Host: John Davidson
Announcer: Shadoe Stevens

X Jim Babbit (Redondo Beach, CA, general contractor)
O Sheila Taylor (3-Day Champion)

The first question isn’t from John, it’s from a young fan for ALF. “Where is Melmak?”
Answer: Take a left at Andromeda

Round 1

Jim first
1 ALFie: According to Webster’s dictionary, what do you call a person who wears lots of makeup, dresses in tights, is very light on his feet and makes weird gestures with his hands.
“A Traffic Cop in Hollywood”
Guess: A mime
Jim agrees X
2 Arleen: What is that on your head?
I can tell you, it’s a silver colored baseball glove and bat (“GO METS!”)
Real Question: What country can we thank for giving us the turkey?
Guess: Italy
Sheila disagrees O (U.S., Arlene “I knew that”)
3 Charles: Young people love them, but a University of Georgia report describes them as being sexist violent and male-dominated. What are they?
Pat Sajak and Vanna White

Guess: Soap Operas
Jim agrees O (Music Videos, Charles: Don’t call on me)
4 Tempestt: The question is about her TV brother, Malcolm Jamal-Warner. We asked Malcolm who his dream date would be. If it could be anyone in the whole world, who do you think he said?
Guess: Whitney Houston
Shiela disagrees

Malcolm is on the phone with his answer: Janet Jackson O, and Tempestt objects. Malcolm says Whitney’s too old.
5 Christopher to block: He’s with a live penguin from Marineland. It’s called a Jackass Penguin. (Don’t read into that Christopher). What is special about jackass penguins?
“It’s a penguin that still believes in the stork.”
Guess: They make a noise like a jackass
Jim disagrees X (Warm Weather Penguins, and Christopher can tell)
6 Ed to block: He says the network is giving him a spinoff “Corner Square”.
Question: According to the Wall Street Journal, there is a habit that provides much pleasure to many young children, but it’s also gained great popularity among adults. What is t?
“Having a pretty nurse take your temperature.”
Guess: Thumb sucking
Sheila disagrees WRONG

I don’t write ’em folks, I just read ’em.

John’s response

7 Ed to win: According to Webster’s Dictionary, is there any real difference between being dumb and being stupid?
“Fooling around with your wife is stupid, getting caught is dumb.”
Guess: Yes
Jim agrees O
8 Zsa Zsa to win: Ms. Gabor has three wrenches on her desk. First, an open end, then a crescent, and finally a pipe wrench. As if she’s ever seen then before.
Question: Which one would a plumber use on your elbow joint?
“Why would he use that on me?”
No, Zsa Zsa, it’s the elbow joint under the sink.
Alf: “She uses them to remove her rings.”
Guess: The Pipe wrench
Sheila agrees WIN!

Secret Square: Trip to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho (via Spokane WA, Western; 6n@ Coeur d’Alene)

Jim’s up
1 ALFie: According to scientists at NASA, intelligent life may very well have existed there once, but very unlikely today. Where?
“Network TV offices”
“Only kidding. I wouldn’t bite the paw that fed me.”
Guess: Mars
Jim agrees X
2 Ed: Where would you have to go to see the highest peaks in North America?
“The Playboy Mansion”
Guess: Mt. McKinley
Sheila agrees O (In Alaska)
If he got it right, why’s he trying to jump.
Charles: “Think of your spinoff.”
3 Tempestt: According to a survey by the Bel Air Prep School, which quality did the kids say they most want in a teacher?
A) Easy to talk to
B) Easy grader
C) The one who gives little homework
Guess: A
Jim agrees X
4 Ken to block: A large gregarious colorful baboon, what’s its name?
Guess: Orangutan
Sheila agrees WRONG (Mandrill)
5 Ken to win: Dent, sweet, flint, pop, flower, and pod are all what?
Guess: Types of rock
Jim disagrees TIE GAME! (Types of corn)
Secret Square: Zsa Zsa

Round 3

Sheila starts
1 ALF: What has over 600 muscles and 206 bones?
“One of those fast food fish sandwiches.” For the record, Alf doesn’t eat them. “I eat the box they come in”
Guess: The Human Body
Sheila agrees O
2 Nell, performing at the Tropicana (horn): According to Cosmopolitan, what is the absolute worst place to have a fight?
“In the delivery room”
Guess: In the Bedroom
Jim agrees X
We’re tied at $600, Sheila holds fate in her hands.
3 Ken to decide: The great Michelangelo, was that his first name, last name or his only name?
Guess: Last Name
Sheila agrees X (First Name) JIM WINS!

Sheila’s Grand Total: $4,200 in Cash and Trips to NYC & St. Thomas

Car Cavalcade: ISUZU

  • Impulse
  • I-Mark Sedan
  • Pickup
  • LS Space Cab
  • Trooper II

“I need that truck” as he was reaching in the bowl. Jim is talking about the LS Space Cab. ($11,029) Zsa Zsa must be good luck, right.


Jim: “Maybe it has a dead battery” Nice try! The bad news, he won’t be playing for that truck again. Good news, there’ll be a new set of wheels for Jim to play for. And of course, a new set of faces.

  • Robin Leech
  • Roseanne Barr
  • Gil Gerard
  • Robert Walden, Paul Regina and Brandon Maggart (from “Brothers”)
  • Garrett Morris (Hunter)
  • Jan Stephenson
  • Delta Burke
  • Joanna Kerns
  • Charo

Hollywood Squares is owned by King World Productions a part of CBS Media Ventures.


Season 1
Week 1 (September 10-14)



  • Bart Braverman: 8
  • Brett Somers: 8
  • Charles Nelson Reilly: 5
  • Eva Gabor: 5
  • Bill Daily: 5
  • Fannie Flagg: 7


  • 4
  • 2

Matched whole panel: 2 (Both 9/10)




  • $500: 3
  • $250: 1
  • $100: 1
  • $0: 1


Bart1 ($5,000)11-0
Brett2 ($5,000 and $2,500)21-1
Eva1 ($5,000)00-1
Fannie1 ($1,000)01-0


  • $10,000: 2-0
  • $5,000: 0-2
  • $1,000: 1-0

Biggest Winners: Rose Welch (9/10-11) and Karen Curtis (9/11-13) ($10,500)

Players who won nothing: Isetta Seberhagen (9/13-14)

Week 2 (September 17-21)



  • David Doyle: 9
  • Brett Somers: 8
  • Charles Nelson Reilly: 6
  • Debralee Scott: 6
  • Dick Martin: 8
  • Patty Duke Astin: 8


  • 4
  • 2

Matched whole panel: 3 (9/17*, 19 and 20)




  • $500: 3
  • $250: 1
  • $100: 0
  • $0: 2


David1 ($5,000)00-1
Debralee1 ($5,000)00-1
Dick1 ($2,500)00-1
Patty1 ($1,000)01-0


  • $5,000: 1-2
  • $2,500: 0-1

Biggest Winner: Sheryl Svensen (9/20-21) ($5,500)

Players who won nothing: Frank Lockett (9/19-20) and Annie Dale (9/20-21)

Week 3 (September 24-28)



  • George Kennedy: 6
  • Brett Somers: 3
  • Charles Nelson Reilly: 5
  • Judy Landers: 4
  • Richard Paul: 2
  • Joyce Bulifant: 5


  • 4
  • 2


On Their Own11


  • $500: 4
  • $250: 0
  • $100: 1
  • $0: 1


George1 ($5,000)1-0
Charles2 (Both $5,000)11-1
Judy1 ($1,000)11-0
Richard1 ($5,000)0-1


  • $5,000: 2
  • $2,000: 1

Biggest Winner: Forrisy Hogan (9/24-25) ($7,600)

Players who won nothing: Michael Mathison (9/24-25), Gypsy Gilliam (9/26-27) and Ron Daymond (9/27-28)

Week 1: $16,100
Week 2: $6,750
Week 3: $14,100


Match Game is owned by Fremantle.

TO TELL THE TRUTH-January 8, 1957 (4th episode)

Host: Bud Collyer
Announcer: Bern Bennett
Celebrity Panel:

  • Polly Bergen
  • Hume Cronyn
  • Hildy Parks
  • Dick Van Dyke

FIRST GUEST: Ricky Starr, #1 and #3 are male, #2 is female.

I, Ricky Starr am a professional wrestler with a current string of 136 consecutive wins.  As a professional ballet dancer, I once appeared as a soloist with the St. Louis Municipal Opera and I have also danced with the Ballet Russe de Monte Carlo.  My hobby is cooking, and I have a library of more than 500 books on the subject.  I swear that the above statement is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth

Signed, Ricky Starr

#1: What kind of a theatre is the St. Louis Municipal Opera?
In a deep voice, I heard “The Midwestern Opera Company”.  It’s a regular theater
#2 agrees.
#3 says is the one of the largest outdoor theaters in the world.

#3: “What is an entashaw?”
French for weave.
#3: “What is a pas de deux”
A dance for two
#3: What is Lichine’s first name?
What is Eglevsky’s first name?
André and Hume’s run out

#2: “When you were with the Ballet and warming up, how long a barre did you do every day?”
At least 20 minutes, generally starting with basic five positions and adaptions into other steps.
“What do you have to do to win a wrestling match?”
Accomplish two out of three Falls

#1: What is an arabesque?
To raise your leg
“What did you do at St. Louis Mun. Opera?”
Danced as a Ballet Dancer. He got to Monte Carlo through an audition for a tour.

#1: “Is the wrestling champion of the world amateur or professional?”
All three say professional!
#1: Is the hammerlock legal?
All say yes.

#3: “Who is Mrs. Beeton”
Don’t know, #2 says wife of Cecil Beeton, while #1 says the wife of Arthur Beeton
#3: “Who is Peggy Harvey?”
#3 and #2 both stumped

Herself: “Who is Mrs. Beeton?”
#1: “Who wrote the Joy of Cooking”
He and #2 are stumped.
#3: “What is the meaning of Saute”
He says a small jump, Hilby meant cooking.  It’ll have to be left in the kitchen.

#1: “What is Saute?”
“Something you do in the skillet”
“Were you ever a singer”
Only in the bathtub
“Who’s recognized as the greatest male ballet dancer?”

#2 “Saute”
To fry in butter
“How long have you been a professional wrestler”
About four years
“What made you go into it?”
After her dancing, she became very friendly with a wrestler who showed me a few holds.
Hey, this is 1957, no room for that kind of smut

#2: Name of couple of your cookbooks. 
There’s the Fannie Farmer series and Meta Given’s Encyclopedia of Cooking, and one by Escoffier.


Polly: #3 (“I don’t know”)
Hume: #3
Hilby: #3
Dick: #2

#3 ($250, Dick shot himself in the foot)

#1: Nicola Mocorner, boss of the Metropolitan Opera

#2: Barbara Terry, Avon Sales Lady from NYC

Dick gets Nicola to sing for real and Polly wants to see Ricky do a dance.  In a small stage, he manages a great series.  Also his trademark in the ring.  Hume’ll send copies of Mrs. Beeton and Peggy Harvey to him.  Polly’s disappointed she didn’t get to wrestle Barbara.

SECOND GUEST: Patricia Saddleman

I, Patricia Saddleman, am the receptionist in Jackie Gleason’s office.  I am also secretary to all of Jackie’s fan clubs and as such read and answer all of his fan mail.  I was a beauty contest winner.  At one time in my career, I was a professional dancer and I have appeared in three motion pictures.  I am an ardent New York Yankee fan.  Incidentally, I have an identical twin sister.  I swear the above statement is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Signed, Patricia Saddleman

#1: “What is your name?”
Let’s try again
“What is your sister’s name”
#2: “You are Jean Saddleman, What is you sister’s name” Ann
#1 “Where were you born?”
Syracuse, New York

#3 “Do you also have an identical twin?”
Easy yes
“Who is the Producer of the Jackie Gleason Show”?
Jack Hurdle, the others agree
#1: “Who is Jackie Gleason’s personal manager?”
Louis Durcum
#2: “Who is Jackie Gleason’s director?”
Frank Satenstein

#3: “Where did you make your pictures?”
In New York at Paramount Studios
“Who was your cameraman”
She can’t remember, she was only five.
#3: “Have you got an agent?”
No, and Hume’s stumped

#3: “Where was this beauty contest?”
New York City also when she was five.  The movies came right behind it.
#1: “Where was your beauty contest?”
McConnellsville, New York. Sister Jean was there, too.
“How come they picked you?”

#2: “Who directed Jackie Gleason’s show last Saturday?”
Frank Satenstein again, #3 doesn’t know and #1 agrees with 2.
#2: “Where were you born?”
Bayside, Long Island 
“Where was Ann born?”
I don’t know (That was Number 2, Dick)

#2: “Where is Ann?”
Can’t tell you, her Dad doesn’t know either.
#1: After correcting whose sister is whose “Who is Jackie Gleason’s agent?”
Neither #1 or #3 seem to know.

#3: “What agency represents him?”
Music Corporation of America (MCA), Jerry Katz
“Where is Mr. Gleason’s office?”
The Park Sheraton Hotel, and she works there.
“What are your office hours?” (Polly chimes in, “And What are you doing Later?”) 
9:30 to 5:30, there is a coffee break

#3: “Who sponsors the Jackie Gleason show?”
Bulova and Old Gold
“What is the name of the poodle of Jackie Gleason’s secretary?”
Muffet or Moffit
“How many floors in your office?”
#2: “Where were the motion pictures were made that you appeared?”
In Hollywood TIMES UP!


  • Polly #3 (First time I’m positive, so I’m wrong)
  • Hume: #3
  • Hildy: #3
  • Dick: #3


Her real twin sister, Janet, is in Ohio.

#1: Ann Harden, a housewife from McConnellsville, as she said.

#2: Jean Creelamn, housewife from Bayside, Long Island

Frankly, the whole panel thinks they’re all triplets.  Polly confirms that Patricia’s sister really wasn’t in the same beauty contest.  The movies Patricia starred in were like the Little Rascals.

Oh wait, no score!  That’s okay, they’ll each get $50 for their work.

Good night from:

  • Sheena, Queen of the Jungle
  • Jessica Tandy
  • Anastasia
  • Mickey McGuire

To Tell the Truth is owned by Fremantle.

CONCENTRATION (syndicated)-(first taped episode of Season 4)

Host: Jack Narz
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Nancy Langley (temporary retired computer programmer, 8-month old girl, Mercedes Elizabeth, plans to stay a stay at home Mom for 7 years)
Millie Zoloto (“Hopefully” permanently retired secretary, now in calligraphy)



  • 11 LIVING ROOM (Broyhill)
  • 20 RICE MIX (Rice-a-Roni)
  • 2 COFFEE (Taster’s Choice)
  • 23 STEREO SYSTEM (Panasonic Series 2000)

Nancy 25 (Mantle Clock) and 28 (Take 1 Gift)
Millie 6 (Bonus Number) and 15 (WILD!)
5 (Take 1 Gift) and 26 (Rice Mix) and 29 (Rods and Reels)
Nancy 20 & 26 MATCH!
22 (Living Room) and 11 MATCH!
9 (Vacuum) and 18 (Coffee)
Millie 18 & 2 MATCH!
4 (Love Stories [80 Books]) and 19 (Take 1 Gift)
Nancy 5 & 19 (but can only have the coffee)
12 (Mantle Clock) and 29 OOPS!
Millie 9 and 27 (Love Stories)
Nancy 4 & 27
13 (Bonus Number) and 7 (WILD!)
24 (Bonus Number) and 21 on the buzzer LUCKY!
25 and 8 (Take 1 Gift) and 12 MATCH! (Coming up to $2,000)
16 (Vacuum) and 9 MATCH!


W + Her + King Oar + OW + nd The K + Lock

DOUBLE PLAY: Chevrolet Chevette 3 dr. Hatchback

$100 Puzzle: Heart Boiled…HARD-BOILED EGGS (6 sec. left)
Heart B + Oil + d “X”

Car Puzzle: The Hatfields Battled TIME!
The Hat + F + Heel + DZ Bat + Till + d The Mug + OIZ
The Hatfields Battled The McCoys

It’s nice to see you in the flesh.

Millie to Jack as we come back



  • 27 WASHER & DRYER (Speed Queen)
  • 10 HOME WAVE (Toni)
  • 18 CAT FOOD (Tabby)
  • 6 VEGAS WEEK (@ Union Plaza)

Millie 3 (Lamps) and 20 (Bonus Number)
Nancy 2 (Take) and Back to 18
Millie 9 (Take) & Back to 2 MATCH!
5 (Bonus Number) and 18
Nancy 20 & 5 MATCH!
28 (Bonus) and 12 LUCKY!
21 (P’cases, Sheets) and 14 (Mattress Set) and 8 (Hot Tray) and 1
Millie 11 (WILD!) and 6 for Vegas
15 (Year of Flowers) and 4 (P’cases, Sheets)
Nancy 21 & 4 MATCH!
30 (Take) and 22 LUCKY! (Claims Vegas)
19 (Hot Tray) and 8 MATCH!
10 and 26 (Mattress Set)
Millie 3 and 29 (Home Wave)
Nancy 10 & 29 MATCH!
13 (Lamps) & 3 MATCH!
17 (Stone-ware) & 1 MATCH!
18 and 23 (Year of Flowers) UH-OH!
Millie 23 & 15 MATCH!


“U” Can + t B + Lei + M Egg + Eye 4 T + Rye + Ink

And Millie has already walked over behind Jack.


$100 Puzzle: I WANNA BELOVED BY YOU (Halfway Done)
Eye 1 + Na Bee Loaf + D B + Eye “U”
Jack almost said Name That Tune. “That Guy with the funny name would be mad at me”.

Car Puzzle: Magellan was…TIME!
Match + “L” + Hen wuh + Sun Axe + PL + Oar + Ear
…An Explorer

Millie’s Total: $300
Nancy’s Total: $2,170

Concentration is owned by NBCUniversal, a division of Comcast.

MATCH GAME(syndicated)-September 14, 1979

Host: Gene Rayburn
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Bart Braverman “Vega$”Brett SomersCharles Nelson Reilly
Eva GaborBill DailyFannie Flagg

Jack Daniels (Providence RI, country radio DJ on vacation)

Jack is about to play the Super Match, but he’s got a story to tell. About 8-9 years ago, he was stuck in traffic for over an hour (felt like a year). When he and his wife finally got home, they hear that Gene’s car had caught on fire! So thanks for “Spending an hour on 95”.

YES SIR ________

Brett: That’s My Baby
Charles: Your Honor (not amused)
Bill: “You’re not picking on me”
Changes to Bart: Arafat


$250NO SIR

________ OF DIAMONDS

Eva has the confidence to trust the panel’s opinions before putting the car in the slot.

Jack: Ace

Go on your own next time, Eva. Onto Game #2

Isetta Seberhagen (Mt. Prospect, IL, flight attendant, married to “Super Man” Fred, 11 m.o. son Brett and another on the way)

Isetta A: The bank personnel officer said, “I’ll tell you why I’m not hiring that weirdo. he put down ________’s name as a reference.”

Isetta: Bert Lance
Charles is sick of the Nixon jokes, which Bart answers “This is the Carter Error, not a Nixon Error”

Bert Lance Bert Lance*Al Capone
My NameJohn HancockNixion
*-Mr. Let the Chips fall Where they Lay Lance

Jack B: Gloria said to the psychiatrist, “Doc, you’ve got to help me. My husband thinks he’s a dog. Every night in bed, he ________”

Jack: After a long thought…”He Whines”

Pushes his wet nose in my earPlays DeadRolls Over and Plays Dead
barksBuries My BonesRolls Over & Plays Dead

Round 2

Isetta A: Did you hear that there is a new stock market for babies? At the close, diapers were ________.

Isetta: Down

dry Down dropping*
*Buzzed first but a booing from the audience changed his mind.

John B: The psychiatrist says, “My next patient thinks he’s a refrigerator, and I’m beginning to believe him. Whenever he opens his mouth, I see a ________ in it.”

John: A lightbulb

Piece fruitLight A 25 watt appliance bulb
ice cubeLight Bulb Little Light


Since we’re pressed for time, we going to do a sudden death tie-breaker. Both players and panel will write down their answers. The first player to match wins.

________ IRELAND

Bart: The Hills of X
Brett: Dublin John Wins (Isetta: Jill)
Nothing for Isetta but the parting gifts.

NOTHING BUT ________

Charles: The Truth
Brett: The Best
Fannie: Trouble


HEAD-TO-HEAD: Brett ($5,000)
STATE YOUR ________

John: Point (Audience soundly supported Name)
Brett: Case X

John’s Final Total: $750

Say goodbye to Brett, who Charles announces has a bridal veil on for her new show. “The Virgin Bride”.

Match Game is owned by Fremantle.

WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE? (Recorded: October 28, 2002)

Host: Meredith Vieira

Right after a Kathy walked away with $8,000 even though she knew the answer.

HOT SEAT: Kevin Lipton (Ft. Lauderdale, FL)

This is a homecoming for Kevin who spent his childhood in “The Greatest City in the World”. First in Brooklyn, then Queens, before the Great Southern borough of South Florida.


According to the lyrics of a classic Tom Jones song, “It’s not unusual to be loved by” whom?

A: AnyoneB: Everything
C: SomebodyD: Larry King

Kevin heard more than a few women liked Larry, but he believe Tom sang A…RIGHT!


A person cornrows her hair by doing what to it?

A: Curling itB: Braiding it
C: Bleaching itD: Dyeing it

Final answer this time is B…GOT IT!


The cartoon trio Alvin, Simon, and Theodore are better known by what name?

A: The RugratsB: The Care Bears
C: The RescuersD: The Chipmunks

“I think David Seville would say D”…no he’d say ALLLLLLLLLLVINNNNNN!! But D is correct.


According to a popular saying, what object is “mightier than the sword?”

A: The penB: The shield
C: The hearthD: The head

A it is…FOUR DOWN!


Bob Dole served for almost 28 years as a U.S. senator from what state?

A: IowaB: Missouri
C: KansasD: Oklahoma

Final Answer is C…Meredith apologizes because you’ll have to wait for the next question. GRAND GUARANTEED

We meet Kevin’s proud parents, Stanley and Renee, in the support seats


What adjective is used to describe a material that can be broken down by microorganisms?

A: BiohazardousB: Biodegradable
C: BiodiverseD: Biotic

Good question for a nurse like Kevin. Biotic is out, Biohazard means toxic, and biodiverse refers to the diversity of the biosphere. Has to be B for Biodegradable…His chances aren’t crumbling


In 2002, what TV journalist had a well-publicized eyelift before launching her latest news show?

A: Paula ZahnB: Judy Woodruff
C: Connie ChungD: Greta Van Susteren

Having no idea, Kevin hopes the audience is “New York Intelligent”.

  • A: 7%
  • B: 3%
  • C: 29%
  • D: 61%

“I trust you guys” Final Answer is D…AND IT’S GOOD NEWS!


Martin Luther King Jr. was born in what U.S. city?

A: Memphis, TNB: Mobile, AL
C: Atlanta, GAD: Jackson, MS

King Center is in Atlanta, King died in Memphis. “You guys make some great questions.”


Unfortunately, Drew is completely silent. At the very end he says a meek C.

Right now, Kevin’s just glad to qualify, so he’ll go for it. C it is…Thanks for not breaking Meredith’s heart. RIGHT AGAIN!


The Avedis Zildjian Company is the world’s leading maker of what?

A: Knitting needlesB: Model trains
C: DiceD: Cymbals

This time, he can thank concerts. He can see the drums with the name on the shiny things. D is the final answer…AND DADDY’S SMILING!

All Meredith can say is Kevin’s a nice guy who’s not finishing last.


In 2002, what comic strip introduced the character Chip Gizmo, a computer specialist?

A: DoonesburyB: Dilbert
C: Non SequiturD: Beetle Bailey

They’re all favorites of his. The one he remembers that had a naming contest for a new character for a new century. His final answer is D…don’t need to know how he knew. HE JUST DID!


In the classic silent movie “Battleship Potemkin,” what is shown rolling down the Odessa Steps?

A: Open umbrellaB: Baby carriage
C: Flower cartD: Wheelchair

Even though Kevin’s sure it’ll be B and D.

A and B

He can’t see an umbrella rolling down Odessa. After a little hesitation, he locks in B. Meredith has the check for $32K in her head…but not for long. KEVIN’S RIGHT AGAIN!

“You dog, you” Our hostess is tearing up.


Thought to be Earth’s oldest living tree, the 4,700-year old Methuselah is what kind of tree?

A: PineB: Redwood
C: OakD: Joshua

Kevin would say B, if he actually wanted to go for it. Meredith almost tries to take a chance. He does think about it, but ultimately walks away. “Chalk it up to a wonderful time”. The right answer…A

Who Wants to be a Millionaire? is owned by Embassy Row, a division of Sony Pictures Television.


Host: John Davidson
Announcer: Shadoe Stevens

O DD Alton (3-Day Total: $3,800 and two trips)
X Marc Stone (Los Angeles, account manager for office machines)

Round 1

1 Milton: To Dr. Ruth Westheimer, what is good sex?
“At George Burns’ age, anything”
Guess: Must be referring to her book.
Marc agrees X
2 Lynn: According to biblical experts, it is described as a “Divine occurrence beyond the power of man”. What do we commonly call it?
“The Success of Wheel of Fortune”

Guess: A Revelation
DD disagrees O (A miracle)
3 Louie:

Louie: Why am I in the third tier?
John: Because we want to see it wobble.
Louie: Neither of us can talk.

Question: What is hippophobia?
“When I’m in your backyard.”
Guess: Fear of Hippos
Marc disagrees X (Fear of Horses)
4 Jan-Michael to block: According to folklore, what does it mean if your ears are burning?
“Your hair is on fire”
Guess: You’re going to hear from an old friend
DD disagrees O (Someone’s talking about you)
5 Charlotte to block:

When she plays the witch, she doesn’t use makeup.

Milton on Charlotte’s upcoming Halloween special

Question: Who wrote Frankenstein?
“Nobody. That’s why he had such a rotten time at camp.”
Guess: Mary Shelley
Marc agrees X
6 Kareem: In Mythology, what was the drink of the gods?
“Bud Light”
Guess: Ambrosia
DD disagrees O (Nectar)
Both players are 3-for-3 so far.
7 Heidi to block: True or false? According to watermelon experts, the bigger your melons, the better.
“Especially in this business”
Guess: False
Marc agrees X (Medium or better)
8 Little Richard to block: According to fashion experts, what’s wrong with mixing gold and silver?
Guess: After a long wait…makes you look very rich. Nothing’s wrong
DD agrees O
9 Mike to decide:

There’s a motorcycle cop (Mr. Powell of the California Highway Patrol) here to read Mike his rights:

You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can or will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to refuse a search. You have the right to speak with an attorney and have an attorney present with you while you’re being questioned. If you cannot afford to hire an attorney, one will be appointed to represent you before questioning if you wish.

Question for someone who starred on three police shows: What right shouldn’t have been there?
After a repeat, The Search line
Marc agrees WIN!

Secret Square Round: 6d Windjammer Barefoot Bahamian Cruise (via Nassau; Eastern)

DD’s up
1 Louie: Where do we get most of our maple syrup?
“Safeway Aisle 6”
Guess: Maine
DD disagrees O (Vermont)
2 Heidi: Scientists reporting in USA Today claim that you see chickens try to fly and pigs jump over fences just before a certain event. What even is that?
“A Barbecue”
Guess: A tornado
Marc disagrees X (Earthquake)
3 “Uncle Milty”: According to the New Testament, what is it that will set you free?
“Bran Muffins”
Guess: Love
DD disagrees O (The Truth)
4 Jan-Michael to block: There is a well-known Japanese word that means “the Divine Wind”. What do we call it?
(Something in Japanese)
Guess: Sushi
Marc disagrees X (Kamikaze)
5 Mike: Yakitori, Maguro and Kaki are things you might find where?
“In Fresno around the dairy farms, the farmers get it on their boots.”
Guess: Cities in Korea
DD disagrees O (Japanese Restaurants)
Marc has two spots to block, and if he gets either one, we’re in sudden death.
6 Kareem to block AND Secret Square ($3,288): Who said “Nice guys finish last?” Was it Vince Lombardi, Leo Durocher or General George S. Patton?
Guess: “Daffy Duck” Durocher
Marc agrees YOU MEANIE! X
Lynn will decide this. Do you know what you’ve done, Marc?

7 Lynn to win: A musical question, give us the next line:

More than the greatest love the world has known

Guess: I cannot go on living alone (Not her key)
DD disagrees TIE MATCH! (“This is the love I give to you alone”)

To recap: Both players have played eight questions and gotten eight right.

Round 3

Marc first
1 Uncle Milty: The Constitution limits the President to 8 years in office, but could George Bush serve for the next 20 years (as V.P.)?
“Sure but who would ever know?”
Guess: No
Marc disagrees X (Vice Presidents have no term limit)
2 Lynn: According to a new study in L.A. Daily News, what is more fattening: Eating 500 calories of chocolate ice cream or 500 cal. of rye bread?
Guess: “500 calories is 500 calories”
Milton: “What a relief”
DD disagrees O (Ice Cream, calories from fats are more than carbs)
3 Louie: What is a jib boom?
“It’s a sound you make when you drop a jib.”
Speaking of sound, the horn goes off. This decides the game.
Guess: A fish
Marc disagrees WIN! (Part of a sailboat)
It’s 19-0!

DD’s grand total: $4,400 Plus the Trips
Marc has $700 in cash.

One last choice, find the Mazda that’ll fit the key from the bowl.

  • RX-7
  • 626 4-Door
  • B2000 Truck
  • 323
  • 626 Sports Coupe

Marc’s choice is the RX-7, and for good luck Kareem. Too bad they fit.


Only wrong guess for the whole day. Marc won’t have to be perfect again tomorrow. He just has to win try for the cars again.

Hollywood Squares is owned by King World Productions a part of CBS Media Ventures.


Host: Al Roker
Announcer: Burton Richardson


“A true blue collar throwdown”

Bill Engvall (playing for the Brent Eley House): Bill, Gail (wife of 45 yrs.), Emily (daughter), Travis (son) and Jeanne (mother)
Larry the Cable Guy (Whitney) (playing for the Arnold Palmer Children’s Hospital of Orlando): Larry the Cable Guy, Cara (sis…err wife), Tom (brother who does Soloflex commercials), Debbie (sister) and Shirley (171 y.o. Mom)

Bill and Larry have already guaranteed the top prize of $50K for both charities. This game is just for bragging rights.

Round 1: Top 6 Answers

Tell me a traffic sign that best describes your love life.
Larry: Yield #2 (24)
Bill: What he hears all the time, Stop #1 (33)

  • Gail: No Parking
  • Emily: Sharp Turns Ahead
  • Travis: Handicapped Spot

The Whitneys to Steal: “A Go Sign”…#3 or Close Enough. It’s 57 points.


Round 2: Top 7 Answers

Give me another word for “throw up”.
Gail: Puke #2 (15)
Cara: Vomit #1 (57)

  • Tom: Barf #4 (7)
  • Debbie: Regurgitate #3 (10)
  • Shirley: Sickly
  • Larry: Ralphs
  • Cara: Upchucks #5 (4)
  • Tom: Cookies

Engvalls to Steal: Hurl…#6 scores 93.


TRIPLE ROUND: Top 4 Answers

Name a fib men tell about themselves at singles bars.
Tom: “They’re Rich” #2 (31)
Emily: “They’re Single” #1 (34)

  • Travis: Car
  • Jeanne: “I’m Hung” GRANDMA!!! #3 (23)
  • Bill: Their Age (Sweep for the Game, 381)


“Big Screen Bombshell” vs. “The Diva Queen of Comedy”

Vivica A. Fox (playing for the American Red Cross) Vivica A. “Team Captain of Team Foxy”, “Suggie” Alecia (sister), “Sarge” Marvin (brother), Sharday (niece) and “Sandman” William (brother)
Mo’Nique Jackson (playing for Crystal Stairs) Mo’Nique, Sidney (husband), Eric (cousin), Rodney (Soul Brother #1) and Terence (very available cousin)

We know all the answers. If we don’t, we gonna cheat.

Mo’Nique backstage

Al is afraid this will end badly.

Round 1: Top 7 Answers

Name something Donald Trump has that’s big.
Mo’Nique: Bank Account #1 (35)

  • Sidney: Hotels #2 (26, w/Casinos)
  • Eric: Houses #5 (6)
  • Rodney: Jewelry
  • Terence: Cars
  • Mo’Nique: Toupees, and she ain’t kidding #3 (13, just hair)
  • Sidney: Ego #6 (5)
  • Eric: Clothing

Foxes to Steal: Aircraft… Mo’Nique’s family gets 85.

And they ignored William saying Trump Tower

Round 2: Top 5

Name something men never remember that women never forget.
Sidney: Put the toilet seat down #5
Alecia: Anniversary #1
Marvin said their Mom never allowed too many dates around the house.

  • Marvin: Valentine’s Day
  • Sharday: Wedding Vows
  • William: Paying Bills

Mo’Nique to steal: Taking out the Trash Vivica’s family scores 57.


TRIPLE ROUND: Top 4 answers

Name something that breaks out.
Marvin: “Teenagers…Acne, baby.” #1 (70, Skin/Face)

  • Sharday: Inmates (24)
  • William: Animals
  • Vivica: ________
  • Alecia: ________

Mo’Nique to decide: A breakout performance… Foxes get it with 339.


FINALS: Fox vs. Engvall
Round 1: Top 6 Answers

Tell me a place where you deliberately lied…
Bill (too soon):
…to save your skin.
Vivica: The Police #4 (16)

  • Alecia: On the Job #1
  • Marvin: Confrontation
  • Sharday: Your Parents #2 (17, Counts as home)
  • William: Court of Law #3 (17)
  • Vivica: School #5 (15)
  • Alecia: Church (Complete, 90 Total)

Round 2: Top 6 again

Name something every good couch potato needs.
Gail: Remote #1 (52, w/TV)
You see, it’s worth waiting to hear the whole question.

  • Emily: Junk Food #2 (25, all Food/Drink)
  • Travis: A Good Couch #3 (8, w/Chair)
  • Jeanne: Blankie
  • Bill: Comfortable Clothes
  • Gail: Pillows #4 (4)
  • Emily: A Friend #5 (3)
  • Travis: A Good Movie

Foxes to steal: TV Guide Engvalls take a two-point lead.


TRIPLE ROUND: Top 4 answers

Name something that gets ripped.
Marvin: Clothing #1 (49 w/Nylon)

  • Sharday: Runway
  • William: Belt is under clothes… and no backup
  • Vivica: People #3 (12)
  • Alecia: Paper #2 (33, also Junk Mail)
  • Marvin: Carpet

Engvalls to decide: Ripped abs…is under people…Heart Foxes are the champs! (372)


Family Feud will add $10,000 to the $50K Bill already pitched in.



  • Name a magazine or newspaper that celebrities hate
  • At what age is a teenager the most obnoxious?
  • Name something a woman wants to be big and fancy.
  • Name something beer comes in.
  • Name something angry people do.




*(Number #1 Answer) +(Repeated answer first) Remaining #1’s were “National Enquirer”, “15/16 y.o.” “House” and “Yell/Scream”

SO CLOSE…but hold on! It wouldn’t be charitable to give a big 0 to the Red Cross. They’ll get $25,000 just for Capt. Vivica getting this far.

Family Feud is owned by Fremantle.

CONCENTRATION-September 15, 1976

Host: Jack Narz
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Teri Cummings (Los Angeles, CA, originally from Jacksonville, FL, works for a plastic surgeon)
Paula Sedarberg (originally from Ann Arbor MI, dental hygienist)



  • 28 BEDROOM (Broyhill)
  • 19 H’ME CARE PRODUCTS (Panel Magic)
  • 8 CHEESE SPREADS (Woody’s)
  • 16 DISH-WASHER (Maytag)

There are four wild cards up on the board. Matching two will be worth $250. The contestant keeps the cash no matter what.

Teri 9 (His&Her Bikes) and 6 (Encyclopedia)
Paula 3 (Take 1 Gift) and 27 (Cheese Spreads)
Teri 13 (WILD!) and 11 (WILD!) $250
10 (Linens) and 24 (Encyclopedia)
Paula 8 (Cheese Spreads) and 27 MATCH!
I was wondering when they were getting back to that.
1 (Bonus Number) and 20 (Bedroom)
Teri 24 and 6 NICE RECOVERY!
2 (H’me Care Products) and 14 (Bonus Number)
Paula 28 and 20 MATCH!
9 and 26 (Elec. Bar-B-Q)
Teri 10 and 21 (Take 1 Gift)
Paula 14 and 1 MATCH!
Well, they keep getting lost but finding their way back around.
4 (Dish-Washer) and 12 (Bonus Number) and 17 (His&Her Bikes)
Teri 9 and 12 AARGH!
Paula Got 17 and 9 Right

Guess: A SLIP OF THE LIP WIN! ($1,121)

Ace + Lip Off The L + Hip

DOUBLE PLAY: Chevrolet Chevette 3 Dr.

$100 Puzzle: First “The Legend of Paul Revere” then “BUNYAN” (3 sec. left)
The L + Head + Chin Off P + Awl Bun + Yawn

Car Puzzle: “I Say a Can-Hill Paul” WAY OFF!
Ice + Hay A Lid + Hill P + Ray + R IV “U”
I Say a Little Prayer for You



  • 7 POOL TABLE (Frederick-Willys)
  • 15 HAIR SPRAY (Adorn)
  • 26 CANDY (Chick-o-Sticks)
  • 13 REFRIG-ERATOR (Amana)

Paula 4 (WILD!) and The Fridge
2 (Take 1 Gift) and 24 (Table Lamps)
Teri 28 (Take 1 Gift) and 2 MATCH!
25 (Child’s Toys) and 11 LUCKY!
22 (Field Glasses) and 1 (Hair Dryer)
Paula 27 (Refrigerator) and 10 (Take 1 Gift)
Teri 5 (Ladies’ Clothes) and 26
Paula 14 (Candy) and 26 MATCH!
3 (Hair Spray) and 16 (Pool Table)
Teri 7 and 16 MATCH!
19 (WILD!) and the Field Glasses (her intention?)
20 (Take 1 Gift) and 10 (Only has the Candy)
12 (Table Lamps) and 24 MATCH AGAIN!
And Paula is itching to guess.
8 (Recliner) and 30 (Bonus Number)
Paula 5 and 17 (Recliner)
Teri 8 and 17 MATCH!
23 (Hair Dryer) and 6 (Bonus Number) BAD TIMING!
Paula 30 and 6


The 1 Th + Hat Cot Hay + Weigh


$100 Puzzle: ALL THE PRESIDENT’S MEN (took just 2 sec.)
Awl The Prez + Saw + D + Ants M + Hen

Car: “The Who-pit-door Hiss Pla-net” CAN’T DO IT!
J + Hoo + Pit + Door Hiss The L + Arch + Chest Pla + Net
Jupiter Is The Largest Planet

$50 Puzzles

Teri: G + Air + “E” Coo + P + Oar
GARY COOPER (Took 1 sec.)

Teri has $300 Cash.

Paula: Brick + Door (NO) Kr + On + Kite
Wall + Door

Paula’s total: $1,371

Concentration is owned by NBCUniversal, a division of Comcast.

MATCH GAME (syndicated)-September 13, 1979

Host: Gene Rayburn
Announcer: Johnny Olson

Bart Braverman “Vega$”Brett SomersCharles Nelson Reilly
Eva GaborBill DailyFannie Flagg

GAME 2-Round 2:

Karen Curtis (West L.A., married for 7 mon., works for property management company) ($10,500)
John Wilson (Townsville, NC, after teaching for 7 years, has done traveling to Europe with a friend)

Both tied at 0-0

If you missed it, this match was painful. But John can end it with just one match.


If you can’t get that right…

Gene realizing B was played already.

John A: Nick said, “I could tell this was Popeye’s restaurant. When I walked in, ________ was on the table.”


  • Bart: SPINACH WIN!
  • Fannie spelled it “Spinich”, Brett and Bill said Olive Oyl

Despite the rough performance this time, Karen still has $10,500.

________ THE CAR

Brett: My Mother
Bart: Start
Charles: Park


Brett gets the last laugh, while John gets stuck with parting gifts. We hope a better fate awaits our next two players

Jack Daniels (Providence RI, country radio DJ on vacation)
Isetta Seberhagen (Mt. Prospect, IL, flight attendant, married to “Super Man” Fred, 11 m.o. son Brett and another on the way)

GAME 1-Round 1:

Jack A: Nancy said, “When I go out in the sun, I really like to roast. That’s why before I go to the beach, instead of suntan oil, I put ________ all over my body.

Jack: Cooking Oil

GravyBarbecue Sauce!Gravy
CriscoButterBarbque Sause

Isetta B: Wally the Wise Guy said to Herbie “Your girlfriend is like a car in the slums. Everybody wants to ________ her.”

Isetta; Steal

STRIPFlatten Her TiresSTRIP
Fix Her UpSTRIP (Her Gears)Steal Her Hubcaps
Charles gives Brett the “Pathetic Answer Award-1979”

Round 2
John B: One nurse said to the other, “I think that new surgeon used to be a butcher. After he took out that patient’s liver, he ________ it.”

A quick country song from Fannie then…
Jack: Sliced

Chopped(Wrong Answer)* RIGHT!**
Chopped Cut it up
*Cooked it in chicken fat, chopped it, mixed in a little hard-boiled egg and put it on crackers
**Sliced it , weighed it, put it in a cardboard moisture-resistant tray and put cellophane over it and marked the price

Isetta A: Tom said, “This coffee is really terrible. It tastes like Joe DiMaggio cleaned his ________ in it.”

Isetta: Baseballs

Baseball GloveBaseball MittGLOVE
baseball batballs Baseball Glove

Back to the showers for Isetta until Jack’s Super Match first thing tomorrow. Another musical number from Fannie:

I’m getting old,
Sitting on this log,
Because my cat’s growing up
to be a dog.

Match Game is owned by Fremantle.