
Barbara: Who is Benedict Arnold? $320
Ron: Who is Nathan Hale $420

  • Barbara: $320
  • Ron: $420
  • Beth: $80

As this point, the best the winner can get is the compact car.


Named from the Greek for “color”, this metallic element makes rubies red, etc.

Beth: What is iron? NO!
Wager: $20

Barbara: What is corundum? NO!
Wager: $320

Ron: What is chlorine? NO!
Wager: $220

Correct response: What is chromium?

Ron$200 (Plus London Tour and Chevy Vega Notchback)

Jeopardy! is distributed by CBS Media Ventures and Sony Television Studios.

MATCH GAME(syn.)-September 28, 1979

Host: Gene Rayburn
Announcer: Johnny Olson

George KennedyBrett SomersCharles Nelson Reilly
Judy LandersRichard Paul “Carter Country”Joyce Bulifant

Ron Daymond (ancient art dealer, married with w/two kids) 1

Laura Saldaval (L.A. County Deputy Sheriff, married w/13 mo. old daughter) 1


The card came from the producer, his hand only appearing. Showing the rest of him costs $52.50!

  • George: Eyes Laura Wins! (Ron: Slippers)

Ron can take a quick power nap before the next game.

CHAIN OF ________

Judy: Thieves
George: Events
Charles: Daisies (in Jamaican High School)
Brett objects, Charles’s response “You call it what you want, and I call it what I want.”



HEAD-TO-HEAD: George (comes short to the star)
________ MOVIES

Laura: Silent
George: DAMN!…SILENT ($5,500)

No silence with that win! In fact, it has woken Ron right out of his PJ’s.


Ron B: Larry said “My compact car is so small-(Do it right Gene) “My compact car is SOOOOOOO small,(HOW SMALL IS IT?) every time I stick the key in the ignition, I damage the ________.”

Ron: The Motor

TrunkFender Engine

Laura A: Did you hear that Long John Silver joined Alcoholics Anonymous? Now all John’s allowed to say is “Yo, Ho, Ho and a Bottle of ________.”

Laura: Milk

CokeCanada Dry Club SodaPerrier Water
* Mallox, the antacid


Ron A: Barbara said, “When my son was born, I knew right away he would be a Boy Scout. He tied a square know in his ________.”

Ron: His Leg (Complete BOO!)

Belly buttonUmbilicusUmbilical Cord

Laura B: Dumb Donald is really dumb. (HOW DUMB IS HE???!!!) He heard there was gonna be some grass at the party, (OOOOOHHHHHH!!) so he brought along a ________.

Laura: His Lawnmower

Lawn Mower Lawn Mower* Mower
Lawn Mower Lawn Mower Gardener
* Brett didn’t want to let down the Fuzz.

________ING POINT

Look for the glimmer in their eyes.

Joyce: Turn
Brett: Break
Richard: Vanish
Laura: TURN


Joyce is promised no tickets for a year.

HEAD-TO-HEAD #2: Charles ($10,000)

And Charles is asking what he’ll get if they win

LACK OF ________

Laura: Interest
Charles: Sleep ($6,000)

________ TOO LATE

This must be Charles’ community service

Steve Connelly (Dallas, TX): Never YEP! ($50)

Match Game is owned by Fremantle.


Host: Meredith Vieira

HOT SEAT: Tim Hsieh (Los Angeles, CA)

A new one for me, recapping an endocrinologist. Must be busy, but Tim still watches up to 5 hours of TV a day. It’s thanks to one of those “newfangled video disc devices”. We’ll see if it helps.


A naked person is commonly said to be “wearing his” what?

A: Birthday suitB: Holiday outfit
C: Rainy day coatD: Cape of backhair

Shield the kids’ eyes!

Tim chooses A, without a demonstration…YEP!


The United Kingdom’s flag is called the “Union” what?

A: MikeB: Bill
C: JackD: Rob

This Proud Colonist says C…JOLLY GOOD!


On the TV series “Knight Rider”, KITT is a talking what?

A: MotorcycleB: Sports car
C: Jet planeD: Speedboat

Guess “Knight Rider” is on his DVR, Mike locks in B…LAP COMPLETE!


Known for his unconventional hair, Don King is a famous promoter for what sport?

A: TennisB: Football
C: WrestlingD: Boxing

Tim’s final answer here is D…KO!


What singer made her feature film debut as Foxxy Cleopatra in “Austin Powers in Goldmember”?

A: Christina AguileraB: Beyoncé Knowles
C: Lil’ KimD: Gwen Stefani

He’s shagging towards B…“YEAH, BABY!” (Save the impressions for Rich Little, Mere.)

Tim about reaching the grand: “Can’t do any better”. Hey, have you forgotten the name of this show? Meredith notices that Dr. Tim looks young for 37. Two weeks back, a solicitor came to the door and asked “Are your parents home?” (They were.)


George Bush Intercontinental Airport is located in what Texas city?

A: AustinB: San Antonio
C: HoustonD: Dallas

Tim’s luck to have a cousin having a wedding this year. Final answer is C…(It was a good wedding night)…AND A GOOD ANSWER!


The theme song to TV’s “The Young and the Restless” is named in honor of what athlete?

A: Dorothy HamillB: Nadia Comaneci
C: Olga KorbutD: Peggy Fleming

He believes the theme was used by her in the Olympics. Tim goes with B…IT’S A 10!


In 1989, who did Time magazine name “Man of the Decade”?

A: Mikhail GorbachevB: Pope John Paul III
C: Deng XiaopingD: Ronald Reagan

The doctor must call for assistance

  • A: 35%
  • B: 30%
  • C: 6%
  • D: 29%

Gorbachev wasn’t Tim’s hunch, Reagan was. He figures Ron was in power for a longer time in the decade. We need a house call!

Leszek (could it be from Jeopardy!?)
He’s not acting like a “Master Mind” here…until the last 10 seconds. Then, he’s SURE.

Final answer A…RIGHT!

Is Tim’s success despite or because of the TV? YOU MAKE THE CALL!


“Dakota” is a Sioux word meaning which of the following?

A: HopeB: Abundance
C: LandD: Friend

Leszek can’t be Superman for this one.

B and D remain.

Anything would be a guess for Tim, but it’s worth the $7,000 risk. Final answer is D…The Gamblin’ Man…IS A WINNER!

The horns come just in time for Meredith to rest her heart.


For Tim, now he can relate to the folks in his waiting room. Don’t worry, TV comes AFTER work. Speaking of work…


By definition, a formicary is a dwelling for what animals?

A: AntsB: Bats
C: MolesD: Rats

“I think I know what this is.” No, it’s not a conspiracy. Tim figures how formic acid is made. There made be a root from Latin or Greek playing in this. Moles and rats don’t seem to fit. Tim makes his final answer A…“HOW DOES $32,000 SOUND?”


The 1971 jingle “I’d Like to Buy the World a Coke” was recorded by what pop group?

A: Blues ImageB: Looking Glass
C: The New SeekersD: Vanity Fare

One answer is jumping out to Tim he believes were recording something else at the time. Final answer is C…”I Hope Yes”…“YES, YES, YES!”

Meredith’s not a meanie…at least this time.


Traditional Punch and Judy puppet shows commonly feature a dog named what?

A: RollyB: Toby
C: BasilD: Scamp

Right, Tim, no more free guesses. Nothing is standing out to the doc. He’s checking out! (Right answer: B)

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.