Host: John Davidson
Announcer: Shadoe Stevens

O: DD Alton (One Day, $1,300)
X: Michael Weiner (waiter)
Michael first
1 Milton, with a clip from his new video “A Night at La Cage”. He’s in drag, nothing new for him. Let’s see if he knows it when he sees it. Three Ladies at center stage, but only one is a real woman. The other two are from Lou Paciocco’s La Cage aux Folles Nightclub. Who is the real girl?
“This Question is a drag”
Guess: #3
Michael agrees O (#1 “l blew my wig.”)
- #1 Wayne Smith
- #2 Jennifer Palazzo
- #3 Pia Van Doren
2 Lynn To really get your makeup to set properly, you should spray your face with something after you’re done.
“Krazy Glue”
Guess: Water
DD agrees O
3 Charlotte to block (She’s in a new HBO special: “The Worst Witch”) True or false? The Roman Emperor Nero quit his job to become a singer.
“He opened for Milton at Caesar’s Palace”
Guess: False
Michael agrees WRONG
4 Charlotte to Win The University of California offers a number of courses on sex education. Are they popular with students?
“Especially those that do lots and lots and lots of homework.”
Guess: Yes
DD agrees WIN!

Secret Square: Trip to the Bahamas (Eastern; Xanadu Beach Resort)
Michael up again
1 Little Richard (New album, Lifetime Friend, coming in October) A hot oil fire has erupted in the skillet. What should you do?
“Go out for dinner”
Guess: Take some sugar.
Michael agrees O (Baking Soda, 0-3)
2 Milton How long does a person have to be missing before being declared legally dead?
“If it’s a Jewish family, one meal.”
Guess: 7-8 years
DD agrees O (3-0)
3 Louie to block
If you are an average human being, you have 28 pounds of it in your body. What?
Guess: Fat
Michael disagrees X (Bones)
4 Lynn (Secret Square)
For the trip at nearly $3,000, Who was the President who signed the controversial 55 mile per hour Speed limit into law. Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter or Ronald Reagan?
Guess: Nixon
5 Charlotte to block There is a lady standing in New York Harbor who has been carrying a torch for over 100 years. What is her official name?
“Ruth Berkowitz”
Guess: Statue of Liberty
Michael agrees WRONG “The Liberty Enlightening the World”
6 Charlotte to win What famous personality said these words “I shall return”?
“Lucille Ball” (She keeps getting new shows)
Guess: General MacArthur
DD Agrees WIN AGAIN! (Up to 5 right in a row)

Round 3
1 Milton True or False? It takes the average Mouse about five seconds to mate.
“In that case, I don’t feel so bad.”
Guess: True
Michael agrees X
2 Kareem When one cat approaches another car and makes nose-to-nose contact, what does it mean?
“Jump Ball”
Guess: Getting acquainted
DD agrees O (Close Enough)
3 Jan-Michael According to New Woman Mag. Placing postage stamps on various areas of the face is a good idea when you want to what?
“Mail yourself”
Guess: Clear your skin
Michael disagrees X (Temporarily smooth it out)
4 Mike to block (Last Question) An expert in the field of hospital guest relations has stated that in many hospitals, bad food is a thing of the past. Why?
“Because the people who ate it are a thing of the past.”
Guess: They got too many complaints.
DD disagrees O (Hired outside chefs, SEVEN STRAIGHT)

Michael leaves with $200
DD’s total today: $1,200 (Grand Total: $2,500+Bahamas)
Now to the cars. We’ve swapped out the Cadillacs for Mazdas. The least-expensive one has been taken out (Pickup) leaving these four:
- Rx7 Sports Car
- 626 Sedan
- 323 Sedan
- 626 Sport Coupe
DD chooses the RX7, Jan and Lynn.
Sorry, but she’ll try again tomorrow.
Images of game board based on original by FromEquestria2LA on Deviantart.
Hollywood Squares is owned by King World Productions a part of CBS Media Ventures.