MATCH GAME(syndicated)-September 26, 1979

Host: Gene Rayburn
Announcer: Johnny Olson
George Kennedy | Brett Somers | Charles Nelson Reilly |
Judy Landers | Richard Paul “Carter Country” | Joyce Bulifant |
Richard’s shirt
While we’re on fashion, Judy is wearing bright red (looks magenta). As a newcomer, Gene says she doesn’t need it to attract attention.
Denise von Speigel (Santa Rosa, CA, long distance operator, last name means House of Mirrors) 0
Gypsy Gilliam (Raleigh, NC, originally from Middlesex (HE! HE!), married with 12 y.o. son Tony, works for an airline) 0
Gypsy B: Albert invented a carpet made out of human hair. It’s wonderful to walk on, but after a few years, the carpet gets ________.
Gypsy: Gray (Bald was her other choice and she’s regretting it based on the audience)
Dandruff | Dandruff | Dandruff |
Split Ends | Dandruff | Dandruff |
Nope! Wouldn’t’ve mattered. What matters now is whether Denise can sink a 1 in. putt.
Denise A: Barry said “My wife told me that she was born again, and I believe her. That explains why she has two ________s.”
Denise: Belly Buttons
Hearts | Heads | Birth Certificates* |
Baby Teeth | Forceps Scars Running Down Her Cheek | ![]() |
A whole lot of work for just one match! Gypsy’s time for resurrection will come later.
SAVE ________
Joyce “the smart one”: Your Breath
Charles: A Soul
Brett: The Seals (Charles: “so she can have a fur coat in October”
Denise: MONEY
$100 | GAS |
$250 | TIME |
$500 | MONEY |
Hey Brett, no hugging! You didn’t help!
KEVIN ________
Denise: Kline (she meant Calvin Klein)
Richard: McCarthy
(Note: Actor Kevin Kline had only appeared in small TV parts at this time.)
Gypsy B: The Hollywood Producer said, “There’s something wrong with the casting of this movie. It’s the Life Story of Lawrence Welk and in the starring role they’ve got ________.”
Brett was asleep with her feet up in the desk. Gene took the time to write on the heels. Richard gives his answer to the last Super Match “Save Energy”.
Gypsy: The Incredible Hulk
David Bowie | Rod Stewart | Sylvester Stallone |
Bubbles* | Alice Cooper | Pope Paul |
Brett “As definitive as a kick in the head”. Cue the Nationality jokes.
Denise A: At the restaurant, Harry said “This steak must be made out of dog meat. Take a look! It has a ________ on it.”
Denise: Flea
Flea Collar | Name tag | flea ![]() |
Flea ![]() | Tail | flea ![]() |
Denise chooses A…too bad time’s out. Will she change her mind tomorrow? And will we EVER FIND MAX? The suspense is killing me.
Match Game is owned by Fremantle.